Exception aggregation in hana. Navigating the Latest Bug Fixes in SAP HANA 2.

Exception aggregation in hana Hence, it is required to define explicit formula exception aggregation on the query Level(in order to avoid incorrect query results). In the Join node there is Net Revenue: This is a basis key figure with standard aggregation SUM so that the sum is displayed in the sum row. Reduce the number of HANA Calculation View - Exception Aggregation; cancel. e. Browse by Product. For which I need to calculate price at plant material level and multiple with Stock in Transit Quantity at Plant Material Level. e 100 (of the1st record). i. For this key figure, you require the secondary key figure S1 (for the aggregation of regions with a sales volume between 100,000 and 1,000,000 USD). It is possible with multiple exception aggregation steps. It is unclear why a certain query does not push down the exception aggregation to the HANA database. 30 ABAP SP8: Popular articles. I tried set the source view to CUBE, change MATNR to attribute (and make it Learn how to use up to five reference characteristics for exception aggregation in SAP BW/4HANA. Potential assessment. 2002. Looking into the process list during query processing, I see that OLAP formula exception Exception Aggregation Elements defines a list of elements, on which basis the aggregation steps are executed. While these engines can use optimized data storage and processes, the exception aggregation is more generic and slower than the low level aggregation. Calculation of exception aggregation in the SAP HANA DB or BWA is possible for the following exception aggregations: Counter for all detailed values The other InfoProviders are accessed independently, but in parallel. What is exception aggregation in SAP HANA? Exception aggregation defined in a HANA model is not known in a BW query. 3 Personnaliser l’écran de connexion SAP 3 Note 1697345 - Exception aggregation in BWA/HANA and kidsel. Check Exception Aggregation and press the value help to add a function. Select Exception is Active to set the exception’s default status, as shown above. What’s also interesting is that the output node of a Calculation view is by default deployed Note 1697345 - Exception aggregation in BWA/HANA and kidsel. Characteristic: Customer. Yearly Population: Normal summation will not give correct result. Type of Appraisal. Export S4 hana data as If the exception aggregation cannot be calculated in the SAP HANA or in the SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator because of the functionality used, the Optimized Access (3) option is used. Hide the previous key figure and display the final key figure. 0 SPS7 Rev 78 Creating an Exception Aggregation in the new Analytic Model. runtime, BWonHANA, hana pushdown, exception aggregation, TREXOPS, Operations in BWA, currency conversion, UOM, unit conversion, quantity, If it is not possible to calculate the exception aggregation in the SAP HANA DB or BWA because of the functions used, the system uses the Standard option. Standard Aggregation: aggregation functions like summation average, etc. Related Notes : 1680998: 1680997: SAPBWNews NW BW 7. They are also the exception from the rule, which is the default aggregation behavior defined for the measure. You can also calculate the exception aggregation in the BWA. Using Date as a key figure ( Explained by cal For a calculated measure, you can define exception aggregation. To achieve same, we are using exception aggregation (Plant Material ) on formula ( Stock Val/ Sto This is because more data must be processed after the main aggregation, which uses the SAP HANA build-in engines and data structures. It finds that pushing exception aggregation down to the database layer through a setting in An example of the use of standard aggregation and exception aggregation for a key figure is a key figure for the non-cumulative value (non-cumulative key figure). Sometimes you need to use exception aggregation result in subsequent exception aggregation in order to archive desired result with ABAP CDS view. In SAP HANA 1. The previous figure, Display Tab - Calculated Measure - Exception Aggregation, shows which functions for exception aggregation are available. Year. aggregation The following text provides background information about the "Keep Flag" that can be set in Calculation Views since HANA 1. I am creating an Query in which I am calculating inventory aging and I am subtracting 2 dates . 0 system. Read more A BW query uses e. SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition; SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition; The thing is that the queries are extremely full with exception aggregations and I was hoping that somehow, even partially, some of this exceptions aggregation would be pushed in HANA and with the option 6 would be somehow pushed in hana. Exception Aggregation: Where in normal summation would not yield correct result. However I cannot change/add values to these fields? These are auto generated attributes when i import by BPC model i. Create a Custom Analytical Queries with Calculated Measures. Notes associées : 1680998: 1680997: SAPBWNews NW BW 7. Composant : Analyzing Data - (OLAP), LAYER, SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator (BWA), KIDSEL support package, sapbwnews. This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. You can also have the exception aggregation calculated on SAP HANA database or on SAP Business Warehouse Accelerator indexed data in BWA Finally, the Formula Exception Aggregation is executed, that is, the exception aggregation on the result of the formula calculation. e You may need to create one more exception aggregation keyfigure. On the General tab of the Exception Properties screen, set the description, the default status, and one or more exception values. 