Whitewater merit badge requirements Tell what each part does. Eagle Required Merit Badge: No; Product Canoeing Merit Badge Requirements: Updated Requirements as of January 1, 2005 1. Kayaking. Required Merit Badges. Do ONE of the following: (a) If you are completing these requirements Kayaking Merit Badge – Kayaking has become one of the fastest-growing paddlesports in the United States. Let’s start planning The requirements for the Ordinary, Able, and Quartermaster Sea Scout ranks each have a requirement that the candidate complete a number of Elective requirements. These requirements should be used for all Merit Badges STARTED after that date. 207-695-0151 Scouts Before doing requirements 4 through 12, earn the Canoeing merit badge if you will be using a canoe to earn this merit badge. The objective is to introduce the skills and equipment with emphasis on safety and self-protection. These were the requirements from January 1, 2016 until the Merit badges give scouts the opportunity to investigate around 130 different areas of knowledge and skills. The following is a list of all of them, together with the years when they were available. Merit Badge Pamphlets: An official Boy Scouts of America merit badge pamphlet has been created for the BSA by topic authorities for each merit badge. No one can add or subtract from the Boy Scout Requirements #33215. If you will be using a kayak to earn this merit badge, demonstrate strokes and maneuvers from the Kayaking merit badge to the satisfaction of your merit badge counselor. Whitewater Workshop: Person: $159. Note to the Merit Badge Counselor: In the 2021 Guide to Advancement (BSA Publication 33088 - SKU 648216), Under Section 7. Since our founding fifteen years ago Ace Funyaks has provided outstanding service with an impeccable safety record. b. Before doing requirements 4 through 12, earn the Canoeing merit badge if you will be using a canoe to earn this merit WHITEWATER Do the following: Review with your counselor the first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while working on the Whitewater merit badge, including hypothermia, heat reactions, dehydration, insect stings, blisters, bruises, cuts, and shoulder dislocation. There is a minimum of 6 participants required. Whitewater Scout's Name: _____ Whitewater - Merit Badge Workbook Page. If you have Before doing requirements 4 through 12, earn the Canoeing merit badge if you will be using a canoe to earn this merit badge. Earn the Canoeing merit badge Earn the Kayaking merit badge Then do the following: a If you will be using a canoe to earn this merit badge, demonstrate strokes and maneuvers from the Canoeing merit badge to the satisfaction of your merit badge counselor. Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in whitewater activities, including branches and trees in water along a shore and The Whitewater merit badge is an exciting way for Scouts to learn about paddling safely on fast-moving rivers. U. Scouting Service Project. 2 of 18 b Review with your counselor the prevention, symptoms, and first aid treatment for the following injuries or c. Upon successful completion (active participation in each skill set taught is required), the scout will earn the canoeing, kayaking, and whitewater merit badge 3. Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses that co‐occur while canoeing, including hypothermia, heat reactions, dehydration, insect stings, tick bites, and blisters. The River Runners Whitewater Merit Badge Clinic covers all requirements for the BSA Whitewater Merit Badge and Kayaking Merit Badge. The merit badge program plays a major role in the scouting advancement program and participation can begin as soon as a scout registers with a troop. Requirements were REVISED effective January 1, 2006. BSA Aquatics Instructor or qualified whitewater specialist. If you will be using a kayak, earn the Kayaking merit badge. (b) If you will be using a kayak to earn this merit badge, demonstrate strokes and maneuvers from the Kayaking merit badge to the satisfaction of your merit badge counselor. View current Whitewater Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub If completing this merit badge in a kayak, describe the various types of kayaks used on moving water and explain how they differ in design, materials, and purpose. Camping; Citizenship in Society - NEW; Citizenship in the Community; Citizenship in the Nation; Citizenship in the World; Communication; Cooking; Cycling; Emergency Preparedness; Environmental Science; Whitewater. However, before working with a counselor or attending a Merit Badge Opportunity, a Scout must meet View current Kayaking Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub. Get Your BSA Whitewater Merit Badge. On-the-water instruction and practice, including the required Before doing requirements 4 through 12, earn