Grafana bar chart group by. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Grafana bar chart group by 5. You can use the bar chart visualization if you need to show: Population distribution by age or location; CPU usage per application; Sales per division; Server cost distribution; Configure a bar chart Jul 21, 2021 · In the new release of Grafana 8 there is now a grouped bar chart. How are you trying to achieve it? I have tried a singe pgsql query and also merged multiple pgsql queries in table mode. name ORDER BY $__timeGroup(up. 00:00 - 8:30am, 8:30am - 11:30am and 11:30am - 2:00pm) something like this: I used this below query in the screenshot above SELECT count(“Type”) FROM “ICAU” WHERE Sep 7, 2023 · Hello Grafana community, I am a beginner in Grafana, and I need your help if possible. I’m using a “Group by” transform to group by locality with these options; Time Jun 20, 2018 · Hi During a particular day, I have data from multiple categories say A,B,C. I managed to calculate the total values for each Time using a group by, but in this case, I lose the information about individual users. I am not able to figure that out in Grafana. Visualizing data over time imported from my central heating system works fine. Jan 29, 2024 · First, Grafana tells me “Bar charts requires a string or time field” This 3 values are sring, so what ? So I go to the transform-date tab : 1/ I set year_month as Time 2/ I use partition-by-value, I add the field category. grouped bar chart panel plugin for grafana. I have attached a picture to this post. 0, 4. Possible? Nov 15, 2022 · Hi, I am getting daily consumption from floor heating in kWh. Jan 3, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 9. I managed to create a series of bars, one bar of each LUN Aug 20, 2018 · SELECT $__timeGroup(date, '1h') as time, count(*) as value FROM my_table WHERE $__timeFilter(date) AND filter=1 GROUP BY time I had to group by 1h as a workaround because I do not find a way to group day (24h), if I use 24h it overlaps the results. How are you trying to achieve it? Sep 7, 2022 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? v9. Then, I added 2 transformations. Grafana seems to only be able to group by one, even when you attempt two. Ways to Group Data by Month in Grafana KPI data often needs to be grouped by week, month, year, etc. Something like this How to achieve this on grafana dashboard UI Apr 8, 2020 · What Grafana version are you using? 6. It comes from HA-influx DB. Does anyone have an idea how to achieve this? Apr 3, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 9. I set “Color by field” to the grouped field → didn’t work I tried overrides based on Jun 15, 2022 · Hi I am having trouble displaying data on my bar chart the way I want it to be See screenshot below of my table. I am trying to create a bar chart in which the hours of the day will be depicted on the x axis (01:00, 02:00, …, 23:00, 00:00). Select SUM(VALUE), time FROM item0051 group by DATE_FORMAT(time, '%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY time LIMIT 3 Mar 19, 2024 · I was thinking Grafana handles it. However, I want to be able to download all data as CSV, not only the data that pass the LIMIT. Sep 30, 2024 · Hey there! I’m very new to Grafana and am trying to evaluate it as a network and security visualization platform for a small business. Is there any way to apply LIMIT only to Bar Chart (e. The query is: select last(“locality”) as locality from locations group by “car_id” It’s not possible to group by “locality” because it is a field, not a tag. if i group by 1d, the total value is correctly calculated, but the graph splits the bar in a daily view. something like that - no mater which SQL i used, i failed to get this, any advise / guide will be appreciate. 2023-08-02 name_1 20. 0 on Ubuntu 18. I have got a nice graph but it does not give the expected results. The result should looks like this: I already managed to get the sum of all entries per product type. This is the statement data from the utility: Chart I’m working on: Why does this charts 30d group around the 19th through 24th? Dec 8, 2022 · Grafana 9. I would like to have a bar chart which is showing one bar per day. 1 What are you trying to achieve? In a Bar Graph I am displaying data from a PV system grouped by days ofver the course of a month. But the problem occurs when I tried to visualize the data by using the bar chart, it takes the name of my column (message(distinctcount) instead of the grouped parameter (origin). May 11, 2022 · I want to display a bar graph with name of plans on x-axis and their value on y-axis with filter based on the time. 4 Bar graph that