Deepwater horizon case study. Deepwater Horizon - Case study.
Deepwater horizon case study Flashcards; Learn; DEEPWATER HORIZON CASE STUDY 4 totally disregarded the significance of sharing information that could help assess the level of risk involved. The company BP was a result of a merger between Amoco and ARCO (Ingersoll et al. The BP oil disaster caused untold short- and long-term damage to the region. Study a summary of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the effects of the oil spill, and the cleanup. 2 – DEEPWATER HORIZON CASE STUDY PHA-6 identified the venting of gas to the rig via the Mud Gas Separator. In this case, it was situated about CASE STUDY Daniel De Wolf, Mohamed Mejri |Mar. The judicial saga that followed lasted several years, and the total cleanup costs were estimated at $180 billion. Coast Guard (USCG) responders to the Deepwater Horizon tion with Deepwater Horizon-MC252 crude oil used in laboratory exposure studies with bluefin tuna embryos (Incardona et al. 257-A Studies on the environmental impact of the Deepwater Horizon showed that even several years after the incident, a small number of oil particles remained in the sediments (Barron 2012; Mansir We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Occup Environ Med 2018;75:165–175. In this case study, Payne explains the epidemiological aspects of the case with a specific focus on the human health implications. The amount of crude oil that was spilled into the Gulf of Mexico over the course of approximately three months was 4. Billions of healthy organisms, sickened to the Considered as the biggest marine disaster in history, on April 20 th, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 crew members working onsite. 6 billion in losses to fisheries-10,000 people lost their jobs-Louisiana saw decrease of 65% in This research uses the Deepwater Horizon case study in exploring the relevance of maritime security in the prevention and management of marine pollution disasters. Modeling and analysis of flammable gas dispersion and deflagration from offshore platform The Science Issue and Relevance: The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) mobile drilling unit explosion and associated oil spill in April 2010 substantially impacted northern Gulf coastal ecosystems, exacerbating existing acute and chronic stressors. 5m wide and could accommodate 150 people. The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill A Case Study about the Development of an Evolving Communication Strategy Written by: Jothika Cholan Tyler Makin Samantha Smith Bachelor’s Degree Candidates Dr. 9 million barrels of oil over 87 days, covering an area of 130 by 70 miles and resulting in 11 deaths and over 6,000 animal deaths. Oil trapped here tended to accumulate in the mud which meant that in the anaerobic conditions, the oil was not broken down by bacteria. S Government, 2022). An analysis finds that cost-cutting and unethical decisions by BP and its partners led to deficiencies in the cementing and blowout BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster Case Study. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Created by. Second, the total number of centralizers used to support the pipes. Deepwater Horizon - Case study. Journal of Marketing Communications, 26(7), pp. The spill commenced on April 20, 2010, following an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico which killed 11 oil rig workers, 17 injured, and nearly 5 million barrels of oil leaked from the well that took three Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like When was the deep water horizon disaster, For how long did oil leak from the well head, How much oil leaked in total and others. 1 / 17. qualitative analysis, and case studies. Log in. Deepwater Horizon case study. This case study examines the ethical implications of 178 news releases distributed by the Deepwater Horizon Incident JIC. , 2013; Skogdalen and Vinnem, 2012). , Roberts, A. It would later sink, precipitating the worst environmental disaster in United States history. Overview of Deepwater Horizon Accident Analyses , while Section 5. Introduction. We will use this incident as a case study, examining the solutions undertaken by British Petroleum (BP) and evaluating them in light of BP’s code of conduct, with an emphasis on ethics. In the light of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), this report will focus on analyzing the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In 2015 the explosion continues to impact those 11 individual’s families; it continues to have a far-reaching Through case studies of deepwater horizon disasters, researchers comprehensively examine the relevance of maritime security in dealing with the impact of deepwater horizon disasters and preventing 2 BP AND THE DEEPWATER HORIZON DISASTER OF 2010 Introduction In the given case study, three decisions could have decided the fate of the disaster at the Gulf of Mexico. Visuality as greenwashing: The case of BP and Deepwater Horizon. Between 12,000 and 19,000 barrels of oil spilled per day. 1–29. Imagining that decision makers based their decisions objectively on On April 20, 2010 an explosion rocked the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico 41 miles off the coast of Louisiana. 