Typical mule deer Here are three typical muley bucks from the Boone and Crockett records. 1 Mule Deer?” appeared within the March 1985 situation of Out of doors Life. American Elk - Non-Typical. The record for largest non-typical mule deer ever harvested in Arizona belongs to hunter William L In fact, the provincial record for typical Mule Deer was set in 1996 and now stands at 206 points with multiple bucks surpassing the 200-inch mark each year. Additionally, a non-typical mule deer, known as the Broder Buck, from Chip Lake, Alberta, scored 355-2/8 inches. Mule deer also have striking pelage However, people typically deem those typical points because mule deer antlers are frequently forked. The mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) is a deer indigenous to western North America; it is named for its ears, which are large like those of the mule. Script: Latin . ALBERTA FISH & GAME ASSOCIATION. 2. 12 Third Point Length 12% 11. This amazing buck was taken and entered into the records program nearly 10 It was an ample supply of patience that resulted in the harvest of a potential new world’s record typical mule deer. 1 spot within the P&Y document books for 3 a long time, when it was changed by a New Mexico buck in 2009. Mule Deer - Typical. Method 17-NT For white-tailed deer with non-typical antlers. When are mule deer fawns typically born in Idaho? A: Mule deer fawns are born in May or June. Score 180 . The current top SCI Record Book score is 228 5/8 for a free-range, typical, muley deer taken in Utah. The Barcus buck held the No. com/subscription_center?add_user=lowlandmuliesMuledeercountry. Alberta produces massive mule deer Mule deer and black-tailed deer can have a maximum of five typical points to each antler. For mule deer hunting in Alberta Canada visit http://www. This amazing deer was taken and entered into the records program I Almost Discarded the Antlers My First Buck Was the Biggest Typical Mule Deer Ever Taken with a Bow. A score above 190 is in all-time record territory for typical mule deer and above 230 for non-typical. This list is based on score only so it doesn’t reflect the difference between a non typical and a typical, but to make it easy, we listed from Western Wyoming's Mule Deer are the top trophy mule deer herds in the country. Mountain Goat While typical deer antlers follow a predictable pattern, non-typical deer may sprout antlers that are irregularly shaped, oversized, or even asymmetrical. This buck, a true monarch of the Montana landscape, officially scored 207 7/8 inches on the typical mule deer scale. Happy to place that one in the Poker Flats lodge. Boone & Crockett Min. If the buck’s unofficial green Boone and Crockett score is remotely close, it could rank as the largest, free ranging Mule Deer (typical) Mule Deer (non-typical) Whitetail (typical) Whitetail (non-typical) Columbia Black-tailed Deer . As a rule, the difference in size is most noticeable in mature bucks. The length of On Saturday, May 14, Pope and Young convened a special panel of judges in Ogden, Utah for a potential world’s record typical velvet mule deer. youtube. ALL-TIME: 190. For a typical mule deer to be considered for entry in the Boone and Crockett record book, it needs to measure at least 145 inches, while non-typical mule deer require a score of at least 170 inches. Name Score Year Co. It is now the record non-typical archery mule deer record for Washington state. [41] [42] Reported mean group size measurements are three to five and typical group The Boone & Crockett club's official world record Non-Typical mule deer was taken near Chip Lake, Alberta in 1926. #sanjosetrophyhunts #muledeer #muledeerhunting #hunting #deer #buck #deerhunting #muley #sci #safariclubinternational #muledeerfoundation Typical vs. Lettering: WORLD'S FOREMOST OUTFITTER Cabela's Donate Your Deer; Report Violators; Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Hunting Regulations; Falconry; Go Outdoors KS Mobile App; E-Tagging; Fishing. By Travis Hall Sep 13, 2024. This is a feature that has been on the wishlist for a looong time now! Perhaps it's something that will also be more appreciated by our long-time The current SCI #1 typical Desert Mule Deer was hunted by Rick Lamb with a rifle in Sonora, Mexico in December of 2005. By Bill Barcus as told to Lee Kline. The title for the biggest mule deer killed in Montana belongs to the legendary Letterman Buck, a magnificent specimen taken in 2004. With all of the political turmoil in Mexico for the last few years, not many hunters have been making the trip just think of how good the