City of kenosha clerk. City of Kenosha Code of General Ordinances 29.
City of kenosha clerk , Room 104, Kenosha, WI 53140. wi. Voters turn out in the rain for Election Day in Kenosha Election Day Kathy Becker poll worker In the city, vote at the Kenosha City Clerk’s office, 625 52nd Street, Kenosha WI. 00 late fee if it is after March 31st and the cat is 5 months or older and has been in the City of Kenosha for more than 30 days. Mail: Tax payments may be mailed to the City Clerk’s Office at 625 52nd St. 45-4-221-364-0300 Town of Paris. Average salary. 00 PLEASE NOTE: Add a $5. ‒ Mayor David Bogdala has announced the Home Kenosha - Affordable Living, Neighborhood Revival Program, a transformative initiative designed to increase affordable homeownership opportunities and reinvigorate neighborhoods across the city. The City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office is reminding residents about the procedures for absentee, early and election day voting for the Partisan Primary Election next month. org Document Center. 00 New Renewal If Not Spayed/Not Neutered: $35. John M. Municipal Court is in session every weekday morning from 8:30 a. Once you apply, almost all communication regarding the status of your application will be sent to the email address used to create your account from [email protected] or [email protected] . City of Kenosha salary trends based on salaries posted anonymously by City of Kenosha employees. be obtained from the Kenosha County Clerk, 1010 56th St. – The City of Kenosha has declared a winter snow emergency beginning noon Wednesday (February 12) until 7 a. Around 9:30 a. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City Clerk’s office anticipates a higher number than usual of voters wishing to avoid large crowds at the polling place, and opting to vote absentee by mail. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function. org Public Works Department 262-653-4050 publicworks@kenosha. org www. 4020 KENOSHA – With a goal of easing financial hardship to citizens who have lost their employment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City Council voted unanimously on Monday, April 20 to allow individuals who need to renew their bartender’s license to file their Feb 24, 2025 · The Kenosha City Council hired a new city development director and a clerk-treasurer Monday night, but not without contentions over issues of leadership, experience and diversity. org Contest KENOSHA – The City Of Kenosha is excited to announce the first annual “I Voted” Sticker for local students grades 4K-12. 00 late fee if it is after March 31st and the dog is 5 months or older and has been in the City of Kenosha for more than 30 days. The Kenosha City Clerk and Treasurer’s Office has been advised that a voter registration mailing has been sent to 2,861 City of Kenosha residents, which contains an older version of the Wisconsin voter registration application. to 4: . The City Plan Division will notify all affected owners within the attachment area, as well as the Police and Fire Departments and Joint Services of the action taken by the City of Kenosha Absentee Ballots and Early Voting for April 4, 2023 Election FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 20, 2023 For further information contact: City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office – Elections 625 52nd Street, Room 104 Kenosha, WI 53140 262-653-4020 elections@kenosha. The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Contact the Office of the Clerk - Treasurer if you are unsure your payment went through, or if you have any questions or concerns: [email protected] or 262. _____ Rule 7 Objection Filing (A) Objection Forms. The next working day following the last day for the filing of nomination Kenosha Water Utility 262-653-4314 kenoshawater@kenosha. , Kenosha. until noon. org Learn about the County Clerk, her responsibilities, and all she does for Kenosha County. See the Kenosha City Clerk’s official Spring Election 2025 Press Release for additional information. With the assistance of the Kenosha County Medical Examiner’s Office and a forensic odonatologist, the woman has been identified as 18-year-old Kayla Sobczak of Kenosha. 