Kombi no can identification egs. Weird problems during a 800 mile shake down drive.
Kombi no can identification egs iTrader: KOMBI no communication. Recently I updated the firmware/code in the DME (ME9. Go into bottom-right of Windows Task Bar, click the ^, find the EGS icon and r. All the current CAN codes left, and the car functioned like it should. Long Time Lurker. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Problems (E53 1st-gen, 2000-2006) 5142 No message, receiver EGS, transmitter KOMBI. I noticed every time the electricity turns on like when opening the door, I can hear a buzzing from the back of the car assuming it's the fuel pump. G42Model Year: 2021 + Serious problem since this morning. Raw (non KOMBI optimized) RPM is buried into K-CAN message ID, bytes 4 and 5 as a 16 bit unsigned integer. 11. I have a 2004 325xi. Car starts but cluster and transmission in 000082 EGS CAN TIMEOUT ASC/DSC 000082 DME SIGNAL CAN ASC/DSC 000095 EGS CAN WHEEL SPEEDS 0000D9 DME SIGNAL CAN EGS 0000A IHKA AUC SENSOR S 0044 No comm with multi info display Lots of Kombi KOM instrument cluster codes: 000087 0000C7 0000D7 0000F5 0000FB . I just started with the transmission, instrumentation, selector, no communications, and PT-CAN errors, then finally no response from the EGS at all. Cannot clear. Also, Over-voltage can scramble bus communications between Modules, such as Wipers "self-activating", Instrument Cluster Warning Lights, or other Cluster 2. E85 Kombi Airbag no CAN ID ASC1 no CAN ID DME1 no CAN ID DME2 no CAN ID DME4 SII reset coolant temperature CAN BUS OFF no CAN ID KOMBI-EEPROM error, coding incorrect/incomplete signal TWEG+ (input pulse generator wheel) R5 Kombi CAN: No DME5 - Not received message 5 von EMS for 1500ms CAN: No EGS1 - Not received message von Weak battery test drive and unable to duplicate cut concern. G42Model Year: 2021 + If DSC Module does NOT appear in Control Unit/Module Tree/List, that suggests (a) lack of power to DSC, (b) Lack of PT-CAN bus communication with DSC, or (c) Internal Fault in DSC. Again I opened INPA & now no connection was possible to KOMBI. checked the outside/underside as well. Diagnosing CAN bus - Using DVOM, hi (2. Diagnostics to all other modules (including EWS) except DME and EGS go via OBD pin 8 and instrument cluster working as a gateway to K-bus. Does the ME9. G42Model Year: 2021 + E81 / E82 / E87 / E88Model Year: 2004 - 2011. Hoping that somebody can share some knowledge in hopes to solve an ongoing issue with my E92 M3. La discussion est déplacée section X3 E83. 5142-No Message, receiver EGS, transmitter KOMBI 5144-No Message from the Car Access System, receiver EGS, transmitter CAS CF07-PT-CAN Communication fault 5146-Message from the driver's seat satellite missing, receiver EGS, transmitter SSFA 299A-CAN fault management EGS CD99-Message(torgue request EGS, 0xB5)faulty, receiver DDE, BMW E46 no communication CAN Bus problems not connecting connect to all modules can line fix I decided to update something like the KOMBI first instead to make sure everything was working as it should and my process with winKFP is right. Can't be sure. I have F30 form the auction with unknown background. Posts. In my case speedometer works, etc. G42Model Year: 2021 + Right there in the DTC description is 0x3FD - a value that looks exactly like a CAN message ID, sent by the transmission (EGS) to the gear selector (GWS) over the PT-CAN! How did I miss this? No message (relative time, 0x328), receiver GWS (PT-CAN), transmitter KOMBI (PT-CAN) E09422: No message (vehicle condition, 0x3A0), receiver GWS (PT Someone said VO code FEM_BODY, EGS, ICM , KOMBI Some other said VO code FEM_BODY, EGS, ICM, GWS What is the correct way then? Any help gratefully appreciated. I would assume that your Reverse Lights are NOT lighting when R selected and Ignition ON, AND that the Passenger mirror does NOT tilt downward to show curb, (or NO rear Perkeleen perkele, ei ehjää päivää nää näillä romuilla. After loading S Check Code CC ID 681. 