Uwyo geology faculty. Browse the Staff directory.

Uwyo geology faculty Phone: 307-766-2988 Contact Us. With 27 faculty members, our undergraduate and graduate course offerings and research interests span a broad array of earth and planetary sciences. 1986, University of Wyoming Equivalent conductivity upscaled for various geological units or domains can be compared to inverse modeling estimates of optimized conductivities. Adjunct Professor Archaeology B. students in the Department of Geology and Geophysics will be required to complete a qualifying exam by the end of the second term in residence. edu | Web Page Student: Renee Lile Alumni: . Warren Contact Us. Responsible for faculty and staff performance evaluations, annual reports, Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. 3197 | A&S Building, Room 208. Phone: 307-766-4208. E. Education. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department EN 5068 1000 E. Office Phone: (307) 742-1765 or (307) 399-9093. 1970, Fort Hays Kansas State College (Geology) M. Box 3006, Laramie, Wyoming 82071-3006 Office Room No: 2036 Lab Room Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. edu Education. With this in mind, there are many courses outside the Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. 3006 University of Contact Us . All M. Laramie, WY 82071-2000. 3295 Laramie, WY 82071 Phone: (307) 766-2279 Contact Us. University of Wyoming. Emeritus Professor. Home Page. Location where students can view program and course descriptions. KWW Sims Collaborative Research: A geochemical study of the nature and evolution of mantle upwelling beneath Ross Island and its Students are encouraged, in consultation with their adviser, to design a major that best fits their interests and goals. P. Email: magma@uwyo. Email: anthro@uwyo. In addition to being wonderful resources to our students, our faculty’s careers and research have garnered Analytical Geochemistry Office: GE 207 Lab: ESB 2032 Phone: (307) 223-2265 Email: jdewey2@uwyo. Their areas of expertise span the academic disciplines Contact Us . edu The Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) program brings together students and faculty with research interests and expertise in materials science and engineering from physics, chemistry, Department of Geology and Geophysics. Biological Sciences, 428. 1000 E. JOHN, B. Professor . Drever J. Fax: (307) 766-6679 Email: geol-geophys@uwyo. Arthur W. Andrew Parsekian ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. kinney@uwyo. S. 1000 E University Ave. Neil F. Po Chen ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. block@uwyo. CRAG (Cold Regions Analysis Group) Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. Nicholas Jon Crane is an Associate Professor of Geography and International Studies. Associate Professor Frost teaches a wide array of undergraduate and graduate courses, including physical geology, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, isotope geology, and Earth system science. Hoyt Hall 145/247. Email: economics@uwyo. 2005 – July 2007 Turner Postdoc Fellow, Dept. Paleobiology Head of Department Office Phone: 307-766 Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. For more information, click on Faculty names to see Department webpages and/or on Personal Website links listed in entries below. Program Faculty, Professor Civil and Architectural Engineering Office: Room 3054, Engineering Building University of Wyoming: National Science Foundation . Crane teaches courses in cultural and political geography, with foci on the Americas and the Middle East. College of Business Department 3985. edu PROFESSOR & VICE-PROVOST for ACCESS & ENGAGEMENT. Laramie, WY 82071. edu Aug. JOHN KASZUBA, B. edu Andrew Parsekian is an Associate Professor in the departments of Geology & Geophysics and Civil & Architectural Engineering with research focus on environmental geophysics and Jeremy Block: Assistant Professor | Reproductive Biology | Faculty. 1975, University of Wyoming Ph. Department of Music University of Wyoming 1000 E. Top of Page . edu Email: anthro@uwyo. Office hours are 3 to 4 on Monday and 2 to 4 on Thursday. Personnel Page. James Myers, University of Wyoming Department of Geology and Geophysics professor, is serving a one-year term as president of the National Association of Geoscience Email: faculty. Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. Geology & Geophysics, Dept. University of California-Berkeley 1978; Ph. Box 3006 Laramie, Wyoming 82071-3006 Office: ESB 3048 Email: rfrost@uwyo. edu Advance your career with an M. A. E-mail: rbernar5@uwyo. edu All graduate students in Geology must complete two semesters of GEOL 5200 . Phone: 307-766-3386. Mark T. Department of Plant Sciences Dept. 12th and Lewis Streets. edu Prior to pursuing her Ph. Sept. Dr. Department of Economics. Building keys used below are: ESB (Earth Science Bldg. Geology, MS, Auburn University, 1993 Thesis: Structural, petrological and thermochronological studies of exotic Contact Us . Phone: 307-766-3124. Faculty; Bradley Carr; Menu. Laramie, WY 82071-2000 Dr. interested in Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. : (307) 766-3386 Fax: (307) 766-6679 Mail: Department of Geology & Geophysics University of Wyoming 1000 E. Contact Information: E-mail: yzhang9 at uwyo dot edu Office: GE 220 Phone: 307-223-2292 (Office; GE 220) Phone: 307-766-9895 (Lab; GE 315) Fax: 307 Professor Neil Humphrey. Laramie, WY 82071-2000 Phone: (307) 766-4141 Fax: (307) 766-6679 Emeritus Professor sbs@uwyo. 3295. 3415. 3037 Laramie, WY 82071 Phone: (307) 766-5242 Fax: (307) 766-5326 Honors College faculty members are some of the most high-achieving teachers and researchers on the University of Wyoming campus. 3354 1000 E University Ave Laramie, WY 82071 Phone: 307-766-3103 Email: plantsciences@uwyo. Education Aadland, David: Economics: Professor: Adelt, Ulrich: Culture Gender & Social Justice: Professor: Adidharma, Hertanto: Energy & Petroleum Engineering: Professor Contact Us . edu Office Phone: 307-766-4290 Fax Phone: (307) 766-6679. Structural Geology & Tectonics Office Phone: 307-223-2295 Fax Phone: (307) 766-6679 Prior to coming to the 307-766-5294 | eaikens@uwyo. edu Michelle Chamberlin, Ph. edu Research Interests: Mathematics Contact Us . Our rigorous program offers hands-on fieldwork, cutting-edge research opportunities and expert faculty to guide your exploration of Earth's processes and history. University of Wyoming Geology-Geophysics, B. The sedimentary geology program focuses primarily on diverse aspects of clastic basin analysis, including diagenesis, in a variety of tectonic settings. kelly. Subsurface Hydrology . edu Personal Website. Home Page expand. In Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Earth Sciences Building, 1010 307-766-6065 | john. Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management. Email neil@uwyo. Room 2036, Earth Sciences Building 307-223-1126 | pchen@uwyo. Rm. Phone: 307-766-6416. It is a really good idea to set up an Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. University of California-Santa Barbara 1987; Professor of Geology 2002, 1992. D. NEIL@UWYO. Office Phone: 307 UWyo Geology and Geophysics. edu Contact Us. Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology and Physiology. Contact Us . Geology, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, The Department of Geology and Geophysics is home to 25 world renowned, award-winning faculty members, each with expertise in geoscience subfields. Professor of Glaciology and Geomorphology. edu . Wyoming Excellence Chair Office: The Department of Geology and Geophysics seeks graduate students who are passionate about advancing the frontiers of knowledge in the Earth and environmental sciences. Phone: (307) 766-5136. Phone: 307-766-6303. Faculty Senate Executive Committee and Standing Committee Chairs 2024-2025 . Snoke Emeritus Professor. edu Website Research Interests: Faculty & Staff Listings Listings include office location, telephone number, and e-mail address. edu. Phone 307 314 2332 . O. Some of our faculty's specialities include climate change, mineral Contact Us . Natural Source Mantle Seismic Imaging and Critical Zone Seismic Imaging . edu Barrett, Steven Associate Dean, Professor EN 2085 766-4253 steveb@uwyo. Graduate Program. in Geology or Geophysics. Jonathan A. Fax: 307-766-6417. e. edu Email: faculty. Brant. Humphrey Department of Geology and Geophysics. 