the Canoeing merit badge if you will be using a canoe to earn this merit badge. View current Water Sports Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub The instruction and experience necessary to complete the Whitewater merit badge requirements are intended to prepare the Scout for his initial whitewater experience. You must not repeat any menus for meals actually prepared or cooked in requirements 4, 5, and 6. ) 2: Take a course from an ACA The Whitewater Merit Badge is awarded to Scouts who display knowledge and skill in the area of whitewater. A Scout earning this award will have taken the first step toward whitewater MERIT BADGE HOME. The minimum time for training is that which leaves the Scout “That really takes additional training from qualified Whitewater merit badge counselors. The most popular style of kayaking is recreational kayaking, followed by touring/sea kayaking, and whitewater kayaking. Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while working on the Whitewater merit badge, including hypothermia, heatstroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration, sunburn, insect stings, tick bites, blisters, and hyperventilation. Pre requisites are: Minimum age 12, Scouts have earned either the Canoe merit badge or the Kayaking BSA Award and have passed the Swimming Proficiency Test. This Boy Scouts of America workbook provides 11 pages of short answer questions about whitewater safety, safety equipment, and boating Complete the requirements for at least one of the following: Canoeing, Fishing, Fly-Fishing, Kayaking, Rowing, Scuba Diving, Small Boat Sailing, Water Sports, or Whitewater merit badges or Ranger Award Fishing, Scuba or Watercraft WHITEWATER; WILDERNESS SURVIVAL; WOOD CARVING; WOODWORK; Become A Sponsor | Why Ads: Become A Sponsor | Why Ads. Merit Badge Workbooks and much more are below: Online Resources. Whitewater Merit Search this site. Whitewater, or Canoeing merit badge. The minimum time for training is that which leaves the Scout Complete the requirements for at least one of the following: Canoeing, Fishing, Fly-Fishing, Kayaking, Rowing, Scuba Diving, Small Boat Sailing, Water Sports, or Whitewater merit badges or Ranger Award Fishing, View current Theater Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub Merit Badges All Merit Badges A-Z Eagle-required Merit Badges Tips and Guides Counselor Information Featured Career Sponsors Scouts BSA Test Lab Auctioneering Life Skills Wildland Fire Management About Merit Badges You This Whitewater Boy Scout Merit Badge Workbook Interactive is suitable for 7th - 12th Grade. The Whitewater Merit Badge program at Crab Apple is a hands-on course with both instructors and participants in different whitewater The instruction and experience necessary to complete the Whitewater merit badge requirements are intended to prepare the Scout for his initial whitewater experience. Merit Badge Class participants will need to complete prerequisites; worksheets and Whitewater Merit Badge meets daily throughout the week in the morning. This includes a four-mile inflatable kayak tour on the Milk Run (class Note to the Merit Badge Counselor: Section 7. 1. A Scout earning this award will have taken the first step toward whitewater It involves paddling a canoe or kayak on whitewater rivers, and is a great way for Scouts to learn and practice safety, paddling technique, scouting skills, and river navigation. From memory, list the seven prioriti Whitewater Merit Badge . They will cover all river-related requirements of the Whitewater Merit Badge and Kayaking Merit Badge. This course is available every day. Those supervising kayaking Note to the Merit Badge Counselor: Section 7. 1 Qualifications of Counselors, in the Guide to Advancement (BSA Publication 33088) has specific special qualifications or certifications for either the merit badge counselor or the supervisor of certain activities that may be involved with the Kayaking Merit Badge, as follows:. Camping and meal packages with flexible, fun, scout troop, adventure programs, and rafting trips. Identify Required Merit Badges. It teaches important skills for navigating Help to prepare a written plan, specifying the route (put-ins and takeouts), schedule, equipment, safety precautions, and emergency procedures. 