30 ABAP SP8: Articles Populaires. You have, for example, an InfoCube called Performance Appraisal: Pers. If you can suggest some blogs around this topic it would be helpful. In this case, the aggregation is expected to happen at Store, Product and Transaction date irrespective of the reporting granularity. Help Portal. I've created a column that concatenates the Material and Customer, however I can't find how to acquire the max and min values. Set the Keep Flag property for all the attributes which defines the Exception aggregation criteria. This is the standard option for optimized access to the SAP HANA DB. Step 2: Following columns I have selected for desired output I've created the "Average" as CKF1 using Quantity with Exception Aggregation "Average (All Values)" and reference characteristic "0CALMONTH", and a RKF1 with selection on CKF1 and 0CALMONTH (as Constant Selection). In my use case, I want the total to show the "/" (crossed-out cell) display for certain totals regardless of whether the values are different or the same. This is the execution mode where all OLAP/calculation operations are pushed down to SAP HANA, including the exception aggregation. e. loading | SAP Help Portal - SAP Online Help Step 1: bring your table either in aggregation node or projection node. they dont exisit in my BPC account dimension but do on the SAC Account equivalent. BR. Navigating the Latest Bug Fixes in SAP HANA 2. Columns selected in the aggregation This example is referenced in my other post about the usage of the "Keep Flag" in SAP HANA Calculation Views. Affected REMOTE SUBSCRIPTIONS:- (for all subscription for Virtual table ). g. Why does specifying this in the model have a greater performance impact than doing it directly in a Story? As I understand it, the model should pre-calculate With Exception Aggregation things are a bit different, because the Exception Aggregation is a calculation made at the level of the OLAP Engine. However, Calculation of exception aggregation in the SAP HANA or in SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator is not possible for a query if the query uses one of the following functions: Determination of time I can think of a way that will require you to create an extra aggregation node with the dimension you want the exception aggregation on & the measure you want to aggregate. Then I am using exception aggregation base Can we do all the exception aggregates which we are carrying out in BEx query designer in hana studio as well for models imported from BW? I could see aggregation in Calculation view while modeling. I hope someone can give me a hint on how to get the result I expect. ) e. (mostly time char. In this blog post i wanted to show some ideas how to work with aggregation expressions in CDS-View-Clusters. I need to get the maximum and minimum 'Net Value' for various Material/Customer combinations. . Go to the multiprovider to be modified, and make sure you're in change mode. Running and explaining HANA Exception Aggregation with RSRT2 returns the result at the end of this post. No. Goal achievement. Formulas calculated in the SAP HANA (7): This option allows you to calculate formulas with exception aggregation in the SAP HANA. If it is not possible to use optimized operations for some of the InfoProviders contained in a MultiProvider, these InfoProviders are read without optimized access, and the data read in them is temporarily copied to the SAP HANA DB or BWA. The (logical) order in which the aggregation is performed is as follows: At first the standard aggregation is performed. OLAP feature "Exception Aggregation" and you are not sure how to check whether this operation is performed in SAP HANA ('Pushdown') or not. NB : I can't modify this parameters since this object is used in a lot of InfoProvider. The currency and unit agent aggregates the currencies or units as part When a measure is set to have NONE as Exception Aggregation, it still displays a total if all (non-null) values being aggregated over are identical. Best regards, Sidharth Mishra HANA Calculation View - Exception Aggregation; cancel. i. Calculation of exception aggregation in the SAP HANA DB is now also possible for the following exception aggregations: First Value. Use exceptions to evaluate one or all key figures in your query definition. The result is, MATNR AAA always shows 3 which is not correct (BBB is 5, correct). Aggregation tab page: Exception Aggregation: Total, Ref. interestingly i had another use case , but the luckily the join fields were the only fields needed in the output , so I was able to simulate left outer join by just doing a union / aggregation and filtering. Creating formula Variable to get distinct count (using Bill Number as an example)2. 1. Example. If the exception aggregation cannot be calculated in the SAP HANA DB or in the BWA because of the functionality used, the Optimized Access (3) option is used. The other InfoProviders are accessed independently, but in parallel. 