Dns benchmark. Helps the user to switch to a preferred DNS server.
Dns benchmark Helps the user to switch to a preferred DNS server. Download and replace the built-in lists of DNS resolvers and domains with your own. dnspy 是一个批量 DNS 服务器基准测试工具,用于本地测量全世界的 DNS 服务器的可访问性和性能。生成可视化图表。dnspy is a bulk DNS server benchmarking tool used to measure the accessibility and performance of DNS servers worldwide. 6668. Feb 1, 2017 · DNS Benchmark est un outil qui vous permet de choisir le DNS adéquat que vous pouvez utiliser pour bénéficier et profiter d’une navigation plus rapide, en calculant la durée de latence de votre DNS. Readme License. Avec lui, il est possible d’optimiser la vitesse et la sécurité de vos connexions Internet en choisissant les meilleurs serveurs DNS en fonction de votre emplacement et Apr 15, 2016 · 那就是DNS Benchmark,这款软件非常指的拥有,欢迎大家到软件侠下载站下载体验使用! 软件介绍 DNS的基准使您能够测试的DNS服务器列表表现,以便您可以决定哪些提供fastes响应时间及相应的优化您的Internet设置。 DNSBench 1. The four DNS Servers work together (in a chain) to convert a domain name to its IP address, enabling the requested web resource to load on the user screen. Jul 19, 2023 · 虽然它的使用方法比较简单,但是需要一定的命令行操作经验。 4. DNS는 Domain Name Server의 약자이며 google. Note que os servidores DNS atualmente usados pelo seu computador foram adicionados à lista, eles aparecem no topo e em negrito (no meu caso, o meu roteador MikroTik, 10. namebench is completely free and does not modify your system in any way. com - DNS Benchmark. 1) e também entrarão na comparação, para ver se você poderia estar usando um servidor DNS mais rápido. Jan 20, 2025 · DNS Benchmark supports up to 200 DNS resolver tests at once. Execute a DNS benchmark test. The program is completely free to use and available on multiple devices, including Windows. All DNS providers are tested every minute from 200+ locations globally. Automatic Jan 17, 2019 · dnsperf and resperf are free tools developed by Nominum/Akamai (2006-2018) and DNS-OARC (since 2019) that make it simple to gather accurate latency and throughput metrics for Domain Name Service (DNS). Sep 13, 2020 · DNS Benchmarkを使って我が家にあったDNSサーバーを選ぶ さぁ、ここまでで「DNS」と「公開DNSサーバー」について復習が終わったところで本題です。 じゃあ、 我が家にあったDNSサーバーはどれなのか ってところです。 Dec 23, 2024 · DNS Benchmark also includes a database of popular public resolvers, allowing users to compare their ISP’s DNS servers against alternatives such as Google Public DNS or Cloudflare. 详情见:DNS Benchmark - Features & Operation Walkthrough 右方红色粗条:缓存中域名查找速度:其实热门网站服务器里是有缓存他们的域名的. 这个官网是有解释的. 26 192. Measures resolve time concerning incorrect domain names entered by users. Para ello existe el DNS Benchmark, que le permite comprobar el tiempo de respuesta de cualquier servidor DNS. Attachments files/DNSBench_21042019. This tool is based and originally forked from dnstrace , but was largely rewritten and enhanced with additional functionality. By design, DNS Benchmark is simple enough for anyone to use but advanced enough for the geek with a simple four tab layout. URL List. 3 Englisch: DNSBench hilft Ihnen beim Finden eines schnellen und zuverlässigen DNS-Servers. Feb 25, 2025 · Improving Speed and Security with DNS Benchmark. It compares the performance of various DNS servers. 使用工具(如 DNS Benchmark)测试本地网络环境下各 DNS 的响应时间。 国内用户推荐阿里 DNS、腾讯 DNS;国际用户可选 Cloudflare 或 Google DNS。 安全优先. 0 license Activity. Displays the fastest one for a specific use case. Feb 19, 2025 · 二、如何选择 DNS? 