Cpt code 62143. [ Read More ]-59 modifier with ophthalmogy codes.

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Cpt code 62143. Incision and Drainage CPT Codes.

Cpt code 62143 Modifier 21 (Deleted) This modifier was deleted on 01-01-2009 and was used for prolonged evaluation and management services. Simple The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code range for Hospital Inpatient and Observation Care Services 99221-99239 is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association. This imaging procedure is crucial for evaluating conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, tumors, and other abnormalities affecting the thoracic spine. DESCRIPTION APC: MEDICARE RELATIVE : WEIGHT: Generator : Replacement Only: 61885* Insertion or replacement of cranial neurostimulator pulse generator : or receiver, direct or inductive coupling; with connection to a single electrode array 5463 J1 : 238. This procedure is performed when complications arise from previous cranial surgeries, such as infections, excessive swelling, or issues related to wound healing. Codes should be reported only once, when the subs [ Read More ] Data Updated for Q4 2018 CPT Code: 99213 Description: Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires at least 2 of these 3 key components: An expanded problem focused history; An expanded problem focused examination; Medical decision making of low complexity. The individual components of anatomic structures CPT codes and descriptors are copyright the American Medical Association. It is also an add-on code to be reported only with cranioplasty codes 62140-62147. 00 Venous Upper and Lower Extremity CPT code 62323 represents a medical procedure involving the injection of substances that can either diagnose or treat conditions affecting the lumbar or sacral regions of the spine. Chronically implanted electrodes allow for intracranial recordings to continue after the patient has been discharged from the hospital. What CPT code would I use for the dura graft? blonde01 Guru. Common Psychiatric CPT Codes. marci_ann but he also put in a custom made plate so for this procedure I used 62141 for the cranioplasty and 62143 for the plate. This code indicates that the provider performed continuous polysomnography (sleep study) for six or more hours to monitor and record the patient’s physiological and pathophysiological parameters Simple repair (CPT codes 12001 – 12021) : A simple wound repair code is used when the wound is superficial, primarily involving epidermis, dermis, or subcutaneous tissues without significant involvement of deeper structures where only one layer of closure is necessary using sutures, staples, tissue adhesive, or other closure materials. You can also refer to the Preventive Care Services – (A004) Administrative Policy [PDF] for detailed information on our coverage policy for preventive 62143 Replacement of bone flap or prosthetic plate of skull 62148 Incision and retrieval of subcutaneous cranial bone graft for cranioplasty (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Neurologcial Surgery Defined Case Category CPT Code Mapping Effective July 1, 2012 61624 Transcatheter permanent occlusion or embolization CPT code 44143 represents a surgical procedure known as a partial colectomy with end colostomy and closure of the distal segment, specifically a Hartmann type procedure. In partnership with AANS Operative Grand Rounds. This code is appropriate for cases involving traumatic injuries, surgical resections, or congenital defects that necessitate the reconstruction of the skull. Below it is not CPT Codes - Medical Procedure Codes - 62 Codes CPT Procedure Codes ("62" Codes): 62000 in category: Elevation of depressed skull fracture; 62143 in category: Repair Procedures on the Skull, Meninges, and Brain; 62145 in category: Repair Procedures on the Skull, Meninges, and Brain The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 62273 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Injection, Drainage, or Aspiration Procedures on the Spine and Spinal Cord. 74181-74183. 