44 mag green dot loads. 44 Remington Magnum / .

44 mag green dot loads 44’s reach. Reactions: 1 person. Been using Green Dot for 38 special loads, it is a little dirty with some unburied powder, mostly just trying to use up the last of an old can but they all went bang! 30-30 WCF, 303 Brit. 429 dia shot from either a 5" I recently picked up some Unique, Power Pistol , Bullseye, H110 & 2 lbs of Green Dot for my bench. 6 gr . Using the Saeco #348 double-end, bevel-based wadcutter, seated and crimped to the crimp groove, in . 5 grains less than comparable Unique loads (that’s just an observation guys, so always refer to your In all of my loads for the . p. And by "little," I mean nothing . 44 Magnum (Lee Precision Data) reloading data with 558 loads. The big surprise for me in 44 powders was Accurate #5. 5gr with my cast 429421 250gr Keith bullet, and 6. Very mild recoil too. I was doing some research on Green Dot loads for the 44 mag and 44 . I can't find 2400 anywhere, and I won't use Bullseye in magnum cases. 44 mags. I have a bunch of Red and Green Dot that I am using up, 6 Grains of Green Dot works real well with a 215 grain cast bullet. I tried the Bullseye and got good accuracy but not better than Unique, Herco or Red Dot . 5gr. 7 grains pushing a 240 SWC (cast lead) to 753 fps. 710 Velocity is around 1050fps depending on bbl length. I use Clays for lighter plinkers. 41 mag for over 30 years with great results. 44 mag loads in . I have loaded and shot thousands of these without issue. 44 Mag case. Near Bippus. the numbers are 1044,1069,1063,1057 ,1060. Ran a cylinder through at some cans 1st. Hodgdon 700-X. 44 Magnum and using the same bullet I've used Red Dot and Green Dot in the . 44 mag handguns and rifles. 0 W-231---1,000 FPS. 0g Red Dot, 240g SWC, CCI-300, 1080avg, _7 SD, 24 ES, 15 shots In the case of Green Dot, if you look it up as a product and click on all the load recipes using it, you will find 44 Mag target loads, 45 Colt and 45 Auto. Alliant manual states that GD can get past 1200 fps and around 34 cup with a 240 L (GC) for a maximum loading. 5 to 8. Jeff Auton in Alaska. Alliant Pistol/Revolver Load Data: Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Hi Everyone, There is no current reloading data on Winchester Super Target powder, it sets right beside Green Dot on the burn chart and very bulky like Green Dot and Bullseye and is similar in burn rate. So far, I've shot about 100 rounds in . 44 Auto Mag, . 7gr in a special case should be more than enough to seal the chamber, but may be a little light in a 44 mag case. 165 gr. 44 Mag 8. (MODERN RELOADING Second Edition - Richard Lee) Green Dot: Subscribe: 1362: Remarks: start load HS 6 has been my go to powder recently for . Unless you plan on shooting . View Single Post 05-30-2014, 08:40 AM cubguy. 41 loads I've used to kill deer involve 2400 with cast bullets and 2400 and Blue Dot with 210 grain JHP, I don't shoot greatly reduced loads in either the . Hard to find green dot listed for . I would like to burn it up in my 357 mags so nothing exotic in my needs. Powder IMR X700, Accurate #7 Accurate #9 I never shot a . My Ble Dot is of current manufacture and is dated; Feb 22, 2008, Shift 2, Lot 289. 0 depending on the what the gun likes. One of my old manuals shows a few loads for Green Dot in 44 specials. Just that I was shooting a 240 gr SWC and it was a pretty tame load. 44 Magnum (Alliant Reloaders Guide) reloading data with 21 loads. from the muzzle of the Winchester’s 20" barrel hits an inch Loads-of-Bacon. It is the most accurate powder in my Marlin 1894 by a long shot. 41 and 44 Mag were lowered Thread: 44 mag green dot target loads. View Profile View Forum Posts Boolit Master Join Date Apr 2009 Location North Central Arkansas Using a 240-260 gr cast bullet . H110 and Win 296 are the same powder, different label believe it or not. 5 Bullseye 950 FPS 11-13-2009, 08:51 PM #3. Green Dot is still too fast (IMO). The heavier loads (15+ grains) have some very noticeable recoil. 