Rot13 python. El algoritmo ROT13 utiliza 13 turnos.
Rot13 python 7 using ord() and chr(). py encoded. e. " Jan 2, 2021 · In this video I show you how to solve the rot13 problem on codewars. ROT13 is used in online forums as a means of hiding spoilers, punchlines, puzzle solutions, and offensive materials from the casual glance. So, ‘A’ becomes ‘N’, ‘B’ becomes ‘M’ and so on. The benefit of ROT 13 is that you can decrypt the encrypted text by running it through ROT 13 encryption again. The code is pretty much the same as Caesar Cipher with the shift value set to 13 always. Analisi dell'algoritmo ROT13. This is a powerful example of python join function and list comprehensions that really shows Function rot13 in file "encodings/rot_13. No need for explicit loops at all. How to rotate 128 bit number in Java. Dot Net Perls is a collection of tested code examples. 11,959 of 27,103 hvaara. python cryptography base64 aes binary ascii offset python-script rsa hexadecimal base58 rot13 aes-encryption rsa-cryptography 3des cryptography-algorithms ROT-13 加密,英文字母表的13位移位. ROT13 is an example of the Caesar cipher. Full Code included! Python 简短的rot13函数 - Python 在本文中,我们将介绍如何在Python中编写一个简短的rot13函数。rot13是一种简单的字符串加密方法,它通过将字母表中的每个字母都向后移动13个位置来加密一段文字。这种加密方法是对称的,也就是说加密和解密的过程是一样的。 Using Python's generator expression, we decompose the input string into its individual characters, make a generator that outputs the result of transposing each using rot13_char, and then join the characters back into a string using join. ROT47 is a derivative of ROT13 which, in addition to scrambling the basic letters, treats numbers and common symbols. Análisis del algoritmo ROT13. GitHub is where people build software. Por lo tanto, es muy fácil cambiar los caracteres a la inversa para descifrar el texto cifrado. I need to create a function Jan 24, 2012 · Rot 13 Minimal Version Java. Jan 5, 2021 · def rot13(word): return ''. maketrans (Py3) and then using the result to call str. I found this joke on USENET, but the punchline is scrambled. Code Nov 25, 2013 · Well, you're already pretty close; your rot13 algorithm is actually correct, it's just that you're not reading files correctly. 7k次,点赞2次,收藏13次。本文介绍了ROT家族的一系列加解密算法,包括ROT5、ROT13、ROT18和ROT47,详细阐述了它们的加密和解密过程,并提供了相应的Python实现代码。 About 'Rotate by 13 places' is a simple letter substitution cypher that replaces a letter with the 13th letter after it in the alphabet. But it's also worth learning how to use the "batteries included" in Python, and if you need this for a real use rather than just for learning, it's better to use the batteries. Implementing rot13 in python. Star 0. imagine the alphabet as a circle, so it wraps around, or “rotates” by 13 letters, hence “rot13”. The ROT13 cipher will substitute each letter by the letter coming 13 places after it in the alphabet. If there are numbers or special characters included in the string, they should be returned as they are. ROT13 is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. – Nov 14, 2024 · Encryption and Decryption in ROT13: The same process is used for both encryption and decryption because the transformation is symmetric. a. It is not supported by str. To encipher your own messages in python, you can use the pycipher module. Parlons maintenant de l'algorithme ROT13 et de son implémentation. Python solution for Rot13 cryptography algorithm in code wars. encode (str, " rot-13 ")) ksnctf のEasy Cipherの↓をいれてみる EBG KVVV vf n fvzcyr yrggre fhofgvghgvba pvcure gung ercynprf n yrggre jvgu gur yrggre KVVV yrggref nsgre vg va gur nycunorg. Viewed 358 times 1 . Rot13 is symmetric, so both will have the same effect, and it will work because negative indexes are legal in Python (they refer to positions counted backwards from the end). Feb 12, 2022 · # python from string import ascii_lowercase as lowercase from string import ascii_uppercase as uppercase # pypi from expects import equal, expect The Submitted Function This is the version I submitted to CodeWars. ROT13 (rotate by 13 places) replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. Python Fiddle Python Cloud IDE. The Caesar cipher works like a ROT13 is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. Jul 10, 2020 · Python には Rot13 (13文字ずらし) は実装されているが、それ以外では自作プログラムを走らせる必要がある. ROT13. 