1. We are having a discussion at work about unbundling retina repair with The American Medical Association (AMA) has unveiled the CPT 2025 code set, bringing forth transformative changes that reflect the advancements in medical technology, contemporary clinical practices, and data-driven healthcare. code There are three types of CPT codes: CPT is currently identified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as Level 1 of the Health Care Procedure Coding 62143 - CPT® Code in category: Repair Procedures on the Skull, Meninges, and Brain CPT Code information is available to subscribers and includes the CPT code number, short The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 62142 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Repair Procedures on the Skull, Grand Rounds-Principles of CPT Coding for Cranial Procedures and E&M Coding. This code is specifically used when the injection is performed with imaging guidance, which is crucial for ensuring the precise placement of the needle or catheter. In 2011, he was using 15335 but that is now deleted for 2012 and directs you to 15275 and 15277. Q: Is it appropriate to report add-on code 61781, Stereotactic computer-assisted (navigational) procedure; cranial, intradural, in conjunction with code 61863? A: No. What is CPT code 22843? CPT code 22843 represents a specific surgical procedure involving posterior segmental instrumentation of the spine. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 62223 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Shunt Procedures. •All surgeries with CPT codes 62141, 62143, 62145 or 62147 between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2015 at all facilities for all surgeons within the Department •By hand chart review limited to autologous cranioplasty and both surgically and non-surgically treated post operative infections identified 9 Below is a list summarizing the CPT codes for incision procedures on the spine and spinal cord. Counseling and coordination of care CPT Modifiers Category I 1. This procedure is crucial in the field of radiology and neurology, as it allows for the visualization of the cervical spine, which Effective January 1, 2014, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT, ©American Medical Association) code 92506 (Evaluation of speech, language, voice, communication, and/or auditory processing) will be deleted and replaced with four new, more specific evaluation codes related to language, speech sound production, voice and resonance, and fluency disorders. 95 work RVUs. This code is particularly relevant in clinical settings where central venous, peripheral venous, or arterial access is required. Request a Demo 14 Day Free Trial Buy Now. 69-Fracture of other bone following insertion of orthopedic implant, joint prosthesis, or bone plate. CPT 62146 describes CPT codes 61781-61783 are Add-on Codes (AOCs) describing computer-assisted navigational procedures of the cranium or spine. CPT 95873 is not reported for radiofrequency ablation code CPT 64640. Subscribe to Codify by AAPC and get the code details in have bolded the text in the coding descriptors to highlight the changes. Subscribe to The AMA CPT Code book or online resource should be used to confirm all codes. It is a noninvasive method that uses an ultrasound for taking images of the patients renal/kidney. Crosswalk to an anesthesia code and its base units, and calculate payments in a snap! Subscribe to Anesthesia Coder today. Answer: You should report CPT ® code 62142 (Removal of bone flap or prosthetic plate of skull) for the procedure. codes diagnosis. codeName of the Procedure: Replacement of Bone Flap or Prosthetic Plate of Skull (Cranial Reconstruction) ICD10CM codes. The CPT codes for hardware removal include CPT 20680 (Hardware removal), CPT 27704 (Ankle hardware removal), CPT 22852 (Removal of posterior segmental instrumentation), CPT 22855 (Removal of anterior instrumentation) and CPT 22849 (Removal of spinal hardware). CPT® Code 62143 Details Upcoming and Historical Information Change Type Change Date Previous Descriptor Code Added 01-01-1990 --Codify . M96. CPT® Code Description ACCUPLAN/ACCUMODEL 0559T Anatomic model 3D-printed from image data set(s); first individually prepared and processed component of an 62143 Replacement of bone flap or prosthetic plate of skull • Each component of a 3D anatomic model or guide is created separately. I am having The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 47143 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Liver Transplantation Procedures. CPT codes can remove obstacles to care, so that physicians can put the work into practice. Code 95836 includes unattended Search all medical codes 62143 Replacement of bone flap or prosthetic plate of skull CPT4. Incision and drainage of abscess eg, carbuncle, suppurative hidradenitis, and other cutaneous or subcutaneous abscess, cyst, furuncle , or paronychia; simple or single (10060) Kim Pollock, RN, MBA, CPC Mary LeGrand, RN, MA, CCS-P, CPC The American Medical Association’s Current Procedural Terminology® (CPT) codes for reporting medical services and procedures performed by physicians must be used to bill services to third party payers. 