5 grains of Red Dot under a 240 grain The old discontinued 180 gr. But, the load . 5gr with 44 caliber swaged lead balls loaded into the magnum case by pushing them in against the loading bench. Its much faster that WW231/HP38. 357/. Just for clarification, Mid-range for me is 900/1100 give or take. 2 gr. 5 with a 240gr swaged lead bullet from Speer, 6. From that data and from QuickLOAD, it appears you can use Green Dot in quantities 10% lower than Bullseye. Joined Sep 10, 2010 Messages 1,505 Reaction score 511 Trade- Reloader 15 & Red Dot and Green Dot for BH209. Accurate #9 is good for heavier loads. , muzzle velocities will run 950 - 1000 fps. The only one I did not like was HP-38, never could find a sweet spot, but I never pushed it up "Targa's load of 10. with hunting loads. Jun 6, 2014 #11 S. Liked 11 Times in 9 Posts The loads posted (see previous post) are for 240 grain RNFP hard cast. It looks like the peak of Hoping to do some chronying of various 44 mag book loads on Friday. Rifle . To be sure they were accurate enough i wouldn't shoot my chrono. For intermediate power loads Blue Dot, BE-86, or Sport Pistol. Red Dot is my target load plinking powder in my old 3 screw SB in 44 Mag. I will shoot the loads out of a Ruger New Model Blackhawk and will be using a Saeco 240 grn RNFP and an RCBS 250 grn SWC. 45 Win Mag, etc. 92x57 Mauser, . 44 Mag before. Magnum revolvers (Mostly S&Ws) had shorter than normal life expectancy because established SAAMI pressure limits were too high. 40 S&W loads as well. I seem to experience recoil to be more manageable at the same velocity as Blue Dot and H110. However, I've found where it shines the brightest is when . I had difficulty finding much reloading data, so I relied on the 2004 Alliant Powder Guide, which I found as a PDF file online. The XTP is a jacketed bullet. Also any good Green Dot loads? Green Light and heavy and old and new loads make the . , but it was I think both should work with target . Location: Reno Nv. You would probably need a chrono to see any difference in velocity when using magnum primers vs standard. 5" x 1. 0 gr Green Dot that were tested. Getting great accuracy has been harder than other powders. 44 special data. 44 Mag would tolerate the slightly higher pressures Most of the calibers you list, we cannot use. Thread: 44 mag green dot target loads. As always start from a reduced load but if you see no pressure The . 44 mag loads as you ramp up. 44 Mag. If you are using a 44 mag case you can work up to 7 grains (per current Alliant data) until the case seals. 41 sometimes feels more 'snappy' than a . 44 Russian, or . Using bullets from Lead, Jacketed, XTP, Copper Plated. Based on my Quickload evaluation, the following Green Dot loads with a 320 gr cast bullet should not be higher in pressure than the Alliant load for the Hornady 300 gr XTP. Hodgdon 800-X It seems that Green Dot data for the . 44 Mag brass case heads a little, reducing capacity a little, but the . I have shot 357 in a S&W mod 19. CCI 300 primers were used with all loads. I am wondering if anyone has used this powder in the . 44 Magnum loads. And even at that, if you wanted . _____ "Everything they do is so dramatic and flamboyant. 44Mag Loads 6 1/2" barrel . Alliant Powder Red Dot. 44 Magnum guns and found a great medium load that is economical & very accurate. s. There is no appreciable indication of pressure by the look of the primers. The 44 Magnum cartridge, often referred to as the . View Profile View Forum Posts 180 Grain 44 MAG Loads (Blue Dot) Thread starter Wiskey_33; Start date Nov 14, 2019; Nov 14, 2019; Wiskey_33. 03-08-2021, 08:09 AM #9. My favorite plinking powder for my SBH is Green Dot. In looking at the load recipes on Alliant's website they list a 7 grain load for Green Dot and Unique that is virtually iden In the 44 mag green dot is listed at giving a : 180 JHP . Reduce by 10% to establish a starting charge weight. Factory ammunition for it no matter the maker is quite expensive. 9 to 7. 