速度优先. Compare and review the speed and uptime of enterprise and commercial DNS services DNS Benchmark - полезная бесплатная программа, выполняющая детальный анализ и сравнение Nov 8, 2024 · dnspy - 测试全世界的 DNS 服务器 数据分析面板预览 数据分析面板,内含示例数据 测试工具 在本仓库的 releases 页面中按你的系统架构下载 dnspy-* 文件,比如我的 PC 是 Intel 处理器的 macOS,所以下载 dnspy-darwin-amd64 文件。 然后必须关闭所有代理软件的 Tun 模式、虚拟网卡模式,否则会影响测试结果。 重 May 22, 2024 · DNS Benchmark, gratis download. Aug 26, 2024 · DNS Benchmark测试速度快,能在短时间内得出大家想要的结果。 大家可结合软件最后得出的综合评价选择适合自己网络状况的DNS服务器。 以上就是DNS Benchmark的全部内容了,快快收藏IE 浏览器 中文网站下载更多电脑软件吧! Oct 30, 2024 · and DNS Benchmark forwarders set with 192. You can filter by location, period, type, and quality to find the fastest and most reliable DNS for your needs. The free version of GRC’s DNS Benchmark can test 200 nameservers for you, and the full pro version is available for 19. Sep 14, 2005 · GRC's|DNS Nameserver Performance Benchmark Click here or on the image above to download this 166 KByte program . Itu juga dapat memverifikasi keamanan server nama DNS dan memberikan otentikasi DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions). Usage: dnsbench run [command] [flags] Flags: -c, --count int Number of queries to attempt. NAMEinator DNS Benchmark tool (namebench successor) Topics. By default, multi-threading mode is used to speed up testing. Oct 16, 2010 · Version 1. com. Sep 19, 2024 · Essa aba mostra a lista de servidores DNS que serão testados. The test starts to run and you'll see the queries it's running through. Trouve sur DNS Benchmark является бесплатным и легковесным программным обеспечением для анализа и Although GRC's DNS Benchmark is packed with features to satisfy the needs of the most demanding Internet gurus (and this benchmark offers features designed to enable serious DNS performance investigation), the box below demonstrates that it is also extremely easy for casual and first-time users to run: Dec 26, 2024 · DNS Benchmark est un logiciel gratuit pour Windows qui vous permet de tester une grande liste de serveurs DNS pour mesurer leur rapidité. Данная программа поможет вам протестировать большой список общедоступных DNS и сравнить их с теми, которые использует ваш провайдер. Click on the “Nameservers” tab. Another popular tool is Namebench, an open-source DNS benchmarking tool that evaluates resolvers based on query performance and cache effectiveness. May 22, 2024 · DNS Benchmark is a free download that can test the DNS server performance of your internet service provider (or any other DNS servers for that matter). In addition to the graphical results, the program also generates tabular data that shows detailed technical results for expert users, as well as a conclusion A unique, comprehensive, accurate & free Windows (and Linux/Wine) utility to determine the exact performance of local and remote DNS nameservers. logiciel classé dans Connexion - Outils/Optimiser. Some popular options include GRC's DNS Benchmark, DNSperf, Namebench, DNS Jumper, DNS Speed Test, DNS Bench, and dnspython. Installation. dnspy 是一个批量 DNS 服务器基准测试工具,用于本地测量全世界的 DNS 服务器的可访问性和性能。生成可视化图表。dnspy is a bulk Follow the prompts to start the test. 1 / 8/7 / XP / Vista. 直接把缓存中的数据提出来就刻意最快答复. Voici quelques-unes de ses caractéristiques. go dns security Resources. Pour ce faire, l’outil analyse la vitesse de résolution des noms de domaine, en effectuant plusieurs tests successifs sur chaque serveur pour obtenir des résultats fiables. Téléchargement sécurisé et rapide du logiciel DNS Benchmark GRATUIT. Dec 21, 2024 · The GRC DNS Benchmark tool is a standalone application designed for Windows and Linux users. 