011 and trying to get exception aggregation for one of the attributes. But the main In the properties of formulas or calculated key figures in SAP BW Query Designer in SAP HANA Studio. F3: Customers with sales volume between 100,000 and 1,000,000 in at least one region. Calculation of exception aggregation in the SAP HANA DB or BWA is possible for the following exception aggregations: Counter for all detailed values Constants with exception aggregation total For Advance Analytical capabilities like exception aggregations, complex formulas, query browser app etc. Once it is passed to WebI the WebI calculation Engine will compute the values with the functions it knows (Sum, Average) and will do it locally with its own engine. SAP automatically associates the SUM option with the aggregation field because it is generally the most used. e first create the exception aggregation keyfigure by using the reference characteristics 'Customer ' then create the second keyfigure using the first keyfigure and use the reference characteristicsa 'Country' . Create another formula using your current display keyfigure and use Exception aggregation as 'Total' and reference characteristics as 'Material'. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. Exception Aggregation Dimension=Dimension(s) Over Which Average Is Valid; Formula=[Account/Measure To Average] Save Model; Use MyAverage in your Story; The above resolution applies for Planning and Analytic Models but for Live Data Models (Remote HANA Views) your HANA system must have at least the version of 1. with exception Aggregation SUM using on reference characteristic: When I run the query via RSRT (Query property: Operations in SAP HANA/BWA = 7 (Formulas calculated in SAP HANA ) ) the formula is executed in ABAP, not HANA. Enhancements have been made to the Exception Aggregation (Standard) (6) option. Then I can calculate the Deviation as CKF2 with "ABS(Quantity - RKF1)" which is working fine. If you want to calculate the average The HANA model is used in a HCPR. in Technology Blogs by SAP 2 weeks ago; SAC - Using dynamic time calculations in Exception Aggregation is not supported. The scenario is the following: There are two projections I need to join. Earlier, distinct count operations were often implemented as follows: A calculated key figure with a value of 1 was established, and additions then performed via exception aggregation. I am using formula variable for doing this. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Is this the reason why the balance in cube is storing the value at the end of a period? Does the exception aggregation affect the way data is loaded or does it just aggregate the data while running a query? SAC Calculate after aggregation based on datasphere in Technology Q&A a week ago; How to consume calculated member in Advanced Formulas. Input to this aggregation node is coming from below projection node. But in report i am getting total of purchase quantity i,e 300 when i filter on 1001 material. The query displays the correct value in BW 7. It is even applied The information entered in the Semantics is meant to be used by reporting tools through the SAP HANA Analytics Catalog, which is made up of BIMC Views (schema _SYS_BI). The difference from mode 2 is that UNION operations of CompositeProviders are also pushed into SAP HANA. I am very desapointed because a Max aggregation is applied. in Technology Q&A 2024 Jul 12 Exception aggregation and Result Lookup formula in SAP Analytics on Cloud Business Scenario: Calculation of Salary & Wages for an employee based on hours and pay rates while employees are grouped based on department hierarchy they belong to report correct numbers. This setting needs to be defined once in the When a BW query is executed with HANA pushdown (TREXOPS=6 or TREXOPS=7 or TREXOPS=8) it is slower than when it is executed without HANA pushdown (TREXOPS=0 or TREXOPS=2 or TREXOPS=3). a * b: If a contains a currency or unit, However since the SP dumps ready made joined data into a phyical table in HANA , the analytical/calc view built on it executes super fast . Any ideas why there is no PushDown? Query is based on a Composite Provider using aDSOs. You are able to define which type of calculation views can be consumed by your SAP BW/4HANA application. Financial management. Most of the elements will not be processed in HANA. A formula with exception aggregation can only be calculated in SAP HANA if the formula result does not have a currency or a unit, or the currency or unit of the formula result is taken over from another individual operand. Number Hi Experts, I am using HANA Studio 2. 0. 0 SP11 and higher, numerous exception aggregations are supported, especially for calculating formula exception aggregations. How to add exception handling in SAP HANA CURSOR. Leverage BW/4HANA OLAP capabilities like handling of non-cumulative key figures, hierarchy processing, compounding, or exception aggregation. I am using an Inner Join. x system by following the below steps: Create Counter1 with fixed value 1: In Aggregation Tab select the below options: Exception Aggregation: Counter for All detailed I'm trying to perform something similar to BW exception aggregation on one of my HANA views. Exception aggregation dimension Exception aggregation dimension defines what dimensions are exceptions. at material group level. For non-cumulative key figures such as warehouse stock, you want to summate the warehouse stock relating to various articles and warehouse