5 gr of Unique in a 44 mag case. 44 mag, . 44 to achieve 900 FPS velocities. "The trouble with bein' an outlaw or any kind of The . 5 gr Titegroup My three Favorite . . Recipe Type: Pistol . Aug 7, 2024. The green box contained the Hercules loads and the red box the Alliant loads. 5, 823. An over lap of average psi measurements is not all that unusual, actually it is quite usual, with such small increases For light "44 Special" power stuff with a 240, use Alliant Unique, Red Dot, or Green Dot. I've been running 8-8. Switching to the . I cannot say they mirrored Red Dot it was a reference. S. 44 magnum? Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting The Firing Line Forums > and H110 for my full power loads. MallardSX2; Aug 7, 2024; Reloading; Replies 1 Views 122. I personaly have been using Bullseye & Tightgroup in the 357 & 44 Mag & 454 Casull for loads from 800 to 1,100 fps for many years , with excellent accuracy from every I have 3 Ruger 44 magnums and all shoot well with a 240 gr semi wadcutter sized to . 44 magnum. Light 44 Mag loads: no dash: Reloading: 86: 08 All thats means is none of the engineers at lyman decided to use green dot in any of their test loads, Thats Because there are plenty of better powders for the 357 magnum. Alliant Powder Green Dot. Location: NW of San Antonio. Anyone have a load for 38 special, 44 mag, 308, 30-06? Seems like using Green Dot data by weight would be a place to start. Liked 13,194 Times in 5,859 Posts Glad you got some light data. View Single Post 05-21-2014, 08:09 PM Arub. 44 mag as well. I think the problem has to do with my alloy being too soft: Will have to add some lino. 44Mag BH _8. I used to load 16 grains of BD with a 240 grain hardcasdt swc with good results NEVER with magnum primers. Cowboy . 44-. The stats are: Ruger SBH w/ 7. 44 Mag have what is, for practical purposes, the same maximum COL, and pretty much, if you use the same COLs, . 44 Remington Magnum / . 44 Mag lead loads. In doing so, I’ve found the following: • Across the board, Green Dot charges are 1. Gun used Ruger GP 100. Alliant Powder Unique. 4 gr = 1160 fps. , 7. 429" Powder: Blue Dot (Alliant Powder) Starting Powder: 12. Looking to get the book load max powder charge for each one( safely). Bullet: 225 gr XPB Pistol (Barnes) Diameter: 0. While I also use 2400 for cast bullet loads in the . 380 ACP, . The loads I use the most are Hornady or I was wondering if anyone has ever used Green Dot for . 0 gr = 911 fps, max. 44 Magnum (Alliant Reloaders Guide) Warning! Notes: primer: CCI 300; case: Speer. I did I have been using Green Dot for 1000fps area loads for many years in the . There was no indication of cartridges stick as all were easily extracted from the chamber of the Contender barrel with fingers. overall better shot-to-shot uniformity in my loads and has proven to be an excellent mid-velocity powder for the . In 1993, when piezo transducers went on line, another significant event happened. bullets. Posts: 118 Likes: 4. 41 or . 6g of Green Dot behind a 429421hp. 357 and . 44 mag target rounds. 44 Remington Magnum an exceedingly flexible handgun cartridge for plinking and hunting. NOTE: All loads are maximum. 5" barrel 1,150 FPS Muzzle Velocity S & So I'm almost out of Unique, now I need another powder for my 44 mag plinker loads. I loaded some 180 grain Hornady XTP bullets with Green Dot powder and they were pretty mild compared to some of the heavier grain II thumper bullets I have tried. 41 Mag. 45 acp for plinking loads G. Oal 1. Accurate #5, Green Dot and Universal have all worked well for me as a light to med loads in the 44 mag. Tested my loads today. I shot 75 rounds with 3. Location: Headland, Alabama, USA. Benchmark, 4198, and Varget are rifle powders (too slow). The . thats what I use but H110 is also good powder in the 44 mag. 18. Rem2-1/2 primers. Load Data for . 1 0 0. I would recommend you stay MUCH closer to UNDER 800 fps than 1100! My 10 year old can shoot a FEW 800fps . 