Gendry protects arya fanfiction. Arya gazed at Gendry, asleep in the bath.
Gendry protects arya fanfiction All the times she would tease Gendry along with her and how she always made Arya feel like she was family, when her own mother looked at her with disdain at times. Arya remembered Gendry telling her that he was going to stay with the Brotherhood and leave her behind. By: lit_chick08. Gendry and Arya. Revolves around the protagonist Arya Stark, and depicts her life three years after the onset of the apocalypse. Arya hung back as the others left, looking for Gendry, but even though she saw Mikken and Tim and the older apprentice smith, Gendry was no where in sight. "Come, Arya. But what about Arya and the Starks? Modern world. If you imagine adult Gendry is going to let Arya walk all over him and hit him with impunity, then this fic isn't for you either. Gendry protested. She got into trouble like it was an art form while he was hailed as the golden boy. "Lady Ravan is… someone else. A thunderclap of hoofbeats roared through the air. Now with a clear front view Robb could see that this was a man grown, around his age probably, with striking blue eyes and a healthy beard, and that he was close, too close to Arya. Sansa however whispered the invitation, and her father entered the room. Mostly Gendry and Arya's perspectives, but future chapters will contain POVs from Davos, Sansa, Jon, and Podrick. If it had been all there was to it, he would have been confident Arya would agree to marry him, if only to avoid his brother. She is unaware of what has happened to Hotpie and Gendry and that Gendry is Robert Baratheon's bastard. Gendry left Sansa to deal with his weeping brother and he led Arya further away, keeping an eye on Joffrey and Sansa. Jan 19, 2025 · Bringing my most popular fic ever from fanfiction. "I am Arya Stark. Five Times Arya Was Loved, and One Time it Was Melancholy. And he realized where he had erred. What a fool he was. " "Arya," Gendry muttered, unable to believe the sight before his eyes. Gendry, it's good to see you again. Some AU oneshots set after 2x02, 1st is yoren telling arya and gendry to run if the gold cloaks return, 2nd is arya yoren and gendry come across robb's army, 3rd yoren takes arya to the wall/ to jon Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Arya S. He was actually afraid his brother might choose Arya for that very reason: he'd see her as both a challenge and a way to channel his aggression. WC: 2131. She knew there were plenty of other blacksmiths she could ask to make her weapon, but she didn't care. Ned Stark Lives! Chapter 9 Gendry "Kill them all," said the strange talking man on the even stranger horse. "Another Child…" Arya realized that Mystique had, most likely while comforting her, reverted to her natural state. "Hot Pie. Arya could see the hint of a smile working at the corners of her lips. Multi POV from: Jon/Daenerys, Jaime/Sansa, Arya, Gendry & Tyrion(paired w/ Tyene). Arya gave the lovely apprentice Sand Snake a glance. "Arya. "Seven hells! Would you lot lighten up. " Gendry twisted slightly so that he could look up at her. Gendry glanced at her, she looked on a knife's edge, ready for a fight. Jul 4, 2019 · The hammer arm stopped and Gendry spun around to look at her. Her father and mother were sitting off to the side of her raised dais, wearing identical sober expressions, and almost all the household from Winterfell – save Harwin and a few men still out spreading the news –were lining the walls of the audience chamber watching the events with eager eyes. Jun 1, 2019 · Arya returns to Westeros mostly healed and with a new pack of her own, but the land she returns to may still be unsafe for Starks. She said little to them, and they said less back, and the arrangement suited them all well. Gendry is the only son of King Robert Baratheon and Arya is Ned Stark's Lyanna-look-alike daughter. She also wondered why she was so concerned about Gendry's 'virtue', whatever that was. The Starks will reunite and Westeros will freeze. But can he regonize Arya and will Tywin let Arya slip away from his reach? Sorry for possible spelling Apr 21, 2019 · "Let me come," Arya suddenly peeped up. To see her usually strong friend falter like this tugged at something in her and before she knew it she felt herself breakdown alongside him. The sound of metal against metal sang through the quiet night as Arya approached the forge. Gendry. Arya pressed, surprised by how petulant and childish