Ahci satafirm s11. This is a Phison S11 based SSD from Protect Mode.

Ahci satafirm s11 Change to AHCI - if not already. What the hell is this? After searching the Internet, I realized that my hard drive should have reached its limit. vlo Expert (HDD, SSD) Добрый День, перестал определяться SSD, определяется как SATAFIRM S11, через прогу phison_flash_id выдает: v0. repairs11 не помогает: Phison S11 SSD repair from protect mode utility v0. vlo Expert (HDD, SSD) Смотрите видео онлайн «Как у меня сломался SSD и как починить satafirm s11» на канале «Обновление дома без переплат» в хорошем качестве и бесплатно, опубликованное 20 декабря 2023 года в 3:29 здрасьте, товарищи! вот такая замечательная хренотень перешла в заблокированный режим и стала определяться как SATAFIRM S11 вскрытие показало контроллер Phison PS3111-S11-13 и две флэшки от тошибы. After extensive research, I found vlo's tool repairS11, but for some reason it doesn't think the SSD is a Phison S11! I've checked and SATA Mode is AHCI, any other suggestions I could try?! 影驰铁甲战将固态硬盘SATAFIRM S11修复工具使用指南 【下载地址】影驰铁甲战将固态硬盘SATAFIRMS11修复工具使用指南 本仓库提供了一个用于修复影驰铁甲战将固态硬盘(SSD)的工具,适用于主控为群联(PHISON)PS3111-S11的SSD。 该工具可以帮助用户解决SSD识别问题,并恢复其正常功能 项目地址: https PNY CS900 120GB SSD that suffered an unexpected power failure. Arada bir aklıma geldikçe araştırıyorum. El firmware es el software que controla el funcionamiento de la unidad This is a Phison S11 based SSD from Protect Mode. Добрый День, перестал определяться SSD, определяется как SATAFIRM S11, через прогу phison_flash_id выдает: v0. SATAFIRM S11 es un problema común, no es tan difícil de solucionar, pero puede causar cualquier cosa que no separe nada al respecto. - A lényeg, hogy ki kell keresni a legközelebb eső FW-t. Ahci mode set in bios. Firmware dosyasını yana yakıla arıyorum. Seja membro deste canal e ganhe benefícios:https://www. Olá, Eu tenho um Kingston A400 240GB [SA400S37/240G, firmware nativo na etiqueta: SBFK71B1] com o infame problema SATAFIRM S11, aconteceu na semana passada após 1,5 anos de uso. Türkiye içindeki sitelerde detaylı bilgiye sahip bir yer bulamadım. A menudo ocurren problemas con el firmware del dispositivo o fallas eléctricas y existen varias formas de recuperar sus datos. Phison S11 SSD repair from protect mode utility v0. Wszystkie z błędem SATAFIRM S11. I've all my work in The drive in this state detected as " SATAFIRM S11 " or " INIC6081SSDWP " . Today i thought, maybe i could still fix my ssd, so i searched up stuff on the internet and the only thing i could find was the phison satafirm s11 repair tool - SATA porton , AHCI módban kell lennie. Desde que leí lo del Phison S11 me puse a ver qué SSDs que ya tengo lo usan y soy mas consciente al elegir una marca. Hi-Level'in marka sahibi Trium Elektronik (0216 600 20 00) hiçbir telefona bakmıyor. Requisitos do sistema: windows xp sp2 ou superior, x86 ou x64. Algunas de las causas más comunes de la corrupción SATAFIRM S11 czyli Jak podnieść do życia SSD na Phison PS3111. Joined Feb 13, 2022 Messages 2 Reaction score 0 Points 1 Age 20 Location Russia. Sorunsuz bir tahtadanın BİOS ayarlardan farklı bir ayar da göremedim. Prochor Novice Member. проводились при подключении напрямую к SATA компьютеру по AHCI протоколу, так как по совместимому со старыми протоколами интерфейсу, а также с разных USB The weird SATAFIRM S11 hard disk problem, restart the data automatically? 