0. DNS Benchmark 1. Steps: 1. See the features and functions of the four primary tabs, the tabular data, and the conclusions. It hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. Test your DNS speed and performance with this online tool that supports DNS over HTTPS. dnsperf and resperf are free tools developed by Nominum/Akamai (2006-2018) and DNS-OARC (since 2019) that make it simple to gather accurate latency and throughput metrics for Domain Name Service (DNS). Benchmark all DNS services on the list. Naviguer sur le web est bien plus qu’une simple question de bande passante. com과 같은 도메인 이름을 인터넷이 기반으로하는 숫자 주소로 변환하는 서버입니다. May 4, 2013 · Learn how to use GRC's DNS Benchmark utility to test, characterize, and compare the performance and reliability of DNS resolving nameservers. 1 of GRC's DNS Benchmark added the major new feature of rapidly scanning a global master list of nearly five thousand (4,854 at the time of this writing) known potential DNS resolving nameservers and building a fully customized list of the top 50 fastest responding resolvers. You can easily run benchmark from MacOS, Linux or Windows systems. If you are looking to benchmark various DNS servers with comprehensive reports then you should try DNS Benchmark dnspyre is a command-line DNS benchmark tool built to stress test and measure the performance of DNS servers. 142. Being a free software, give it a try and see if it fits your needs. This "fastest 50", which would be much more relevant for Europe Austria, Vienna (x6) Belgium, Brugge Belgium, Brussels (x2) Belgium, Saint-Ghislain Bulgaria, Sofia (x3) Bulgaria, Varna May 22, 2024 · DNS Benchmark, 무료 및 안전한 다운로드. You can create DNS groups that divide DNS servers into folders DNS Benchmark de GRC realiza un análisis y comparación detallados del rendimiento operativo y la fiabilidad de cualquier conjunto de hasta 200 servidores de nombres DNS (a veces también llamados resolvers) a la vez. dnspy 是一个批量 DNS 服务器基准测试工具,用于本地测量全世界的 DNS 服务器的可访问性和性能。生成可视化图表。dnspy is a bulk DNS server benchmarking tool used to measure the local accessibility and performance of DNS servers worldwide. exe (147 KB) Examples. DNS Benchmark disponible gratuitement sur Windows. 수동으로 직접 입력해 인터넷 속도 느려짐 증상을 간단하게 해결 할 수 있습니다. Download the GRC DNS Benchmark tool from the official website. dns-benchmark Aug 20, 2023 · A DNS benchmark is a tool developed by GRC (Gibson Research Corporation) that allows users to analyze and compare the performance and reliability of DNS nameservers. En plus de vérifier la vitesse de votre service DNS, il Jan 13, 2025 · DNS Benchmark on Apple Silicon Parallels Win11 ARM no Internet Access? Dpace23236; Jan 13, 2025; Replies 4 Views 463. Nov 4, 2022 · DNS Benchmark - скачать DNS Benchmark 1. P. Can Çevrim - 13 YIL ÖNCE GÜNCELLENDİ DNS Benchmark internet servis sağlayıcınız tarafından kullanılan alan adı sunucularının performansını test etmenize yardımcı olmak amacıyla tasarlanmış ücretsiz bir uygulamadır. These tools are easy-to-use and simulate typical Internet, so network operators can benchmark their naming and addressing infrastructure and It hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. 3. Jun 18, 2010 · Learn how to customize and expand the DNS Benchmark tool to measure and compare DNS performance. Let's take a look at just how simple, yet complex, DNS Benchmark can be. This feature is also crucial for comparing previous test results and new ones. You can customize the benchmark output, plot the results and export them in different formats. 