4) (245) No CAN message (ASC1) not present 8d (141) EGS signal line disturbed present fb (251) No CAN message (EGS1) not present LCM: 5142 No message, receiver EGS, transmitter Kombi 5146 Message from the driver's seat satellite missing, receiver EGS, transmitter SSFA 299B DME: Intelligent battery sensor, communication CF07 Transmission control: communication fault: PT 8D DTC IKE EGS signal line disturbed F5 DTC IKE no CAN identification (ASC) 11 DTC IKE acoustic transmitter disconnected (gong tone 1 2 3) LCM light check module fault 8 7C DTM LCM turn indicator front left faulty 7D front right faulty 8E and 8F side light faulty 92 99 left brake and number plate faulty 0D DTC control unit fault Connector and location of the PT-CAN & F-CAN Bus wires at that connector, my SWAG would be an issue with X18303 Pins/Sockets. 1. Hello Everyone, I have been driving my 2000 330ci Convertible 5speed manual since June 2019, but without cruise control. G42Model Year: 2021 + Exit EGS completely - not just click the [X] button - it's still running in the background. This car No ground, no voltage, nothing, regardless of what gear I put it in. Won't let scan any codes, this morning it was normal for a bit so I managed to scan some. The lengths one goes to get new seats. E81 / E82 / E87 / E88Model Year: 2004 - 2011. There isn't any code related to the CAS. See less See more Save Share Reply Quote Like. As such, it is not acceptable whatsoever to publish any software that is bound by any legal restriction. Add to VO: 931, 920, 9XA Production date 1211 or higher Typeschlussel XA71 for F10, 3E51 for F30 Factory ilevel 11-09-507 or higher Calculate TAL Force EGS update Then in TAL-PROCESSING: Uncheck all Check just EGS procedures - BLFLASH, SWDEPLOY, CDDEPLOY Update takes about 3 minutes. 7DCT300 EGS ISN RESET F Series Remote EGS ISN Reset G Series Remote 8HP50 ISN Reset A3B9 - No message (dynamic stability control 0x19E) receiver Kombi, transmitter DSC A550 - No message (speed, 0x1A0) receiver Kombi, transmitter DSC A556 - No message (HDC display) receiver Kombi, transmitter DSC JBE2 Junction box electronics-----C918 - No Message (wiper operation, 0x2A6), receiver JBE, transmitter FRM/SZL/LWS/IHKA TEMP_EOI Coolant temperature. gearboxny Location Offline Junior Member Reputation: 27. So I tried once again to do a full DIs auto detect, the same thing happened again, no auto detect & back to only being able to connect to DME & EGS. But not in The contents of this forum are for experimental & educational purposes only. Aamulla käynnistin auton, ja kävi minuutin tyhjäkäyntiä. Issue; Removed key, instrument cluster stays lit along with both brake lights. If you have DSC (not ASC) next steps would be either to replace the ignition switch or to invest in a proper test plan to be carried out with a BMW factory scan tool. I have used INPA to reset KOMBI and then reset DME adaptions - but no change - I still have the 28D6. I only can change to Menue_10. BMW-Tech Rédacteur Inscription : 11 kombi terminal oil-level sensor fb kombi no can identification 96 asc can connection to egs is there any body here who can help me with this problem and give me a view ideas were too look further . FEM and KOMBI are the end nodes with 120ohm each. Wheel speed sensors are connected to DSC module E81 / E82 / E87 / E88Model Year: 2004 - 2011. A) NO COMMUNICATION with 7 identified modules: CAS, DSC, KOMBI (Instrument Cluster), DME, MRS, JBE & EGS B) "S 0114" indicates NO Communication with "control unit": presumably FRM, as that is only other Module shown in next screenprint which is NOT specifically identified. 2. 173. Afaik it can be flashed without cluster. OK, auto seis ja uudestaan käyntiin, paitsi ei enää käynnistynyt. - The guys at Batteries Plus said my Yes they can be cleared with a scanner that can access the right modules. . So two questions: 1. Hey Folks! I need some advise from you. Open Steam. It is also connected to the FlexRay (I think 1mbs) PT-CAN(1) bus ties DME to FEM (body) and BKOMBI (cluster). Open EGS from Steam. I tried to FDL Code the Kombi like: FDS_Menue_Text/Signal1-4 to Menue_3 My Problem is, if i try to Code, there is no Option Menue_3. car was running fine and all of a sudden went to start it and wouldn't even try to crank. 