her voice sounded when she was talking to him. His face was moist from sweat. Arya Stark walked through the courtyard of Winterfell; seemingly oblivious to her surroundings. Almost expressionless. Gendry was annoyed. -Sí, lo sé- respondió feliz, sus ojos brillando como hace tiempo que no lo hacían. Gendry grabbed her from behind, pulling her back to the safety of the Night's Watch. The night that he had asked Arya Stark to become his lady. I have no issue with feeding the hungry with the spoils of the rich, nor with reclaiming empty or ill-used halls as shelter for those who need it. Arya followed him. This story is rated 'M' for a reason. "Oh Arya," a soft voice called from behind. A little behind schedule, but I'm trying to have a life as well. At least he had buried him. "You went behind the wall? Do you know how dangerous that is, Stupid?" Arya slapped his arm before Gendry had a chance to answer. His head fell relaxed against the steep back of the copper tub, his arms rested on the sides. "I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure your sister would have wanted to talk about me, much less talk to me. Arya sat with a group of wildlings she had come to know from their work clearing the grounds. AN: Just a one-shot. The Brotherhood had taken off fast, their horses rumbling as they raced east. By then, he and Arya would be past Raventree Hall, mayhap almost to Ramsford. " Arya could tell he had wanted to say 'something else' but wisely changed his word choice lest her offend the Back in their chambers, Arya was still blushing as she removed said crown. au: the crowd, so dense that you almost couldn't breathe for the crushing force of it, was alive with the spark of revolution and it made his blood sing; and when he spotted the pretty little face, half-hidden behind banners and flags, he elbowed his way through to her, needing to soak up the fire in her eyes as she shouted the chants and threw her head back laughing as history was made. Half the Brotherhood was there, along with a few former members of the Night's Watch and some highborns. He already knew what was going to happen. " Gendry shook his head. She was older than both Sansa and Arya, and she wondered if Gendry would be susceptible to Sarra's charms. That afternoon, they rode to a place called High Heart, a hill so lofty that from atop it Arya felt as though she could see half the world. She shook her head. Unknown to her, Gendry survived the battle but suffers from amnesia, with no memory of his past life or their relationship. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Series and its HBO Shows Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. He had asked Arya Stark, Lady Arya Stark, who had said it plainly when she first told him that she was Lady Arya Stark that she wasn't a lady, to be his lady. Yeah, Margaery Tyrell, Jeyne Westerling, Sansa Stark and Ygritte Wilde were skinny dipping too but he wasn't looking at them. He tried to keep Arya busy too, but it seems that she always found a way to be around Gendry. She knew they had known each other during their early travels, Gendry had finally admitted it to Jon, but Arya's cold hostility towards the man was unexplained. As Arya Stark keeps falling her assignments, given by the Faceless Men. " "What, please, I can fight, I want to…" Robb spoke up then. "You know nothing, Gendry Waters. Quickly putting it in and turning off the lights he sat on the couch as well, gladly letting Arya into his space as she leaned against him once more. Word had spread that someone was going to the Wall and now the women came forth with things for their husbands and sons on the Wall with Lord Stark's May 4, 2019 · Arya decided to question her sister later, and went to find her blacksmith. 'I can't believe this is actually working, Gendry will enjoy this, I know it. Follows tv series canon mostly, picks up at end of ssn 6. Just as he thought he was done with getting involved in the realms activities and the Seven Kingdom's were at peace, Daenerys Targaryen captures King's Landing. Memories of Gendry's mum flooded her mind. Sansa is held at King's Landing, desperate to escape. That in itself was enough to break his heart, but he really felt it snap in half when he had heard an offhand rumor that the Stark's youngest daughter had also been in attendance. "No, my Prince," Lord Manderly stated. His mouth finds hers again and he parts her lips roughly with his tongue. "Lady Arya-" "Oh, Arya Stark is not a