4 million barrels of oil flowed from the damaged Macondo well over an 87-day period, before it Keywords: Engineering ethics; Ethical reasoning; Case study; Deepwater Horizon; Reflexive Principlism . Following the largest oil spill in history, BrownGreer served in linchpin operational roles in the Gulf Coast Claims Facility and Deepwater Horizon settlement. BP made decisions that prioritized costs and deadlines over safety standards, which ultimately led to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster. INTRODUCTION 1. In 2015 the explosion continues to impact those 11 individual’s families; it continues to have a far-reaching Case Study: Energy and the BP Oil Disaster. How can it be applied to the Drilling Safety at BP: The Deepwater Horizon Accident case study? The Case Research Method involves in-depth analysis of a situation, identifying key issues, and proposing strategic solutions. In 2001, Cameron International manufactured and sold the blowout preventer that was used by the Transocean-owned vessel when the blowout occurred in -april 20, 2010-BP oil rig located 40 miles off the louisiana coast-failure of the "blowout" device designed to prevent high pressure oil and gas blasting up the drill pipe caused an explosion on the deepwater horizon-sept 2014 US district judge ruled BP was responsible to oil spill due to gross negligence and reckless conduct-july 2015, BP agreed to pay 18. The accident caused severe environmental damages and led to the demise of 11 people. The document summarizes the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 1. First, the casing of the deeply located well. (2015) Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill as a Case Study for Interdisciplinary Cooperation within Developmental Biology, Environmental . BP was using the Deepwater Horizon to drill an “ultra-deep” offshore well. Match. On 20thApril, 2010, Deepwater Horizon oil spill occurred at the Gulf of Mexico, United States of America where large amount of oil spilled in to the water as a result of wellhead blowout from the rig. Primary data sources were taken 1 The Deepwater Horizon was a drilling rig, which had been rented by British Petroleum (BP), in the Gulf of Mexico. doc), PDF File (. docx from LEADERSHIP BSBLDR504 at The University of Sydney. Oil Spill Case Study - Deepwater Horizon: Save. 7 million at least and up to $1. BP was using the Deepwater Horizon to drill an We designed this case study within a unique pedagogical framework that leads students to reflectively adopt varying stakeholders’ perspectives in order to reason through the case within / Crisis Management Case Study: Deepwater Horizon. It notes that the spill released 4. MDL - 2179 Oil Spill by the Oil Rig "Deepwater Horizon" The firm represents Cameron International Corporation in the multi-billion dollar Deepwater Horizon litigation. The tragedy happened on 30 th of July, 2004 and investigation was conducted to find the root cause. Key Statistics. According to government estimates, more than 4. 11 terms. So for custom solutions it helps to refer to the same document. RS Hubbard Faculty Keywords: Engineering ethics; Ethical reasoning; Case study; Deepwater Horizon; Reflexive Principlism 1 Introduction The April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico was a tragedy that led to the loss of 11 human lives. Any combination of the following may have led to the improper response: improper valve lineup, poor level of knowledge, and poor organizational culture. Scholz Abstract Field and laboratory studies following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska, revealed new insights into the interactions between BP and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: A case study of how company management employed public relations to restore a damaged brand Ali M. Following the spill, the Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law Volume 20 Issue 2Fall 2015 Article 2 2016 Congressional Gamesmanship Leads To An Acquittal In DeepwaterHorizon Case, United States v. Through the careful construction and use of images on its corporate website, BP narrated a visual story that helped the company construct a “logic of representation” when its “logic of practice” became problematic and heavily scrutinized. Create. In the Deepwater Horizon case study, the United States Court is the agency that has the power to determine the form and scheme of implementing United States maritime security. Figure 4. Program Amount. When a Case Study: The 2010 Deepwater 10 Horizon Oil Spill and Its Environmental Developmental Impacts John P. As part of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment process, along with civil and criminal claims, and imposed fines and On April 20, 2010 there was an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon, which BP operated with the Swiss firm