2025-03-15 20:55. I think it's just the translator gone awry, hence a software fix should help . Performance with other drivers has not been tested. Controller is Phison PS3111-S11-13. Por eso hoy traes un texto especial que te cuenta todo lo que necesitas saber sobre 金士顿 SA400(PS3111+YMTC)解决掉盘、SATAFIRM S11等固件问题 就是SBFMP1. 8. 开机BIOS识别硬盘为SATAFIRM S11,同时无法开机,提示“硬盘错误,按任意键重启”。进入PE系统,Diskgenius可以识别到硬盘,容量显示正常,处于未分区 Kingston A400 SSD is connected to the motherboard SATA!Updating:Only AHCI modeFile Size problem ( 85%) https://stupidhouse-ru. 0 драйвер SATA AHCI от Intel. Es probable que el SSD esté muerto. Aynı 电脑的BIOS硬盘模式设置为AHCI; 3. - Ha ez megvan, akkor elindítani az S11-flasher-micron kötegfájlt. 5GB olarak görünüyor. cmd 或 s11-flasher-micron. fw. Thanks. Read a lot about firmware problem. 111a by vlo Use: repairS11 drive_num[y] y - disable any requests to user 0: (SATAFIRM S11 Please select drive number:0 Drive: 2(ATA) Model: SATAFIRM S11 Fw : SBFKB1W1 上一篇 二次恢复联想sl700固态硬盘识别成satafirm s11无法读取数据找不到盘完美修复 下一篇 成功修复sm2256k突然掉盘无法读取 SATA modu: AHCI olarak seçili. v0. What else can I do? Она создана для работы с любыми SSD накопителями на контроллере Phison PS3111-S11 и призвана восстанавливать заводскую прошивку, которая по каким-то причинам ушла в защиту, т. exe,运行刷入固件即可(可能长江颗粒 Сдохла прошивка на Smartbuy Revival 2 – определялся как SATAFIRM S11 ,обшарил весь гугл помогла воскресить ссд прога UpgradeFW_SBFM71. não é reconhecido na BIOS em modo AHCI, e mesmo em modo IDE ele falha 2 em 3 vezes, não o usarei porque não Kingston A400 SSD is connected to the motherboard SATA!Updating:Only AHCI modeFile Size problem ( 85%) https://stupidhouse-ru. É preferível usar o modo AHCI do controlador de disco, mas é possível When I turned it back on I got the “reboot and select proper boot device” black screen. Model: SATAFIRM S11 Fw : SBFMP1W3 Size : 114473 MB Firmware lock supported [A9 00 01 02 The drive in this state detected as "SATAFIRM S11" or "INIC6081SSDWP". Preferable using AHCI mode of disk controller, but possible work in SATA(IDE) mode and also usb via some bridge from asmedia or jmicron. в ide режиме врядли. 111a by vlo – программа предназначена для восстановления работоспособности дисков на контроллере Phison PS3111 (S11), Hello, I have a Kingston A400 240GB [SA400S37/240G, native firmware on label: SBFK71B1] with the infamous SATAFIRM S11 problem, happened last week after 1,5 years of usage. System Лёгкий путь восстановления Satafirm S11. Kinston ssd manager does not see the ssd disk. 文章浏览阅读1. -----Первоначально. Kurtarılması gereken bilgilerim var. SSD220S 120GB, память Микрон NW838, контроллер S27871CC. It does get slightly warm to the touch when power is connected. bin,运行s11-flasher2-micron. BIN,该固件可以官网下载,官网是打包压缩的,解压后里面有,然后使用s11-flasher工具,固件名称修改为fw. Surely it will not work Hi All! I'm exeperiencing the SATAFIRM 11 issue on my Kingston SSD SA400. 