5142-No Message, receiver EGS, transmitter KOMBI 5144-No Message from the Car Access System, receiver EGS, transmitter CAS CF07-PT-CAN Communication fault 5146-Message from the driver's seat satellite I thought the SOS message came at this point too, but perhaps that occurred when VO Coding KOMBI. click -> Exit. I seem to be able to comm with EGS. It does show a different number when I hit the ZB update so I know there is an update available. - Park assist stopped working - clock doesn't work anymore + USB device connected to radio (CD-changer connection) - indicators don't show up on cluster - Windows don't open/close Seat module, driver FAS: E444 SMFA: K-CAN line fault; Instrument cluster KOMBI : 9317 KOMBI: Internal coding-data memory Parking brake EMF : D395 No message from EGS control unit, receiver EMF, transmitter EGS/HIM ; D397 No message (terminal 30G), receiver EMF, transmitter CAS; Central Information Display CID : E5C4 CID: K-CAN line fault ; 51B3 Implausible message, engine oil temperature, receiver EGS, transmitter DME-DDE present 4EF9 SMG: Clutch speed sensor not present 51B1 Implausible message, wheel speeds, rear axle, receiver EGS, transmitter DSC not present E104 KOMBI: K-CAN line fault present E584 KBM: K-CAN Line fault present 930C LM: Clearance light, left (E60, E65 Hello all, i´m having some issues with updating the i-Level of my BMW F20 11/2011. Lukasin vikakoodit ja lista oli kattava: Vaihdekepissä ei virtaa. i would be very greatfull i also posted a film on you tube so you can see and hear what tehe car does :dunno::bawling::bawling: DME is on PT_CAN(1) and PT-CAN2 (redundancy) with 500kbs both. Then check your connections, clean off any dirt or grease off from 0000F5 - KOMBI: No CAN identification (ASC) 000011 - KOMBI: Thermal oil-level sensor A single clogged cat can cause back feeding through the air pump circuit and additional data problems in the opposite bank . circ. D36C22 - Interface EHC (ride heights, EHC, 256. Frequency is around 14 times in 200km. Code Type= ABL "Read out LCM operating data" (ABL-DIT-S6300_00001 - Read out LCM operating data - V. It sends gear selector position, gear, gearbox oil temperature and there is a value between 0-100% for torque reduction during up shifts. Changed right rear control arms (required deflation of rear air suspension bag via OBD to remove bolt while car was The information about the CAN messages and signals was taken from the original Bosch document that I found in a forum on the Internet. 2) since my car is only hooked up when I Need something to do, all my current ncd Files are saved to pc and therefore I have no idea which of those you mentioned correspond to my saved ones because the only identification available to me (offline) is the CAFD number (and not it's Name seen in eSys). Not slipping per say, as there is no drive engagement. However, there is also an EGS code 82 - CAN timeout (ASC), and an IKE code F5 - no CAN identification (ASC). This file contains all the ZB number from this Ecu family. When I read the codes, I got the following: FB: No CAN identification There is no longer an issue (the CEL is no longer on, although the fault may not have cleared). do your research and keep updating this thread to help out others . EGS/AGS/SMG Transmission Management Faults: 13 SMG Activation, shiftlock & 72 SMG Selector lever. 3 VDC) readings seem normal. (Byte[0] - 48 = temp in C) TEMP_ENG Oil temperature. Other than when turning, the problem also sometimes occur when accelerating on 5142/not present No message, receiver EGS, trasmitter KOMBI 5F49/present DSC: Interface, instrument cluster E484/present SMBF: K-CAN line fault 94F9/present SZL FAult, fanfare horn E244/not present SZM: K-CAN line fault E247/not present SZM: K-CAN communication fault . 2 posts · Joined 2022 Add to quote; Only show this user How to load Alpina EGS SW to any 8HP70 transmission. Drives: BMW X5 F15. I´m following the "Flashing ECU Guide" step by step but am always stuck on the "Tal-Processing" menu. Hope someone can give me some advice. I would confirm by trying to connect to any PowerTrain Module: DDE, DSC, EGS (AT), EKPS (Fuel Pump). 2 get its coding from Kombi when adaptions are in instrument cluster FB kombi no can identification (EGS) open circut in GM lin bus no respond check EWS status all ok excluding starter enabled-NO strater motor blocked due P/N yes status DME wire blocked Replaced faulty EGS transmission module. G42Model Year: 2021 + -DME/EGS ISN (long or short)-Power_Class-On CAS4 if you know Remote ID or EGS isn you can put, else renew EGS with free shared EGS reset files for F series 8HP!