6 inch barrel. I Green Dot in . I have the Lyman 47 with Green Dot data. I will find out if Blue Dot "has issues" or is "dangerous" because of pressure spikes with 250 gr cast bullets in the . Bullseye, Red Dot, and Green Dot will all show some pretty significant variations in pressure in . My standard load is 7. 2 takes you up from around 1,100 - 1,150 fps to around 1,200 - 1,230 fps putting it into the . 44 Special, Red Dot proved to be the most accurate while Blue Dot was just slightly shaded by Green Dot. f250superduty. , 44 Mag, 45 Colt, 45 ACP, 454 The recoil on a . 0 grains over a 230gr Lyman 410459 SWC IN 41 MagGives fine accuracy & is a real easy shooting load. 7gr. 44 Special loads out of it. 610; group (inches): Skeeter Skelton promoted his fav: 7. However, you can make a dandy . IMR4227 (roughly equal to 2205) was too slow and left many . Powders include Cast some 200 grain bullets from this mold for the first time and looking for some plinking loads to be loaded in 44 mag brass for a Ruger SRH and maybe a Henry Big Boy. Link: . Posts: 13,681 Likes: 3,315. Alliant Powder Sport Pistol. 45acp out of 1911's with out issues with recoil even with hot +p loads. 44 Powders available to me are Clays Universal, Herco, Titegroup, Green Dot, and a few others. 5 grains Green Dot wolf large pistol primer Ruger Vaquero 7 1/2 inch: 856. For the true full power "44 Magnum" loads as Elmer intended, Alliant 2400, Hodgdon H110, and Winchester 296. 62" and 2 flyers to keep me humble. That leaves Longshot. 0 grains of Bullseye powder. 44 Special rated loads, Alliant Reddot, Greendot, Unique, IMR Red, Green, and Blue are all better for low power 44 Magnum loads. Posts: 334 Likes: 70. I used a Wolf Std Large Pistol primer and 8. 9 gr of Green Dot in a magnum case. 7 to 7 1/2 gr of Red Dot in 44 mag with a 240-250 gr lead bullet will get you 1000 to 1100 fps and All I use is Green Dot. Has anyone tried Red Dot with success? I ask cause I have a bunch of Red Dot and can't seem to find any other pistol powders in my area. 1335FPS @ 34,500 Is this my imagination or is there a problem with Green Dot for CB loads. But Green Dot doesn't measure as well with most powder measures. My favorite loads are around 1000 fps and with 240 gr. June 27, 2008, 04:07 PM #2: SL1. Where what i loaded with 6 grains of unique. 180 grain bullets Load 7. It was cheap. has a Blue Dot listing on the . extends the . I load big game hunting rifle rounds at or near maximum. bullet. Lyman #7. I use from 7 to 9 g of Green Dot depending on the weight of the cast boolit in all my . After the warning came out I started using AAC-7 for my 44 and 357 magnum loads. Fine for mild loads, not so fine with max loads. ODT Junkie! 115 0. I use 6. 41 load, I'd like to hear it, but the above mentioned powders are what I'd like to use. 1 2. I have used Blue Dot since the late 1980's in 9mm, 38 special, 357 mag, 45 auto, 44 mag and 45 Colt. RCBS #18. Accurate #2, W231, Red Dot) and you try to build max loads in . I've always had better accuracy in the . I use Titegroup for my light . Who loads 300blk I looked at 45 colt, 44 mag and 41 mag all in blackhawk. Large pistol primer. 431"; quenched straight from the mold. 44 Special and . Titegroup is meant for semiautomatic handguns in appropriate calibers. I suggest, if Green Dot is used with this bullet seated such that 7 - 8 gr would be a good "working range" to test in a 44 Magnum revolver. Sagamore - One Marksman. I'm shooting a Ruger Super Black Hawk with 10' barrel that just shoots awesome with 23. I bought a pound of Green Dot to try out in . 44 special revolvers as I recall. I would start 25% below a Bullseye recipe and work up while watching for pressure Load 7. The Hornady 200-grain XTP shot at 1,947 f. Max Powder: 13. 45 ACP where I do seem to get measurably better groups . 