1 Opening the SSD Unscrewing the screws 2 You need to 此步正常,但操作时要接到SATA数据线,不是接转接卡,先短接两个触点,接数据线,再接电源线,短接要牢固,持续一会,直到设备管理器中的磁盘管理中显示PS3111磁盘 Occasionally, I checked the SMART information of the hard drive and found that its name had become SATAFIRM S11. никаких usb! 6. Transcend SSD220S 120GB SATAFIRM S11 PS3111 не прошивается! GA-EP43-DS3, AHCI, Win7. What else can I do? 5、进入 s11-flasher 文件夹,执行 S11-flasher-toshiba. translate. Gdyby dysk miał iść na zapas, drugą czy 3-cią kopię to można by zaryzykować. В итоге получается файл fw. Niniejszy temat zakładam "dla potomnych" ponieważ przeszedłem w/w procedurę z SUKCESEM i przywróciłem do życia dysk SSD SP S55 120GB SATA III. Восстановление SSD Apacer Panther с повреждённой прошивкой (SATAFIRM S11) В данной статье мы рассмотрим пример восстановления SSD Apacer Panther AS340 проводились при подключении напрямую к SATA компьютеру по AHCI Пример успешного восстановления SSD диска Kingston A400 на 120Gb на контроллере Phison 3111(S11) при переходе его в защитный - model name "SATAFIRM S11" or "INIC6081SSDWP" - a firmware version in which instead of a dot the symbol 'W', for example, "SBFM01W1", or "INICWP00" it supports the work with standard AHCI drivers from Microsoft, Intel RST, it will probably work with IDE drivers. Drive now identifies as SATAFIRM S11 with 120GB capacity but doesn't respond to SMART commands and data cannot be accessed. exe】,获取SSD信息,可以看到磁盘信息和主控信息,如下: 然后在电脑的设备管理器中,就可以看到【SATAFIRM S11】磁盘变为【GALAX TA1D0240A вот режимы трогать незачем. exe. System requirements: windows xp sp2 or Friends, as part of the fight with Phison PS3110 I broke a broken disk ;) Maybe you'll have a cure for that. Drive now identifies as SATAFIRM S11 with 120GB capacity but doesn't respond to SMART commands 一、S11现象. I used the s11-flasher and was able 固态变成satafrim s11怎么恢复,固态硬盘变成了磁盘1 2024-10-31 08:37:09 来源:华军科技数据恢复 在现代计算环境中,固态硬盘(SSD)以其快速、可靠的性能深受用户青睐。 SA400S37/120G ушел в Satafirm 11. Uszkodzenia mogą wynikać z różnych 接本地客户上门送修一块金百达120G杂牌SSD固态硬盘,硬盘在BIOS里识别成SATAFIRM S11使用PE引导分区软件查看硬盘为未初始化状态,客户过通百度联系到本公司进行数据恢复服务,工程师接到硬盘后检测硬盘为PHISON群联PS3111主控,NAND Flash为单芯片4通道的INTEL 120G存储芯 U mnie w Cxie400 widzi pamięci ich ID, ale jest brak dostępu do nich, także SATAFIRM S11 nie zawsze jest tożsame z sytuacją, kiedy kontroler jest tylko w trybie Flashed my SSD, but now it has less space. exe — скачать её можно по этой 金士顿ssd固态硬盘掉盘后ssd型号变成satafirm s11分区丢失硬盘呈现未初始化状态非常典型的群联ps3111主控通病故障,使用pc3000 ssd进行数据恢复操作, 视频播放量 14592、弹幕量 0、点赞数 65、投 Лёгкий путь восстановления Satafirm S11. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim. I set it as that and tried again. cmd,生成fw. youtube. Belki SSD'nin formatında sorun olduğu için Windows 10 yüklenmiyordur dedim ve Manjaro kurmaya çalıştım. 77a Drive: 1(ATA) Model: SATAFIRM S11 Fw : SBFM21W1 Size : 114473 MB P/N : 511-170620197 , SBSM21. без uasp. е. Natomiast na system go dać to za duży dyskomfort. COM y usa el código de descuento del 25%: GOROWin10 Восстановление прошивки SSD диска Kingston SA400S37/120GВ этом видео расскажу, как мне удалось восстановить SSD - model name "SATAFIRM S11" or "INIC6081SSDWP" - a firmware version in which instead of a dot the symbol 'W', for example, "SBFM01W1", or "INICWP00" it supports the work with standard AHCI drivers from Microsoft, Intel RST, it will probably work with IDE drivers. I've tried to bring it back to life myself using both methods, but have been unsuccessful - Лёгкий путь восстановления Satafirm S11. - Majd a következő kis videóval segítek remélem. I was on my home computer on Sunday, and the system prompts that the update needs to be restarted. проводились при подключении напрямую к SATA компьютеру по AHCI протоколу, так как по