-All CAS eeproms creating with 0KM milleage. Initial inspection revealed bad battery, broken starter, and seized engine. until the physical problems are identified & fixed, the sensor My car started not showing the speed, no rpms, high temp when it's not and limp mode. have no idea where to start. Scan shows: Kom Instrument cluster; F5-kombi: No can identification (ASC) F9-kombi: No (ASC) FB-kombi: No (EGS) F4-kombi: Cluster F5: kombi no can identification (asc) DME 82: Signal CAN ASC/DSC I was installing a headunit and was doing some other stuff while in there and had DSC button unplugged for a while with ignition on many times. Found fault in the DME and Instrument cluster fault. stauros. Car was bought at auction so not sure vehicle history. They are not connected together. 5E1F ABS-DSC: Vehicle identification number different 5E38 ABS-DSC: Rotation rate sensor Electronic Power Steering LSM/EPS 4 611B EPS: Steering angle Instrument cluster KOMBI 2 87 KOMBI: K bus F5 KOMBI: No CAN identification (ASC) Light switching centre 2 LM 3 13 LSZ2: Control-unit fault 16 LSZ2: Wire / switch, turn indic. I need the wiring diagram to verify some of the pin connections because I have a weird feeling that whoever was working on the car before may have placed some of the pins on the ECU in the wrong place. jumpstart terminals measured between 12 and 14v depending on whether or not i had a charger on it. 20d 2012, it is working perfect. I‘m planning to replace all the valves in the valve body, flush the transmission, and replace the filter, but I was wondering if anyone could offer insight into the codes or give advice on clearing more of the lights. Appreciate 0 Tweet. Quote 03-21-2015, 02:03 AM #2: Chris@codemybimmer. 5. 5) EGS 92: CAN par interface: EGS 95: CAN wheel speed: ABS-DSC 5DF4: System voltage under 9 V (not present) ABS-DSC 5DA3: Front right wheel speed sensor (not present) ABS-DSC 5DA0: Front right wheel speed sensor (present) MRS 50: Power supply: KOMBI 8F: Surge: EWS F: EWS3 control module voltage supply: ZKE 90: Battery voltage, open circuit: Update to these electrical issues on the E83 based on guidance in links. Changed right rear control arms (required deflation of rear air suspension bag via OBD to remove bolt while car was KOMBI no communication Post Reply Thread Tools: Search this Thread 04-05-2020, 12:14 PM #1: Rated M4Speed. Inconsistency with mileage on DME is on PT_CAN(1) and PT-CAN2 (redundancy) with 500kbs both. This indicates a communication fault on the BSD bus and it's Problems (E53 1st-gen, 2000-2006) 5142 No message, receiver EGS, transmitter KOMBI. KOM Instrument Cluster Faults: KOMBI F4, F6, F7, F8, FB. 2. (EGS) FC CAN Identification missing FD CAN Identification missing . Save Share EGS Can Bus Code. The dashboard does not display the gear, engine tachometer is dead, economizer, etc. I hadn't reprogrammed my DME yet and it was indicating that CAN bus fault, not a Pxxxx code but the CAN fault on the DME as it was expecting information from the EGS computer (only on automatics - that's why this is weird). Thanks Clav, this is some good info. Attached are ISTA ScreenPrints showing PT-CAN bus wiring, connectors, and Connector View for identifying Pins/Sockets to check/test. i forgot to mention i checked those cables when replacing the battery. Jump to Latest 2. In the E46 there is a CAN bus, but, not an M-Bus, no P-bus 1) Valvetronic communication CAN 2) ASC défaut bus CAN 3) KOMBI absence d'identification Après avoir eu des soucis de valvetronic, j'ai décidé de changer le capteur excentrique d'arbre à cames (j'ai acheté celui d'origine) car l'ancien était imbibé d'huile et à mis le bazar dans le système. No DSC specified nominal torque. you could also try unhooking the cluster to see if the It's almost like the transistor to output on pin 21 has a signal to turn off. When I read the codes, I got the following: FB: No CAN identification EGS 3E: No message from EGS control unit 3D: Activation, oxygen-sensor heater behind catalytic, bank 2 4F: Activation, oxygen-sensor heater behind catalytic, bank 1 37: Activation, Hello there! Trying to get a 2013 X5 iDrive 35i going and running into stiff headwinds. Attachments. I think I have them all and all fuses are good. G42Model Year: 2021 + 82 - Signal, CAN ASC 1 4A - Activation, A/C compressor Tranny: 82 - CAN timeout ASC/DSC e39 525 fault code 82 egs timeout . (Press PS/Xbox button to) Open Steam Big Picture Mode. Normally 100% but during a shift 20-30%. 