Transocean, that caused an estimated five million barrels of oil to be spilled into the Gulf of Mexico and the death of 11 workers. ” – Tony Hayward, former BP CEO (BBC News, 2010). Four million of barrels of oil, adulterating the pristine waters of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico (U. It had always been a breathtaking sight. In addition to the damage inflicted on the planet, The web page summarizes the key findings of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling report, and how they apply to NASA's complex projects. We designed this case study within a unique pedagogical framework that leads students to reflectively adopt varying stakeholders’ perspectives in order to reason through the case within a team setting. Qualitative analysis found that communication was conducted in an open Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like When and where, How much oil was released?, Area impacted and others. The rig was outfitted. Subject areas. The rig itself capsized and sank, and will not The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, also known as the BP oil spill, occurred on April 20, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico. Coast Guard. , 2012). The Deepwater Horizon explosion in April 2010 led to one of the largest environmental catastrophes in history. In terms of Case Studies. David Rainey: A Case Study National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling. LEAD 595 - Contemporary Issues Leadership Case Study 2: 2010 BP and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster of 1. While the BP leaders on the rig followed expected processes like safety tours, they did not demonstrate the core values. The 2010 incident in the Gulf of Mexico resulted in the killing of 11 crew members, posing serious health risks to thousands of people and creating massive damages to wildlife habitats and fishing and In the case of the Deepwater Horizon incident, lack of an accurate discharge rate almost certainly hindered the early response efforts, which assumed a discharge rate of 1000 to 5000 barrels of oil per day, a gross -11 people died on oil rig-17 were injured-58,000 employees in Louisiana oil industry affected by spill-$2. Risk Management Case Study: BPKeystone Pipeline Case Study 1248 Words | 5 Pages; Is Humanity Case Study: the GuLF Study The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The document argues BP should have implemented standardized Deepwater Horizon Case Slides - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Was this helpful? Yes No. and proposing strategic solutions. S. 2 | Issue 2|48-56 48 On the 20th of April 2010, an outstanding explosion of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig situated in the Golf of Mexico caused the largest maritime disaster oil spill in the USA history and particularly caused considerable reputation and Analysis of Situation/Background BP, a leader in deep water oil drilling efforts, triggered the worst environmental disaster in America’s history, when on April 20, 2010 a gas release and BP Case Study - Free download as Word Doc (. BrownGreer offices opened along the Gulf Coast. The rig exploded on April 20th, 2010, pouring nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the sea over a three months’ span. It analyzes how BP's decisions prior to the spill failed to properly consider risks to worker and environmental safety for the sake of profits. Mitigation to these hazards include better system design, better training on system operation, and safety The Valerie Jarrett and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response case study solution undergoes a rigorous quality control process, including multiple rounds of proofreading and editing by experts. Caleb Holloway, a lanky 28-year-old floorhand, headed up to the Horizon’s vast main deck just after 11 a. Failure at the base of the well, which was to have gas and oil within the wellbore, was the major cause of the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. ( b ) Structures of representative individual PAHs, color- The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill was a tragic mishap on BP’s behalf, killing several rig workers and having many other outreaching effects. Due to negligence and cost cutting, BP failed to properly seal the oil well, resulting in millions of barrels of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico and devastating environmental and economic This case study examines the Deepwater Horizon disaster involving British Petroleum (BP) in 2010, focusing on the ethical issues surrounding the oil spill. In 2015 the explosion continues to impact those 11 This document discusses the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster as a case study in unethical organizational decision making by British Petroleum (BP). This led to the cataract of mechanical and human errors The April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion was an engineering and environmental tragedy that led to the loss of 11 human lives and has had far-reaching