0307, Wisconsin Statutes, City of Kenosha, Village of Somers/Town of Paris, State Approved Cooperative Plan, 12610 60th Street, Parcel no. org KENOSHA - The Presidential and General Election will take place on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. 00 Average salaries for City of Kenosha Clerk: [salary]. org | KENOSHA. Time: 10:00 a. The deadline to request a ballot by mail is 5 p. Applications may be found on the city web site: www. 98%) No: Sep 24, 2024 · Mail your request to: City Clerk, 625 52nd St. Room 105, Kenosha, WI 53140 | T: 262. City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office 625 52nd Street Kenosha, WI 53140 262-653-4020 elections@kenosha. U. – Kenosha Police are investigating after two people were found deceased inside a vehicle on the city’s north side Friday morning. (of the code of general ordinances) for the City of Kenosha, Regarding the Recycling of Bulky Solid Waste and Automobile Waste Tires. City Clerks office offers options for tax payments FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 17, 2020 For further information contact: City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office 625 52nd Street, Room 105 Kenosha, WI 53140 262-653-4020 KENOSHA – Citizens are encouraged to consider using an alternate method to make their tax payments instead of paying in-person at Jan 18, 2022 · The City Council vote 15-0 Tuesday night in special session to hire retired City Clerk-Treasurer Debra Salas, whose last name is now Gimler, in an interim role following the resignation of Matt seal the official municipal seal of the city of kenosha, wisconsin. City of Kenosha Code of General Ordinances 29. They are considered to be liens against the property and are due from the property itself; regardless of ownership. City Clerk/Treasurer | 625 52nd St. org Mailing Address Change - Assessor 262-653-4480 assessor@kenosha. S. org KENOSHA – The Fall Election will take place on Tuesday, November 8 Seq No First Name Last Name Profession Email Phone; 1. 05(3)(a), (4)(b), 8. Learn about the Clerk of Circuit County Courts and all of the departments that the clerk manages. on Tues-day, January 7, 2025. Antaramian, Mayor Debra L. gov to make the request that your ballot be sent to you. Regular Meeting. NOTICE – CITY OF KENOSHA OFFICECanvassersOF THE CITY CLERK In accordance with Sections 7. If a voter has moved from their voting residence or is not registered, they can register on myvote. 653. View Michelle Nelson, WCMC’s City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office – Elections 625 52nd Street, Room 104 Kenosha, WI 53140 262-653-4020 elections@kenosha. To prevent damage to chipping equipment, residents are asked to please remove all tree bags, ornaments, tree stands, holiday lights, nails and other metal objects, and place them in trash receptacles provided at each drop-off site. Org or MyVote. , Room 105 Kenosha WI 53140. Location: City Hall -- Council Chamber -- Chicago, Illinois. • All voted ballots must be received in the City Clerk’s office by 8 pm on City of Kenosha 2022 tax bills have been mailed. 00 ☺ Student - $45. In Partnership With Allegra Kenosha Options for paying City taxes FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 8, 2021 For further information contact: City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office 625 52nd Street, Room 105 Kenosha, WI 53140 262-653-4020 KENOSHA – Citizens are encouraged to consider paying their City property taxes online, as the easiest and most efficient way to make payments, according to CITY OF KENOSHA DOG LICENSE APPLICATION City Clerk 625 52nd Street Kenosha, WI 53140* 262-653-4020 cityclerk kenosha. ORG DOG & CAT LICENSE CLKPET (rev. , on Election Day from 7 a. Visit Kenosha. 00: Alyssa City Clerk’s Office 625 52nd St. • Fax your request to City Clerk, 262-653-4023. Kenosha City Clerk Treasurer · Experience: City of Kenosha · Education: University of Wisconsin-Parkside · Location: Kenosha · 146 connections on LinkedIn. org the City Clerk. mail: Send payments addressed to: City Clerk-Treasurer, 625 52nd Street, Room 105, Kenosha, WI 53140; Pay by check or money order only (payable to City of Kenosha); Write your phone number on KENOSHA, Wis. Ordinance by the Mayor – To Amend Subsections 5. The City Clerk-Treasurer’s Office launched our Absentee In-Person: City Hall - 625 52nd St. , Kenosha: Tuesday, March 18, 2025: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM City Clerk/Treasurer December 13, 2019 To: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council C: City Administrator From: Debra L. Rugg attained the rank Army Sergeant E-5 while serving from June 1963 to June 1966. 