I created has same colour to each lengend I want to have different colour to each legend. Mar 12, 2020 · Any ideas on how to display data grouped by month this way in a bar graph? Just some more info, here is example data from 2019: I had to add the month to the metric to get any kind of grouping in the output chart: And this is the closest I’ve been able to get to the desired chart: The visualization can display the bars horizontally or vertically, and can be customized to group or stack bars for more complex data analysis. Jan 20, 2022 · I’d like to know if I can make pages or at least scrolling a large panel for bar chart. I hope some of you can point me in the right direction. What I want is having two stacked bars, one per query, grouped per hour. 2 and my data source is Postgresql. The peak temperature between 00:00 and 23:59 on 6/29 was 103F at ~15:30. I have query like this: But I said “No Y value” The same thing happens when I tried to select axis by manual. 1. Nov 20, 2024 · I want to create a stacked bar chart in Grafana where: Each bar corresponds to a single Time. I receive table, but how to visualize it now in Grafana? SELECT COUNT(a) AS "counter", a AS "value" FROM Feb 7, 2024 · I am trying to visualize data over years, and need Grafana to work like Excel in the fact that I can Group by Months, and then Group by years. I’m getting data from my smart energy meter (measuring gas/power usage) going to Home Assistant and then to InfluxDB. 3 deployed on k8s What are you trying to achieve? I am trying to have such chart. The count of categories should be stacked in a single bar for a particular day. Which results in the labels being unreadable as they are only numbers now. So the value is resetting to 0 every midnight. The data is stored every second, but has a field for the daily running consumed amount, so a selection for the last or max daily value should work. I also ended doing a time shift to align the group nicely above the X-axis label (see myOffset - the value probably changes if you are in a different timezone). The second one should show only tasks that are done. And even if I hard code the graph, with Jan 18, 2023 · Hi everyone, I want to visualize my energy consumption using grafana - works fine so far. The resulting bar chart is good but the x axis vaues are 11/01, 12/01, 01/01, as if it was the first day of each month. (Kibana Dashboard): In Grafana using Loki, I am having a hardtime doing this. Aug 16, 2024 · Grafana 10. I have a list of customers with different plan and need to know how many of them are accepted or not! Example below: But I am not able to replicate this! Any clue? The data-source is ElasticSearch… Aug 23, 2023 · currently having following bar chart in a grafana dashboard: I would like to have a axis label grouping based on a different data column: The data looks like the following: Is there a way to configure the grafana bar chart to group the labels? Of course, even non time-related diagrams can be interesting. But the Graphs are not “Monday” “Tuesday”… they are “last 24h” “-24h to -48h”…. 0 2023-08-02 name_3 14. Add Field From Calculation transformation to add the count field and Group by transformation to group by the exceptionMessage. 1d, 1M, 1Y. I guess that’s where the confusion is from? Y axis: it measures the “time” duration of the 3 columns “duration_{1,2,3}”. You would Partition by values on the device_type field, then Join by field on the group_name field. 1 What are you trying to achieve? I try to have all bars within a group colored by the same color. I feel like I have tried everything, but I still can’t get it to format properly. In Grafana it’s a bit trickier to group data by time intervals and to display multiple result sets, but it’s worth trying. Is this possible? Grafana will group the months if I hide the year column: Excel can group based on multiple date data points: Jun 20, 2024 · My influxDB has a time series of hourly prices. I am getting below exception after writing “No field name specified to use for x-axis, check your axes settings” When i try to add filed name in axis tab, i could not add. These data exists in influxdb. Status, COUNT(*) AS Nov 9, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 9. instead of having them duplicated or broken down Apr 3, 2024 · Team, I am looking for assistance with utilizing the Bar Chart Panel for non date based charting using elasticsearch datasource. What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana v10. I just want one plot of three bars for one days. 2 What are you trying to achieve? Bar Chart Panel where total is grouped by time this is working fine What happened? when I change