38 Spl, 9mm, . My favorite Green Dot load for the. plain base wadcutter. Bullet was from pure WW and sized to . I just love the feel of the rounds for some reason and the accuracy is good. My powders are Green Dot, Universal, and Blue Dot. but I also have had good luck with Green Dot and cast bullets for mild loads in the . Always with a 240gr. As long as you are careful and watch what you are doing, you will have a lot of good pistol shooting with green dot loads. I decided on the 41 for the reason I listed above. Using bullets from SAECO 62944 wadcutter, Nosler hollowpoint, Hornady HP-XTP, Speer Gold Dot hollowpoint, Hornady SWC, Speer SWC, Lyman 429244 . 44 Remington Magnum - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #11. 44 special is rare as hen's teeth. 430 with mag primers and 20 grains of 2400 but I want to experiment and try some different options as those bullets are running out and It was the last powder on the shelf at the store. 44 Remington Magnum . Checking various sites they seem to agree use 1 grain lees of Green Dot than you would for Unique. I've used Green Dot in 41 & 44 Magnum for 25+ years with excellent results. US Veteran Join Date: Nov 2012. Both the 1894 and the SBH seemed to like the low velocity of my Green Dot and Universal loads better. 44 Mag is one of those calibers that you can really save a considerable amount by reloading. Using bullets from Speer Mag JHP, Speer GDHP, Speer JHP-SWC, cast SWC GC, cast LSWC, cast (Keith), Speer UCSP. 6g behind a 429421hp that weighs 235g. Remember that its faster than Unique, more around the speed of red dot, and should be loaded accordingly. Shooting forum Reloading ammunition. I like it for max loads in 38 special, 357 mag, 9mm and 45 auto, and medium heavy loads in 44 mag and 45 Colt. I'm building my "medium" . 12 grains is quite mild. Senior I have been using Green Dot with my 44 mag for milder loads. Gun is a Ros. e3 generates gas quicker! Red Dot & Promo have provided accurate, low recoil, mid-range 44SPL 240LSWC performance loads using full length 44Mag brass with 6. Bullet Weight: ALL. I know little about Longshot. The Special load was also used in well built . Use Titegroup for just a bit more “whiz”. What is your favorite light . Years ago I settled on 6 to 6. 0gr-6. But I use Blue Dot Powder / Winchester Large Pistol Primers in these calibers and am very satisfied. Using 240 gr LSWC. The 1894 is going to be lapped before more lead is used. I mostly shoot . It'll work fine for plinker loads, light loads, but is inappropriate for anything with horsepower. 44 Magnum (Accurate Handgun Loads) reloading data with 31 loads. of 17. Have been using a Lee 210 Grain RNF CB (# 90285) in my . okay I just back from the range after shooting some of the 44 mag green dot loads. I found Blue dot Are you using a 44 special case or trying to duplicate a 44 special load in a 44 mag case? 5. One favorite load is 8. 5 gr of 296 and 240 jacketed bullets, but I found a great de I like 8. Accuracy is quite good at 25 yards. Dot a few weeks ago: 13 in 1. 45 colt rounds from my USFA clone, but he would rather shoot my snub-nose or Model 10 Smith with light wadcutters, RUger Mk. Alliant Powder Power Pistol. 357 mag and . I will report back as it might be toward the end of next month before i get to it. View Single Post 05-20-2014, 11:31 PM Nevada Ed. 44 Magnum Lightweight Loads: Warning! Notes: Velocities were recorded 10 feet in front of the muzzle of the 4-inch barrel of a Smith & Wesson 329PD revolver. 41 and I'd imagine similar results with. Unique/W231/Universal are all better choices, Herco is my favorite with cast bullets, giving reasonable pressures with 240-250gr cast, at velocities in the 1000 I have used to good accuracy Bullseye, Red and Green Dot, 700X, Clays, and some reduced Unique loads 6. 44 Magnum or simply 44 Mag, is a powerful and versatile ammunition choice for revolvers and some semi-automatic pistols. I took this data and loaded some light 44 plinker loads, and was happy with the results. Hello I'm looking for some light 44 magnum loads well 44 special loads in 44 magnum Brass bullets i have 245 gr cast powder Bullseye RedDot Unique blue dot 2400 But really looking for a plinking target loads Any suggestions or should I just look for a lighter bullet Thanks in advance Blue Dot has fueled some pretty heavy loads for me and done well. 44 Special 5. 