1010 56th Street • Kenosha, WI 53140. , Kenosha, WI 53140 Email your request to elections@kenosha. kenosha. Kenosha residents wishing to be considered to serve on a City Board or Commission may submit an application using the form below. WI. kenoshawater. Explore CITY OF KENOSHA Clerk salaries in Kenosha, WI collected directly from employees and jobs on Indeed. com. “I Voted” Sticker Contest Information City Clerk Small Business Development Center (SBDC) 262-653-4020 / 625 52nd St, Kenosha Rm 105 800-940-7232 / 8600 Sheridan Rd, Kenosha www. Seq No First Name Last Name Profession Email Phone; 1. 21-39. ChiCityClerk. 00: Christina: Oppenneer: Deputy City Clerk & Treasurer: coppenneer@kenosha. Due to holiday dates this year, City Hall, as well as the City Clerk CITY OF KENOSHA DOG LICENSE APPLICATION City Clerk 625 52nd Street Kenosha WI 53140 262-653-4020 cityclerk kenosha. Vote Early In Person Early Voting will be held in Room 104 of the Municipal Building, 625 52nd Street: Tuesday, July 26: 8 a. STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTEREST ADM100 (rev. KCE received many tips asking about the ethics of this. 4/19/18 To find your polling place location call the City Clerk at 262-653-4020 or visit myvote. On roll call, the following members of the Common Council were 1 day ago · Kenosha, Wis. org or send a request to City Clerk, 625 52nd Street, Kenosha, WI 53140. – February 8, 2025, marks a momentous milestone as the City of Kenosha celebrates its 175th anniversary, 1850 - 2025. 10(2) (a), (5), 8. 21 – 1st Tuesday in January Wednesday, January 3, 2024 Deadline (4:30 p. Residents will not be able to vote or register to vote at City City Clerk/Treasurer | 625 52nd St. gov Kenosha Area Business Alliance 262-605-1100 / 5500 6th Ave, Ste 200, Kenosha the Assessor's Office and the City Clerk's Office. Submit entries in-person or by mail to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall located at 625 52nd St. Arbet Farm, LLC, Property Owner) Approved: John M. org KENOSHA – The Partisan Primary Election will take place on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. Kenosha Water Utility 262-653-4314 www. United States. 04 C. 00: Alyssa: Padjen: Kenosha, WI 53140. 00 ☺ Regular - $60. County Directory Listing. Email your request to elections@kenosha. • On-line at myvote. on the Thursday before election Collected trees will be chipped and used as mulch in City of Kenosha parks. Date: Wednesday, April 16th, 2025. • Mail your request to City Clerk, 625-52nd Street, Room 105, Kenosha, WI 53140. In the city, vote at the Kenosha City Clerk’s office, 625 52nd Street, Kenosha WI. Include a copy of acceptable photo ID. ORG BAR / RESTAURANT STORE / GAS STATION – The State of Wisconsin and the City of Kenosha announce the sale of approximately 240 acres of land northwest of Interstate 94 and Highway 142 to Microsoft. ️ From the City of Kenosha: The Presidential and General Election will take place on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Seventy-Five percent of the cases that are heard are traffic related while the remaining twenty-five percent involve city ordinance violations. Clerk. A qualified elector is any U. , 5. (Kenosha 156 Holdings, LLC) (District 16) (Also referred to CP) A. Antaramian, Mayor Attest: Michelle L. on March 18th. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p. , officers alerted dispatch to a suspicious vehicle in the 1000 block of 48th Street. 00* PLEASE NOTE: City of Kenosha Polling Places rev. Salas, City Clerk/Treasurer Subject: Appointment of Election Officials – 2020 through 2021 Dear Mayor and Members of Common Council: Attached is a list of election official nominations for the 2020-2021 term. Towing Service, Page 1 City Clerk/Treasurer | 625 52nd St. Residents will not be able to vote or register to vote at City Oct 30, 2024 · Voters may return their absentee ballot in person at the City Clerk’s Office, 625 52nd St. Objection forms shall be provided by the Assessor's Office free of charge. 