14 528isee39autoandgt andlt1998 codes hidden hidden menu ike or kombi menu test test 14. Hors Ligne #4 06-09-2024 09:59:02. INSTRUMENT PANEL (KOMBI) 60- CAN Bus, Bus Offline 61- CAN: No Signal 67- CAN: Timeout KOMBI 62- CAN: ABS/ASC Signal Solution: While car was "acting up" I left the scanner connected and disconnected the tach/auxillary cluster. I do IKI --- 0x0000FB IKE: No CAN identification (EGS) --- Unknown ME72KWP1 --- 0x0000DC DME: CAN timeout, electronic transmission management (EGS/AGS) 65526 Unknown And reconnected the 40 pin connector at the transmission controller, then checked and re connected the 16 pin connector at the transmission. I was just working on it. 4. Hi. The goal is to flash it using an INPA OBDII cable and WinKFP on my desk. Discuss the problems with your X5 (E53). they look new. Une présentation est appréciée sur le forum, ça se passe ici: Présentation, merci. 6K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by thebeedubya Aug 7, 2020. They were compared with my own BMW 760Li year of construction 09/2006 model year 2007. Whenever you erase long and short vin's in 160D0WT and connect kombi to the car it copies short vin from 95320WT to 160D0WT and shows red dot and the kombi runs in a tamper proof mode, no coding is allowed at this time. After I got the car back, brake RL got stuck. I replaced everything all Customer: 2005 325I, automatic. Car is running now, but I need to fix fault code "0000BE KOMBI: Data-filing difference to central light module" in order to program the new EGS module to the car. Drives: AW F30 328i Xdrive E81 / E82 / E87 / E88Model Year: 2004 - 2011. The SZL signals go to the DSC via the F-CAN bus (see X18303 Connector View). Once I tell it to start this happens: Ive searched high and low and can't find anything about those errors. But I can't find the right document describing the Hello all, Yesterday I have coded the new feature of Launch Control to 3. 70 posts · Joined 2019 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Aug 7, 2020. My Mini R56 CAN reverse engineering, heavily based on loopbunny and HeinrichG-V12 work, supported with my own live exploratrion - PogonoR/R56_CAN_ReverseEngineering An old post with no resolution that suddenly ended I will try to help. The transmission control unit (TCM/EGS) sends one CAN ID. 11 EGS signal line disturbed, Fault currently not present and the fault has occurred at least After the engine started, I see in the diagnostics that the blocks (DSC, DME, EGS, SZL, SFZ - all after SGM/SIM on bus) on PT-CAN are falling off. To Code Launch Control: 1- Upgraded car I-STEP to 14-03-502 by flashing all modules using E-sys 2- in EGS, 3000 Applikation, Funktionen, "LC" to active 3- 1994 supra MKIV - single 76mm - bc272 cams - super spec twin plate clutch - aem v2, 1000CC ID, dual denso pump, j&s ultrasafeguard 2004 SE-R SpecV turbo - megasquirt3 j&s ultrasafeguard - SOLD seperate busses: I-Bus, K-Bus, P-Bus, M-Bus and CAN bus. t. Thanks Given: 55 Thanks Received: 118 (68 Posts) Posts: 144 Threads: 5 Joined: Aug 2015 1 02-13-2020, 08:07 AM . HIS'. faulty, receiver DME, transmitter EGS,SMG,DKG CD9E - message (transmission data 2) faulty, receiver DME, transmitter EGS,SMG,DKG missing, receiver DSC, transmitter KOMBI D379 - DSC: no message (MSA 776) E594 - no message (steering angle F30 with KOMBI and EGS in coma. Seat module, driver FAS: E444 SMFA: K-CAN line fault; Instrument cluster KOMBI : 9317 KOMBI: Internal coding-data memory Parking brake EMF : D395 No message from EGS control unit, receiver EMF, transmitter EGS/HIM ; D397 No message (terminal 30G), receiver EMF, transmitter CAS; 5142 No message, receiver EGS, transmitter Kombi 5146 Message from the driver's seat satellite missing, receiver EGS, transmitter SSFA 299B DME: Intelligent battery sensor, communication CF07 Transmission control: communication fault: PT-CAN 2909 DME: CAN tiemout, transmission control unit I'm baffled and lost. 00E104 KOMBI: K-CAN line fault 448128 yes 009322 LM: Reversing light, right, faulty 524280 yes 00E584 KBM: K-CAN Line fault 452056 yes 005150 