mule deer hunting in Mexico is going to Headquarters Boone and Crockett Club 250 Station Drive Missoula, MT 59801 Hours and Phone. Lettering: #1 WORLD RECORD TYPICAL MULE DEER RWM KANSAS CITY KS. In this day and age this is a Bowdy Gardner’s Typical Velvet Mule Deer scored an incredible 218 2/8” and is now the largest bow-harvested Typical Velvet Mule Deer in North America. In 1943, over 80 years ago, Ray Grow caught and killed a non-typical mule deer scoring 283 4/8 inches. He had an inside Arizona Mule Deer Hunting (35) Buck Fever (71) Buck Nuts (49) Colorado Mule Deer Hunting (26) Hunt Reviews (1) Idaho Mule Deer Hunting (28) Mule Deer Facts (17) Mule Deer Fanatic Beginners (19) Mule Deer Hunting Image of mule deer head and shoulders. Unlike the related white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), which is found throughout Typical and atypical, or non-typical antlers are terms devised by hunters to score the relative size of harvest whitetail and mule deerbucks. Catch Pat Reeve from Driven TV take this monster non-typical muley with his bow on h Hersey said typical mule deer movements are 5 to 10 miles between winter and summer ranges, with the extremes being 0 and 100. The Mule Deer, scientifically known as Odocoileus hemionus, is a prominent species of deer native to western North America. What state has the biggest mule deer? Colorado is widely regarded as the top mule deer destination, and has produced more record mule deer than any other state. in Dolores County, Colorado in 1972. 22 Fourth Point Length 12% 4. Your starting location does not SCI's Master Measurer Chris Emery shows you how to score a non-typical mule deer on SCI's 18NT score sheet. The typical mature whitetail buck in the Midwest might weigh around 200 pounds, whereas mature mule deer bucks in the Rocky Mountain region can easily exceed 250 pounds. com presents the "mule It’s official: Nevada bowhunter Frank Cheeney now holds the world record for largest typical mule deer ever taken with a bow. Another record mule deer reigns in Washington state. Killed in The world record typical mule deer scored 226 4/8 inches and was harvested by Doug Burris, Jr. Weekdays 9 a. Rocky Mountain Elk (typical) Rocky Mountain Elk (non-typical) Canada Moose . A non-typical whitetail must have a minimum score of 155 inches for entry. They are 3. The vast and diversified habitat in Alberta offers the traveling hunter a myriad of choices Headquarters Boone and Crockett Club 250 Station Drive Missoula, MT 59801 Hours and Phone. Multi Our objective was to characterize and demonstrate the variation in migratory behaviors of mule deer, including typical migration as well as any atypical Arizona bowhunter Greg Krogh unleashed an arrow Aug. The typical mule deer stands about 31 to 42 inches tall at the shoulders and ranges from 3. 98 Circ. What is the typical lifespan of a mule deer in the wild? A: Mule deer live up to 9-11 years in the wild and longer in captivity (20+ years). Imagine a deer with an antler resembling a gnarled tree branch or a twisted vine – that’s what you might see on a A: As of 2022, there were an estimated 253,000 mule deer in Idaho. ADVERTISEMENT. Please find below examples of whitetail deer shoulder mounts, pedestal deer mounts, euro mounts and lifesize deer mounts including mule deer mounts, coues deer mounts, sitka deer mounts and velvet deer mounts, I have completed. A typical mature whitetail buck in the Midwest might weigh around 200 pounds, whereas a mature mule deer buck in the Rocky Mountains often surpasses 250 pounds. This weight difference is often reflected in their overall size as well. 4% were dual-range migrants, who made one round-trip to one distinct range. This buck is owned by Cabela’s, Inc. Mule Deer - Non-Typical The World's Record non-typical mule deer, taken in Alberta, Canada, is regarded as one of North America's greatest trophy heads, recognition it deserves having held the top spot for more than 90 years. MAIN BEAM AND POINT LENGTHS. 24 Main Beam Length 26% 23. 52 Circ. 9 to 6. Little did Mule Deer (Typical) 190: Mule Deer (Non-Typical) 230: Pronghorn: 82: Rocky Mountain Goat: 50: California Bighorn Sheep: 180* Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep: 180: Desert Bighorn Sheep: 168 * The Boone and Crockett Club recognize California Bighorns as Rocky Mountain Bighorns Nevada State Records. MINIMUM SCORES. Alberta Min. Score 145 . 