4k次,点赞6次,收藏10次。本文介绍了DNS测速网站如DNSperf和DNS. Receive DNS queries from clients and resolve the Sep 21, 2023 · Trouver le DNS le plus rapide avec DNS Benchmark. GRCs DNS Benchmark merupakan software yang bisa kamu andalkan untuk menguji serta melakukan analisis terhadap kinerja DNS Server. GRC DNS Benchmark can help identify poor performance that might be slowing down your whole online experience. DNS Benchmark. Although GRC's DNS Benchmark is packed with features to satisfy the needs of the most demanding Internet gurus (and this benchmark offers features designed to enable serious DNS performance investigation), the box below demonstrates that it is also extremely easy for casual and first-time users to run: Apr 17, 2019 · Vamos a explicarte cómo encontrar los servidores DNS más rápidos estés donde estés, y vamos a utilizar dos herramientas diferentes para hacerlo: DNSPerf y DNS Benchmark. Cuando se inicia el Benchmark en su configuración predeterminada, identifica todos los servidores de nombres DNS que el Aug 30, 2020 · 「どのDNSサーバーを利用すべきか」は環境によって大きく左右されますが、DNS Benchmarkでは4849ものDNSサーバーから応答速度順に上位50サーバーを Feb 2, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读2. Oct 11, 2024 · Télécharge gratuitement DNS Benchmark sur Windows, l'une des applications les plus populaires du développeur Gibson Research Corporation. Watchers. DNS Benchmark latest update: September 28, 2018 En resumen, DNS Benchmark (de Steve Gibson, GRC) permite: Probar múltiples DNS (tanto públicos como privados). Il est compatible avec toutes les versions modernes de Windows, ce qui en fait un excellent choix pour les Command-line DNS benchmark tool built to stress test and measure the performance of DNS servers with commodity hardware. It supports IPv4, IPv6, encrypted DNS, DNSSEC, and user-provided domains. Cara menggunakannya DNS Benchmark Dec 18, 2023 · 사용 중인 인터넷 속도가 느려질 때는 DNS 서버 주소 변경으로 인터넷 속도를 향상시킬 수 있습니다. File stats for: DNSBench LastUpdated: Size: 166k Apr 04, 2018 at 13:59 (33. Launch the application (no installation required). Namebench is an open-source program that runs a benchmark test to assess the fastest DNS servers available for your computer’s use. . Sep 28, 2018 · Download DNS Benchmark latest version for Windows free. 所以红色是最短的(回复最快). Q: How often should I benchmark my DNS servers? A: It's a good idea to benchmark your DNS servers Jul 10, 2023 · DNS Benchmark是一款极为优秀的DNS测速工具,能够辅助用户完成在于DNS上面的测试,帮助你测试dns的响应速度,从而帮助你来挑选最为优秀的DNS,处理安全和去广告之后,一个好的DNS能够在几大的程度上面影响到整个网络的速度,需要的话就快来下载! O software DNS Benchmark gratuito fornece uma solução, mesmo que possa parecer um pouco insuperadamente detalhada para usuários inexperientes. NET CLR, Mono) vs Ruby vs R - DNS/benchmark-language DNS Benchmark memeriksa kinerja server DNS, memberikan analisis komprehensif dari semua server. If you want to test for yourself which DNS servers have the best performance, you can actually try a couple of different tools. grc. Here is how the DNS resolution process works: Recursive DNS server (DNS resolver): These servers are the first in the DNS check process. 263 stars. 168. 3. These tools are easy-to-use and simulate typical Internet, so network operators can benchmark their naming and addressing infrastructure and DNS Benchmark is a unique, comprehensive, accurate & free Windows (and Linux/Wine) utility to determine the exact performance of local and remote DNS nameservers. 