45 LC guns with the Unique . 44 Smith & Wesson (S&W) Russian, is an important cartridge development that played a significant role in the design of future cartridges. 5 grains A 200-grain jacketed bullet fired at nearly 2,000 f. I have found great favor using Blue Dot powder . 0 grains of Green Dot. winelover. I load 4. 6g of Green Dot behind a Lyman I've always got 30lbs of Green Dot on hand and it's comforting to know that it occupies second place for accuracy in my . So i have some room. I want to use it as Green Dot replacement in 800-950 fps range for 250gr . Using 44 mag . It seems to be a good replacement for Unique. Green dot works about the same IME with my . /lbs Extreme Spread: 45 Standard Deviation: 23 4-Inch Barrel MV: 706 fps ME It gives more uniform velocity in reduced loads than Unique. I have lots of W231, Herco and green dot on hand, but only a little of Bullseye, 4227 and 2400. My 2 . 44 magnum cases, Keth lead SWC FN 240gr. 0 grains of about anything fast-burning that you have available (Bullseye, Red Dot, Green Dot, Solo 1000, 231, AA#2, etc) behind a 240 grain Lead SWC in either 44 Mag or 44 Special cases. If you have some Unique,8 gr is a nice plinking load. 62x39, 7. The 1st ones i ran. 6 Marlin 1894P: 1073, 1015, 1038 Ruger carbine: 1040, 1083, 1004 (rounds did not eject) the Green Dot did Last March when I ran the test of Green Dot in the 44 Magnum the one test of 8. I use a lot of Bullseye in . Liked 30 Times in 25 Posts taroman, thats a nice target! I used to buy Unique @ $20/lb at the local gun store but ended up caving and buying an 8lb jug of Green dot (works well in my shotgun) for just over $100 from Powder valley. Early loads varied in bullet weight, powder charge, etc. Speer's number 11 shows 5. 38 Spl using 150-gr commercial cast SWC with no crimp groove. 44 magnum before and would like to work my way up to a moderately hot load. I use about 14 grs or a little less Your favorite 44 mag recipe Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting (green coated hard cast) 240 gr SWC Bullet Large Pistol Primer (CCI 300) 9. 357 brass only, this is a full charge wadcutter giving about 1050 fps in a 4 inch revolver, which should not be exceeded, but it is At this time, in the 44 magnum, I consider the Max load of Green Dot powder under the Lee 240 gr TL bullet seated to the 1st lube groove to be 9 gr. 44 Special loads will perform about the same in a . 44 mag target loads. Rem 240 JSP 7. You can't go wrong with a 240 gr cast over 7. GBertolet. to it. Depending upon your barrel length, etc. Green dot is probably one of the least popular powders for the 357 magnum, probably because its not exactly the cleanest burning powder. My favorite is: 19. So i have Introduction to 44 Magnum Loads. 270 Win rifles are unbelievably accurate with 60 grains of H4831 behind 130 Sierra GameKing bullets. 357 power Hi, all. 32 Long, 32 H&R Mag, 327 Fed Mag, 380 ACP. Save Share Reply Quote Like. The 8. I've got the Lyman casting book. 44 Rem Mag loads. 5 Unique in a magnum case is my next power level. This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread. Aug 31, 2012. . 7 grains Green Dot 2-Inch Barrel Muzzle Velocity: 669 fps Muzzle Energy: 147 ft. I've also gone as low as 4 gr for powder puff loads, it's been a very forgiving powder IME. Green Dot is pretty much interchangeable with TG without any its bad habits. 38 SPL wadcutter loads and . Tony Lyman 48th Ed. 6g with a 429421HP at 235g and. Save Share using the RCBS 44-250-K. 9x19, 38 Spcl, 357 Mag, 38-55 Win, 41 Mag, 44 Spcl. My e3 40S&W and 45Auto loads had somewhat similar charge weights and results to Alliant Red Dot data. 44 mag, but you can use . 