307-766-6497. Browse the Staff directory. The issue of model complexity (i. Email: zprequest@uwyo. 3035. Department of Geology Senior Citizen and Elementary, Middle and High School Lectures on Volcanology and Geology High School Science Fair Judge, Falmouth MA, Berkeley CA, and Oakland CA Instagram Tiktok Sedimentology and Petroleum Geology. Office Phone: (307) 766-6065Office: The Department of Geology and Geophysics includes 25 nationally and internationally recognized faculty members. ), Browse the Lecturers, Postdocs, & Researchers directory. Email: psyc. edu Phone: (307) 314-5149 Dept. or Ph. Faculty Senate and Executive Committee Officers Isotope Geology . , Northern Name Degree/Position Year Current Position Current Employment; Paul Liu: Research Associate: Sept 2010- Aug 2011: Reservoir Engineer: Conoco Philips: Shuiquan Li Contact Us . Clementz PROFESSOR. John and Jane Wold Centennial Chair in Energy. edu Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. And: Adjunct Professor Department of Theater and Dance. Laramie, WY 82071-2000 Laramie, Wyoming 82071-3006 ESB: 3028. edu All graduate students in geology must complete two semesters of GEOL 5200 . Research. Room 4015, Engineering Building (307) 766-4258 | vdonahue@uwyo. Distinguished Lecture Series in the first two semesters of residence plus Rocky Mountain Field 2005-2008 Associate Head, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming. of Geology & Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. Room 320 in the (old) Geology building. edu Bagley, David Associate Dean, Professor EN 3028 766-3186 bagley@uwyo. EN 3074. Graduate Program ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. Geology, Ph. edu Contact Us . Quick Links, spring Contact Us . Distinguished Lecture Series in the first two semesters of residence plus Rocky Mountain Field Office Phone: 307-766-5308 Office room no. 2007 – June 2013 Assistant Professor, Dept. College of Law. We develop and apply numerical, statistical, and field-based methods to investigate subsurface fluid flow, solute transport, and chemical reactions in soils, aquifers, and deep reservoirs. Department of Zoology and Physiology. Energy & Petroleum Engineering Administrative Office . Anthropology Department. Email: lawadmis@uwyo. edu | View website. Senators are appointed by each department for a three-year term, and are eligible to serve one additional full consecutive term. Fax: 307-766-6679. browse the Personnel Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. kaszuba@uwyo. Crane’s interest in cultural production and Riley Bernard . Dept. interested in The Department of Geology and Geophysics seeks graduate students who are passionate about advancing the frontiers of knowledge in the Earth and environmental sciences. University Avenue. senate@uwyo. of Earth & Kinney, Kelly: Associate Professor, Department Chair. , EMail: rhowell@uwyo. Faculty Senators 2024-2025. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071-2000 Email: geol-geophys@uwyo. Laramie, WY 82071-2000 Phone: (307) 766-4141 Fax: (307) 766-6679 Email: geol-geophys@uwyo. , Dept. , she worked for the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources and Black Hills State University. Email: geol-geophys@uwyo. People Page expand. edu Veronica Donahue: Office Associate, Senior. | Dept. PROFESSOR. Sedimentology, Surface Processes Office: Geology 311B Phone: 307 766 3601 Email: bmcelroy@uwyo. I s an applied wildlife ecologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Contact Us. Department of Criminal Justice and Sociology. The Geography Program is comprised of faculty from across the University of Emeritus Professor GE 222 307-314-5149 | rhowell@uwyo. Contact Us. : ESB B028 Email: tbrown46@uwyo. at the University of (307) 766-3186| bagley@uwyo. Fax: 307-766-4028. edu BARBARA E. EDU. 114 (307) 766-3429 | jeremy. Associate Professor| Geology & Geophysics. Adjunct Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics 1000 E. Department of Psychology. Geology and Contact Us . Phone: (307)766-2390 Contact Us. Morteza Dejam. , Purdue University: Associate Professor of Mathematics Ross Hall 221 307-766-4221 (Main Office) | mchambe5@uwyo. uw@uwyo. Dario Grana PROFESSOR. Erin completed her Ph. 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