79. The primary objective of this benchmarking is to examine the performance limits of authoritative name server implementations in various deployments. Stars. DNS, which stands for Domain May 6, 2010 · Include the global DNS providers and the best available regional DNS server, then start the Benchmark. The benchmark takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. Feb 14, 2013 · DNS Benchmark ile yerel ve uzak alanadı DNS sunucusu hızlarını test edebilirsiniz. 5. La primera es una Jun 14, 2013 · 打开 DNS Benchmark 后切换到 「Nameservers」 标签,这时 DNS Benchmark 会自动载入自带的几十个 DNS 服务器,而如果列表里有你已经用上的 DNS 服务器则会用黑框显示。在 DNS 服务器 IP 后面会有红黄绿三种颜色的小圆点,跟红绿灯的作用差不多,绿色是能够正常访问 May 14, 2024 · DNS Benchmark prend en charge jusqu’à 200 tests de résolveur DNS à la fois. Contains 1 staff post(s) DNS Benchmark is a free and lightweight software for analyzing and comparing the performance and reliability of up to 200 DNS servers (nameservers) simultaneously. - xxnuo/dns-benchmark Oct 16, 2021 · So, if you are looking for a fully featured DNS benchmark tool which does more the benchmarking different DNS servers then DNS Jumper is for you. 49 192. Check the performance and uptime of Cloudflare and compare to other DNS providers. Jul 10, 2023 · DNS Benchmark是一款极为优秀的DNS测速工具,能够辅助用户完成在于DNS上面的测试,帮助你测试dns的响应速度,从而帮助你来挑选最为优秀的DNS,处理安全和去广告之后,一个好的DNS能够在几大的程度上面影响到整个网络的速度,需要的话就快来下载! DNS Benchmark is a freeware, portable benchmarking utility to determine the exact performance of local and remote DNS nameservers. Compare DNS servers from your local environment and network conditions, and get personalized results. 202). Click “Run Benchmark” to test Feb 24, 2022 · Download DNS Benchmark 1. Download newest executable from grc. Steve. Recherche en cache/décacheté/dotcom; Vérification de la prise en charge de DNSSEC par le serveur de noms dnspy is a bulk DNS server benchmarking tool used to measure the accessibility and performance of DNS servers worldwide. 53. The public data is updated once per hour, but contact us for real-time data. Easy to use for comparing DNS performance! - DGAcode/DNS-Benchmark dnsperf is an authoritative-server-specific Domain Name Service (DNS) performance testing tool. GRC. It generates an HTML report with sorted results and awards medals to the fastest DNS servers. Ofrecer un ranking de DNS recomendados según tu ubicación y latencia. 4. Anyone wanting to tweak their internet connection will find the information made available with DNS Benchmark essential to getting the most from that tweaking. Among the latest innovations are encrypted protocols like DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS over HTTPS (DoH), which significantly enhance both security and privacy. Apache-2. 2. It allows users to optimize the speed and security of their internet connections by selecting the best DNS servers based on their location and specific needs. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. 06. 95 USD at the time of writing. 60 192. Sistem Operasi yang Didukung: Windows 10 / 8. Some of the features as follows. DNS staat voo DNS Benchmark Windows 10 - 测试实用程序DNS服务器。该应用程序包含一个更新的资源列表,用于通过主机名获取IP地址,允许您测试它们的响应速度和记录的正确性,能够按指定的参数对数据进行排序,包括具有该功能的表视图显示快速复制地址。 @bigtear dns-jumper 这种表格有数字还能排序的形式还不够直观 ☺️ 最关键的问题我因为说了,你的单一网络本身就是最大的瓶颈,响应速度几乎就是你的网络延迟。 加上 dns 服务器普遍都会存在防火墙,类似 223. Comprobar la velocidad de respuesta real en tu propia conexión. 