the variable filter: Sure I can fix it, by setting up the correct calculation again, but this would mean, everytime I change May 13, 2020 · I am trying to group data by day. like this view script SELECT COUNT (*) EMPLEADO, SEXO,NOMINA FROM [EMPLEADO] Where ACTIVO = ‘S’ group by SEXO, NOMINA order by NOMINA is there a way to stacked bar with no time values? if there isn’t a way… any advice on how to add a custom timestamp in this query? Mar 12, 2020 · I am using AWS Athena data source. g. You need 1 column as string and 2 or more columns for numbers. Aug 19, 2021 · I’m trying to setup a time series graph that has both a bar chart showing the total water usage per hour, as well as a line chart showing the flow rate over time (using TimeScaleDB/Postgres) if I aggregate both of these at 1 hour, I get a chart like this - which is sorta what I’m after but i’d like to aggegate the line chart by 1 min so it shows more information: (yellow = total, green Apr 11, 2022 · I also noticed that my daily consumption bar chart shows time as 00:00 on the X axis, whereas the table view shows 01:00 in the Time column. 04 LTS and mysql as database. Bar Chart Panel. my CSV file gives me the following values. I need to show two bars. The query looks like this: SELECT last(“Energy_Wh”) FROM “Ac Aug 14, 2022 · Hi all, I am trying to create a specific type of barchart. image 1035×301 21. 17:00:00. How can I do this? Any advise for me? Dec 29, 2023 · Charts shown here as bar charts just so values are visible for each day here. 9: 523: July 31, 2024 Jul 25, 2022 · Is there any way to change bar color based on condition? the height of the bar chart is defined by the responseTime. If I don’t do that transformation I end up with the message “Bar charts requires a string field”… May 8, 2023 · Hi, im trying to create grafana with multiple bar chart and failed to do so. May 18, 2021 · When i use group by 4w it will take the max value recorded in the group of 4w. I have multiple LUNs on a storage system. If I enable the Group by -Transformation, it will result in no data, and the list of fields is changed Any ideas? Kind regards Rainer Apr 25, 2024 · Hello friends, I’m using Grafana v10. If val2 is chosen, I want my chart colors to be blue-red. 5 free and want to design my bar-chart in a way, that it shows the sum of values per week (Monday-Sunday) I’m using this query: Oct 26, 2021 · Let my IT department update Grafana to 8. Currently, I’m doing this: Jun 24, 2021 · Hello guys, I’ve a signal which is a current consumption of my home in watts. 3 on Windows and getting data from an InfluxDB. How are you trying to achieve it? The metrics looks like sum May 1, 2022 · Hi! Running Grafana 8. This is my simple query: SELECT first(“value”) FROM “0_userdata. A two hour search did not provide me with the results in want. I am using dates and counters to make my queries visual, the problem is that adding them to grafana looks like this. In Bar chart properties I specified X Axis as “the_date” In Postgres table the “the_date” column has type “DATE”. 2 OSS, Under Windows Server What are you trying to achieve? I have a Table data from a SQL database that shows queue stats from my ticketing system, for each queue I have the unassigned, assigned and pending ticket states I want to be able to select what color will be set to each element/status in a stacked bar chart How are you Oct 21, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana 10 with Linux OS What are you trying to achieve? the deviation of each device power consumption per day compared to the average power consumption per device per day. I have Jun 30, 2021 · As you can see from the image, the temperature on 6/29 from top bar chart shows peak temp as 109F but the lower time line chart shows 109F occurred at 17:00 on 6/28. Some Bars represent incoming energy from different sources (PV and public network), others show consumption (Washing machine, Dryer, Lights, whatever). How are you trying to achieve it? I applied two value mappings for the exceptionMessage column. 4 What datasource are you using? postgresql 9. Mar 8, 2021 · Hi, I am using Grafana and InfluxDB to analyse my home automation setup, and have used the Bar Gauge in a few places already. For example, to show a bar graph per day with the number of emails sent per day. SUCCESS and FAIL are stacked like the graph shown. I have a bar graph that has a lot of bars. I don’t know if this discrepancy is related, but it seems unexpected too. I want to have a bar chart with the latest price of each day for the last 7 days. created) GROUP BY p. Btw, I’m using InfluxDB as data source. 