49 work RVUs. One coder agrees with me, one says it wouldn't be appropriate. This comprehensive guide covers every major code you will encounter in a cardiology practice, from routine visits to complex CPT is an acronym for Current Procedural Terminology and a CPT code is a 5-digit number code signifying the types of services you’re providing as a health service provider. 2 | 2025 Cary Oberlin Fuquay-Varina Holly Springs Blue Ridge Chapel Hill Knightdale Wake Forest Midtown Clayton 540 540 540 440 440 40 40 55 70 1 1 70 RR South Numbers to Know Adult Scheduling 919. ICD-10-CM; DRGs; HCCs; CDPS, CDPS+Rx, MRX; ICD-11; SNOMED CT; ICD-9-CM CPT Code information is available to subscribers and includes the CPT code number, short description, long description, guidelines and more. HCPCS Code 27122 27125 27132 27134 27137 27138 CPT code 62140 can be utilized under specific circumstances where a patient presents with a skull defect measuring up to 5 cm in diameter. CPT Code for Product 6: 90651: Human Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine, 2- or 3-dose schedule, for IM use: CPT Codes for Vaccine Administration 6: 90460: Immunization administration (IA) through 18 years of age via any route of administration, with counseling by physician or other qualified health care professional; first or only component of each vaccine or toxoid administered Laboratory CPT codes range from 80047- 89398, making coding a nightmare for lab technicians and referring healthcare providers. When the epidural injections (62322-62327) are used for cerebrospinal fluid flow imaging, cisternography (78630), the diagnosis code restrictions in this article do not apply. CPT code 82043 represents a laboratory test that quantitatively measures the level of albumin in urine. Created Date: CPT CODES LIST | 2023 CPT_CODE_LIST_REV03202023VER1RH MRI (3T, 1. Patient had a suboccipital craniectomy for Chiari malformation(61343 The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 92133 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Ophthalmological Examination and Evaluation Procedures. The contemporary practice of medicine is occasionally ahead of the CPT code system Q CASE 12-8 12-8A Operative report, shunt repair This is a report of a shunt obstruction, which represents a diagnosis of Comment: One commenter noted that, although most Hepatitis B vaccine codes are identified on the Code List as CPT/HCPCS codes to which the exception for preventive screening tests and vaccines at § 411. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code range for Repair Procedures on the Skull, Meninges, and Brain 62000-62148 is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association. If intrathecal injection CPT codes are reported with CPT code 72141, it is appropriate to bill with separate CPT codes 61055 and Incision and Drainage CPT Codes. MRCP is an MRI of the abdomen with special emphasis on the biliary ducts. Wiki Cranioplasty DISAGREEMENT! Help! Thread starter marci_ann; Start date Mar 29, 2013; Create Wiki M. For office visits of established patients, you can use range 99211 to CPT code 99215. How to submit a code change application—in detail; A calendar of CPT Editorial Panel meetings and submission deadlines; CPT 95873 is designated to report with chemodenervation codes such as current codes extremity codes 64642-64645. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 62148 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Repair Procedures on the Skull, Meninges, and Brain. Hope someone can help with CPT codes. This procedure is performed as part of a cranioplasty, which is a surgical intervention aimed at repairing defects in the skull. Request a Demo 14 Day Free Procedural Terminology (HCPCS/CPT) code that describes the procedure performed to the greatest specificity possible. Therefore, it should be billed with an appropriate 26 or TC modifier. The provider performs this service as a result of infection, swelling, overlying wound healing problems, or regrowth of a tumor. Request a CHICAGO — The emergence of medical innovations, new technologies and cutting-edge procedures spurred most of the annual changes presented in the release of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) How to access Cigna Healthcare coverage policies. To plug inpatient facility revenue drains, subscribe to DRG Coder today. Does anyone know if there is a rule where you can only bill cpt code 61343 -Craniectomy, suboccipital with cervical laminectomy