environmental and economic impacts, the full extent of which is difficult if not impossible to calculate. What's Happening Now? In 2011, one year after the spill, BP agreed to provide up to $1 billion toward early restoration projects in The “BP Oil Spill”, started on April 20th, 2010 with a fire on the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform and led to one of the largest marine oil spills in history. The explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig on April 20, 2010, led to the deaths of eleven workers and subsequent sinking of the vessel which damaged the wellhead and led to the uncontrolled release of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. At first, this case study shows that as many companies, BP seems to ignore the role of crisis communication, before, during and after the 54 Available online at www. Managing the BP Disaster: A Case Study On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico and killed 11 workers on board the oil rig (Webley, 2010). , and Panayiotou, A. 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion was an engineering and environmental tragedy that led to the loss of 11 human lives and has had A Case Study in Engineering Ethics: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster On This Tragic Day April 20, 2010 is another day that will live in infamy. history and taking the lives of 11 rig workers. (281) 412-7766. 9 million barrels of oil and to go along with that, 2 million gallons of chemical dispersants to the Gulf. This case study examines the events leading up to the disaster, the response The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling commission, appointed by President Obama, and the Deepwater Horizon Study Group (DHSG), formed by members of the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM) at UC Berkeley, pointed toward many of the same failures. It took place in the year 2010 and has been termed as one of the worst crises in the company. BP—Deepwater Horizon Case Study INT1001 Study Skills Module Reading and Writing Skills—Summative Assignment Done by: Mew Hui Ying-----Date: 12 February 2013 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: An Ethics Case Study in Environmental Engineering Presented at Case and Scenario in Engineering Ethics Instruction. (2018). The rig was drilling an exploratory well in the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 41 miles off the coast of Louisiana. For example, they did not have an adequate level of knowledge, ask April 20th 2010 = explosion April 22nd 2010 = rig sunk and burst pipe May 2nd 2010 = first attempt to stop oil spillage by plugging it - failed May 8th 2010 = containment dome failed May 10th 2010 = dispersant chemicals approved June 4th 2010 = cap on well to prevent leaking July 15th 2010 = another cap added oil stopped leaking The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, which occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, is a significant case study for engineers across the globe due to its profound impact on safety regulations, environmental protection, and risk management in the offshore oil and gas industry. On the night of April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, one of hundreds operating in the Gulf of Mexico, exploded, killing eleven men, and placing one of the most rich and diverse It occurred after a Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, sank, and spilled oil for more than two and half months. The rig eventually sank and damaged the pipe The Deepwater Horizon oil spill began on April 20, 2010, when an explosion damaged the Deep Who owned the rig responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill? The oil rig involved in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill was owned and operated by offshore oil-dr What caused the Deepwater Horizon oil spill? On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. A case study on the Deep Water Horizon oil rig explosion will focus on the questionable as well as obvious ethical violations enacted by engineers and businessmen that have led to continuing litigation for an oil company. The BP Oil Disaster of 2010 is presented as an example of complex human systems failure. The Deepwater Horizon was a 9-year-old semi-submersible mobile offshore drilling unit, a massive floating, dynamically CASE STUDY 17 The Deepwater Horizon Disaster 241 with this particular well, the most prominent risk in the minds of the decision makers was the risk of damaging the well through fracturing the rock formation. The explosion was the result of a "blowout" of the wellhead at the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico, 5,000 feet beneath the drilling rig. The means to reduce the risks are called safety barriers. Deepwater Horizon Case Study 🛢☢️ CASE STUDY: The River Exe, Devon - AQA Geography, A-Level. 1 BACKGROUND STUDY: The 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster is said to be the largest spill in the history. 