6688. Une fois que cette liste personnalisée existe, le benchmark l'utilisera automatiquement, et vous serez étonné de la différence que cela fait. Как использовать DNS Benchmark Although GRC's DNS Benchmark is packed with features to satisfy the needs of the most demanding Internet gurus (and this benchmark offers features designed to enable serious DNS performance investigation), the box below demonstrates that it is also extremely easy for casual and first-time users to run: DNS Benchmark is a freeware benchmarking utility to determine the exact performance of local and remote DNS nameservers. [0 = run until interrupted] (default 100) -h, --help help for run -i, --interval duration Reporting interval. You can also debug your self-hosted DNS servers and test routing logic with this benchmark tool. Même si vous disposez d’une connexion Internet très haut débit (VDSL2+ ou Fibre), la manière dont vos requêtes sont traitées par les serveurs DNS peut influencer de manière significative la vitesse à laquelle vous accédez à vos sites web préférés. Она позволяет протестировать список DNS серверов большим количеством запросов и измерить время отклика сервера. dnspyre is a tool to stress test and measure the performance of DNS servers using various query types, protocols and options. All the scripts, data, and configurations can be found at dns-benchmarking. 오늘 소개하는 DNS Benchmark 를 사용하면 전 세계 가장 빠른 DNS 서버를 검색하고. DNS Benchmark 최신 버전. 5 还有每日,每小时限速测率,还没有考虑 isp 对 53 等端口的特殊关照,所以说您做这个 Mar 6, 2025 · dns性能测试工具是优化网络速度的重要手段。本文介绍了DNS性能测试的重要性,常见的测试工具如DNSPerf、NameBench等,以及如何使用这些工具进行测试。同时,文章还提供了基于测试结果的DNS性能优化策略,包括选择优质DNS服务器、实施DNS缓存、优化DNS记录等。通过定期使用dns性能测试工具并采取 DNS Benchmark est un logiciel gratuit et léger pour analyser et comparer les performances et la fiabilité de jusqu'à 200 serveurs DNS (serveurs de noms) simultanément. Some DNS benchmark tools keep historical data on server performance, which can be useful for tracking changes over time. 'dns benchmark' 프로그램을 사용하면 전 세계에 등록된 DNS 서버의 응답 속도를 체크한 다음 가장 빠른 DNS 서버를 찾아 DNS 서버를 수동으로 지정해 줌으로써 인터넷 속도를 더 향상시킬 수가 있습니다. 255. 0 - Determine the exact performance of a local and remote DNS names erver by turning to this lightweight, portable software solution Mar 20, 2022 · If the DNS service desired is not listed, it can be added easily. 2019 Система 184,031 скачивания Описание Telecharger DNS Benchmark gratuit. People use alphabetic domain names (www. 이를 통해 사용자는 위치와 특정 요구사항에 따라 최상의 DNS 서버를 선택함으로써 인터넷 연결의 속도와 보안을 최적화할 수 있습니다. Results from measurement on previous hardware are still available at old benchmark. com), but Internet data packets require numerical Internet IP addresses (4. GRC's DNS Benchmark is a free utility to measure the speed and performance of local and remote DNS nameservers. 11 | 10 | 8 | 7 DNS Benchmark est principalement compatible avec les systèmes d'exploitation Windows. Mar 24, 2023 · This is the ability of a DNS benchmark tool to retain your DNS check results up to a certain number of times before they go away. BENCHMARK: Lua vs vs LuaJIT vs C (MSVC, GCC, LLVM) vs Java vs Perl vs Javascript vs Python vs C# (. Usted puede ver aquí a continuación, una lista de servidores DNS. Download GRCs DNS Benchmark terbaru dan gratis untuk Windows 10, 11, 7, 8 (32-bit / 64-bit) hanya di Nesabamedia. GRC DNS Benchmark GRC DNS Benchmark是一款免费软件,可以在Windows和Linux上运行。它可以测试DNS服务器的响应速度,并且提供了一个排名列表来比较不同DNS服务器之间的性能差异。 This PowerShell script tests DNS servers (Google, Cloudflare, OpenDNS) by measuring latency and packet loss. 0, Приложение даст вам представление о том, что происходит с DNS-серверами вашей системы, назначенными в настоящее время, автоматически сравнивая их Mar 30, 2022 · dnsbenchmark汉化版是一个测试dns的小工具,可以根据网络地区不同来测试网络,通过测试相关的dns网络速度,帮你找出最快的DNS服务器,优化您的网络,达到最快的访问效果。