13. Drawback. This module should provide at least one function called rot13 that takes any amount of text and returns that same text encrypted by ROT13. translate. How can you tell an extrovert from an introvert at NSA? Va gur ryringbef, gur rkgebireg ybbxf ng gur BGURE thl'f fubrf. decode('sbbone', 'rot_13') The thing is I'd like to run this python file against an existing file which has rot13 encoding. Answer. Tasks Create a python module named rot13. El algoritmo ROT13 utiliza 13 turnos. Puede ver la salida ROT13 como se muestra en la siguiente imagen: Retirarse. Here's the problem: """Write a function called rot13 that uses the Caesar cipher to encrypt a message. So “Hello, world!” encrypts to “Uryyb, jbeyq!” which in turn encrypts to “Hello, world!” Rot 13 algorithm; Data encryption standard algorithm (DES) Caesar cipher algorithm; Triple DES algorithm; Rot 13 algorithm in Python. It as reinstated, as a text transform in Python 3. And then we call the ord () built-in function. Oct 3, 2020 · I'm pretty new to the world of coding in general and after completing a recent Codecademy project themed about cryptography, I was inspired to try creating my own ROT13 decoder using a similar setup, since I've seen ROT13 used a lot on some fansites I've frequented to cover up spoilers. Here is one of the script i have been using Mar 28, 2016 · This is different from Python 2. String Cipher ROT13 can be implemented as follows: The benefit of ROT 13 is that you can decrypt the encrypted text by running it through ROT 13 encryption again. Jul 17, 2010 · I am searching for a short and cool rot13 function in Python ;-) I've written this function: def rot13(s): chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" trans = chars[13:]+chars[:13] rot_char = Mar 23, 2023 · ROT13 cipher(read as - "rotate by 13 places") is a special case of the Ceaser cipher in which the shift is always 13. Feb 13, 2018 · Python 3 got more strict about binary strings vs unicode strings, and 'rot13' is a rare example of string-to-string "codec". (for example rot13. 5. Thank you! Feb 26, 2022 · What is ROT13? ROT13, which stands for “rotate by 13 places,” is a simple and well-known Caesar cipher variant. ROT13 is a Python library which is given a string and applies the ROT13 cipher to characters and the ROT5 cipher to digits. We have implemented different ways in this chapter so you can now encrypt and decrypt messages using the ROT13 algorithm in Python. ROT13 has The ROT-13 (i. x remove ROT-13 as an encoding? 0. rot13(rot13(x)) == x. encode() to handle arbitrary codecs msg215733 - (view) Author: Berker Peksag (berker. k. Implement a rot-13 function (or procedure, class, subroutine, or other "callable" object as appropriate to your programming environment). Details; Solutions; Discourse (177) You have not earned access to this kata's solutions. Add a python module named rot13. 参考 Rot13 がよく使われるのは、アルファベットが26文字であることに由来する 復号も暗号化も、同じ変換でできるからだ Aug 4, 2012 · #一目了然版 def rot13(s): result = "" for v in s: c = ord(v) if c >= ord('a') and c <= ord('z'): if c > ord('m'): c -= 13 else: c += 13 elif c >= ord('A') and c ROT13 is a quick and efficient method of encrypting a given message by moving each letter in the alphabet by 13 positions. Feb 23, 2015 · [Now the rot_13] codec provides a text transform: a str to str mapping. atau ROT13, menggunakan Python. rot13 decode in java. To use cryptography in Python, specifically the ROT13 algorithm, you can follow these steps: Understand ROT13: ROT13 is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces each letter in the alphabet with the letter 13 positions ahead or behind it. Mar 14, 2017 · So, rot13 would be the same as a partial application on rot, such that rot13(message) == rot(13, message). Modified 3 years, 3 months ago. 3. ROT13 String Obfuscation. Dec 30, 2016 · 種明かし(というほどのものではありませんが)をすると、Pythonには標準でシーザー暗号(n=13の場合)を解く機能(rot13)が備わっている、ということです。 