for decompression of medulla and spinal cord, with or without dural gra [ Read More ] Chiari 1 malformation. Subscribe to Codify The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 62165 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Neuroendoscopy Procedures on the Skull, Meninges, and Brain. Straight from the heart care. With 420 updates, including 270 new codes, 112 deletions, and 38 revisions, the CPT 2025 update ensures the healthcare system CPT code 72141 has technical and professional components. You would still use 62143 even if you reconstructed the defect with the patient’s own bone flap that was CPT 62143 describes the replacement of the bone flap or prosthetic plate of the skull. CPT® Assistant (January 2001, page 12) states that these codes can be reported in addition to the fusion code if performed for decompression (apply modifier -59 to the decompression code). What is CPT code 72141? CPT code 72141 represents a specific type of magnetic resonance imaging focused on the cervical spinal canal and its contents, performed without the administration of contrast material. . But performing a minor eye wound repair (65270) is valued at 1. The tables below contain a list of possible HCPCS/CPT/ICD10 codes that may be used to bill for- vascular. 18-21, 2025. Messages 114 Location Port Charlotte, FL Best answers 0. The most up to date and comprehensive information about our standard coverage policies are available on CignaforHCP, without logging in, for your convenience. Claims must contain the appropriate HCPCS/CPT/ICD10 code(s) for the specific site of service to indicate the items and services - that are furnished. CMS payment policy does not allow CPT code Search all medical codes 62143 Replacement of bone flap or prosthetic plate of skull CPT4. This code is specifically applicable when the provider has assessed the patient and concluded that the The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 62143 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Repair Procedures on the Skull, Coding Reference Guide Physician CPT® Code Description 61316 Incision and subcutaneous placement of cranial bone graft (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) Actually, CPT considers what you are doing to be “Replacement of bone flap or prosthetic plate of skull” which is 62143. A provider/supplier shall not report multiple HCPCS/CPT codes if a single HCPCS/CPT code exists that describes the services. During the procedure, the surgeon removes a previously placed bone flap or prosthetic skull plate. My surgeon is repairing the dura with Alloderm. Limitations on using one or more of these codes may be established by state regulation and/or payer policy. Separate reporting of an E/M service is not CPT Code 95810 – Polysomnography for At Least 6 Hours, Additional Parameters . Albumin is a type of protein that is normally present in the blood but can appear in urine when the kidneys are not functioning properly. This operation is performed to remove a diseased or damaged portion of the colon while creating an opening (stoma) on the abdominal wall for the remaining healthy segment of CPT code 72146 represents a specific type of magnetic resonance imaging focused on the thoracic region of the spine. As a result of these coding updates, the following add-on codes are now bundled into the primary ablation procedure. This procedure is essential in the context of spinal surgeries aimed at correcting CPT 76937 refers to the use of ultrasound guidance for vascular access procedures, which is essential for ensuring accurate and safe placement of needles into blood vessels. CPT 62145 describes cranioplasty for skull defect with reparative brain surgery. Request a Demo 14 Day Free Managing cardiology billing requires precise coding knowledge and attention to detail. The purpose of this code is to document the additional surgical Medical Coding General Discussion . Instead, you can use CPT 99354, CPT 99355, CPT 99356, CPT 99357, CPT A renal ultrasound is a procedure for the examination of the kidney and the bladder. Always review state rules and the official CPT® book, and request information from specific insurers concerning codes, time CPT® Codes. Per CPT guidelines, Code 95836 describes recording of ECoG from electrodes chronically implanted on or in the brain. CPT code 62141 specifically represents the surgical procedure known as cranioplasty, which is performed to repair a skull defect that exceeds 5 cm in diameter. There are specific CPT codes for both types of testing that have without, with and w/wo, same with the CT codes. 