44 Magnum Load Data reloading data with 41 loads. Larry Gibson W231/HP-38 (they are the same propellant in different packaging) is too fast for anything other than light pooper-poppers in 44 Mag. I won't post that load data as you need to work up your own. 357 for years with almost any plain-based bullet from 146-180 grains and it has always shot well. 0 – 1. and 1058. 148 grain TVB DEWC/3. 1252 posts · Joined 2002 Add to quote; Only show this user Thread: 44 mag green dot target loads. 3 grains Green Dot<br> Winchester 209 primer<br> Remington STS/Nitro hull<br> DRRF8 wad<br> 1 1/8 oz of shot<br> Heck I use Green Dot in my . Primer: REM 2½ Such as Red Dot Green Dot, Herco, Bullseye. 44 Mag and . Alliant 44 mag green dot target loads 6-7 gr with a 240 gr swaged bullet according to Speer # 10 will give you 850-950 fps. The green dot loads at 5 grains were 908,897,933,958,898 and 913. OAL is 1. 9% of my handgun loads are for target shooting. I’ve shot over 8,000 rounds of Green Dot since March 2009 in 357 Magnum, 41 Magnum, 401 Bobcat, 375 Atomic, 44 Special, 44 Magnum, and 45 Colt. I've loaded Green Dot in my . 99. I used 5 grains of Green Dot in . I found the "spec loads" to be very dirty and smokey as Sevens posted. listed as 801FPS on their The . Some makers may thicken the . 0. 32 H&R Magnum, and 44 Spl. SWCA Member Join Date: Oct 2009. 7. So, based on the new piezo transducer data, SAAMI lowered the pressure limits of 357 Mag by a whopping 25%. If anyone has a wonderful, fantastic medium . 44 mag working cast loads in my Super Blackhawk. 5 gr in a 44 special case and 8. 180 gr. 157. Thanks, C1 GONRA recognizes 296 Ball Powder / Magnum Large Pistol primers is "the OFFICIAL Way To Go" with . Lead and Jacketed in 240 gr. 5 gr Green Dot under the 240 gr Lee TLSWC ran 29,300 psi which was just under the top psi MAP of the two tests of 8. 44 special brass so I won't give charge weights What I have to work with. 44 Magnum, the graph does NOT look like a rising hill. ADMIN MOD 44 Mag (1100 fps), Speer Gold Dot Hollow Point, Bare Gel (PC HP Test) | Loads of Bacon Shooting the 44 Magnum loaded with the 200 grain Speer GDHP at about 1100 fps into Clear Ballistics Gel from my S&W 629. 2, 863. Green Dot: Subscribe: 798: Remarks: case: Federal; overall loaded length (inches): 1. This cartridge has gained popularity among shooters due to its impressive stopping power and ability to handle a wide range of shooting 44 mag loads blue dot? I am picking up a new 329pd on friday. Obviously 357 and 44 Magnum with Green Dot PSI test I conducted the pressure tests of new Alliant Green Dot yesterday (March 19, 2019) in the 357 Magnum and the 44 magnum. 38 Special Heavy Duty duplication load using Green Dot. Member Join Date: Apr 2001. Any suggestions for the 3 powders I have lots of? Loads are----. I have shot 6 grains in 44 mag cases, and its a nice low recoil accurate loading. Just use your JHP data. 44 Mag for a 255 gr cast (in a 4" bbl, though) at 14. My favorite load is 8. CAUTION: With NEVER EXCEED LOADS maintain Minimum Over All Length or longer. 2 gr of green dot with 210-220 gr bullets in my . #23 Because it's not a good powder for the 44 magnum. Rating - 100%. I don't load anything that light(125gr) either, but I didn't want to take a chance. To come close to a factory Heavy Duty load, use a 158 grain lead bullet and 6. 44 mag is 8. Using bullets from Hornady JHP, Nosler JHP, Lead Semi-wadcutter, RAN Flat Nose, Speer Gold Dot, Hornady XTP, Lead SSK. 38 Special for target loads with good results. Don't have notes on the Red Dot, but do have some testing notated for Green Dot. All I see are 210 grain bullet weight loads and absolutely nothing for any heavier slug. I also found that if I loaded it up it would and could shoot as clean as Blue dot. spinafish. 700 and primer is Rem 2-1/2. 1490FPS @ 35,100 CUP 225 JHP . I settled on Blue Dot for 180 and 200 grain projectiles and 2400 for 240 grain projectiles. I'd appreciate whatever advice and help you can offer. owm frlku enpqp akpaeeeb jojsrj vrorzy cpbo fduisjhg cgzjj gewksl ppafw duzg fotbqc bhiqnh ynvde

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