No message from the trailer module, receiver EGS, transmitter AHM 452048 yes 005E8C Message (trailer, 0x2E4) missing, receiver DSC, transmitter AHM 452056 yes The car ran perfect until it didn't. Was able to clear. The ABS, transmission, Service Engine and a few other lights came on recently. - Looked at the + I have a big problem with my E46 330ci Year of manufacture: August 2002. I rechecked the resistances from the EGS harness from pin 21 to 38,28,26,16,7 and had 29 ohms on the EGS: Solenoid valve 1 KOMBI - 0xFB (251) IKE: No CAN identification (EGS) - 0x8D (141) IKE: EGS signal line disturbed AND cleared again successfull ! Finished 8D EGS Data lead disturbed F5 CAN Identification missing (ASC) !!!!! - Also used a code tool, and got a Can Bus code - Remebered my fog light, and reconnected it and made it so that it wouldn't fall out. PT-CAN2 ties DME to EGS (transmission) and GWS (gear selector switch). Ensiksi Hi All, I decided to do a diagnostic check with RHEINGOLD and i see 2 errors, i have cleared them but they just come back. Thanks BMW for making this easy. - once that happened (and scared the crap out of me) I decided to put remove the 2TB and revert back to the 205. Reconnect the tach, and the CAN issues come right so far, i've updated the KOMBI TEL/MULF and DME/DDE without much trouble (Note: the TEL controller took about 2 hours to update, but was successful, make sure you have the car connected to an external power supply, it will save you from stress and doubt) is EGS: GS19D (Part number 7591971) according to INPA identification page (same GS19D Problems (E53 1st-gen, 2000-2006) 5142 No message, receiver EGS, transmitter KOMBI. F4 - No CAN ID F9 - No CAN ID ASC3 F6 - No CAN ID DME1_DDE1 F7 - No CAN ID DME2_DDE2 LWS - Steering Wheel Angle 04 - 90 Degrees Difference Of Wiper Too Large (Adjustment Operation) VTG - Transfer Case 55C4 - CAN_MESSAGE_DSC1 EKP - Fuel Pump D4 - External Error: CAN-ID 0xAA (TORQUE_3) Missing F9 249 No Can message (ASC3) BF 191 internal fault, EEPROM Checksum, coding incorrect/incomplete Fuse 29 will sure cause a nonresponsive DME and EGS. thanks for your input. I am told that the IHKA codes are for some sensor on the top of the radiator Generally, the first port of call with any electrical diagnosis is to start with the Battery and check it's condition. Hi. 2/Ek924) and EGS (GS20/GD20) using WinKFP from BMW Standard Tools in Comfort Mode via the OBD port. Istahdin kuskin penkille ja ruutu joulukuusena: Transmission fault. There are NO Fault Codes from any Module on PT-CAN Bus (PowerTrain). 2006 E61 530xiT 115K VIN: WBANN73576CN00927 (had water damage, replace bunch of modules and rear fuse box), but it has been running for last 40K miles with all cleared codes. M. , sh. (Byte[1] - 48 = temp in C) ST_SW_WAUP 1= Warm-up Function active (Heating Catalytic Converters, EGS warmup) (Startbit 22, length 2) ST_RBMCYC 1= RBM cycle active (Startbit 54, length 2) ST_ENG_RUN Status Engine: 1= Engine runs (Startbit 20, length 2) So it looks DSC module contains ABS module inside. i did notice an option in bimmergeeks protool to check voltage at the JBE module and it showed 11. 1,397. bulboy Discussion starter. i don't have the clutch safety switch as you guys have it in the states so I changed out the cruise control clutch switch,. You can check at the starter for proof as to Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. EWS Vehicle immobilizer: Initially one fault "0F Voltage supply, EWS3 control module". Was able to clear F4. I cleared my 3 when I first got the car as you would clear engine codes, waiting to see them When the symptom appears, 1-2-3 has no drive torque. FB IKE No CAN Identification (Egs) F5 IKE No CAN Identification (Asc) F4 IKE No CAN Identification. "No CAN identification (DME)". 20230605_001445. 4): signal invalid. 418 miles one way. never had water inside, but it the ccc would act up all the time and i;d get weird dash lights and strange codes across multiple modules. it's a low buzz for about 5 minutes. The DDE506. 1 MB Views: 178. Hello everyone !! Long time lurker but first post hope someone can help me ! . Joined Dec 25, 2011 · 138 Posts #23 I've set LC to active in my EGS, as well as the I found a way to find my ZB from UIF in the file 'DDE506. Location: Philadelphia, PA USA. BimmerPost Supporting Vendor. 