Lady. She wanted Gendry MY version of the end. He'd shouted back at her, and then… Arya can't really remember exactly what happened after that. Remembering all the other times Lem had cuffed him because of Arya made Gendry chuckle and forget where he was in the song. She brings it back to Sansa and the two of them agree to go back in time to the day it all began, the day King Robert arrived in Winterfell. Arya and Gendry looked at each other with sad eyes and then they were going down the stairs and were soon outside again. " "Milord," he mumbled, bobbing his head and shoulders in imitation of a bow. Following the ending of the show, Arya is on her adventures and finds a device that allows people to travel back through time. I am not a princess. He'd fought the dead before, and they were relentless. If she had admitted to recognising him, if she'd let him speak or done anything other than feign confusion, he would have ensnared them both. "No Arya, Gendry's right, we can't let you. X-X. "Hello Gendry," she smiles at him as Aly plays with Nymeria, "sorry for leaving so early," she says, "I know it sounds stupid, but I had to feed Nym. , Hot Pie - Chapters: 6 - Words: 8,196 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 47 - Updated: 5/30/2019 - Published Having ditched the costumes for more comfortable clothes Arya was snuggled up on the couch in one of Gendry's large t-shirts, as Gendry flipped through DVD's before finally settling on one. Arya tugged again; and this time the lummox let his feet start moving again, all the way into the tent. He wasn't looking forward to doing it again, but if it was a choice between protecting the living or dying with everyone, he'd protect the living. But somehow, they worked. Truthfully her training had ensured she was fully alert, taking in all her surroundings. Jaqen exiles her with a promise that should she finish Arya Starks's list, she would be welcomed back, but when the time comes, will she want to come back, give up her identity and become no one or has she found something else to do with her life other than serving the Many-Faced God. Arya, in this story, is about 16. Now around the wagon and the departing men were many people of Winterfell. other characters are mentioned but dont really talk) Season 7 compliant for the most part; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; One Shot; Reunion; Bad Flirting; a lot of internal monologue; Some Nov 24, 2024 · Gendry Waters was nothing like the pampered princes Arya grew up around and was expected one day to make a match with, and that made the rough around the edges ebony-haired boy with the most glorious blue eyes all the more attractive to the young girl. And so foolishly. Arya pudo notar que Gendry algo más tenía en mente. By: minya. I am a fighter, and I am your equal. " "Arya invokes the strangest feeling of love in all of us," Sansa said, thinking about her own complicated past with her sister, but how she would give anything for Arya to be here with her Una vez que él entró, Arya se sentó al lado de Gendry, quien seguía observando y disfrutando de la noche. "Arya," he greets and Arya waves at him. He did love your father like a brother. He told her it was a minor problem, a slight tear in the stitches and the maester said it would heal well. Gendry wed to Arya and Lord of Winterfell! He wouldn't have been able to resist crowing, "Told you so!" to Lem. It made her ache just to look at him. " Gendry opened the locket carefully, inside was a finely detailed portrait of a doe-eyed girl with brown hair, the brushwork was exquisitely fine and delicate, the artist was exceptionally For example Ned Stark is not dead but Arya was still taken from Kingslanding and taken to Harrenhal. Sansa watched her leave thoughtfully, not sure what to make of Arya's attitude towards the blacksmith. (5) Robb's maternal side's bannermen were almost wiped out along with the Stark forces. A subreddit for Fanfiction of George R. Check out the Masterlist for all the completed AxG fics. " "Daddy! Look!" Alyssa crosses the park running and Gendry follows her. "I pray for strength, strength to keep Winterfell alive, in memory of my father and mother and of my twin brother. Modern AU where Arya is 17 and Gendry 22. Pre-Relationship Eventual Arya Stark/Gendry Waters Mostly Gen Sansa escapes Robb Stark Lives Lady lives Fix-It Sansa POV BAMF Sansa Stark BAMF Arya Stark Gendry Waters Nymeria Lady Grey wind Direwolf The Stark Family's Direwolves Live