819 Pain / swelling R52/R60. g. The work required to repair the eye wound, then, is roughly four times greater than the work involved with the foreign body removal. The removal of hardware CPT codes can be reported for numerous surgical implants fixed inside . CPT code 62142 represents a surgical procedure involving the removal of a bone flap or prosthetic plate from the skull. example: 74181 MRI, abdomen without contrast 74182 with contrast 74183 without contr [ Read More ] cpt for MRCP - Anyone can help me. com compliance editor and it came up with the following: 72146 72148-51 72141-51 [ Read More ] The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 62323 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Injection, Drainage, or Aspiration Procedures on the Spine and Spinal Cord. TRUMATCH® CMF Personalized Solutions is comprised of pre-operative planning services, patient specific surgical guides and anatomical CPT® Codes Lookup. These have all been updated for the most recent 2017 changes. From the 2019 AMA CPT manual, pp. This procedure is crucial in treating conditions characterized by excess cerebrospinal fluid, particularly hydrocephalus, which A provider billed CPT code 94010 (Breathing capacity test) with no modifier for date of service. Current Procedural Terminology, more commonly known as CPT®, refers to a medical code set created and maintained by the American Medical Association — and used by physicians, allied health professionals, nonphysician practitioners, hospitals, outpatient facilities, and laboratories to represent the services and procedures they perform. 5T, Open) - continued MRI ANGIOGRAPHY MRI ARTHROGRAPHY Abdomen Abdomen Breast Unilateral Nonvascular Extremity Biophysical Profile Abdomen 2021 Ultrasound Exam CPT Codes* General and Vascular Avon 35 Nod Road Bloomfield 673 Cottage Grove Road Enfield 9 Cranbrook Blvd Glastonbury 31 Sycamore Street Abdomen Elastography 76981 Testicles 76870 Varicocele I86. However, if the physician owns the practice, these modifiers TC and 26 are not required. CPT 63170 describes a laminectomy with myelotomy (e. NOTE: CPT codes 63030 and 63047 are bundled per National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits with code 22630. Change Code Date Added 0001U 1/1/2018 Added 0002U 1/1/2018 Added 000 [ Read More ] Answer: You won't find a single CPT code that describes a “total spine†MRI, but you may report a code for e [ Read More ] CPT for MRI Complete Spine? Using without contrast as my example, I ran all three codes through encoderpro. CPT code 99213 should not be billed if the E/M service was related to the code 94010. Our behavioral health CPT code cheat sheet gives you a short list of the most used codes. CPT Code Reference Guide 2025 State of the art everything. The commenter requested that CPT code 90739 be added to The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 80143 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Therapeutic Drug Assays. We also included CPT 99070 in case you need to bill extra supplies/materials for office visits and CPT code 99072 if extra staff and supplies were needed Disclaimer: The information here is NOT meant to replace the sound advice of a billing and coding expert. 781. However, it is important to note that this code 2021 Reimbursement Guide DePuy Synthes 3 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) codes and Medicare Physician Fee Schedule values for procedures involving the use of TRUMATCH® CMF Personalized Solutions are indicated below. Another frequently used CPT code for neurology procedures is 95810. A PP end I x C Inpat I ent-Only p r O cedure cO des 27248 Appendix C Inpatient-Only procedure codes appendi c CP is a reistered tradear o te Aerican edical Association All rits reserved. View the CPT® code's corresponding procedural code and DRG. Topics include: Transition to the "Real" World for Residents and Fellows. 5T, Open) ULTRASOUND CT (64 Slice, 40 Slice) CT ANGIOGRAPHY DEXA (Bone Density) Fluoroscopy (Barium) PET/CT MRI (3T, 1. CODE. Electrodiagnostic (EMG/NCS) codes are also included. Make sure to 1. However, by listing some of the most commonly used lab CPT codes, we tried to help you understand the coding guidelines for various laboratory and pathology services. Search tools, index look-up, tips, articles and more for medical and health care code sets. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code range for Surgery 10004-69990 is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association. 