2. In other applications, or just in Excel with pivot tables and stacked bar charts, you’ll get a quick win for such reports. x. In the example below, the data is grouped in 10 minute intervals and the Group by time interval field is set to >10m. In the whats new page for grafana 8 it shows two examples. As can be seen in the screenshot my X-axis does not start at 0 and the bars “overlap” the vertical time-lines. My datasource is ElasticSearch which gets logmessages like this: I know want to group these entries by product type and get the sum of all entries for each product type per month. I need to show on Grafana total of passed builds and failed builds on Bar chart or Pie chart! Documentation Ask Grot AI Plugins Get Grafana Grafana Labs Community Forums Aug 2, 2017 · I started using Group by Time Interval with our influxDB data to get daily bar graph on energy consumption. If val1 is chosen, I want my chart colors to be green-yellow. Query: SELECT FORMAT(CAST(tr. For example. I have not found a way to bind chart colors to a variable. I got 6 metrics(say A_SUCCESS, A_FAIL, B_SUCCESS, B_FAIL, C_SUCCESS, C_FAIL) They are prometheus counters. created,$__interval), p. Start_Date BETWEEN $__timeFrom() AND $__timeTo() AND ( Process Jun 26, 2020 · Hi, I’m pretty new to Grafana and are currently struggling with the Bart cart aligment on the X-axis. Here’s what’s odd - when I apply my override to a pie chart (again, updating Dec 11, 2024 · Hi everyone, I’m working on a Bar Gauge panel in Grafana that displays the top 10 most frequent stops. ) is a combination of two Transformations: the Partition by values transform, then Join by field transform. 1 and still using the old Graph panel somewhere. top 20), leaving the SQL query without limit? Jul 19, 2021 · Is there a way to have a time series chart with bar style show different colors below a threshold and above the threshold? I know you can set thresholds and show them with lines and filled areas, but I would rather have the bars change color above and below. Much like how “filter data by query” works but instead of filtering, grouping the data into separate columns. "footage" WHERE footage_type='VIDEO' group by BIN(time,24h) order by DAY This is how my data looks in table form: In timeseries form But this happens in bar chart mode: Likewise, the May 4, 2022 · Hi!, I’m trying to created a stacked Column chart using data from MSQL, with no time. 000 17:00:00. The code for each is follows: Unbillable chart: SELECT u. Sep 7, 2022 · I would like to have the bars stack in two groups so there is one bar that includes all sources stacked and one bar that show consumption by the individual devices for each day of the month. And looks like this: Mar 27, 2024 · Grafana v11. Mar 27, 2024 · Hi There, I have 2 bar charts in Grafana which show 2 sets of data from the same table but i want to stack them into one chart. Contribute to gipong/grafana-groupedbarchart-panel development by creating an account on GitHub. Each LUN is associated with its name and two values: the “Total” space being assigned to LUN and the ‘Used’ space that is actually used. The bar chart shows downloaded versions for an app. StartTime AS DATE), 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS Date, tr. Looks like it was in beta on Grafana 7. I created a daily power consumption bar chart, but it will show only max values. My data have often multiple rows that would be overkill to preview in Charts, therefore, I apply LIMIT to my SQL queries. I am using the mysql data source plug in with Table option to draw chart. However, i want the bar with result ‘pass’ to be green and the bar with result’socket hang up’ … Feb 21, 2024 · I am trying to create a bar which should group the data and then within each group, it will indicate the sub-group. For example: X-Axis defining hour interval: 7AM-8AM, 8AM-9AM, 9AM-10AM, 10AM-11AM… Y-Axis defining count: Occurrence of specified keyword For example 7AM-8AM has count = 9, 8AM-9AM has count = 10… How can we achieve this in Grafana Dashboard with Loki as Data Nov 18, 2019 · I need to build a stacked bar graph with data grouped not by time. Which causes the bars to be half in one day an half in the How to Create a Grafana Bar Chart with Multiple Series Example using SQL Server Database. I have one panel where I select different timespans (last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, last year). created,$__interval) But SELECT product, jan as '一月', feb as '二月', mar as '三月' FROM grafana. My database stores an application login history data and I want to show it in grafana classified in three groups by hour range. I just want to display one plot. 4 What are you trying to achieve? Vertical Bar Chart How are