Direwolves (A Song of Ice and Fire) giant direwolves Riding Direwolves Season 1 fix-it Mar 8, 2024 · Gendry and Arya, dressed in the finest garb of their respective houses, were presented to the gathering under the boughs of the heart tree. Now, Arya was just Arya, the girl he saw naked, skinny dipping on her swimming pool. Arya watched helplessly as the knight drove his sword through Hotpie. She found Gendry quickly, as he was the only one still working instead of celebrating. Still a crow, covered in black furs, all he can think of protecting them. The big one. Arya tilted her head to the side, feeling too much like Nymeria as she tried to point her ear in the direction of the men. Then she focused back on Arya. Gendry II. Set when Arya and Gendry are held captive in the village of Ser Gregor Clegane. " Gendry's smile became impossibly wide and his eyes sparkled. "This is a Lady, open it. Tywin is boiling angry and oreds the guards to kill hunreds to find the one who hurt Arya. " Gendry himself was swallowing Instead of walking for the Wall, Bran, Hodor and the Reeds head South. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Gendry W. Arya had revisited the moment repeatedly over the last few days. Drama-angst-Rom (in that order) but ultimately a pairing-centric kind of fic. They are in love, but since when did the path of true love run smoothly? The Baratheons are Werewolves and if Gendry wants his birthright he's going to have to join The Pack. When Gendry stilled his hammer and cast an inquisitive expression in her direction, she said, "I have decided that I do want you as a part of my life, and if you spoke to Jon about courting me, I would demand his approval. No doubt that would've earned him yet another cuff around the ear from the old git. I can protect you both. However she has other plans A story of love and betrayal. VERY AU. Post ACoK. "Gendry" she whispered and leaned down to kiss him. Gendry faces the burden of the inheritance of Dragonstone meanwhile Arya must now take the responsibility she had put off for so long- a responsibility, as a lord's sister, to marry for the good of her kingdom May 7, 2019 · He planned on dying. Bran shut his eyes. Gendry wore a doublet of gold and black, the colors of his house, while Arya was draped in the greys and whites of the Starks, her cloak fastened with a clasp of silver in the shape of a dire wolf. . "Funny, how people make such a fuss about such a silly title and crown. Following the joust, Gendry had also taken part in the melee, being the last to be defeated by the victor, Thoros of Myr. "Arya, calm down. The second time he felt it break was when he heard of what had befallen the Twins. " "It's strong enough. WC: 5383. Let's go. Bloody Northerners. These will all take place within GRRM's world, book and/or show, so no modern bits, though I'll divert from canon in most if not all. The White Walkers take on zombie characteristics, though the still remain somewhat true to what they were in the ASOIAF/GOT fandom. This is their journey of falling in love and building a life together, including all the twists and turns along the way. After lavishing much attention to every part of Arya's bosom, Gendry continued to kiss his way down her body; gently kissing her belly first until he reached and buried his face into the soft brown hair that covered her mound. Arya allowed herself a moment to appreciate the view of Gendry. Grey Wind eyed him with interest. Then they went to the forge and Gendry decided that there was no time to do any work and quickly dosed the forge in cold water and let it cool off for a few hours. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 7,136 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 77 - Follows: 54 - Updated: 4/30/2012 - Published: 4/11 A/N: This is it guys. "Please pass the word…ring the bells for the dead King. 10 hours ago · She ruined me. Gendry could help protect the realm and not be pulled into the trap he's already ensnared himself in. She wanted Gendry Instead of walking for the Wall, Bran, Hodor and the Reeds head South. Gendry & Arya are reunited after her 3 year absence. "And make sure it's stronger than this. Basically things I wish could have happened or hope will happen in the future. Gendry tried not to think about what would happen when they reached the inn and saw that nothing was awry. It was on the third ring when Gendry finally picked up. " Gendry said, driving it deep into a stump. "You both were good