совместимому со старыми протоколами интерфейсу, а также с разных USB Phison PS3111SB (PS3111-S11) Firmware Upgrade Tool; 16 comments; Phison PS3111 Firmware [SBFM] Восстановление SSD Apacer AS340; Восстановление SSD Apacer Panther с повреждённой прошивкой (SATAFIRM S11) Лёгкий путь восстановления Satafirm S11 This utility designed for repair Phison S11 based SSD from Protect Mode. It’s only registering one boot option #1 called “AHCI SATAFIRM S11” which im guessing is my only SSD. exe ãîòîâ ê ïðèìåíåíèþ. Drugi sposób działa! Za pierwszym razem popełniłem tylko błąd bo A friend asked for help as he couldn't turn on his computer, I then noticed that his SSD (Kingston A400 240GB) turned into SATAFIRM S11. I have the ASRock menu if that helps. vlo Expert (HDD, SSD) Show content of filename s11-flasher. Это как раз и означает, что прошивка SSD The drive in this state detected as "SATAFIRM S11" or "INIC6081SSDWP". System 5 Firmwera Copy to flasher folder, change the firmware name to fw. Joined: March 25th, 2010, 2:08 Posts: 111 Location: California PNY CS900 120GB SSD that suffered an unexpected power failure. İşte o zaman SSD'nin isminin satafirm S11 olarak değiştiğini gördüm. El firmware es el software que controla el funcionamiento de la unidad de almacenamiento y es esencial para su correcto funcionamiento. 5. 01 ,мож кому пригодиться инфа . Disk reported as SATAFIRM S11 in windows 10. usb - всякие jmicron/asmedia обычно прокатывает. Существует специальная утилита для восстановления родной прошивки под названием repairS11. Change the drive A few months ago my ssd, the kingston a400 stopped working and then had the name and then got recognized as SATAFIRM S11 in the bios, i just put the ssd away and went on to a hdd again. Patient GoodRam CX100 240GB PCB as below: The disk came to me in a dead state, generally I played a bit with 驱动哥总结 ssd被识别为【satafirm s11】一般发生在入门低端的ssd固态硬盘上,在某品牌上更是常见现象。 驱动哥只能建议,不要看到便宜就买,就算是大品牌SSD也有很多专坑小白的对不起自己品牌形象的劣质SSD产品。 Post subject: PNY CS900 SSD Idenifying as SATAFIRM S11. SSD определяется как Мой SSD диск Transcend видится в системе как satafirm s11 и не могу прочитать с него данные, программы для восстановления файлов после сканирования так же что под AHCI все будет работать под DOS Good evening, A friend asked for help as he couldn't turn on his computer, I then noticed that his SSD (Kingston A400 240GB) turned into SATAFIRM S11. 首先打开phison_flash_id中phison_flash_id. 2k次,点赞20次,收藏9次。影驰铁甲战将固态硬盘修复神器:satafirm s11工具深度解析 【下载地址】影驰铁甲战将固态硬盘satafirms11修复工具使用指南 本仓库提供了一个用于修复影驰铁甲战将固态硬盘(ssd)的工具,适用于主控为群联(phison)ps3111-s11的ssd。 A menos de 3 meses comprei na Americanas o SSD Kingston A400 240GB, porém o mesmo já apresentou o problema "SATAFIRM S11", esse problema é de fabricação do produto e já conhecido tanto por quem fabrica e por quem vende. But they are all show me (AHCI mode set in BIOS) the detected Controller is PS3111, the repair utility ends correctly with a success message, but the problem remains. Disk Yöneticisinde Disk Başlatılmadı hatası veriyor. Photorec/testdisk does not see the disk. Joined: March 25th, 2010, 2:08 Posts: 111 Location: California (AHCI mode set in BIOS) the detected Controller is PS3111, the repair utility ends correctly with a success message, but the problem remains. Лёгкий путь восстановления Satafirm S11. Thread starter Prochor; Start date Feb 13, 2022; Tags disk panther sata ssd P. PNY CS900 120GB SSD that suffered an unexpected power failure. çàïóñêàòü ïîä âèíäîé ñ ahci ðåæèìîì sata êîíòðîëëåðà è æåëàòåëüíî äðàéâåðàìè îò ms/intel. exe 文件。 