このように、PythonはCTFをする上で非常に楽な言語の一つであるということです。 Jan 15, 2025 · Task. Apr 9, 2013 · As you wrote yourself, you are printing the result out. <<rot13>>= def rot13(s): return ''. x, when ROT13 was treated the same as other codecs. Resources Oct 2, 2017 · シーザー暗号の解き方に関する備忘録です。#解き方Pythonに元々実装であるため、$ python>>> import codecs>>> codecs. 0. Implement ROT13 with PHP. ROT5 is a practice similar to ROT13 that applies to numeric digits (0 to 9). Python Completions: 42333: JavaScript May 28, 2021 · "ROT13 is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. Python pip makes it easy to run rot13_bruteforce. [1] An early entry on the Timeline of cryptography. El algoritmo de cifrado ROT13 se considera un caso especial de Caesar Cipher. Here is a Python implementation for ROT13 encryption and decryption: This application provides an interface for encoding and decoding text using the ROT13 cipher, a straightforward letter substitution cipher that substitutes a letter with the 13th letter following it in the alphabet. Pertanto, è molto facile spostare i caratteri in modo inverso per decrittografare il testo cifrato. #61 ROT13 Cipher. Penelitian ini merinci langkah-langkah implementasi, Addendum: Of course, in the special case of ROT13 not even this is necessary, as 13 is exactly the half of 26 (the letters in the alphabet), and thus encoding twice will also decode the string, i. It is not a very secure algorithm and can be broken easily with frequency analysis or by just trying possible 25 keys whereas ROT13 can be broken by shifting 13 places. Modified 7 years, 1 month ago. – Sep 2, 2020 · Code snippet: ROT13 Encode and Decode using Python. Jun 29, 2017 · Side-note: ROT13 in Python can be implemented with a one-time call to string. We define a method called rot13 (). Therefore, it is very easy to shift the characters in the reverse manner to decrypt the cipher text. To install it, use pip install pycipher. Aug 9, 2014 · Making A ROT13 through strings in Python. This issue is now closed. Create a function that takes a string and returns the string ciphered with Rot13. ROT13 cipher algorithm is considered as special case of Caesar Cipher. c = ord(v) # Shift number back or forward. Why did python-3. ROT13 and ROT5 can be used together in the same message, sometimes called ROT18 (18 = 13 + 5) or ROT13. Example. py -d /path/to/project -n "TotallyLegitTool" -m reverse Dec 11, 2019 · import codecs def rot13 (str): print (codecs. The input string is stripped of all characters except ASCII letters and space characters, and ASCII letters are converted to lower case. txt). py. I am trying to implement the rot13 Jul 31, 2022 · The ROT13 algorithm is well-known and can help us learn how to use core Python features. So, it's worth learning how to fix it. I made ROT-13 using dictionary, but then I decided to use string instead of dictionary. How it works Encoding. Follow @python_fiddle url: Go Python Snippet Apr 2, 2023 · Creating a ROT13 Encryption Tool with Python. Dec 14, 2014 · Hôm nay là ROT13, thật ra nó chẳng có gì phức tạp cả, nhưng sau khi implement được ROT13 sử dụng một ngôn ngữ mới thì lại phải phê. rotate by 13 places) method is a very simple encryption method, in which one replaces each letter of the alphabet with the 13 th letter after it. The ROT13 cipher, one of the simplest encryption algorithms, stands for “rotate 13 spaces. We use the for-loop to iterate over the string characters. Jan 7, 2022 · ROT13 Python Code Example. – Aaron Bentley Commented Jul 28, 2022 at 17:19 ROT13 was in use in the net. 2 and 3. encode() (which only produces bytes output). To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Python. Penelitian ini mengkaji implementasi algoritma enkripsi Caesar Cipher dengan pergeseran 13 huruf, atau ROT13, menggunakan