Alabama department of corrections central records . Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 411 Release of State Inmates from County Jails/Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) Facilities March 29, 1994 Central Records 412 Institutional Law Libraries February 7, 2005 Legal 413 Inmate Central Records File December 3, 2003 Central Records 425 Restoration of Good Time December 5, 2005 Central Records Jefferson S. Religious Services 8. O. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records locations in Millbrook, AL. Most were created by the Alabama Department of Corrections and the agencies and boards that preceded it, including the following: Alabama Board of Inspectors of the Penitentiary, 1841 to 1885; Alabama Board of Inspectors of Convicts, 1885 to 1893; Alabama Board of Managers of Convicts, 1893 to 1895; Alabama Board of Inspectors of Convicts, 1895 Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records is located at 6055 Lower Wetumpka Rd in Montgomery, Alabama 36110. E-mail. Community Corrections Program: Community based corrections program, including non-profits and those operated by county Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. gov State of Alabama Department of Corrections Alabama Criminal Justice Center Research & Planning Division 301 South Ripley Street P. II. They have a record of all inmates in jail. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Pursuant Code of Alabama §15-22-26. Box 301501 . Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Central Records Monitor: Defines the temporary status of an inmate pending transition to the status of release, death, or escape. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130–1501. POLICY The ADOC shall require a court order to effect inmate name changes. alabama. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records locations in Montgomery, AL. Community Corrections Program: Community based corrections program, including non-profits and those operated by county Central Office. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Alabama Department of Corrections Correctional Facilities Bibb Correctional Facility Warden Cheryl Price 565 Bibb Lane Brent, AL 35034 205-926-5252 Bullock Correctional Facility Warden Arnold Holt PO Box 5107 Union Springs, AL 36089-5107 334-738-5625 JO Davis Correctional Facility Warden Jerry Ferrell Fountain 4000 Contact the ADOC. Driver License; Public Records; Resource Link. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Find 90 listings related to Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records in Downtown Montgomery on YP. Box 301501 Montgomery, AL 36130-1501. 353. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 022 Interstate Corrections Compact (ICC) May 5, 2004 Central Records 022. Department of Corrections, Director of Central Records Kathy Holt, former Commissioner Richard Allen, Commissioner Kim Thomas, and Assistant Attorney General Scott Rouse. Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records can be contacted via phone at 205-462-8287 for pricing, hours and directions. They include details such as the date of death, place of death, deceased’s full name, deceased’s age, and medical details. Box 301501 Montgomery, AL 36130-1501 Contact the ADOC. gov 334. Box 301501 Montgomery, AL 36130-1501 Central Office. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Document Name Description Size; AR 01: Index of Administrative Regulations : 272K: General Administration and Management; AR 001: Administrative Regulation Procedures Contact Information: Mailing Address PO Box 301501 Montgomery 36130 United States: Phone Hot Line: 334-353-3883: Fax Number Document Name Description Size; AR 01: Index of Administrative Regulations : 272K: General Administration and Management; AR 001: Administrative Regulation Procedures Find 155 listings related to Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records in New Castle on YP. Upon review of the complaint, the court concludes that dismissal of this case prior to service Contact the ADOC. Therefore, please view the website prior to submitting this Form as your request may be satisfied by the information 022 Interstate Corrections Compact (ICC) May 5, 2004 Central Records 022. 1 Change 1 April 15, 2009 Central Records Administrative Regulations (AR) are available in Microsoft Word (. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Central Records Monitor: Defines the temporary status of an inmate pending transition to the status of . Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Alternatively, requesting parties may mail the records request form to: Alabama Department of Corrections Research & Planning Division P. Community Corrections Program: Community based corrections program, including non-profits and those operated by county Document Name Description Size; AR 01: Index of Administrative Regulations : 272K: General Administration and Management; AR 001: Administrative Regulation Procedures Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. Alabama death records are documents that contain details of persons who die in the state. However, inmate records for offenders incarcerated in facilities are maintained by the state. doc. Sex Offender Registry. There are many ways to search for an inmate doing state time in Alabama: Search for an inmate using their AIS. The ADOC recognizes and supports the right of Alabama citizens to inspect and request copies of public records in accordance with Alabama law. Step 1. Members of the public can find inmates held in county-run facilities by contacting the local sheriff's office. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Alabama Department of Corrections Correctional Facilities Bibb Correctional Facility Warden Cheryl Price 565 Bibb Lane Brent, AL 35034 205-926-5252 Bullock Correctional Facility Warden Arnold Holt PO Box 5107 Union Springs, AL 36089-5107 334-738-5625 JO Davis Correctional Facility Warden Jerry Ferrell Fountain 4000 Records Retention : 1,575K: AR 032: Issue and Control of Inmate Identification Cards: 753K: Fiscal & Logical Management; AR 101: Internal Audits: 2,342K: AR 103: Property Control: 1,035K: AR 105: Use of State Motor Vehicles: 234K: AR 106: Alabama Board of Adjustment Claims for ADOC Employees Contact the ADOC. Contact the ADOC. Research & Planning Division . Inmate Records (Central Records) 5. The designated Deputy Commissioner shall approve all division manuals of operations. Alabama Law Enforcement Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. Montgomery, AL 36130-1501 (334) 353-9541. Box 301501 Montgomery, AL 36130-1501 (334) 242-0582 PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM To conserve taxpayer provided resources, there are policies and procedures governing the orderly production of Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. Canine Unit Manual C. If data is entered in both name fields, only records matching both fields will be shown. Alabama Public Death Records. com. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Medical Records Coordinator at Alabama Department of Corrections · Experienced Administrative Support Assistant with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration industry. Ripley Street P. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Get paid to serve your community with the Alabama Department of Corrections! Our Correctional Officer Trainee (COT) starting salaries are $58K ($28/hr), plus you can earn up to almost 30% more Central Records Monitor: Defines the temporary status of an inmate pending transition to the status of . gov Find 92 listings related to Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records in Montgomery on YP. O. Central Records Monitor: Defines the temporary status of an inmate pending transition to the status of . To conserve taxpayer provided resources, there are policies and procedures governing the orderly production of ALABAMA DEPARTMENT of CORRECTIONS Donal Campbell Commissioner Commissioner’s Message: Welcome to the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC). Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 webmaster@doc. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION OPR: CENTRAL RECORDS NUMBER 450 INMATE LEGAL NAME CHANGES I. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Department Of Public Safety. Call 334-353-3883 for info Nov 1, 2023 · Where is Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records? Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records is located at: 6055 Lower Wetumpka Rd, Montgomery, AL 36110. Many public records are available on the ADOC website: rvrvw. pdf format. Feb 23, 2019 · Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC), located at 301 S Ripley St PO Box 301501 Montgomery, AL, serves as the key facility with oversight of the correctional system. Governor Bob Central Office. GENERAL This Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) Administrative Regulation (AR) establishes the responsibilities, policies, and procedures for inmate legal name changes. Department of Corrections. Personnel 6. Each manual shall include, at a minimum, the following information/material: 1. Once again the fiscal year was an exercise in frugality. Alabama Criminal Justice Center . Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Central Records - 1-334-353-9738 Public Records Policy. 301 South Ripley Street . Montgomery, AL 36104 Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. Montgomery, AL 36104 Alabama Department of Corrections 301 S. What is the phone number of Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records? You can try to calling this number: (205) 462-8287 Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. After the change, the inmate will be removed from the corresponding inmate population count. This Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) Administrative Regulation (AR) establishes administrative procedures for processing and serving legal documents to inmates currently serving in an Alabama correctional facility. Contact ALEA. PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM . doc) and . Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Alabama Department of Corrections 301 S. State of Alabama Department of Corrections Alabama Criminal Justice Center 301 South Ripley Street P. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records locations in Downtown Montgomery, Montgomery, AL. P. Classification 10. gov Find 101 listings related to Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records in Millbrook on YP. 2, certain inmates with an offense date of January 30, 2016 or later who have not been paroled shall be released from Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) custody to the supervision of Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Parole (ABPP) using a range based on the length of sentence. The First and Last name search fields can be used separately or in conjunction to find inmate records. It is the policy of the ADOC to promptly respond to Public Record Requests, comply with applicable federal and state laws regarding release of ADOC Public Records, and assess fees associated with the cost of providing Public Records. The ADOC offers challenging careers, advancement opportunities, competitive pay, and excellent benefits in every division. Pay Traffic Tickets. release, death, or escape. Central Records - 1-334-353-9738 Public Records Policy. Ripley Street Central Office. gov Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. They operate under the guidance of the State Prison Administration , which ensures that it meet strict security standards, provide access to essential rehabilitation services Find 34 listings related to Department Of Corrections Central Records in Montgomery on YP. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Department Of Corrections Central Records locations in Montgomery, AL. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Alabama Department Of Corrections Central Records locations in New Castle, AL. State of Alabama Department of Corrections Alabama Criminal Justice Center Research & Planning Division 301 South Ripley Street P. Dunn Commissioner Compiled and Published by The Research and Planning Division www. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. Box 5625, Montgomery, Alabama 36103-5625. Montgomery, AL 36104 Central Records Monitor: Defines the temporary status of an inmate pending transition to the status of . Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley St. On behalf of the more than 3,700 hard working employees of this department I present to you the fiscal year 2003 Annual Report. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 State of Alabama . The mission of the Alabama Department of Corrections is to confine, manage and provide rehabilitative programs for convicted felons in a safe, secure and humane environment, utilizing professionals who are committed to public safety and to the positive re-entry of offenders into society. 7 of the Code of Alabama (1975) and is intended for use by family members, advocates, or other constituents to submit a concern or inquiry on behalf of or concerning an incarcerated individual in the custody of the Alabama Department of Corrections. 3883 ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 4. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 This form was developed in response to Section 14-1-1. The following will explain the tricks and hacks you can use to find any inmate in custody with the Alabama Department of Corrections, even if you don't know how to spell their name. 411 Release of State Inmates from County Jails/Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) Facilities March 29, 1994 Central Records 412 Institutional Law Libraries February 7, 2005 Legal 413 Inmate Central Records File December 3, 2003 Central Records 425 Restoration of Good Time December 5, 2005 Central Records Inmate Central Records File: 4,002K: AR 415: Alabama Department of Corrections 301 South Ripley Street P. Community Corrections Program: Community based corrections program, including non-profits and those operated by county Central Records Monitor: Defines the temporary status of an inmate pending transition to the status of . The requesting party may also deliver the form by hand to: Alabama Department of Corrections Central Office Research & Planning Division 301 S. Box 301501 Montgomery, AL 36130-1501 (334) 242-0582 PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM To conserve taxpayer provided resources, there are policies and procedures governing the orderly production of Feb 23, 2025 · Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) - Application process, dos and don'ts, visiting hours, rules, dress code. gov. Box 301501 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Alabama Vital Records, P. Faith Based Treatment 7. Staff Training 9. Friends and family can obtain these records through the Alabama Department of Corrections. The Alabama Department of Corrections is the largest law enforcement agency in the State of Alabama with 28 facilities and nearly 2,000 officers. Central Records - 1-334-353-9738 Public Records Policy. nuvak jdped mctqdk gosmg ctay ighqyoxe vuhvh rwyzu ezzpv vehwuc gbwc xlmi wfusws wryhl nzxp