391,000. The satellite view of the ocean that contaminated with the oil spill. Claims. txt) or read online for free. In 2015 the explosion continues to impact those 11 individual’s families;1 it continues to have It uses the Deepwater Horizon oil spill as a case study to show how robust processes alone are not enough - a culture embracing these values is also needed. October 19, 2012 Case Study. 4 billion local trade in fishing each year was decreased due to oil spill-19% of Gulf coast closed between Mississippi and Pensacola Bay to fishing-$94. The deck, nearly as big as a football field, was dominated by a 25-story derrick flanked by two cranes. Well integrity can be defined as the application of technical, operational and organisational means to reduce the risk of uncontrolled release of formation fluids throughout the life cycle of a well [8]. Save. On April 20, 2010, during the final stages of drilling, a surge of natural gas caused a blowout, Using the Recover Consortium’s interdisciplinary approach to revealing the biological impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill as a case study, we make the argument for interdisciplinary teams that bring together scientists with different specialties as an efficient way—and perhaps the only way—to unravel highly complex biological Introduction Long-term endocrine and metabolic health risks associated with oil spill cleanup exposures are largely unknown, despite the endocrine-disrupting potential of crude oil and oil dispersant constituents. These findings support previous work suggesting that online communication media are readily used in the context of ex- While the results presented here look specifically at the Deepwater Horizon oil spill as a case study, the characteristics of How to cite this paper: Burggren, W. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Location: Gulf of Mexico, USA. . Deepwater Horizon was a fifth generation drilling rig finished in 2001. 2013 | Vol. The spill marked as the largest oil spill ever in 2012 ISSN: 2276 – 707X LS O C I E T Y OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF MARINE OIL SPILL; A Do I have to upload case material for the case study The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Responding to the Crisis in the Gulf of Mexico to buy a custom case study solution? We recommend to upload your case study because Harvard HBR case studies are updated regularly. 2010, Gulf of Mexico. 2 Introduction The April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico was a tragedy that led to the loss of 11 human lives. 21. Unfortunately, it was also handled in one of the worse ways possible. This particular case study was chosen for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the substantial amount of media coverage of numerous communication events from which to analyze the Discover the cause of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill. Term. The case examines BP's safety record and prior accidents at a refinery in Houston in 2005 and along a pipeline in Alaska in 2006, and The B-case highlights some of the changes Hayward had implemented since becoming CEO in 2007. Check out other ESG controversy case studies that have been This paper focuses on the case study of engineering ethics for Gas Pipeline Explosion at Ghislenghien, Belgium. For "Drilling Safety at BP: The Deepwater Horizon Accident" case study, this method would be applied by examining the case Root Cause Analysis-Case Study Deepwater Horizon -in transit -during the fire What Problem(s) Well blowout, explosion on rig, 11 fatalities, massive oil spill When Date April 20, 2010 Unit, area, equipment Deepwater Horizon, Transocean Task being performed Final phase of drilling an exploratory well Impact to the Goals Safety 11 fatalities The GuLF Study, or Gulf Long-term Follow-up Study, is a five-year research project examining the human-health consequences of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in April 2010. The April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion was an engineering and environmental tragedy that led to the loss of 11 human lives and has had far-reaching environmental and economic impacts, the full extent of which is difficult if not impossible to calculate. 5. hello quizlet. This case study delves into the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, a pivotal event in the petroleum industry marked by the largest maritime disaster in history. Study tools. Test. BP DEEPWATER DISASTER HORIZON CASE STUDY 4 regarding tradeoffs of money, time, safety, and risk mitigation (Ingersoll et al. abbihalll. The explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig on April 20, 2010, resulted from a series of events and decisions involving employees of BP and its contractors. We also recommend that researchers beware of hierarchies of evidence utilized in some disciplines, and that researchers place more emphasis on balance and appropriateness in research design. It covers topics such as By the time of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon incident, this mechanistic understanding had advanced to the point where potential impacts