Python. Example of rot13 encryption algorithm: Mar 23, 2018 · I'm just started to learn programming, and there'll be stupid question. It's one of the most beginner friendly encryptions out there, so it's a perfect Puoi vedere l'output ROT13 come mostrato nell'immagine seguente - Inconveniente. Encrypting a message twice with ROT13 returns the original message. ROT13으로 암호화한 내용을 원래 내용으로 바꾸려면 암호화한 문자열을 다시 ROT13하면 된다. Printing to standard out does not work in web applications, since they normally use a protocol (unix socket or the like) for communicating data back to the web server process (or you use a Python-based web server such as Twisted, in which case standard output will go to the console where you started the process). py to the lesson03 dir in your student dir. Here The ROT13 substitution cipher encodes a string by replacing each letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet (cycling around if necessary). The cipher is reversible. Jan 11, 2022 · We will use Python in interactive mode first and then make a string that just has some letters in order to test this method: Caesar Cipher (with static shift value) Output of Caesar Cipher Create a python module named rot13. join(rot13_char(ch) for ch in s) I/O and exception handling Jan 7, 2022 · ROT13 or ROT-13 is a letter substitution cipher that replaces each letter of the message to be encoded, with the 13th after it in the alphabet. Sep 7, 2023 · In this video we will be learning how we can use ROT13 encryption in Python. ” The cypher represents the letters A to Z as the numbers 0 to 25 in such a way that the encrypted letter is 13 spaces from the plaintext letter: A becomes N, B becomes O, and so on. 2 Python 2. 3 Посилання Алгоритм ROT13 (іноді через дефіс — ROT-13) — простий буквений Dec 1, 2019 · I wanted to write a ROT 13 Encoder in python. Solutions are locked for kata ranked far Created on 2018-02-25 05:22 by xiang. ROT is actually an acronym for “rotate by 13 places”. For example the letter A becomes an N because we went forward 13 letters, repeat this for every character in a given string Add a python module named rot13. Created on 2019-08-16 16:06 by zeth, last changed 2022-04-11 14:59 by admin. lower()]) print(rot13('python')) The list comprehension would generates a list of converted letters, Jul 31, 2022 · ROT13 is a cipher algorithm that can deter unwanted examination. getencoder("rot-13")(s)[0] # Answer rot13("Gur dhvpx oebja sbk whzcrq bire gur ynml qbt") ROT13 is a special case of the Caesar cipher which was developed in ancient Rome, used by Julius Caesar in the 1st century BC. - Wikipedia. Ciphers, such as ROT13, are occasionally useful. ROT13 can be referred by "Rotate13", "rotate by 13 places", hyphenated "ROT-13" or sometimes by its autonym "EBG13". Or, in other words, you have to import encode from the codecs module and use it with the string to be encoded as its first argument Dec 24, 2021 · Here’s my version of my ROT13 cipher,give me your thoughts, suggestions, optimization Created a ROT13 cipher. To encipher messages with the Rot13 cipher (or another cipher, see here for documentation): Feb 16, 2015 · Also, I have found the following code which will indeed decode rot13 "sbbone" to "foobart" correctly: import codecs codecs. Oct 29, 2017 · Update: I also found a solution that works for python 2 & 3 both from this SO answer. jokes newsgroup by the early 1980s. 예를 들어, "Baekjoon Online Judge"를 ROT13으로 암호화하면 "Onrxwbba Bayvar Whqtr"가 된다. For example, a $\rightarrow$ n and p $\rightarrow$ c. Sep 27, 2021 · Implementing rot13 in python. maketrans (Py2)/str. The full story is in this bug report. Tại sao lại là ROT13 - 13 - 13 - 13 ? Sep 28, 2016 · Python: ROT13 Encryption Implementation As I learn more about encryption, I enjoy exploring its many aspects, including this ancient method of encryption called the Caesar Cipher, or recently called ROT13. join([chr((ord(letter) - 97 + 13) % 26 + 97) for letter in word. It also decodes text encoded with the Caesar Cipher. 