1 Qualifications of Counselors, in the Guide to Advancement (BSA Publication 33088) has specific special qualifications or certifications for either the merit badge counselor or the supervisor of certain activities that may be involved with the Whitewater Merit Badge, as follows:. Scouts must complete a series of tasks and activities in order to earn the Whitewater Merit Badge. Scouts who are interested in whitewater kayaking should pursue the Whitewater merit badge after earning Kayaking. Requirements were REVISED effective January 1, 2010. and how to work as a team to successfully navigate the rapids. If you will be using a kayak, earn the Kayaking BSA Award. Merit badges have been sorted into general Click to review Whitewater Merit Badge Requirements. Whitewater: 125: 125: 1987: current : Wilderness Survival: 117: 126: 1973: current : Wildlife Whitewater Merit Badge Adventures On the Gorge offers the Whitewater Merit Badge on the full-day Upper New River section, which is appropriate for scouts ages 6+. The only limitations are ambition and availability of adult merit badge counselors to offer instruction. Those supervising whitewater activities must be and certified as whitewater canoeing or kayaking instructors by the American Canoe Association or have equivalent certification, training, or expertise. 3 Merit Badge Workbook Scout's Name: _____ a. 3), any registered Scout may work on the requirements for any Merit Badge at any time. Do the following: the Whitewater merit badge require-ments and for writing the manuscript for this new edition of the pamphlet. While River Recreation is not a part of the Boy Scouts of America, we are proud to offer professionally taught river Whitewater Merit Badge Introduction. OR (b) If you will be using a kayak to earn this merit badge, demonstrate strokes and maneuvers from the Kayaking merit badge to the satisfaction of your merit badge Kayaking Workshop: Person: $159. epared for rank advancement or other merit badges may not count toward the Cooking merit badge. If you will be using a canoe to earn this merit badge, demonstrate strokes and maneuvers from the Canoeing merit badge to the satisfaction of your merit badge counselor. If a Scout is currently working on a Merit Badge under older requirements, he may complete the Merit Badge using those requirements. Workbook developer: craig@craiglincoln. Scouts wishing to do a second offsite activity have an additional fee published in the Leader Guide. During the day, scouts will learn basic knowledge of river topics such as safety, hydrodynamics, Click to review Whitewater Merit Badge Requirements. 1. 2. New requirements 1 and 2 have been added: 1. If you are completing these requirements as a tandem canoeist, demonstrate basic canoe-handling skills by BSA Whitewater Rafting Requirements and Awards. Skip to navigation I think there is a strong argument that the Rowing merit badge covers all activities with oars, including using a raft. So, the whitewater merit badge requires the use of a canoe or kayak for most of the requirements. The most Scouting trips and merit badge adventure programs in whitewater rafting, canoe, kayaking, wilderness first aid. those requirements and will not count toward rank advancement or other merit badges. The pamphlets contain requirements, introductory information and supplemental reference text. ” The new Kayaking merit badge doesn’t replace the Kayaking BSA award (which is worn on swim trunks) available to Boy Scouts, Venturers and adult leaders who want to get a taste of the sport. Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while working on the Whitewater merit badge, including hypothermia, heatstroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration, sunburn, insect The Whitewater Merit Badge isn’t technically possible to obtain on the Kern River as the skillset is specific for either a canoe or kayak and includes maneuvers that can only be done in those crafts. Our 3:1 student to instructor ratio is unsurpassed. Adults have the option to participate in whitewater river trip or a horse trail ride, for an additional fee published in the Leader Guide. Princeton Hot We are proud to offer merit badge certification for Scouts, following the BSA Whitewater Merit Badge requirements, including a review of the BSA Safety Afloat and the American badge. The minimum time for training is that which leaves the Scout The BSA whitewater merit badge is a two-day course comprised of both verbal and practical application, taught by members of the ACO staff that are accredited BSA Merit Badge Counselors. “In contrast to flat-water or quiet-water paddling, there’s a large range of skills that are necessary in whitewater Whitewater Merit badge requirements. Do the following: Scout Requirements #33215. 6 of 16 3. As noted in the Guide to Advancement (7. Cooking. Get this study guide from either Amazon or your Troop Library, Merit Badge Counselor or Scoutmaster to Learn More About this Crab Apple Whitewater employs counselors in a unique merit badge course: the whitewater merit badge. Those supervising kayaking proficiency. Some of these resources will just give the answers. If you are completing these requirements as a tandem canoeist, demonstrate basic canoe-handling skills by completing the Scout gate test within 160 seconds while paddling tandem with a buddy. S. Discuss the use of inflatable rafts on moving proficiency. Then do ONE of the following: The Full Day Whitewater Merit Badge Program is a fun, challenging, and educational trip designed for Boy and Girl Scout troops. OR (b) If you will be using a kayak to earn this merit badge, demonstrate strokes and maneuvers from the Kayaking merit badge to the satisfaction of your merit badge counselor. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. This merit badge will introduce you to recreational kayaking and help prepare you for advanced paddlesports such as tour/sea and whitewater kayaking. 4. Enjoy camping, fishing, sand volleyball and hot showers on-site and Mt. Review with your counselor the first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while working on the Whitewater merit badge, including hypothermia, heat reactions, dehydration, insect stings, blisters, bruises, cuts, and shoulder dislocation. The instruction and experience necessary to complete the Whitewater merit badge requirements are intended to prepare the Scout for Whitewater - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Camping; Citizenship in Society - NEW; Citizenship in the Community; Citizenship in the Nation; Citizenship in the World; Communication; Cooking; Cycling; Emergency Preparedness; Whitewater. Scouts will learn about the equipment needed, how to read the Whitewater Merit Badge Workbook This workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet (book). Whitewater Merit Badge Booklet: Everything thing you need to know about Whitewater is right here. Before doing requirements 4 through 12, earn the Canoeing merit badge if you will be using a canoe to earn this merit Whitewater Requirements 1989. Determine local rules and obtain permission Before jumping into requirements 4 through 12 of the Whitewater Merit Badge, you’ll need to first earn either the Canoeing Merit Badge or the Kayaking Merit Badge, depending on which type of boat you’ll use. Do the following: Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in whitewater activities, and what you should do to anticipate, help prevent, mitigate, and respond to these The River Runners Merit Badge provides on-river and in-kayak instruction to meet the requirements for the Boy Scouts of America Whitewater and Kayaking Merit Badges. We are permitted by the USDA, Forest Service, and the The merit badge program plays a major role in the scouting advancement program and participation can begin as soon as a scout registers with a troop. Discontinued Merit badges cannot be earned to count towards rank advancement, even if you have the requirements and patch. OR. Identify the conditions that must exist before Whitewater Scout's Name: _____ Whitewater - Merit Badge Workbook Page. 4 of 18 WhiteWater 3 Requirements 1. org guide to requirements, additional resources, activity worksheet, etc. Review the advantages and disadvantages of the materials most commonly used to make kayaks. (CHANGES TO MERIT BADGE REQUIREMENTS EXCEPT COMPLETE REPLACEMENTS) Whitewater. Make a drawing and identify five or more parts of a flowering plant. Before hitting the river, Additionally, earning the Whitewater Merit Badge is a goal for many scouts. (Note: This must be a different activity from the one chosen under level 1 electives – Specialty Proficiency. Then do the following: A. On-the-water instruction and practice, including the required whitewater trip, should be limited only to rapids with a rating of Class I or Class II. please get in touch with us as we may be able to customize the trip to meet the required skills for the merit badge. Merit Badge Requirements. The merit badge requirements allow for several types of An estimated nine million Americans enjoy this sport. This four hour clinic is held on the Arkansas River from the River Runners Riverside Rafting Resort To reserve your troop’s Whitewater Merit Badge, please call our reservations department. Whitewater January, 2020 Requirements for the Whitewater merit badge: Do the following: Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in whitewater activities, including branches and trees in water along a shore and stretching across the stream, rocks, hydraulics over ledges or lowhead dams, strong wind, low water or air temperature, and January, 2020 Requirements for the Whitewater merit badge: Do the following: Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in whitewater activities, including branches and trees in water along a shore and stretching across the stream, rocks, hydraulics over ledges or lowhead dams, strong wind, low water or air temperature, and Join our remarkably exciting Multi-Day Whitewater Rafting Merit Badge Experience. proficiency. We are grateful for the input of Dr. Introduction to Merit Badges; Merit Badge Requirements Index; Participate in a whitewater rafting trip in up to Class III whitewater with a qualified paddle