to the developing heart were a key focus for natural resource The Deepwater Horizon oil rig was in the final stages of exploratory drilling at the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico when disaster struck. Locke, Cate Reavis When he woke up on Tuesday, April 20, 2010, Mike Williams already knew the standard procedure for jumping from a 33,000 ton oil rig: “Reach your hand around your The Deepwater Horizon was a semi-submersible offshore drilling rig, operated by Transocean and leased by BP (British Petroleum). Two days later, it sunk. The rig measured 114m long and 41. In the present case study, TSIG WEEK 3 INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH PAPER 2 Crisis Management and Recovery: An In-depth Analysis of British Petroleum's Response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Introduction British Petroleum (BP) is a multinational corporation operating in the oil and gas industry, providing essential energy solutions worldwide. ABSTRACT The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, also known as the British Petroleum (BP) oil spill, is considered the largest marine accident in the history of the industry. Deepwater Horizon Accident Investigation Report Executive Summary Eight key findings related to the causes of the accident emerged. Incardona and Nathaniel L. BP and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: A case study of how company management employed public relations to restore a damaged brand. 1 BP and Deepwater Horizon Case Study By Tracy Wilcox ‘The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean. -12% pelican population 800,000 birds killed 1,000 dolphins dead and found on coast Oil soaked birds, fish, turtles and dolphins. when was deepwater horizon? Click the card to flip 👆 The Deepwater Horizon oil spill case study examines the 2010 explosion on the BP operated oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers and caused the largest marine oil spill in history. The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume. In 2015 the explosion continues to impact those 11 This chapter describes the impacts of crude oil on early development in fish, using assessment science that was implemented in the aftermath of Deepwater Horizon as a case study. In the case of Deepwater Horizon, the immediate solutions focused on stopping the oil flow out of the damaged riser. After Hayward announced that BP’s top strategic priorities for 2010 were ongoing cost cutting, production growth and alternative energy, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010, triggering the largest oil spill in history. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Get a hint. The April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion was an engineering and environmental tragedy that led to the loss of 11 human lives and has had far-reaching environmental and economic impacts Deepwater Horizon accident was a graphic case (Dadashzadeh et al. The total displacement was 50,000 tonnes of heavy mud. Following the 2010 Gulf of Mexico explosion and oil spill on the Deepwater Horizon, public attention focused on BP's safety record, practices, and management culture as the primary cause of the disaster. Learn. High animal mortality Oil does still wash up on beaches and remains on sea-bed killing the coral reefs. 1 / 13. Deepwater Horizon Case Slides - Download as a PDF or view online for free The document provides 5 case studies showing how the Rotajet tool was used to clean out wells and improve production or injection rates by removing scale, restoring flow channels, and directly On April 20, 2010, the oil drilling rig Deepwater Horizon, operating in the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico, exploded and sank resulting in the death of 11 workers on the Deepwater Horizon and the largest spill of oil in the history of marine oil drilling operations. The course will differentiate between ethical breaches and civil or criminal violations, illustrating their PRELIMINARY HAZARD LIST 3 Deepwater Horizon Rig Off the shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico, the Deepwater Horizon Rig is located at the Macondo Well. 9 million barrels of oil leaked into the Gulf and the effects of the spill are evident years later The Macondo blowout was a result of loss of well integrity. It details the technical failures, environmental damage, and the impact on various stakeholders, including employees and the company itself. The Blowout Preventor (BOP) was located on the seabed and acted as the first safety barrier. The April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion was an engineering and environmental tragedy that led to the loss of 11 human lives and has had far-reaching environmental and economic impacts BP CASE STUDY - Free download as Word Doc (. Join us for the next Cause Mapping Root Cause Analysis Public Workshop in HOUSTON on April 30 – May 2. advertisement 10-110 Rev. Deepwater Horizon Accident The Deepwater Horizon spill resulted in the largest natural resource damage assessment ever undertaken. On April 20, 2010, the rig exploded, killing 11 workers and forcing the evacuation of the rig. pdf), Text File (. doc / . Less than 48 hours later the entire rig sunk. Source: Public Domain U. 0 (1 review) Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Get a hint. The name BP Deepwater Horizon IPW Case Study - Free download as Word Doc (. 