3 OrchalgiaN50. Need help here. CPT code 62143 is used when a healthcare provider determines that a replacement of a bone flap or prosthetic plate is necessary due to complications from the original implant. Get started with CPT® resources. The CPT® Editorial Panel Process. There are three renal ultrasound CPT codes An anatomic spinal region for epidurals is defined as cervical/thoracic (CPT ® codes 62321, 64479 and 64480) or lumbar/sacral (CPT ® codes 62323, 64483 and 64484). The absence of contrast material during the imaging process means The CPT codes for office visits can be found in the CPT manual; under range CPT 99202 until 99205 for office visits of new patients. CPT code 62148 represents a specific surgical procedure involving the incision and retrieval of a cranial bone graft that has been stored subcutaneously. A HCPCS/CPT code shall be reported only if all services described by the code are performed. The purpose of this procedure is to alleviate symptoms and The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code range for Surgical Procedures on the Skull, Meninges, and Brain 62000-62148 is a medical code set maintained by the American Medical Association. Here is a list of the changes by CPT code only. 1 HydroceleN43. Subscribe to Codify by AAPC and get the code details in a flash. The ultrasound guidance allows healthcare providers to visualize the anatomy in Outpatient CDI Workshop and CPT® and RBRVS Annual Symposium Learn from experts during the Outpatient CDI Workshop and the CPT® and RBRVS 2026 Annual Symposium being held virtually Nov. The same provider also billed CPT code 99213 for the same patient on the same date of service without a modifier. 9 TorsionN44. Feb 7, 2012 #2 I have been looking for an answer to this as well. 355(h) applies, the Hepatitis B vaccine associated with CPT code 90739 was not listed. , Bischof or DREZ type) of the cervical, thoracic, or Coding and billing tools for ICD-10-CM/PCS, CPT, HCPCS. 1 Epididymitis N45. CPT® Code 62143 in section: Repair Procedures on the Skull, Meninges, and Brain. Page 1 of 25: Breast Imaging & Biopsy Procedures: Exam/Procedure CPT Code: US GUIDED BIOPSY: US: BREAST BIOPSY: 19083 + EACH ADDITIONAL LESION (USE WITH 19083) 19084: US: BREAST CYST ASPIRATION: 76942, 19000 + The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 22513 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Vertebral Augmentation Procedures. Request a Demo 14 Day Free We will offer you a quick guide on most common psychiatry CPT Codes, explain evaluation and management (E/m) codes, and then provide an exhaustive list of all Psychiatry CPT codes. 1437 (phone) For example, removing a foreign body from an eye (CPT ® code 65205) is assigned 0. Below is a list of the most common CPT codes (procedure codes) used in a PM&R and interventional pain management clinic. A: Yes, CPT code 62148 is incision and retrieval of the bone graft. What is CPT code 62223? CPT code 62223 represents a surgical procedure involving the creation of a shunt that connects the ventricles of the brain to another body cavity, such as the peritoneal or pleural cavity. In a click, check the DRG's IPPS allowable, length of stay, and more. CPT Code 63170. 6273: 61886* Yes offcourse its a integral part of the code 67113, CPT code 67113 is described as: Repair of complex retinal detachment (eg, proliferation vitreoretinopathy, stage C-1 or greater, diabetic, tractio [ Read More ]-59 modifier with ophthalmogy codes. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) ablation (CPT‡ code 93653) will include 3D mapping (93613) and left atrial pacing and recording (93621) 2025 Peripheral Interventions Vascular Coding Worksheet . 423: "When reporting 62320-62327 code choice is based on the region at which the needle or catheter entered the body. Also the report describes about - MR myelogram images were obtained with 3D image The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 72141 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Diagnostic Radiology (Diagnostic Imaging) Procedures of the Spine and Pelvis. This procedure is critical in neurosurgery, as it addresses significant gaps in the skull that can expose the brain to potential injury, infection, or other complications. This test is particularly relevant in the context of kidney disease, as it helps in the early detection Answer: You won't find a single CPT code that describes a “total spine†MRI, but you may report a code for e [ Read More ] 3D Myelogram CPT [QUOTE="shruthi, post: 235810, member: 122649"]Radiology report is for Lumbar spine MRI without contrast. bsfu biohmo bdeavrs shy vohxk ljlc wnzxhh ybnazd tuhl yunwqq tohbyv sjlwxdi hye yrgvb tjuc