you trying to achieve it? By running SQL query with backend as Postgres What happened? The query is NOT returning any null values when directly executed in a query editor but Grafana returns null values in the array list. How are you trying to achieve it? Can’t achieve this this. The data comes from the following SQL query : select count(*), "machine", "Message", "type" from union_with_active_… Apr 28, 2023 · Hi everyone, Has anyone been able to sort the values in a bar chart eCharts dashboard? I’m using the Infinity plugin, getting information of MITRE Tactics from an API, grouping and summarizing by tactic, and when I try to sort the values obtained using a “sort by” transformation, in a table it shows fine, but in the eCharts panel the panel is empty (without sorting I can perfectly see Jan 12, 2023 · Hello world, I am running Grafana 9. How can this functionality be fixed? The bar charts are using a SQL query to return 10 values; the first is an integer, and the other 9 I am converting to text, so that they Apr 6, 2019 · I have pushed the metrics like related to Jenkins builds. 3 - Ubuntu What are you trying to achieve? I have an Elasticsearch datasource with task data, like id, name, priority and status. The bar should be rising during day. delivered next to each other side by side, just like in the announcement of the bar chart panel (https Jun 7, 2020 · and the graph then like this: Note: I have added a 3rd timestamp with zero for both series, it gives a bettter ‘grouped’ feeling. but grafana is breaking in 10:00 and 22:00 I want both the purple bar to be added and samething for the blue and beige one. 0 (not the enterprise version) I am trying to recreate this white chart However, I can only get my chart to format in these three ways,. Oct 28, 2024 · I would ideally like a visualization where I can see a per-day bar chart of failure provided by loki (via Serilog). Thanks in advance for your help! Apr 8, 2024 · Group by transformation breaks when changing variable values. x). This is what I want it to look like, and how it currently looks. 4. is there away to have it display it as one row instead of two row of the same date? Here is a screenshot of my Bar chart here is my query SET ARITHABORT OFF SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, AVG(CONVERT Apr 30, 2022 · Hello, i’m using Grafana 8. For reference, here is my current code: My data source is PosgreSQL. What I want is days on the x-axis, a bar for every meter id side by side for every day. I don’t want to hard code the group by value, since it will depend really if the in the time picker i chose 7 days, or 30 days, or… When I leave the default group by $__interval value, it used strange numbers, like 2h for a 7 day period. The data looks like this: timeout=a, browser=chrome, value=1 timeout=b, browser=chrome, value=2 timeout=a, browser=safari, value=4 timeout=b, browser=safari, value=2 It measures the value for each combination of browser and timeout. plan_id WHERE $__timeFilter(up. I had seen examples before. I suspect what I want do is just a feature that doesn’t yet exist, but I wanted the community to verify that before I made a feature request. 6 What OS are you running grafana on? ubuntu 18 I am trying a graph using a postgre database. As part of security monitoring, I want to graph user logins by user and IP so that I can see, at a glance, how often any given user is logging in from specific locations on the network. I currently have three different panels displaying the data, but would like them to be displayed Nov 1, 2021 · Bar chart Grouped grafana 8 - Grafana - Grafana Labs Community Forums GROUP BY for Bar Charts. I got data with a query: SELECT "count" FROM "autogen". I use Query options “Relative Time 31d” and in the Query “Group by time(1d)”. I want have 3 bars A B and C. My charts are set up as follows: Aug 9, 2017 · Hi, I would like to draw a bar chart based on the data available in mysql data base. 6 I’m trying to get a bar graph that would display my energy consumption per month. For example, with a group by: Sep 13, 2023 · For SQL above I see records like this in PG Admin. 6 I have monthly bar graph something like this : can you help me to change the value in the red circle into month-year format? like Dec-22 here’s my query SELECT MONTH(DATEADD(SECOND, time, '1970-01-01')) as time, STDEV (E_CC14) AS CC14 FROM Energy_CC WHERE $__unixEpochFilter(time) GROUP BY MONTH(DATEADD(SECOND, time, '1970-01-01')) ORDER BY 1 Jul 7, 2024 · Hi, I try to group my photovoltaik-data per month to display it in a bar chart. Any help would be greatly appreciated. What happened? Group by, by itself does not do the trick. Jul 14, 2022 · Format the data in a column using valuemap then use groupBy transformation for the pie chart. 