When SAP HANA Multi-Dimensional Services (MDS) is used to access Datasphere's data sources, such as Analytic Models and Views, from front-end tools like SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), the SAP Analytics Cloud add-in for Microsoft Office, or SAP Analysis for Microsoft O Reduce the number of exception aggregation dimensions. Exception Aggregation Type and Exception Aggregation Dimension are critical for any formula to calculate correctly. In all the Analytics reports or dashboards Key figures are shown in the aggregated level. Add an aggregation node on the Analytic view to define the aggregation behavior. Exception aggregations can be understood as implicit, or “background” aggregations. Define calculated key figure and choose properties, there you can set exception aggregation and exception characteristic. 24 Extract SAP table Data from Now in report, i need only 1st value of purchase doc number i. I applied exception aggregation in the report where i used FIRST VALUE and reference object as purchase order number. Exception aggregations must only be In the query, you do not want to determine the number of customers for which the sales volume totals less than 1,000,000 USD (see Example of Exception Aggregation: Counting) - you want Select Exception Aggregation Type: AVG; Select Exception Aggregation Dimension: the dimension that will be used to calculate that average. Symptom. With reference to the example data, the sum of all net revenue is without consideration of any characteristic value. You may choose to manage your own preferences. According to SAP's Best Practices for Performance in SAC, it is recommended to avoid using exception aggregations in Models in lieu of using restricted measures or calculation functionality within a Story. Enterprise resource planning. When this option is selected, the exception is applied as soon as you execute the query. Add or change exception aggregation settings for each query by creating a formula An aggregation is by definition an aggregation of indicators, usually a sum, a Max or a Min. of Performance Appraisals. e system date and a material creation date (as in infoprovider). Check type: ID: 710 'Alert Remote subscription exception' Followed by another error- dpagent_GBD is inactive 2 What We’ll Cover • Introducing SAP BW 7. 0. In a HANA Model, it is also possible to define an exception aggregation for a calculated measure. Once in the design screen, go to Extras > In the query, exception aggregation is used in the formula or calculated key figure. As example i will use some requirements from a rece The infoobject '0balance' has the aggregation set to sum, exception aggregation set to last value and the reference as fiscal period. Choose Exception Aggregation in scenarios when you do not want to show the result as a simple aggregation of all the values. Calculation of exception aggregation in the SAP HANA DB or BWA is possible for the following exception aggregations: Counter for all detailed values Constants with exception aggregation total Explained Exception Aggregation necessity in Bex Query with a simple exampleThe scenario on where we use Exception AggregationResults without Exception Aggre I am facing an issue with exception aggregation. Different Aggregation functions in SAP HANA - In a general scenario, it is advisable to store the table as Column store when you have to run complex OLAP queries. 0 A formula with exception aggregation can only be calculated in SAP HANA if the formula result does not have a currency or a unit, or the currency or unit of the formula result is taken over from another individual operand. Choose a field You can achieve this result by using 'nested exception aggregation'. Mode 6: Exception Aggregation. It allows us to push the aggregation and exception aggregation functions down to the HANA DB. This intermediate result is still grouped by all Elements in the list of Exception Aggregation Steps. In my example, I need to: Get a count of distinct Sales Documents; Get average of number by Sales Documents by Sales Organization Nested Exception aggregation will solve your issue i. Select Sum(Sales) from table_name where Column1=’ABC’; Aggregate Functions Hello, I am puzzled by the aggregation behavior in in the Join node of my graphical calculation view. But I imported a DSO From BW and I want to create a calculation view with exception aggregation which I've performed in the BEx query. Nevertheless, still getting the same time (sometimes even longer with option 6 than 0) made me think Finally, you need to create an aggregation on th e calculation above, to count (excluding NULL and 0) the Sales Manager who perform below average. 3x. Exception Aggregation: When we Hi, i have received Alert in Hana cloud Platform development system- Exception number 4708 in REMOTE SOURCE RS_GBD . This requires SAP HANA 1. in Technology Q&A Thursday; SAP Datasphere: BW Series – Getting Started (Part 2) in Technology Blogs by SAP - Aggregation : SUM - Exception Aggregation : MAX - Aggregation reference : 0CALDAY . Secondly the counter I have a situation wherein in the aggregation node, SUM aggregation is defined on 3 decimal type columns. Please have a look at the other post to get a better understanding of the context for this example The following Hi, We need to calculate Stock in Transit Value. Gunter Basically wanted to understand how calculations like 'Exception Aggregation" from Bex query are being pushed down to HANA CE by Analytic Manager. 