7. Analysis of ROT13 Algorithm. L'algoritmo di cifratura ROT13 è considerato come un caso speciale di Caesar Cipher. python进阶练习题:ROT13变体密码【难度:2级】--景越Python编程实例训练营,不同难度Python习题,适合自学Python的新手进阶 The ROT13 substitution cipher encodes a string by replacing each letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet (cycling around if necessary). ROT13은 카이사르 암호의 일종으로 영어 알파벳을 13글자씩 밀어서 만든다. In your case, it could read something like this: def rot13(somestrings): """ Encode the input string using the ROT13 algorithm. 4. It’s a type of substitution cipher that involves shifting each letter in the plaintext 13 positions down the alphabet. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 3 months ago. Developed in Python and utilizing the Tkinter library for its graphical user The task¶. python pypi pip rot13 rot13-decoder. Aug 27, 2017 · I have a code and I'm having trouble making it interactive. It turns out there is a builtin rot13 encoder in python in the codecs module : # Python 2 & 3 compatible import codecs rot13 = lambda s : codecs. We explain how to encrypt data using the ROT-13 algorithm in Python. Sep 20, 2023 · # 13 rot13加密法 # ASCII 码字母部分对照表 # a b c d w x y z # 97 98 99 100 119 120 121 122 # A B C D W X Y Z # 65 66 67 68 87 88 89 90 Rot13 is a Python program that encodes input text with the Caesar Cipher, which rotates characters 13 spaces ahead in the alphabet. Viewed 731 times 0 . 两次加密结果相同,即密文用相同方法二次加密可得明文,类凯撒加密。 以下是初次尝试用代码编写,后来在找有没有能自己生成lookup-tuple的方法,手动写真的有点蠢。 May 24, 2018 · codewars(python)练习笔记二十:ROT13解密 codewars(python)练习笔记二十:ROT13解密 题目. So “Hello, world!” encrypts to “Uryyb, jbeyq!” which in turn encrypts to “Hello, world!” Jun 9, 2024 · ROT13 short for Rotate by 13 places, is a simple substitution cipher, by shifting all letters of the alphabet 13 places forward we encode a message into something unreadable, it’s a simple form of encryption based on Caesar’s cipher that existed since 1st century BC. The ROT13 algorithm uses 13 shifts. 文章浏览阅读2. May 9, 2016 · ROT13 is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. Oct 21, 2018 · 復号のための鍵もないから、これで戻すとなるとrot13あたりじゃねーか? と思ってpythonのcodecモジュールを確認すると、rot13があったので、'?????'を'rot13'に変えて実行。 SENSY loves Python and AI! よし。無事に暗号が解読できた。 Dec 26, 2013 · "ROT13 ("rotate by 13 places", sometimes hyphenated ROT-13) is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. . To make it easy to work with ROT13, I’ve created a Python program with a user-friendly interface using the tkinter library. I've tried doing some code saying: for letter not in ROT13 decoder: Decrypt and convert ROT13 to text ROT13 (rotate by 13 places) replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. Updated Aug 9, 2023; Python; spinopel / protect-email. In either case, it's not actually necessary to do a slice at all. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. L'algoritmo ROT13 utilizza 13 turni. py" throws exception: LookupError: 'rot-13' is not a text encoding; use codecs. com Apr 12, 2014 · Learn how to encode and decode messages using ROT13 and other rotations of the alphabet with Python. If there are numbers or special characters included in This tutorial shows you how to use Cryptography with Python - ROT13 Algorithm by example. Contribute to TheAlgorithms/Python development by creating an account on GitHub. ROT13 Example in Python. This rotates the letter 26 times, returning us to the original letter. Everything the module does, from obfuscating the source code to implementing rot13 from scratch even though it's built into the stdlib, directly violates the Zen of Python. The program allows you to input text, either in clear text or in ROT13-encoded form, and quickly encrypt or decrypt it. So every letter is shifted 13 places to encrypt or to decrypt the message. The encoder and Decoder for ROT13 is the same because there is no special logic during decoding since the shift for both encoding and decoding is the same. All Algorithms implemented in Python. You must think that it is just another caesar cipher so what's different this time? See full list on blog. Reverse String Obfuscation. 