01/16) This form must be filed with the City of Kenosha City Clerk/Treasurer, Room 105, 625 - 52nd Street, Kenosha. Last Name First Name Middle Initial home kenosha - affordable living, neighborhood revival program Department Leadership Tim Casey Director of City Development 625 - 52nd Street Room 308 Kenosha, WI 53140 262. Gov for more information regarding the Spring Election. Outside the City, check your municipality’s web site for information on when and where you can early vote. 00 if not the fee is 35. org KENOSHA – The Spring Election will take place on Tuesday, April located at 6821 156th Avenue. Friday (February 14) and is reminding residents that parking is prohibited on all City streets during this time. City Clerk – Licenses Public Record Request Form; Special Assessment Review Form; Sexual Offender Residency Restrictions Proximity Map; Special Assessment and Charges; Special assessment and special charges are levied for improvements made and services provided to real property. gov Ward Polling Place State Senate Assembly Feb 18, 2025 · request to vote an absentee ballot to their municipal clerk. 69. Job Title. org (262) 653-4026: 2. Salas, City Clerk KENOSHA MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROOM 200 June 20th, 2016 At a meeting of the Common Council held this evening, His Honor, acting Mayor Curt Wilson presided. NELSON City Clerk & Treasurer 625 - 52nd Street Room 105 Kenosha, WI 53140 262. 119 h. 02/17) CITY ORDINANCE 14. 1 day ago · For further assistance, contact the city clerk’s office at elections@kenosha. Nelson, City Clerk-Treasurer Passed: January 4, 2023 Published: January 9 1 day ago · For further assistance, contact the city clerk’s office at elections@kenosha. , Kenosha, WI 53140 Note: City of Kenosha has expanded their availability for in-person absentee voting for the November 5, 2024, General Election 8:00 am to 7:00 pm - Tue - Fri - October 22-25, 2024 8:00 am to 5:00 pm - Sat - October 26, 2024 The City Clerk/Treasurer will also record the attachment ordinance with the Kenosha County Register of Deeds and file a copy with the Clerk of any affected school district. 8. 4020 | Email: cityclerk@kenosha. The community was originally called Southport, but became Kenosha in 1850 when it broke off from Racine County. The next working day following the last day for the filing of nomination @City_of_Kenosha WE WISH YOU A SAFE & HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON HOLIDAY HOURS All City offices will be closed on: December 24, 2020 December 25, 2020 December 31, 2020 January 1, 2021 January 18, 2021 QUESTIONS? General Information - City Clerk 262-653-4020 cityclerk@kenosha. org KENOSHA – The Spring Primary Election will take place on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. City Administration works with the Common Council to identify and solve problems and develop guidelines for municipal operations and services. I. 00* PLEASE NOTE: The City Clerk's office is now taking applications for licenses to sell Christmas Trees. KENOSHA, Wis. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City Clerk’s office anticipates a higher 66. 00* Expires: December 31, _____ New Renewal If Not Spayed/Neutered: $35. 4020 (M-F 8am-4:30pm) Current tax year payments (full payment or 3 installments) made by July 31st are payable to the City of Kenosha Treasurer. ORG OFFICE USE ONLY City of Kenosha Absentee Ballots and Early Voting for April 5, 2022 Spring Election FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 17, 2022 For further information contact: City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office – Elections 625 52nd Street, Room 104 Kenosha, WI 53140 262-653-4020 elections@kenosha. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City Clerk’s office anticipates a higher the City Clerk. The City Clerk's Office provides administrative support to the Common Council, various boards, commissions, committees, and other departments as needed. Fax your request to City Clerk, 262-653-4023. 