96 Circ. What makes the story even more intriguing is Bear Cougar Elk (Typical) Elk (Non-Typical) Mule Deer (Typical) Mule Deer (Non-Typical) Pronghorn Rocky Mountain Goat California Bighorn Sheep Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep What does Mule Deer Eat? Mule Deer are herbivores, primarily feeding on plants, leaves, and shrubs. “I’m afraid it’s all downhill from here,” he joked. All of the rumors about a massive die off were completely accurate. Adults weigh anywhere from about 100 lbs for a female up to Mule deer’s defining characteristic are their large ears, which are about three-fourths the length of the head. This is a considerable difference in mass. Reverse. The difference between the scoring of a typical and a non-typical The typical mule deer is about 31 to 42 inches tall at the shoulders. At this time, the Barcus’ buck is the fifth largest typical mule deer taken with a bow on document. As a member of the Cervidae family, which includes other deer 4. m. Headquarters Boone and Crockett Club 250 Station Drive Missoula, MT 59801 Hours and Phone. The difference between the scoring of a typical and a non-typical The Legend of the Letterman Buck: Montana’s Biggest Mule Deer. 7. Category Nevada State Records; Black Bear: Dating back to the late 1800s, these are the top five typical and non-typical mule deer in the Boone & Crockett books. We have a high buck-to-doe ratio, outstanding genetics and the age class necessary for trophy The World's Record non-typical mule deer, taken in Alberta, Canada, is regarded as one of North America's greatest trophy heads, recognition it deserves having held the top spot for more than 90 years. While many people have caught jaw-dropping mule deer, they Mule deer and black-tailed deer antlers vary in size depending on a number of factors. Answer key #1 World's Record Typical Gross score Bowdy Gardner’s typical velvet mule deer scored 218 2/8 inches and is now the largest bow-harvested typical velvet mule deer in North America. 9. Adult weights vary from about 100 lbs for a female up to 300 lbs for a male. I think it’s fair to say that we lost 60-80 percent of the Wyoming Range mule deer herd to mortality About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Every trophy-class buck has a story behind it, but one state record is backed by a sordid tale of crime, greed, and celebrity. Mating Habits. ; 300 6 points A typical mule deer stands between 31 to 42 inches tall at the shoulders, with a body length ranging from 3. “I’ve never heard of a mule deer east of the Mississippi River,” Hersey said. Where to Fish; Reports and Forecasts; ARCHERY NON-TYPICAL (Mule) KANSAS TOP 20 DEER RECORDS. So, what exactly do we mean by symmetry in mule deer antlers? In a typical rack, symmetry refers to the mirrored image of Four deer standing next to each other, showcasing the world record B-typical mule deer. On his first three hunts, he took three nice mule deer bucks (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) that any hunter would be proud to hang over their mantle. Mule deer are normally more typical We put together a gallery of the highest scoring typical and non-typical mule deer to ever be entered into the Boone and Crockett record books. Roosevelt's and Tule Elk. Having observed this buck on many occasions and knowing the buck’s home range was particularly thick cover—“as thick as dog hair”—veteran Arizona bowhunter John McClendon knew his best chance would be to carefully hunt the buck over a In fact, Colorado recorded the harvest of the all-time largest typical mule deer in 1972. Support: [email protected] TYPICAL MULE DEER . 6. ; 100 A Longer Range Take a Mule Deer buck from at least 47. to 4 p. Two subspecies of mule deer are grouped into the black-tailed deer. abhunting. of Harvest Dean Hamilton, Healy, KS 269 0/8 1989 Lane David Bainter, Trophy size for Rocky Mountain mule deer varies. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Here are some frequently asked questions that will further illuminate the subject of mule deer antler spread: 1. It’s estimated since state game and fish agencies don’t keep track of the points on a deer, that half of the wild whitetail population falls into each category. A non-typical deer however, must reach or exceed a substantial 230 inches. Non-Typical Mule Deer. Roosevelt's Elk . This treestand location is AMAZING! My first time ever hunting from this treestand and it finally happened, a Non Typical Mule Deer came marching in out of t I'm trying to learn different sizes of mule deer. 150ft. (Note: A flexible steel cable can be used to measure points and main beams only. I can create custom unique artwork and realistic design on the pedestal mount backing. . In the fall of 1996, Steve Stayner was cruising the rimrock Doug Burris traveled from San Antonio, Texas to hunt mulies in Colorado's San Juan National Forest in 1972 and ended up killing what is still the number one typical mule deer Mule deer, (Odocoileus hemionus), a medium-sized, gregarious deer of western North America that derives its name from its large ears. at Smallest Place Between 1st and 2nd Point 5% 3. 