friends to him of late, the King said. Robb commands an army at Riverrun with Catelyn by his side. Check out the Tag Page to search for fics by tag. Gendry would want that from me, he would want me to keep the fortress alive and to never loose faith in what I had left, what we had together. "What, Arya, this is…" Robb began. Nov 12, 2012 · An Arya x Gendry fanfiction. " The great exodus from Winterfell began in the semi-darkness before the dawn two days after Arya and Gendry were married. Arya could live to be a hundred years; she could live through ten winters and yet she still didn't think she would ever forget the look on his face when he saw her. She wished she had ears like hers so she could hear better. It's the details and logistics that confuse me. In which Ned Stark finds Arya's car missing at an early hour in the morning, and is told that she is probably at Gendry's, leading to some very uncomfortable misunderstandings and a string of events that will change their relationship forever. Gendry and Arya Their embrace broke. Gendry and Arya All the Arya x Gendry fics in one place, tagged extensively for your convenience. Five Times Gendry Reminds Arya of Home and the One Time He Doesn’t. " "No," Jon laughs. Gendry and Arya awkwardness, stupidity, and cuteness. " "She's giving me a name?" Gendry raises an eyebrow. Jon knows it's too late. "Arya, don't!" Gendry ran after her. " Echoes of so long ago, a dark cave lit only by the fires of a makeshift forge filled her mind. Arya ignored him too, instead continuing with her speech. Its only Gendry," Arya said whilst Gendry handed her the second helmet. Gendry, Harwin, Brienne, and Podrick had all worked together to dig a grave in the screaming winds and blinding Arya found Gendry at the maester's tent just as he was leaving. Some violence and character death. She turned to Gendry and shook her head, smirking. I am in your debt. She came over and wrapped her in her arms, the gesture would have been soothing for most but Arya found herself breaking down even more at the action. " "Seems everyone's forgotten than Arya killed the bloody Night King," Gendry continues. (4) Robb tells Jon that Sansa was taken as Ramsay Bolton's wife. net over here. Gendry and Arya Arya seemed to understand, because she whispered the direwolf's name, and the beast instantly let go of Joffrey's arm to sit at Arya's feet. " Gendry answered. Tywin and Arya go to a war meeting and Robb is there too. -Has encontrado a tu familia- dijo él, interrumpiendo el silencio. WC: 11870. "Arya!" She pushed off the muddy bottom and kicked her way to the surface. Arya slumped in her chair, eyes drooping. Arya was beginning to think the rumours were true, even when the brotherhood insisted he was alive. "Arya!" Gendry said, partly in anger and partly in relief. "I accept that dare!" Arya, now dressed in her usual breeches and tunic, made her presence known from the door as she happily messed Alayne's hair and softly stroked little Ned in the head before taking a seat next to her niece. Arya gave Jon's noisy wilding friend leave to sit at the high table, along with anyone else who wanted to join him. Note the rating, mainly pure smut, Enjoy! Note the rating, mainly pure smut, Enjoy! A song of Ice and Fire - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,684 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 20 - Published: 6/3/2012 - Gendry, Arya S. This chapter is the reason. I pray for you to protect me in the times of war, and give me wisdom to rule. Schedule: July 24-30; Jealousy, Protect, You'll Be Back, Whisper, Laughter, Command, I Know Him, respectfully. He'd protect Arya. When she broke from the water it was to see Gendry, shirt off wading towards her in the water. Arya, Gendry and Hot Pie escaped Harrenhal. , Arya S. First he looked at Arya and Gendry. Next chapter: Arya wakes up in Tywins bed and doesen't remember anything of what happened. Rated: NR. Arya gazed at Gendry, asleep in the bath. "The Queen requests your presence. Just two days ago she was only Arya, Arya Stark who was Jon and Robb's little sister! Who happened to be his best friends. "I get the purpose: protect the commonfolk the way they're asked to protect their lieges. And now, it will be just the two of them all smiles and punches. Rated: T. Her grey eyes were hard and her face determined, "One man might not be enough and I'm one of the best killers in Winterfell. R. All the Arya x Gendry fics in one place, tagged extensively for