1 Due to low fule signal and instrument cluster fault. This makes me think it could be related to the ABS/DSC module, and I EGS [GS1912] | CF1E: No messages from KOMBI, receiver DCT/EGS, transmitter DSC/KOMBI EGS [GS1912] | CF14: No message (terminal status) from CAS, receiver DCT/EGS, transmitter DME-DDE/CAS JBBF [JBBF70] | C908: K-CAN wire fault CAS [CAS] | D904: K-CAN wire fault VGSG [VGSG90] | 55C3: AWD limp-home control activated. IKI --- 0x0000FB IKE: No CAN identification (EGS) --- Unknown ME72KWP1 --- 0x0000DC DME: CAN timeout, electronic transmission management (EGS/AGS) 65526 You appear to have a PT-CAN Bus communication issue. If you can get your Mechanic to carry out a Heavy Duty Discharge Test on it to determine the overall health of the - 3 days ago, after a few hours of driving, I slowed down, and then bam, the dreaded Trans Fault code. Weird problems during a 800 mile shake down drive. Add EGS as a non-Steam game. EGS 30: Conv. I have looked everywhere for alternate fuses/locations. These messages are roughly transmitted at a 100ms average update rate (while on PT-CAN it would be 10ms average). Don't really know what to do at the moment. 00E444 SMFA: K-CAN line fault 299920 No 00E484 SMBF: K-CAN line fault 299920 No 00E504 LM: K-CAN line fault 452056 yes 00E104 KOMBI: K-CAN line fault 448128 yes 009322 LM: Reversing light, right, faulty 524280 yes 00E584 KBM: K-CAN Line fault 452056 yes 009C77 IHKA: Auxiliary-water pump 452056 yes 009C78 IHKA: Washer-nozzle heating Hi everyone, i own an E46 320ci (2002) convertible and i have a spare GS8604 which i would like to flash with the Alpina BS3 FW. thebeedubya Discussion starter. After put to car milleage will retrive from KOMBI!-Write new key or if you have keyinfo just OBD swap! Checksumme tool what its that on soft? ver EGS, transmitter ICM 71104 No GSB231 --- 0xCF19C1 No message (group fault 3 - effect on driving: none): receiver EGS, transmitter KOMBI 71104 No GSB231 --- 0xCF20C1 No message (group fault 3 - effect during driving: none): recei ver EGS, transmitter CAS/FEM/JBE/FRM 71104 No CAN_ID_DEZ CAN_ID_HEX CAN_ID_NAME DIAG_ID_DEZ DIAG_ID_HEX SG_NAME 0 0x00 unbekannt 0 0x00 Sender unbekannt 949 0x3B5 Status Wasserventil [6] 120 0x78 IHKA 957 0x3BD Status Verbraucherabschaltung [2] 114 0x72 KBM 250 0xFA Steuerung Fensterheber FAT [10] 0 0x0 KGM 251 0xFB Steuerung Fensterheber BFT [5] 0 0x0 KGM 252 The car has the very basic kombi, could this be the problem? Save Share Reply Quote Like. 81 EGS: CAN timeout DME (in the transmission category) 8D IKE: EGS signal line disturbed F6 IKE: No CAN identification (DME) F7 IKE: No CAN identification (DME) F8 IKE: No CAN identification (DME) (these were in the KOMBI category) The Trans Failsafe Prog message didn't come back on restart, but the Engine Failsfafe Prog did. makkan00 · Registered. 147 0000F6 KOMBI: No CAN identification (DME) -1 0000F7 KOMBI: No CAN identification (DME) -1 0000FB KOMBI: No CAN identification (EGS) -1 0048C3 DDE: message (EGS1, 0x43F) 118520 004AA3 DDE: message (EGS2, 0x43B) 118520 00511B EGS: Coding 118520 006F59 DSC: No message (engine, 329) 118520 006F6E DSC: No message (transmission control, Re : Can absence d'identification (egs) Bonjour Zida, bienvenue . DME, KOMBI and EGS are not getting signals from wheel sensors directly. I. No errors presented when doing this at any stage, and the VO coding of EGS, ICM, and KOMBI was smooth. dat contains the new/recent ZB numbers. 5142 No message, receiver EGS, transmitter Kombi 5146 Message from the driver's seat satellite missing, receiver EGS, transmitter SSFA 299B DME: Intelligent battery sensor, communication CF07 Transmission control: communication fault: PT DME logged "002DCA No message from EGS, receiver DME, transmitter EGS/SMG/DKG". jpg. But changing the Cruise control switch doesn't That was one of the faults I had in my system during my tranny swap when I was recoding the modules. F/C. e. 9-12. 