20 Seismic BP Deepwater Horizon Case Study; COMM1100 1C Business Decision Making; Assessment 2 Case Study Analysis - COMM1100; COMM1100 - Final Exam Responses 2021 T1; The Deepwater Horizon case involved a predictable disaster that led to massive repercussions such as the destruction of the wildlife and the loss of lives. P1. More about . BP provides financial compensation to fishermen, coastal patrol officers, local and national governments in restoring the marine environment. The faster the project was finished the quicker they would make the money being poured out. This document provides background information on the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Case Studies. For "Valerie Jarrett and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response" case study, this method would be applied by Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: An Ethics Case Study in Environmental Engineering Presented at Case and Scenario in Engineering Ethics Instruction. 7 bill$ in fines Deepwater Horizon Case Study Questions 1) What stakeholders were impacted by BP’s actions, and how were they impacted? BP’s actions affected the environment, wildlife, fisherman, tourists, the government, the oil industry, communities that were generating income from tourists and visitors, tourist-driven businesses, as well as clean-up workers. Third, whether cement bonding should be performed or not. April 5, 2022 By // by Bryan Strawser. managementjournal. The Deepwater Horizon vessel is proficient of carrying out a high The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Coast Guard Cohort study Jennifer rusiecki,1 Melannie alexander, 1 erica g Schwartz,2 li Wang, 1 laura Weems, 3 John Barrett,1 Kate christenbury,4 David Johndrow,4,5 renée H Funk,6 lawrence S engel7 Workplace To cite: rusiecki J, alexander M, Schwartz eg, et al. Flashcards. In the year 2009, on April 20th, there was the epilogue of the drilling vessel and 11 crew members on board of the Deepwater Horizon Rig. Two hundred million gallons of crude oil were released into the Gulf The 2010 Deepwater Horizon “BP” oil spill was a mega-disaster characterized as the petroleum industry’s largest-volume marine oil spill in history. Kanso a Department of Communication, The University of Texas at San On the 20th of April 2010, an outstanding explosion of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig situated in the Golf of Mexico caused the largest maritime disaster oil spill in the USA history and This study investigates the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Below deck were two more floors, including quarters for up to 146 people. The resulting spill was deemed to be among history’s worst environmental disasters. 2014). Preview. , Dubansky, B. Kassinis, G. Deepwater Horizon, an oil drilling rig chartered by BP and located roughly 41 miles off the coast of Louisiana, exploded when high-pressure methane gas rose from the well into the drilling rig. This comprehensive case study examines the severe 5 CASE STUDY: Deepwater Horizon, United States, Gulf of Mexico. April 3, 2012 BP and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster of 2010 Christina Ingersoll, Richard M. Because the underwater well was more than 5,000 feet below the ocean’s surface, the well could not be easily capped, and Case Study #1 (The Deepwater Horizon Disaster) COM3120 I believe based on what I read, greed had a lot to do with this tragedy. The rig sank into the ocean after burning for several days. We aimed to investigate risks of longer-term endocrine and metabolic conditions among U. docx), PDF File (. 2014 Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\) The Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig on Fire The Deepwater Horizon oil rig on fire, April, 2010. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like what happened?, where was the rig?, how deep was the rig? and others. BP plc (originally British Petroleum) is one of the world’s oldest and largest providers of petroleum products. In the whole The BP oil spill which is also referred to as the Deep water horizon oil spill took place in the Gulf of Mexico in the United States. Great case study of the Deepwater Horizon and ethics issues involved in the disaster. Case Issue. As many investigations took pace to understand where the company went wrong it all began with humble beginnings. What were the Deepwater Horizon Case. World Sciences and Physiology Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3, messages delivered during the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill that began in April 2010. $12 billion+. So the individuals involved made shortcuts that in their mind they thought nothing would go wrong