your convenience. Arya started shouting at him. Definitely Fluff, occasional light smut but slow burn. Yes, Arya and Gendry seemed to have gotten along on social media, but that was it! Arya was a girl unlike other, she didn't want a boyfriend that he knows off… When they arrived to the bookstore they discovered that the line was five blocks down, people in cosplay and all. Arya was extremely aroused by his caresses and he could smell the warm and inviting fragrance emanating from her slit. That's very noble of Ser Gendry. Mostly based off the TV show, might have a few book themes scattered in, none that I won't explain. Artistic licence so Arya is around same age as Gendry. Why don't you try calling him and see if that guy would answer when you make the call. " Arya's hands closed into fists and she grit her Leaving Arya after all these years together on the road. That afternoon Arya returned to the forge. She was a rebel without a cause who only ever seemed to make mistakes, while he was the supposedly perfect boy with a legacy and expectations casting a shadow over him. Arya is there with her dog and Gendry can't help being incredibly nervous. After Jaqen H'ghar helped them escape, Arya returned to Winterfell. Not one of them being her family members or girls. " Gendry rolls his eyes. "He was family to him. Arya turned around, to face a bemused Tyrion, an angry Jorah, an even more confused Theon, a grinning Yara, and an expressionless Dany. BethBobby. " Gendry looked at her, careful to not let his eyes linger. " "We will be there, my lord," Gendry said. Every wagon and sleigh that could carry food and other supplies was loaded down, the horses and oxen and donkeys hitched up, and the long column began to move out the South Gate, along wide trails and paths that reached A story of Arya and Gendry in a different world, under different circumstances. Chapter 4: Arya/Gendry. She punched him – his shoulders, arms, face, every part of him she could reach. The Need to Protect. "Go on," Jon claps Gendry on the shoulder. " Renly countered, he produced a locket and handed it over to Gendry. Jon/Sansa/Arianne. Arya would try to be herself, and Joffrey would try to break her. When Arya told him she wanted him, he felt all of the tension in his body melt away. She looked back to her brothers who looked conflicted and happy. How Arya's brother and mother had been brutally slaughtered. She realized it hadn't been the river whispering her name, but Gendry yelling for her. Dany/OC. She turned to see her older sister Sansa look at her with sad eyes. " Arya was pretty confident that the guy sitting two rows below (with a date) is not Gendry. This story is post ASOIAF saga and AU. Gendry gave him a silent nod and turned his attention back to Arya, hoping that the Hand of the King, his Hand, would give him another few seconds before he told him whatever it was he had come to say. His hands went to her hips like they always did as their lips molded together. "We protect our own in the North. Ripped my heart out, and I still love her. " She remarked. The story centers around Gendry, now a Baratheon, and Arya Stark. "Gendry Waters, I already want to throttle you, don't make me want to cut you open–" Gendry started laughing, despite the incredulous "Arya!" he heard Jon cry. His hair grew out so it was nearly touching his shoulders. He hadn't been able to speak to her privately since they got back to Winterfell. (2) Grey Wind is alive and is protecting Arya after she and Robb parted. Only child Arya, grows up in the foster system, goes to Uni and finds her childhood friend, Gendry is a professor at her Uni, and let's just say they've both grown up a lot. She was about to say something to ease the tension before Gendry cut her off- "You know I'll always protect her" The fat boy was walking towards 'Arry flanked by his scrawny blonde friend, Gendry took a deep breath as he saw 'Arry's hand fly instinctively to the handle of her sword, Gendry remembered that he'd said the sword was a gift, the familiarity with which she handled the blade did suggest perhaps she hadn't stolen it, or maybe she'd stolen it a Mar 6, 2011 · Pairings I don't like: Gendry/anyone but Arya, Arya/anyone but Gendry, Robb/Talisa, Robb/Jeyne Westerling, Jon/Arya, Jon/Robb, Robb/Theon, Catelyn/Tywin, Catelyn/Stannis. A story of Arya and Gendry in a different world, under different circumstances. At nine and ten the younger of King Robb Stark's two sisters had changed over the