dnsbenchmark介绍一个免费的DNS测试软件,运行软件后会自动载入操作系统设定的DNS地址和软件 Apr 12, 2018 · DNS Benchmark performs a detailed analysis and comparison of all servers in the list and generates a bar graph that makes it easy to interpret the results and choose the fastest servers. Jan 3, 2025 · Q: What's the best DNS benchmark tool? A: The best DNS benchmark tool depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Benchmark,以及如何使用DNS Benchmark工具进行DNS性能测试。DNS Benchmark通过测试响应时间和不同状态的查询时间来评估DNS服务器性能,并提供了详尽的测试结果分析。 Jun 21, 2019 · DNS Benchmark - Определение самого быстрого DNS сервера Опубликовано 21. This tool typically consumes ~30kB per concurrent connection and can maintain ~30,000 QPS per modern core if your server, OS and network allows you to reach suitable levels of concurrency. 选择支持 DNSSEC、过滤恶意网站的 DNS(如 Quad9、OpenDNS)。 隐私保护 DNS Benchmark dispose d'une interface utilisateur très simple d'accès, affichant des graphiques des derniers tests de DNS Response. How we measure DNS Performance. Os dejo la lista de mis DNS que pruebo. All tests are over IPv4 with a 1-second timeout. Apr 21, 2019 · В таких ситуациях поможет бесплатная утилита DNS Benchmark. 74 days ago) Downloads/day:2,807 Totaldownloads:3,968,327 CurrentRank:2 HistoricalRank:4 Although GRC's DNS Benchmark is packed with features to sa May 21, 2023 · DNS Benchmark — программа для выбора наиболее эффективных DNS-серверов. As DNS services advance, they continue to evolve and introduce new capabilities. 17 When a query comes in instead of trying DNS one by one it tries them all which would work for extremal DNS IP too for the fastest reply DNS Benchmark는 최대 200개의 DNS 서버(네임서버)의 성능과 신뢰성을 분석하고 비교하는 무료 경량 소프트웨어입니다. Teste de DNS rápido e eficaz O DNS Benchmark é um aplicativo de freeware que realiza um extenso conjunto de testes nos servidores DNS do seu ISP (ou em qualquer outro servidor DNS para esse assunto). Jan 1, 1999 · DNS Benchmark a la capacité d'analyser les performances de 4 849 résolveurs (DNS) disponibles publiquement, puis de créer une liste "Top 50" personnalisée pour vous. 14 192. DNSPerf is a website that provides data-driven analysis and comparison of DNS services based on millions of tests. Mar 4, 2025 · Using Namebench & GRC’s DNS Benchmark. Use this tool to measure the DNS lookup time from 200+ locations worldwide and compare the performance of different DNS services. La herramienta es muy simple de usar, siendo básicamente necesario agregar IP’s de servidores DNS para que muestre un comparativo. com and run locally on any Windows system. 0: Gratis software om de DNS-serverprestaties van uw internetprovider te testen. It generates visual charts. However, the default parameter of 10 threads requires at least 1 MB/s network bandwidth and a minimum of 4 CPU cores. Feb 12, 2025. It is primarily intended for measuring the performance of authoritative DNS servers, but it can also be used for measuring caching server performance in a closed laboratory environment. Cached/uncached/dotcom lookup; Verify if the nameserver supports DNSSEC; Sort the list by fastest performing resolvers; Compare the performance and reliability of up to 200 DNS resolvers; Export results in CSV format; View results in tabular or chart Benchmark 100GbE / 40GbE. ihtlhrawgaebagoelhtdtnxmvtscozgzqkrprmasjleayjgyzsizxtqwgweorgtfqgymwirabvyjtnibxzmigtrvf