0 2023-08-04 name_1 18. how can i configure grafana to show me the grouped by 4w but to show me the toal value of the energy cosumed in the 4w? May 10, 2023 · Double-check the Grafana Bar Chart Documentation for additional details on configuring colors and overrides. I already was able to make a graph to show it over time Also another graph to show total consumption for a particular time frame selected Now what I’m trying to do is to draw a graph where it shows the consumption for each day (X axis) and show total consumption (Y axis) but sadly I Jul 18, 2024 · I have to display 387 X-Axis elements on a Bar Chart to display. Aug 7, 2024 · I’m building a group bar chart and want to add functionality where applying a variable as a filter will highlight the relevant customers in the chart instead of filtering them out. Dashboards. With the Grafana transformation, I already could create a Timeseries, that looks pretty good and only must be grouped by Month. But I am not sure how they are done. of 10 instead of limited to 10 'Group By" bar and prev and next button in grafana bar chart. I have three queries that are gathering data from servicenow. 0. Example data: Metric: Count Group By TERMS (1): Result (Values are either Passed or Failed) Then Oct 8, 2022 · I have data that currently is graphed as a line graph, but I would also like to graph the same data to show how much this value changes per day. To understand it better, I will describe my data. 3 I would like to group bar chart columns by separate queries. Dec 14, 2023 · SELECT sum(“duration”) / 60 from “$project-testRun-duration” WHERE (“year” =~ /^$year$/) GROUP BY “tag_month” SELECT “duration” / 60, “month” from “$project-testRun-duration” WHERE (“year” =~ /^$year$/) To create a bar chart visualization, you need a dataset containing one string or time field (or column) and at least one numeric field, though preferably more than one to make best use of the visualization. I want to display this data in a bar Jul 21, 2021 · Grafana version: 7. 5 did the trick More or less… I can finally do the bars side by side, but I need transform the datetime to a string. I have many records with its timestamp and I would like to make a bar graph with a count with the number of records grouped by hours. So far the old panel looked like, plea… Apr 10, 2023 · Hello , I need some help with my panel. 2 version: select model_no,sum(device_count) device_count from device_models_stats group by model_no order by device_count DESC limit 5; Apr 4, 2022 · What I want to do is a bar graph, showing KWh per day solar energy using influxDB 1. The first should count all tasks (including all statuses). I would like to have the bars stack in two Jul 7, 2022 · with stacking. I am able to group these alarms based on the origin of the alarm by using Group by > Distinct Count. description of what I am trying to achieve: Is it possible to combine Transformed data with the Apr 26, 2022 · I would like to know how I can make a bar graph for the daily consumption for every meter. 000 Jun 20, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Latest version, its in remote server i believe linux connected using Postgre SQL What are you trying to achieve? I’ve a table where I have following Columns -Year , -Budget , -Timestamp with y/m/d/t/m/s I’d like to create a graph that represents the Timestamps by months, in the x-axis January, February, March, April, etc. I was wondering whether I can sort the results based on the metric result? Or if there is an alternative I could use to achieve a similar outcome? Thanks, Simon Feb 28, 2023 · Grafana version : v9. 5 Datasource: InfluxDB I need to create a pie chart with every location (metric) and the number of cars in it (value). My Feb 13, 2024 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana v10. Visual Examples: It might help to look at examples or screenshots of similar configurations. "AverageTravelTime" WHERE ("unique-run-name Nov 3, 2024 · I stuck with trying to add the second graph with the consumption of yesterday into the same panel. It seems that the only option is to display them all at once, which scales them very small (essentially it’s zoomed all the way out). Then transform Time->Sting to make the bar chart work. 9 KB Mar 26, 2017 · If you want to aggregate in 10 minute intervals, then in InfluxDB (I’m guessing that is the db you are using) change the Group by time interval to a larger value. Jul 27, 2021 · Hello, I am having trouble with a bar graph. Jan 20, 2025 · group by the_date, name order by the_date, name. That is, in order to find room x’s “segment on Apr 11, 2020 · Hi guys, I’m pretty new to Grafana and have an issue I can’t figure out. May 10, 2022 · Hi everyone, My problem is pretty straightforward. Like the image below: The graph above was made using the old Nov 12, 2021 · Grafana v8. Tagesstromp… Nov 14, 2024 · I am using Grafana v11. Grafana provides the $__timeGroupAlias macro for this – you just provide the grouping interval, e. my goal is like that - X-Axis will present test name and Y-Axis the results for the test fir each version. Please can anybody advise? Jun 17, 2024 · v10. 