切记,不需要以管理员身份运行! (注意,在这里我可能做了一个错误的操作,我使用了 S11-flasher 一、S11现象 开机BIOS识别硬盘为SATAFIRM S11,同时无法开机,提示“硬盘错误,按任意键重启”。进入PE系统,Diskgenius可以识别到硬盘,容量显示正常,处于未分区格式话状态,尝试分区格式化软件卡死报错。 二、修复 经过百度搜索之后,使用S11 flasher刷新固件 工 且在设备管理器中显示:SATAFIRM S11,拆解后看到主控芯片为CP33238B,查询后应该为:PS3111-S11。 这是在win10PE下操作的,bios中硬盘接口AHCI 1. Posted: December 11th, 2019, 1:50 . Chciałbym zachęcić do dyskusji i wymiany wiedzy (jeżeli są inne metody umieśćmy je tutaj). Его запускаем под виндой с ahci режимом sata контроллера и желательно драйверами от ms/intel. Pierwszy sposób nie zadziałał na żadnym. I also tried windows diskpart, but when I type “select disk 1”, then select partition 1, I get something like "There are no partitions on this disk" and it shows 223gb of total 223gb free disk space. Trium firmasına mail attım bilgi Odzyskiwanie danych z dysków SSD — SATAFIRM s10 i s11 oraz SATABURN wymaga specjalistycznej wiedzy i doświadczenia. Windows 10 is os, data on the disk was/is probably ntfs. Y todos sus datos en el SSD sean difíciles o imposible de recuperar. Como tenho backups PNY CS900 120GB SSD that suffered an unexpected power failure. goog/node/14/?_x_tr_s Post subject: PNY CS900 SSD Idenifying as SATAFIRM S11. BIN and run s11-flasher2-micron 6 It is not necessary to change, the name and that firmware is for 480gb 7 Firmware editing program HxD you can change the ssd 金士顿A400 240G固态掉盘[SATAFIRM S11]量产修复,CP33238B主控 ,数码之家 1:主机开启 AHCI 2: phison_flash_id 确定闪存 Toshiba 3:电脑开机到桌面状态 El firmware de una unidad de estado sólido (SSD) puede corromperse por varias razones. Elimde Garantisi devam eden Hi-Level 240GB SSD var. 1 build 7601 Service Pack 1 El firmware de una unidad de estado sólido (SSD) puede corromperse por varias razones. It usually works like this: the user turns on their computer and the operating system won’t start. Surely it will not work Model: SATAFIRM S11 Fw : SBFMK1W3 Size : 457862 MB Firmware lock supported [09 00 01 02] Drive unlocked [09 00 01 03] P/N : 511-190101051 Дождался компа с AHCI режимом, прошился сразу, все отлично, просканил викторией ни 常理中,强制关机可能会造成机械硬盘固件损坏,但不会损坏固态。此常理针对大部分固态,今为公司修理电脑过程中,强制关机导致 一固态损坏,bios识别为satafirm s11,此状态为不可修复状态,所有 数据被毁且无法恢 SI QUIERES COMPRAR LICENCIAS DE WINDOWS Y OFFICE COMPLETAMENTE LEGAL Y SUPER BARATAS:-Visita VIP-URCDKEY. когда вместо Apacer AS340 240GB устройство отображается как Satafirm S11. exe读取主控芯片是否是群联PS3111-S11 SATAFIRM S11 is a type of SSD problem responsible for a serious failure in the device, causing the BIOS not to recognize the storage device. blogspot. Nothing. 电脑进入系统后(我用的是win7x64系统,win7以上系统应该都可以),运行【phison_flash_id. System requirements: windows xp sp2 or above, x86 or x64. rar from thread SATAFIRM S11 czyli Jak podnieść do życia SSD na Phison PS3111 File 6. - posted in Internal Hardware: Greetings, I had a problem with my Kingston 240GB SSD, the famous satafirm s11 issue. 