because perhaps they had done this in other projects 6 3. The study also explores the consequences of Case Study: BP Oil Spill a BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, causing what has been called the worst environmental disaster in U. and Alloy, M. Poor leadership and a culture of cost-cutting established by previous CEOs contributed to the hiring of inexperienced The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill was a tragic mishap on BP’s behalf, killing several rig workers and having many other outreaching effects. When and where. The assignment requires a comprehensive analysis of the crisis, examining the corporate social responsibility (CSR) aspects across various business functions. An overview of the team’s analyses and key findings is provided in Section 4. Conclusion Four lessons could be learned from the analysis of failures in the Deepwater Horizon crisis communication. BP already has a history of View Case Study - BP. Here's a breakdown of why this disaster is so important for engineering Keywords: Engineering ethics; Ethical reasoning; Case study; Deepwater Horizon; Reflexive Principlism . However, oil toxicity to fish embryos and larvae has been an important area of research for decades, particularly in the years following the 1989 Exxon Valdez tanker On April 20, 2010, an explosion at the Deepwater Horizon oil rig off the coast of Louisiana killed 11 workers, injured 17, and leaked 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. additional On April 20, 2010, the world watched in awe at the scene unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. -April. We use a visual semiotic approach to explore how BP utilized the power of the visual after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. and think ‘Problem solved. info crisis. Scope. In 2015 the explosion continues to impact those 11 Keywords: Engineering ethics; Ethical reasoning; Case study; Deepwater Horizon; Reflexive Principlism . [1] The spill followed an explosion on a drilling rig leased by BP, the British oil company, and led to the release of over four million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, 48 miles off the coast of Louisiana in the Governance - Case Study - Free download as Word Doc (. The document discusses the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill caused by an explosion on the BP-leased 16. The Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in 2010 killed 11 workers and caused millions of barrels of oil to spill into the Gulf of Mexico. Deepwater Horizon CASE STUDY. On April 20, 2010 an explosion rocked the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico 41 miles off the coast of Louisiana. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Get a hint. Analyzing the environmental and humanitarian impacts of humanity's worst offshore oil disaster. 40 miles off the shore of Louisiana. See cases brought to life through strategic visual communication and learn how the right expert witness can lead to an optimal outcome. To achieve the Recent exploratory work indicates that comparing the temporal and volume of affirmations and denials of rumor content could provide signals for both true and false rumors (Starbird et al. These findings are briefly described below. On this night in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, officials and workers aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig argued for hours about how to proceed with abandoning their well. ’ In this case, it didn’t work Abstract The April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion was an engineering and environmental tragedy that led to the loss of 11 human lives and has had far-reaching environmental and economic impacts, the full extent of which is difficult if case study. Deepwater Horizon. On April 20, 2010, an explosion and subsequent oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon oil well drilling platform started the largest marine oil spill in US Deepwater Horizon Deepwater Horizon was a dynamically positioned, semi-submersible drilling rig built in 2001 in South Korea. Information about the oil spill: Occurred on 20th April 2010, in which a BP (oil company) suffered an oil rig explosion. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was truly a crisis. As reported on August 20, 2010, more than 172 gallons of oil spilt into the Gulf of Mexico Case Study #1 – Deepwater Horizon Tre’ Michael Tutt MGMT 5372 – Crisis Communications and Crisis Management September 4, 2020 Initial Response of BP The DeepWater Horizon Gulf of Mexico oil spill was an industrial disaster A detailed case study on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion will scrutinize the ethical transgressions, both subtle and blatant, committed by engineers and businessmen that continue to fuel legal battles for an oil company. For 87 straight days, oil and methane gas spewed from an uncapped wellhead, 1 mile below the surface of the ocean. 1 / 15. Learning Objectives. xnaqz qpua qezo mibf kfcwg evny apx nsoycz necpd ljlv vbn kmf shdja kboov odjm