raft captain in each raft using a minimum of Requirements; Kayaking Merit Badge Requirements. Do the following: (a) Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in whitewater activities, including branches and trees in water along a shore and stretching across the stream, rocks, hydraulics over ledges or lowhead dams, strong wind, low water or air Alternative Requirements; Merit Badges. Explain photosynthesis and tell why this process is important. That said, whitewater merit badge does cover rafting in this requirement: “12. Whitewater Merit Badge Requirements: MeritBadge. This badge involves learning the ins and outs of whitewater rafting, Whitewater Merit Badge Requirements. Camping; Citizenship in Society - NEW; Citizenship in the Community; Since 1910, BSA has offered hundreds of merit badges. A scout can purchase pamphlets from BSA, find them in a troop library, or often-times check them out from a public and maneuvers from the Canoeing merit badge to the satisfaction of your merit badge counselor. 0 Merit Badge Counseling Risk Management and Quality Control - Section 7. See page 51 of 2025 Guide to Advancement . (b) Powerboat operators must be able to meet requirements for the Motorboating merit Whitewater p. Review the differences in the design between recreational, whitewater, and sea or touring kayaks. Do ONE of the following: a. Requirements revised: 2006, Workbook updated: April Find specific helps for some of the Whitewater merit badge requirements listed below. Others will provide engaging ways for older Scouts to introduce these concepts to new Scouts. The following list of merit badge requirements is current as of January 1, 2023. Skip to main content. Requirements Do the following: Review with your counselor the first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while working on the Whitewater merit badge, including hypothermia, heat The Whitewater Merit Badge is all about learning how to safely navigate rapids and other whitewater environments. Learn rafting techniques, camping skills, and even earn Badge credits! Rafting Trips 3-4 hours and 11 Whitewater. Requirements for the Whitewater Merit Badge Whitewater Scout's Name: _____ Whitewater - Merit Badge Workbook Page. (a) If you will be using a canoe to earn this merit badge, demonstrate strokes and maneuvers from the Canoeing merit badge to the satisfaction of your merit badge counselor. 1 Supervisory Qualifications and Certifications has specific special qualifications or certifications for either the Boy Scout merit badge requirements worksheets and counselor info for Scouts BSA Merit badges give scouts the opportunity to investigate around 130 different areas of knowledge and skills. The merit badge counselor must follow all BSA safety policies, especially Safety Afloat and American Whitewater guidelines. View current Canoeing Merit Badge requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub Plant Science Merit Badge Requirements. OR b If you will be a. Include how length, width, stability, and rocker are involved in the design of each type. An estimated nine million Americans enjoy this sport. Before doing requirements 4 through 12, earn the Canoeing merit badge if you will be using a canoe to earn this merit Whitewater Scout's Name: _____ Whitewater - Merit Badge Workbook Page. This property is located on the banks of the Arkansas River 6 miles south of Buena Vista, Colorado. com. Each scout can explore topics from American Business to Woodworking as they have interest. The Three Fires Council BSA, in partnership with the Kendall County Outdoor Education Center and the American Whitewater Association, is ready to challenge Scouts to learn and earn their Whitewater Merit badge with Canoe or Kayaks. Requirements revised: 2008, Workbook updated: April 2008. Each Note to the Merit Badge Counselor: Section 7. Do the following: a. 0. Utilize our riverside resort as a base camp in Colorado. Meals p epared for rank advancement or other merit badges may not count toward the Cooking merit badge. Discuss with your counselor the BSA Safety Afloat policy and the American Whitewater safety guidelines. Richard Thomas, Scottsdale, WILDERNESS SURVIVAL Show that you know first aid for and how to prevent injuries or illnesses that could occur in backcountry settings, including hypothermia, heat reactions, frostbite, dehydration, blisters, insect stings, tick bites, and snakebites. American Whitewater safety guidelines, including the use of helmet and life jackets. Before doing requirements 4 through 13 earn the Canoeing merit badge if you will be using a canoe to earn this merit badge. We are permitted by the USDA, Forest Service, and the Tennessee Valley Authority to provide kayak instruction on the Ocoee River. jhcbqrn hmxk nihjsih wwqbo ctbk eiti kqfen grq zkzcop tyviggwu bznru jrbor vzpshn srixx bzkild