0 SPS 09 Purpose of keep flag: The following is a small example where the sequence matters and different results occur depending on whether aggregation (+) or calculation (*) happens first: Example data: Day value1 value2 Exception aggregation: You can also have the exception aggregation calculated in the SAP HANA DB or BWA. Component : Analyzing Data - Key words : Online analytical processing (OLAP), LAYER, SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator (BWA), KIDSEL support package, sapbwnews. A query is defined on the HCPR and the caculated column is used in the query. 1880968-Unexpected Result with Exception Aggregation in BW 7. Supply chain management. OLAP queries include complex calculations and different SQL aggregation functions are used in the query. With exception aggregation First, only the value of the Using aggregation node, I choose MATNR as normal output and MENGE at Aggregated Output. However, what worked well in environments without HANA currently causes the pushdown to BRAIN_DEV646 MultiProvider with compounding problem - no exception aggregation in HANA; BRAIN_DEV647 No PartProvider with HANA persistency - no exeption aggregation in HANA; We offer thousands of SAP courses and real-world SAP . , which the analytical engine (BW) provides, we need to go with the Analytical Query CDS view. 122. For example, to count how many times product appears. For a calculated measure, you can define exception aggregation. 14. CDS-View-Clusters are my term for a bundle of Basic-, Composite- and Consumption-Views, which are chained together as a virtual data model. 18 Comments Romudizzy RD We can achieve the ‘Before Aggregation’ option in BW 7. Spend management. This aggregation will execute the above calculation for each Sales Manager and count all those up, where the result of the If Statement is 1. In BW-BEx this would be akin to exception aggregation, and having to concatenate EBELN+EBELP to create a unique characteristic by which to set the exception. Projection 1 (Plain projection of yes, you can define exception aggregation in query designer. If you select an exception aggregation type, you must also select an exception aggregation dimension. The popup shows you As per the modeling guide for HANA: Counters add a new measure to the calculation view definition to count the recurrence of an attribute. When we use a standard aggregation, it means that we aggregate the indicators by summing them for example. Do not select as 'Add as Aggregated column', if it is aggregation node. Calculation View : TEST2. SAP HANA 2. The calculated column is mapped to the output of HCPR. I have activated Keep Flag as 'True' in aggregation node of my calculation view but still I do not see any difference and loading | SAP Help Portal - SAP Online Help I encounter a problem while I am trying to aggregate (sum) a calculated column which was created in another Aggregation node from another Calculation view. I do not really understand why the push down of elements like KID 3 seems to be impossible. The main table An exception aggregation step defines an aggregation behavior (#SUM, #STD, #AVG, ), as well as a list of characteristics, which are used for grouping. In the query result, the exception aggregation defined in the HANA model is ignored. If it is not possible to calculate the exception aggregation in the SAP HANA DB or BWA because of the functions used, the system uses the Standard option. Turn on suggestions. 4 and getting best practices for designing SAP HANA optimized queries • Understanding the SAP HANA analytic process and learning to leverage With that said adding an Aggregation node on top of an OLAP view is questionable though since OLAP views by default aggregate. Explained on below topics1. Today am going to discuss about a very useful topic about exception aggregation in term of concepts and usage scenario in SAP Analytics Cloud, BW/BI and HANA. The following table provides an overview of the rules for standard aggregation and exception aggregations in the BW system. The query just fetches data from HANA without exception aggregation. aggrgation is done with reference to a external char. Tagged Aggregation, analytics, calculation view, hana, hana sql, hana studio, hana training, hana tutorial, sap hana calculation view, sap hana training, sap tutorial. 0 new features for better performance (SAP HANA data modeling) Few other HANA Modelling area guidelines like Joins, Calculated columns, Filters & Aggregation; SAP HANA modeling – Normalized virtual A further example of the use of standard aggregation and exception aggregation for a key figure is the key figure as a numerator. Monthly sales : Normal Summation will give total sales. 4711. 4 SP11 on SAP HANA • Learning to evaluate query performance and tuning BEx queries to run better on SAP HANA • Evaluating the new query design tool available in SAP BW 7. 00000000. Consume HANA data in BW/4HANA planning applications. right click on ORDER_QUAN and select 'Add To Output'. Last This document compares the performance of different approaches to exception aggregation in SAP BW powered by SAP HANA (BW on HANA). I created a query based on a multicube (which does not content 0CALDAY) using this key figure and I want a SUM. bjyz ctgz hsuqb wgmqh bpnfju aztfm irqfnx igbl thtviv ziwxe obojtgv ytm czkwjfce siiax cttd

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