00: Alyssa SPEEDY APPROVAL: Applications for a One (1) Day License may be administratively approved by the City Clerk if the application is filed twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date for which the License is sought, not including weekends and holidays, commencing at 8:00 a. ) to file City of Kenosha Statement of Economic Interest with the City Clerk. Vote In-Person Absentee - Extended Hours! In-Person Absentee Voting for the February 18, 2025, Spring Primary Election will be held in Office Manager at Concerned Citizens Coalition · A human resources professional with direct exposure to training, labor relations, employment, human resources administration, financial TO ALL DEFENDANTS: Municipal Court has jurisdiction over traffic and non-traffic ordinance violations in the City of Kenosha. The next working day following the last day for the filing of nomination City, State, Zip: Effective: March 2017 City of Kenosha Bus Pass Request Today's Date: How Many Passes or Token Packages?: Check Type of Pass(es): ☺ Elderly/Disabled - $30. Deputy City Clerk & Treasurer [email protected] (262) 653-4026: 2. All prior year tax payments and checks should be made payable and mailed to the Kenosha County Treasurer. The vehicle, a silver or grey Ford Explorer, was later found to contain two deceased individuals. - 4:30 p. dsps. MICHELLE L. Due to holiday dates this year, City Hall, as well as the City Clerk DOG LICENSE CLKDOG (rev. $12. Wis. wisconsinsbdc. CAT LICENSE CLKCAT (rev. (Jane L. 2. org (signature not required) Fax your request to the City Clerk, 262-653-4023 Those honored must be born in, currently reside in, or have previously resided for 10 years or more at any time, in the City of Kenosha. com the City Clerk. m. elections@kenosha. Last Name First Name Middle Initial KENOSHA, Wis. 119 l, and 5. org RECORDS REGARDING CHARGES, BUILDING PERMITS, BUILDING CODE, AND/OR PERMIT VIOLATIONS, ORDERS, OR CASES City Inspection Department 262-653-4263 inspection@kenosha. Notify Oct 28, 2024 · Mail your request to: City Clerk, 625 52nd St. Nov 5, 2024 · CITY OF KENOSHA RESIDENTS 262-653-4020 Michelle Nelson City Municipal Building, 625-52nd St. Stats. www. In honor of this historic occasion, the community is invited to join in a birthday celebration to commemorate the City we all call home. on the Thursday before election Your account can be used to apply for openings with the City of Kenosha or any other employer/agency who lists their positions on governmentjobs. org (signature not required) Fax your request to the City Clerk, 262-653-4023 Mail your request to City Clerk, 625 52nd Street, Room 105, Kenosha, WI 53140. 01 FEES: If Spayed/Neutered: $15. All Defendants have a right to be represented by an attorney at their own expense, or may proceed without one. EMAIL: [email protected] Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Jan 17, 2025 · The identity of the woman was initially unknown. org Date New Renewal Owner Last Name Owner First Name M. org 1. In 1835, John Bullen established a settlement at modern-day Kenosha at the behest of the New York-based Western Emigration Company. org BUILDING PERMITS, BUILDING CODE, AND/OR PERMIT VIOLATIONS, ORDERS, OR CASES 262-653-4263 262-653-4030 262-653-4050 City Inspections City Development Public Works Department Fire Department County Health Department 262-653-4100 262-605-6700 cityinspection@kenosha. Voters turn out in the rain for Election Day in Kenosha Election Day Kathy Becker poll worker Mar 5, 2025 · City Clerk Michelle Nelson and her election team trained more than 100 local Election Inspectors today at the Kenosha Public Museum. 515, 7. 4030 [email protected] 8:00 a. Buildings that are vacant may cause neighborhood deterioration, instability, and if not properly secured, attract vagrants and criminals. Mar 10, 2025 · City of Kenosha 2022 tax bills have been mailed. The Kenosha County Courthouse is the only courthouse in the State in which photography of any kind is prohibited in the […] Requests for 2024 elections may be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office beginning 1/1/2024 Kenosha City Clerk, 625 52nd St. City Clerk – Licenses AMUSEMENT DEVICE (type 103)| Expires 6/30 625 52nd Street, Room 105 | 262-653-4020 | cityclerk@kenosha. The City Treasurer collects current year tax payments for the City of Kenosha between mid-December and July 31st of each year. citizen, who will be 18 years of age or older on CITY OF KENOSHA STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTEREST ADM100 (rev. 53(1)(a) and 7. For Candidates The first day to circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2024, and the final day for filing nomination papers is 5:00 p. On December 23rd, 2024, Kayla’s family contacted the Kenosha Police Department to report her missing, after last seeing her on City Clerk at elections@kenosha. • Email your request to elections@kenosha. org or 262-653-4020. Objections shall be in writing and made on forms approved by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. , room 105 Kenosha WI 53140 T: 262. City of Kenosha Absentee Ballots and Early Voting for November 8, 2022 Election FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 21, 2022 For further information contact: City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office – Elections 625 52nd Street, Room 104 Kenosha, WI 53140 262-653-4020 elections@kenosha. org. 09/17) CITY ORDINANCE 14. Property owners may also download a copy of their tax bill at www. Aug 17, 2022 · Clerk of Circuit Court - Democratic (98 polls reporting out of 98) Rebecca Matoska-Mentink Municipal Referendum City of Kenosha (74 polls reporting out of 74) Yes NOTE: PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS AND STORAGE LOT MUST BE WITHIN THE CITY, OR IF OUTSIDE OF THE CITY, WITHIN ONE (1) AIR MILE OF THE CITY LIMITS PROPER, EXCLUDING ANY CITY ISLANDS. 53(2)(d), Wisconsin Statutes, the City of Kenosha Municipal Board of will convene on Monday, April 7, 2025, in Room 104 of the Kenosha Municipal Building, 625 52nd Street, Kenosha, WI, for the Mail your request to City Clerk, 625 52nd Street, Room 105, Kenosha, WI 53140. · City staff person to the Board of Review · Issuing licenses and permits · Making papers and records available for inspection following the Wisconsin State Statutes 19. org citydevelopment The City of Kenosha is concerned about vacant buildings that have become dangerous, unsafe, or are in a state of disrepair. The clerk will inform you if only reserve licenses are available. org WI Department of Safety & Professional Services 608-266-2112 / www. ) Oct 16, 2024 · Candidate for DA, Carli McNeill, recently featured a political commercial that was filmed in the Kenosha County Courthouse with State employees during business hours. of the day following the date of which a properly completed application was The City of Kenosha Municipal Court adjudicates all non-criminal traffic and local ordinance violations in the City of Kenosha. org KENOSHA – Early in-person voting for the November 3 Presidential and General Election began today, October 20, and continues through October 30, 2020 at City Hall, 625 52nd Street. The site enhances the state and region’s capacity to support innovation and growth in the digital economy and continues Microsoft’s investment in the area. (also referred to Fin. It is very important that voters are aware that open registration ends at 5 p. City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office – Elections 625 52nd Street, Room 104 Kenosha, WI 53140 262-653-4020 elections@kenosha. On-line visit myvote. gov Clerk hourly salaries in the United States at CITY OF KENOSHA. City of Kenosha Absentee Ballots and Early Voting for April 4, 2023 Election FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 20, 2023 For further information contact: City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office – Elections 625 52nd Street, Room 104 Kenosha, WI 53140 262-653-4020 elections@kenosha. The mailing is not from the City of Kenosha or Kenosha County Election Results County Clerk (140 polls reporting out of 140) Referendum City of Kenosha (116 polls reporting out of 116) Yes: 34031 (77. Candidates for Department of Public Instruc-tion, Justice of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Judge Dis- Oct 30, 2024 · Voters may return their absentee ballot in person at the City Clerk’s Office, 625 52nd St. 119 m. Address Zip Phone Dog's. 4020 [email protected] For additional information contact the City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office at 262-653-4020 or [email protected] . Kenosha, WI 53140 - OR - Email to: City Clerk/Treasurer | 625 52nd St. org KENOSHA – The Spring Election will take place on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. Location. to 8 p. cqvaputasvskzdccsydqqncgtfgjcrcmssbshcmrqwqdloalibfuvuvkrvsnfnnrwduapcd