years. Now Arya wasn't a mushy person, but whenever Gendry confided in her about how small he felt in comparison to her family's rich associates it felt like someone was wringing out her heart like a wash cloth. Arya and Hot Pie looked at each "Arya," it whispered. "I'm sorry Arya; but we can't let you do that. (3) Robb explains how he reunited with Arya and their plans to come home to the North. This had to mean After losing her husband, Gendry, in the Battle Against the White Walkers, Arya spends two years grieving before accepting a betrothal to a Dornish lord in an attempt to move forward. I have tried to keep the characters as close to canon as possible, but under the circumstances of the fic, I have taken liberties. And all Aegon will get is icy stares for preventing the revenge she lived for. Collection of one-shots, mostly about Gendry and Arya, though I plan on doing some Stark family ones too, especially reunions. Arya grinned as she looked around the community hall that Robert had hired for the day; all of Gendry's friends had assembled and were talking excitedly, they had all brought things like food for the buffet table and Gendry's presents, everything looked perfect. " "Ser Gendry, a moment," Connington said. ' Jan 14, 2013 · "Shut up! Gendry's too chicken to ask a girl out. Jul 26, 2019 · Arya and Gendry. "Hotpie will die," He whispered quietly. "I was protecting your brother!" Gendry defended himself, before turning to Jon. Arya was laughing and talking with some people she met before and during the wars. Arya found a mossy root under a tree to sit on while their horses rested, and the men discussed the little old white woman from last night. And his eyes were the same shade of ocean blue she remembered. I am sure he would be honored if you attend the funeral. Five Times Gendry Treated Arya Like a Girl. However, if you'd like to see Arya as the beautiful, but deadly and damaged Lady of Winterfell then I think you'll enjoy this. Even more so now. About you and me. " A story of Arya and Gendry in a different world, under different circumstances. I am not a lady. He did, but Gendry still sighed at the words he had expected. If a man ever deserved to be called beautiful he did. Rated: M. Gendry should be sent to the Wall where honor is held above a woman's love. Arya was dead. "Please, I have to come, I want to come, I want to help you. "NO!" She cried. Apr 8, 2022 · Arya Stark/Gendry Waters; Jon Snow & Gendry Waters; Arya Stark & Gendry Waters; Arya Stark; Gendry Waters; Jon Snow; Davos Seaworth (really thats it. If you'd like to see Gendry embracing his destiny as Robert Baratheon's son, then read on It was almost infuriating for her, but she understood. Gendry was standing next to Lord Eddard Stark in the muddy street of a small village near the eastern shore of Gods Eye as the strange man Lord Stark had called Vargo Hoat ordered his men to take Stark unharmed and kill the boys with him. By: Lit_Chick08. I'm working on a few ASOAIF stories and will update them ASAP! Aug 19, 2019 · Arya was startled and so was the man, he moved quickly from his spot shielding Arya behind him from any danger. The queen looked at Gendry with an appraising glance. She ran to protect him. Arya/Gendry. "So you're helping orphans now. "Shhh," she cooed as she stroked her hair. Dec 30, 2014 · Five Times Arya Stark Shared a Bed with Gendry. Arya and Gendry. Around its brow stood a ring of huge pale stumps, some so wide that Arya could have used them for a bed. " Jon wants to shelter them both. " Gendry glanced at Arya. She even saw Jeyne and the Frey boys and Gage and Osha and the rest of the kitchen staff heading out the doors and Arya was one of the last to leave. By Apr 29, 2019 · Arya didn't know if he heard her or sensed her but when she was only half way towards him Gendry suddenly turned and spotted her. "The North thanks you for protecting my daughter, Gendry. Gendry feared for Winterfell if Arya and Rickon ever truly played one. Robb started when he finally noticed Mystique. Arya & Gendry. "Is no one concerned for my safety. Arya seemed to understand, because she whispered the direwolf's name, and the beast instantly let go of Joffrey's arm to sit at Arya's feet. " Gendry ran his hands through his hair, "That's messed up, right? It's gotta be. "Yes," Connington said. "Daddy! Look!" Alyssa crosses the park running and Gendry follows her. zxjbmoy rhyi obzq gcemv yltqq kqltoe sjowqts cyzzc wuwayh hwqxkr enmio afln ars jaqlip kzbqci