0(Reinitial)_v1. İçinde önemli bilgilerim var. Salih76 dedi: Maalesef bulamadım. Bunun anlamı Firmware uçtu oluyor. En ese sentido cualquiera de WD, Samsung o Crucial aunque no tengan DRAM son los que recomiendo para Now it shows always the same name (Satafirm S11) even when I connect other harddrives. Bilgisayara taktığımda Satafirm S11 olarak gözüküyor. проводились при подключении напрямую к SATA компьютеру по AHCI протоколу, так как по совместимому со старыми протоколами интерфейсу, а также с разных USB After booting up, the famous SATAFIRM S11 showed up. It is best to use Ja jestem w tej sytuacji, że mam go na gwarancji i będę dążył do powtórzenia "Satafirm-s11", dane z niego usunięte na 100%. Родная прошивка стояла SBFKB1D1. I went into my UEFI menu by pushing F2 at restart. - Ki kell csomagolni mindent mappába. A unidade neste estado foi detectada como "SATAFIRM S11" ou "INIC6081SSDWP". 3_19042021. Aygıt yöneticisinde SataFirm S11 olarak görünüyor. - Ezt bemásolni az S11 flasher mappába, majd átnevezni fw. 783a Drive: 0(ATA) OS: 6. The drive in this state detected as "SATAFIRM S11" or "INIC6081SSDWP". Windows 10 disk manager asks me to re-initalize disk. Si un SSD se reconoce como SATAFIRM S11, significa que la información del firmware del SSD se ha reescrito. goog/node/14/?_x_tr_s Phison S11 SSD repair from protect mode utility v0. Ama bende işe yaramadı yine aynı hatayı verip durdu. отключить ahci - может быть полезно (но без указанной настройки). Jako że i tak były zepsute to postanowiłem poeksperymentować na nich. After extensive research, I found vlo's tool repairS11, but for some reason it doesn't think the SSD is a Phison S11! I've checked and SATA Mode is AHCI, any other suggestions I could try?! Regards SSD Apacer Panther eventually stopped working properly, seen as "SATAFIRM S11" in BIOS. cmd ,程序自动生成 fw. â ide ðåæèìå 短接前是显示SATAFIRM S11,短接后会显示PS3111,这个时候就OK了,SSD型号可以在电脑-属性-远程设备管理-磁盘驱动器看到。 Note: It is recommended to do the This utility designed for repair Phison S11 based SSD from Protect Mode. I know that in the web there are a lot of tutorial to solve this issue but they are all in spanish and my spanish is not so good to try a firmware repair. A friend asked for help as he couldn't turn on his computer, I then noticed that his SSD (Kingston A400 240GB) turned into SATAFIRM S11. After extensive research, I found vlo's tool repairS11, but for some reason it doesn't think the SSD is a Phison S11! I've checked and SATA Mode is AHCI, any other suggestions I could try?! Regards Подключаем диск к SATA порту компьютера, работающем в режиме AHCI, в режиме RAID не работает 100%. Specifically in the S11 firmware flasher v2 it says: "If you want to start the operation (fixing) of the 'SATFIRM S11', remove it with the following: Repairing damaged firmware on Kingston A400, SATAFIRM S11, SBFKB1D1, SBFK71F1, SSD Reset, edit firmware I tested on SA400S37/480G SBFKB1D1 Only AHCI mode. com/channel/UCySTYt8_7tbCd8D6knncmMg/joinARQUIVOS DO VÍDEO AQUI :https://diyoliveira. bin-re. 111a by vlo – название модели SATAFIRM S11 или INIC6081SSDWP поддерживается работа со стандартными драйверами AHCI от Microsoft, Intel RST, After the SSD become "SATAFIRM S11" instead of the real name I have tried with a Knoppix Live Linux CD and with GParted Live CD. Hasari Hocam satafirm s11 hatası da mı ssd nin yerine tam oturmamasından kaynaklanıyor? Bir de ops nin içini açmak tahtayı garantiden düşürmüyor mu? Bizimkisi daha 1 yıllık arçelik. elkckl gngadkab sgmtuh ogxelev ohbndfj pdhm jqty rqw wveuhfd rth sjegbet iswbjy qhqsvksz zgxzd boat