52m (approx. Official Scoring Form. Longhunter Society Min Abnormal points are generally considered to be those non-typical in shape or location. Cheeney shot the monster buck on Aug. Bowdy Gardner’s typical velvet mule deer scored an incredible 218 2/8” and is Trophy Non-Typical Mule Deer buck from HooCairs scoring 418. ) This video features a 230 & 204 Typical Mule deer tagged at the same treestand within minutes of each other. Several bucks scoring in excess of 240 Boone and Crockett points have been taken in the past few years. 542. 9 feet long from nose to tail. Introduction Mule Deer can be found throughout the entire map of Logger's Point as well as in all of the lower regions of Timbergold Trails. Understanding the Size Differences Body Size and Weight. First Non-Typical in a long time. It is very important, in scoring non-typical heads, to determine which points are to be classed as normal and which This story, “Bowhunting’s No. Adults weigh anywhere from about 100 lbs for a female up to 5. Joined Oct 7, 2015 Messages 1,677 As 2024 draws to a close, we’re taking a closer look at the deer that stood out. 4 in Culberson County. These are seven of the biggest and baddest whitetail bucks featured in OL this deer season, and ones we’ll surely remember as we head Big mule deer from many decades to our present time. This was Fife’s first animal killed with a bow. Four typical tines, including one typical brow tine or eye guard 3, plus the beam tip. Mountain Caribou. The 2023 mule deer season was worse than we expected it to be. I'm not particularly interested for myself of what the exact score is before shooting, but recognizing general sizes. If the typical brow tine (T-1) is absent (it often is), there can be . The Pope and Young Club accepts typical scores greater than 145 points and non A bow hunter bagged a world record non-typical mule deer that the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation described as a “deer of a lifetime. , began hunting Colorado's Dolores County area in 1969. 8 at a huge typical mule deer while hunting in central Nevada. Rank Score Points R Points County: Category: Season: Score: Hunter: PointsLeft: PointsRight: InsideSpread: DateOfKill: Select: Cimarron: Typical Elk: Muzzleloader: 295 5/8: James Newman: 6: 7: In the world of mule deer scoring, these elements can make or break an impressive rack. Any interested in posting a picture of their buck(s) with the score, typical or non? Jul 26, 2017 #2 teej89 Well-known member. Don’t feel dismayed if your deer doesn’t hit these marks. ” Dennis Bennett took the buck in the Arm River region of Entry into the Boone and Crockett record book requires a typical mule deer to tally a minimum of 190 inches. How close can you get to each rack’s final score? Photos courtesy of the Boone and Crockett Club. 2 Non-Typical Mule Deer; 4. Many of the best typicals Alberta has The typical mule deer is about 31 to 42 inches tall at the shoulders. In the summer, mule deer are tannish Named for their large, mule-like ears, Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are indigenous to western North America and can be grouped into two subspecies of black-tailed deer. 37 First Point Length 2% 17. Cabela's logo. A typical mule deer buck will have a main beam that is at least 50% longer than a black-tailed buck of Mission Objectives Gm$ Hints First Mule Deer Harvest a Mule Deer buck. What is the oldest mule deer ever recorded? The oldest mule deer aged by Matson’s Laboratory was 20 years old, an anomaly compared to typical lifespans. 6924 – 104 STREET. This beautiful buck was a 5×5 and had main beams that measured 26 7/8″ & 25 7/8″ respectively. The Letterman Buck stands atop the record book for typical mule deer bucks for the state of Montana. While the physical size of whitetails varies depending on location, they are generally shorter and less bulky, further emphasizing the difference in size when they are side by side. http://www. Method 18-NT For mule deer and black-tailed deer Doug Burris, Jr. Score 190 . Today, Colorado’s monsters of the 20th century have slightly diminished in popularity. 9 feet. 382. 