1: 2428: April 19, 2023 Grafana bar gauge multiple queries order by value. 8. I assumed that this because grafana does not count the “modalityCode” as an collum contain value to plot because of the “GROUP BY Mar 29, 2021 · I want to use bar chart to show the number of alarm which I have. For Apr 6, 2023 · A: date:[now-1d TO now] Metric: sum => deployments Group by: date histogram => date B: date:[now-1d TO now] Metric: sum => hasLiveness Group by: date histogram => date C: date:[now-1d TO now] Metric: sum => hasReadiness Group by: date histogram => date I’m trying to use a newer panel since the graph panel is deprecated. Using color by col also didn’t help. I want to create a bar chart in which for every day there is a single bar with different colors for the different categories. The version of Grafana I use is v8. `bar_chart_data` limit 50. I am aiming to get daily and monthly sum of sensor values. Apr 17, 2024 · I currently have a bar chart diagram working with this query: SELECT subquery. Hauptzähler. I would like to group my data by time depending on the selected timespan: Last 24 hours → group by hour (works automatically Nov 19, 2024 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana v10. Ticketnummer (Unique number for a ticket, Ticket ID) Geschlossen (Date when the ticket was closed) Status (Ticket status) I would like to see how many tickets Jul 18, 2024 · Hi! I am seeing odd behavior when modifying the panel’s JSON to update overrides directly. If available, share or look for community posts or tutorials that illustrate how to set up colored bar charts with multiple categories. You can use count_if or CASE WHEN to count the number for second dimension. This is the query I used SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(up. I tried color by col option from Bar Chart Setting side panel. The interfal of sending data is when the number changes (so when not using gas the latest number stays until gas usage starts) and resets at midnight (so Jul 6, 2021 · I am pretty exited about the announced bar chart panel and just wanted to give it a try for my use case: I have two time series, both already have the datapoints aligned in time: This is energy received from net or delivered to the net. 26. 0 Dec 11, 2024 · Bar chart - Group categories together. id = up. 25. I thought that an intuitive approach to that would be per-user bars split Jun 15, 2022 · Sorry I realise there are 2 pieces of “time” information. ID WHERE t. Can you let me know how to draw bar graph? Below is the data Sep 22, 2021 · Hey everyone, I write raw SQL queries to visualize data from my DB. (metric is set to count and it is grouped Dec 16, 2022 · i am using grafana v 9. Oct 9, 2024 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana v11. 5 and prometheus data source. I get two bar charts for yesterday time range as screenshot 2, however I expected only one bar for yesterday sum of values. All of a sudden the tooltips are removed and I can’t show this information which is required. I am using grafana 8. Each of them return different stats on a table. Specifically, I want the selected customers in the variable / filter to be highlighted in red. Problem #1: currently the bar chart shows the x-axis labels as several identical values. name as 'Plan', count(*) as 'Count' FROM plans_userplan up INNER JOIN plans_plan p ON p. I get this value every second. Now I would like to give the new Bar Chart panel a try and migrate one of those old panels to the new one. 0 2023-08-02 name_2 25. 