3. To the problem: My car was in a workshop a few days ago to have the tires changed + wheel alignment. this is my intro to BMW's after more than 50 years of wrenching and car ownership, and can BMW_MB REMOTE CODING. CF2101 - No message (shift paddle operation, 0x207): Receiver EGS, transmitter FEM/SZL 2. Was able I do have ISTA+ and did do the sync process successfully. FBS4 RENEW CRD3,MED17,EDC17 MGU OEM FSC,SFA,NCD2 MGU KAFAS4 RENEW. F/C EE DME: MISFIRE CYL. 0x233004: No message (0x5E0, OBD sensor, diagnostic status), receiver DM E, transmitter KOMBI 0xCDB504: No message (kilometre reading/range, 0x330), receiver DME, tra nsmitter instrument panel effect ABS: 5E19(25089) CAN DME/DDE engine torque not adjustable 5E43(24131) Steering angle sensor internal 5DA0(23968) Wheel speed sensor front right electrical faulty 5E1F(24095) PT-CAN chassis number wrong/ECU not initialized 5E16(24086) CAN timeout instrument cluster LEW: 09(009) No CAN message ASC 0B(011) Wrong LWS-ID 5142-No Message, receiver EGS, transmitter KOMBI 5144-No Message from the Car Access System, receiver EGS, transmitter CAS CF07-PT-CAN Communication fault 5146-Message from the driver's seat satellite missing, receiver EGS, transmitter SSFA 299A-CAN fault management EGS CD99-Message(torgue request EGS, 0xB5)faulty, receiver DDE, EGS/3000 Applikation -> Sportschalter_alt -> aktiv EGS/3000 Applikation -> Sportschalter -> aktiv Sport+ is activated and Works, but no signal in cluster/kombi, when Activated. KOMBI: A3AA A3AC A3B9 A3AD A3AF The selector on the gearbox switches to all positions and run. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Hooked up GT1 and short test found no fault in the EGS. Join Date: Apr 2020. 0v which fwiw my 2007 328i e93 had all kinds of weird electrical issues and i bought a cover for it and have had NO issues since which i think is strange. Rep. I picked the KOMBI at random it was the same issue for all modules (except DME/EGS). EGS [GS19B] | CF21: No message from the KOMBI, receiver DCT/EGS, transmitter DSC/KOMBI EGS [GS19B] | 51AC: Message (ID transmitter connected) from the Car Access System missing, receiver EGS , transmitter Car Access System/EGS/Sequential Manual Gearbox SMG/DCT hi deonvdw, many thanks for your Investigation )) BUT (Car is 48. I would suggest checking your ProTool documentation/ Manual for instructions on HOW to see a LIST of all Modules E81 / E82 / E87 / E88Model Year: 2004 - 2011. I don't have o-scope. See less See more Save Share first thing id do Problems (E53 1st-gen, 2000-2006) 5142 No message, receiver EGS, transmitter KOMBI. I could watch the voltage on the DME, CAS, KOMBI, CCC (Reverse Gear from FRM means FRM is NOT receiving Reverse Signal from EGS via CAN on AT Vehicle; MT has hard-wired switch; AT uses CAN BUS signal/ Message. Next week I will try it on F10. K-CAN and PT-CAN message ID are the same. I have a 2006/7 E65 that’s been acting up, shifting into park while moving in drive or reverse, and has every light lit on the dash. 00E444 SMFA: K-CAN line fault 299920 No 00E484 SMBF: K-CAN line fault 299920 No 00E504 LM: K-CAN line fault 452056 yes 00E104 KOMBI: K-CAN line fault 448128 yes 009322 LM: Reversing light, right, faulty 524280 I'm baffled and lost. Meanwhile the three trifecta lights turned on: ABS, Traction Control, BRAKE. 6 VDC) and lo (2. Open DNF Duel (you can use your mouse). EGS/SSG 103 Gearbox Overheating- Drive with Care EGS/SSG 104 Gearbox Overheating- Reduced Output EGS/SSG 105 Gearbox Overheated - Stop Vehicle EGS/SMG 168 Transmission Malfunction EGS/SMG 169 Transmission Position N EGS/SMG 170 Transmission Malfunction Reset E81 / E82 / E87 / E88Model Year: 2004 - 2011. get a loft of codes popping up. Clusters with 160D0WT and 95320WT have VIN saved in both of them. EGS: 82 (130) CAN Timeout ASC present 80 (128) CAN-Bus check present ABS: 61 (097) Steering angle adjustment necessary greyed out? (bmw scanner 1. lockup clutch, excessive slip (p0740,p2761,p0741) EGS 41: Gear monitoring 4 (limp-home program) If your car is experiencing symptoms of slipping yet you can put the car into reverse with no problem and notice the car is still shifting gears with massive slip. And I have it with I could read faults & activate items. any help 00CF14: No Message (terminal status) from CAS, receiver DKG/EGS, transmitter DME-DDE/CAS - Existent No 00D35A: No message (CAS 0x304), receiver DSC, transmitter CAS - Existent No I can't speak to the transmission fault, but for the remaining errors they're all tied to 002E7C. fwtee dptn euill fjqa yryrbbq azpmp sdt jtzhrlv igdt egegxsn wfsa xedxu yjfdxyy gjuj syuhmi