1888. Method 18-T For mule deer and black-tailed deer with typical antlers. Fife, a teacher at Naches Valley High School, Huge 200” class typical mule deer at Tabiquito Ranch!! . Hersey, a native of Pennsylvania, said Wisconsin doesn’t feature typical mule deer habitat. Plains Bison. Our recommendation Scoring Your Trophy: typical mule deer. Typical mule deer: 226 4/8, killed in Dolores County, Colorado (1972) Non-typical elk: 478 5/8, killed in Richfield, Utah by Denny Austad (2008) Typical elk: 442 5/8, killed in Arizona by Alonzo What is considered a “trophy” mule deer? A trophy mule deer buck is generally defined by its antler size, measured using a scoring system like that of the Boone and Crockett or Pope and Young Clubs. What size mule deer is considered a trophy? For a typical whitetail, meaning the antlers are symmetrical, the minimum score is 125 inches. Non-Typical Mule Deer - Official Scoring Form; Non-Typical Mule Deer - Official Scoring Form . In the family of Cervidae (hoofed ruminant mammals) that live in North America, which include all species of deer and elk, records of legal Method 17-T For white-tailed deer with typical antlers. Average Typical Mule Deer % Of Score 25. A typical mule deer has to tape out at 145 inches or greater, while a non-typical muley is eligible at 170 inches. Throughout the gallery we Hard to believe that this is Arizona’s only typical mule deer in the top ten, but check it out yourself at Big Game Records LIVE. 13, 2016, while hunting with his son, Aaron, in southeastern Nevada. The provincial record for typical mule deer was set in 1996 and now stands at 206 points. Pope & Young Min. What is the world record for a typical mule deer? The world record for a typical mule deer, according to the B&C, is 226 4/8 inches. SUBSCRIBE for more great outdoor videos added weekly. 3 Non-Typical Blacktail Deer; Introduction from the Developers. AWARDS: 180. The mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) is a deer indigenous to western North America; it is named for its ears, which are large like those of the mule. Support: [email protected] Bear Cougar Elk (Typical) Elk (Non-Typical) Mule Deer (Typical) Mule Deer (Non-Typical) Pronghorn Rocky Mountain Goat California Bighorn Sheep Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Desert Bighorn Sheep. 12 Second Point Length 18% 11. As a big game animal, mule deer garner trophies for the complexity and size of their antlers, per guidelines set by the Boone and Crockett Club. at Smallest Place Between Burr and 1st Point 5% 4. 77 Spread Credit 12% 2. Mule Deer typically mate in the fall, with Dropped a non-typical mule deer. 8. 406. I Almost Discarded the Antlers. The minimum score for an exceptional mule deer buck is The World's Record non-typical mule deer, taken in Alberta, Canada, is regarded as one of North America's greatest trophy heads, recognition it deserves having held the top spot for more than 90 years. And while many scoring hurdles remain, the Krogh buck appears headed for bowhunting's mule-deer George wanted a truly big mule deer, and boy did he get one!It officially scores 205 0/8 P&Y and exceeds the previous world record typical mule deer that was taken in Colorado in 1979 which scores 203 1/8. Their complex stomachs enable them to efficiently digest fibrous plant material. Support: [email protected] This is a short clip of an outstanding Non Typical Mule Deer! This Buck would probably make the Boone and Crockett Record Book. #thehunterclassic #thehuntercallofthewild #expans The Boone and Crockett Mule Deer Minimum is the minimum score a mule deer must reach in order to qualify for the Boone and Crockett Awards Program. Explore deer artwork and hunting drawings for more inspiration. ); 200 More Points Harvest a Mule Deer buck with at least 6 typical points. Typically, scores above 145 points are indicative of a trophy mule deer buck. All measurements must be made with a 1/4-inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one-eighth of an inch. at Smallest Place We classified 1218 movement trajectories from 722 adult female mule deer, and found that 54. They have a distinctive black forehead, or mask, that contrasts with a light gray face. The beast scored 226 4/8 inches. However, people typically deem those typical points because mule deer antlers are frequently forked. Typical and Non-Typical Symmetry. EDMONTON, Many non-typical mule deer display exceptionally wide spreads; thus, the Measurer must watch for this situation to occur. com. . Greg Simons of San Angelo with his outstanding non-typical mule deer buck taken Nov. 1 2. oplpfzotnwkvzpkpwmflfyljpynjunnrizzizmcftdzmjghecckfvxhkioyhzwiuaawinugryptnqvofqtr