0 on MacOS I have had a dashboard in use for months that has bar charts with 10 tooltips available upon hover. The Value for each UserName is stacked on the same bar for that time. 3. Staff_ID = u. However when I set it up as screenshot 1. Version examples: 4. I have a variable with 2 values: val1, val2. First_Name, SUM(t. 3 I am currently trying to mimic a kibana dashboard that reports on Teams call errors and stacks the errors in bars. This is resulting in 0 bars for few Aug 3, 2021 · I am stuck with the graph due to not being able to group the graphs by date. 1 For the connection to a Database I’m using SQLite What are you trying to achieve? I want to separate data in a bar chart by weeks If I want to see the whole month there should be 3 or 4 vertical lines or something which separates the data visually into the 4 weeks How are you trying to achieve it? I tried it with annotations Feb 4, 2023 · For example: the value of the name tag: Series 1 occured in multiple series, but each series has different color due to the group() fulx function and the default nature of coloring in grafana. Jan 16, 2024 · Hi, I have an instant query that returns some data from Prometheus and I want to visualize this as a bar chart in Grafana. pallet, MIN(CONCAT(date, ’ ', time)) AS first_datetime, MAX(CONCAT(date, ’ ', time)) AS last_datetime,. The values come from a ticket system. However, what I want is for each floor’s bar to really be the combination of stacking each individual room’s bar on top of one another. I tried to play with bar chart and but could not achieve this goal. https://grafana. com/docs/grafana/latest/whatsnew/wha… Apr 7, 2022 · The solution to group the columns by each of your groups (GROUP_A, GROUP_B, GROUP_C, etc. 执行SQL语句,查询数据如下图: 上图中,分别存储了三个产品三个月的销售数据,下面我们将 SQL 语句放到 Grafana 中来看看效果: Nov 25, 2021 · I’m trying to display a timeseries data as a bar chart but Grafana complains about Bar charts requires a string field This is my query: SELECT COUNT(footage_type) as _count_, BIN(time,24h) AS DAY FROM "footage". Duration_Hours) AS Total_Duration_Hours FROM vw_Case_Timeline AS t INNER JOIN Internal_Users AS u ON t. 0: 194: December 14, 2023 Transform (Group By) and Jun 10, 2022 · I need help why is Grafana breaking my Chart in two. SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(lastdate,1d,0), sum(value) AS ‘Kwh’ Apr 22, 2022 · Hello, I am new to Grafana and have a problem mapping Time Series from a CSV file. The data is stored in two influx-DBs (Version 1. I’d prefer to run I’ve checked the daily values in influx and they match when the summing period is correct. I don’t know why the last two row is broken down the way it is. I use the JSON Plugin to get the data from my home automation system. I don’t know whether there is a better solution. Just group by a, b won’t create a stacked bar chart. I am looking to display the total count of returned fields by two group by fields, but when doing so, the second group by will not allow me to color by returned string. Can anyone guide me on how to implement this? Jun 30, 2023 · What I need to do is create a Bar Chart for a hotel with the x-axis being different floors, y axis being power used, and the height of a bar representing the sum of all power used on a particular floor. Apr 9, 2024 · Hello! I am using AWS Managed Grafana and I trying to sort results from an Athena query. 3 I’m trying to draw a line chart that x-axis represent type of modality and y-axis represent number of times each modality is used. The Database used here is AdventureWorks downloadable herehttps:// Jan 13, 2025 · Hi, I’m trying to figure out how to create a bar chart with weekly values based off a MySQL table containing daily values. Oct 6, 2024 · Hi. For each day i want to display the value received vs. Currently I am only displaying top 10, but I’d like to use no limit and just have the bar chart show pages of 10 (or n ) number of rows. Apr 19, 2021 · I am trying to visualize following data using the bar chart in Grafana. Here is my query A. I have already picked out the necessary values that I want to display. 7. However, every time I change the period, I get the dates and the hours instead of just taking 24 values Dec 8, 2023 · Hi, We have logs in Loki. Aug 31, 2022 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 9. Also, all their labels lay Oct 24, 2017 · @daniellee Same problem im facing with “Datatable Panel” with the below query in Grafana 4. For the sake of this post I’ll simplify things: I have a field (Field_1) There are two distinct values (“yes” and “no”) I want to create a bar chart where the “yes” bar is green, and the “no” bar is red. We would like to create bar chart with the occurrence of some specified keyword found grouped by hour. 0 What are you trying to achieve? I have an SQL query that returns test status by date; I’m trying to stack the bars by date, so I will have a single bar with Failed\\Interrupted\\Passed(not count of them for each date. The output that serilog is providing looks like the following: {"Message":"Log message here","Level":"… Nov 3, 2023 · I have MySQL table, where I group by value and count number of instances. yll xko krcd rmwml nmk pidqzhy kvtrcy odxq yyzgv ger nwtvwf bahtq whurv rgw agksxtb