2. topcoder December 24, 2021, 2:28pm 1. I have never used python before. Why is the text in `this` module ROT13 encoded? 0. See different methods, examples and explanations of the Caesar cipher algorithm. encode() to handle arbitrary codecs All reactions Dec 10, 2017 · ROT 13 Cipher: Creating a Function Python. ROT13 berfungsi sebagai mekanisme enkripsi sederhana yang memutar setiap huruf dalam teks input sebanyak 13 posisi dalam alfabet, sehingga menghasilkan teks yang tidak dapat dengan mudah dipahami. こんな感じのプログラムを作る. Rot13 is a letter substitution cipher algorithm where it replaces the 13th alphabet letter after it. Cryptographie avec Python - Algorithme ROT13 Jusqu'à présent, vous avez appris les algorithmes de chiffrement inversé et de chiffrement César. Below is the python code for the implementation of it. How to convert the codes of reverse function in C++ into Java. PHP provides inbuilt str_rot13 function so you don't have to re-invent the wheel. py -d C:\path\to\project -n "TotallyLegitTool" -m rot13. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 5 months ago. It is mostly used for basic encryption tasks. It has been described as the "Usenet equivalent printing an answer to a quiz upside down" as it provides virtually no cryptographic security. Apr 7, 2014 · Function rot13 in file "encodings/rot_13. zhang, last changed 2022-04-11 14:58 by admin. Hot Network Questions ROT13 is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. Jul 24, 2018 · ROT13 Encoder and Decoder. ROT13 is an example of the Caesar cipher, developed in ancient Rome. Tim Peters also snuck some subtle jokes into the Zen itself (notice the dashes on the TOOWTDI line do it two different ways?). echo str_rot13("PHP has str_rot13()"); ROT13 Function in Python. Maybe you can decipher it? ROT13 encryption The ROT13 encryption scheme is a simple substitution cypher where each letter in a text is replace by the letter 13 away from it. finxter. We implement it with Python—several Python language features are needed. decode('Uryyb, Jb… attempt to recreate the rot13 algorithm in python. Aug 26, 2024 · The ROT13 is one of the most simple ciphers used to introduce the idea of ciphers and encryption. You can see the ROT13 output as shown in the following image −. Contribute to balejin/rot13-python development by creating an account on GitHub. This function should preserve whitespace, punctuation and capitalization. Category: Python 下面有另一个版本的ROT13异步服务器,这一次,我们将使用LibEvent2来代替select(),注意fd_sets已经变为:使用通过select()、poll()、epoll()、kqueue()等一系列函数实现的event_base结构来聚合和分离事件。 Aug 15, 2019 · I have to write a rot13 program in python 3. A Python script that includes various functions for data conversion, encoding, and decoding, as well as cryptographic operations such as RSA, AES, and Triple DES encryption and decryption. Other Implementations §. The encoder i want should I tried writing a script but its only able to do the basic ROT 13. But there's the problem: ROT_13 = " Aug 13, 2014 · rot13 This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Optionally wrap this function in a utility program (like tr, which acts like a common UNIX utility, performing a line-by-line rot-13 encoding of every line of input contained in each file listed on its command line, or (if no filenames are passed Jun 12, 2023 · The only difference between encoding and decoding in ROT13 (a. For example, we have: Input: Output: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm Cher Pure James Thurston Howell Wnzrf Guhefgba Ubjryy 0123456789 56789012345 this script implements the ROT13 cipher in python What is a ROT13 cipher? A ROT13 cipher is a letter substitution cipher that replaces every letter you input with the letter that is 13 letters ahead of it Sep 25, 2020 · How to create a simple letter substitution cipher in Python Sep 27, 2022 · Python conventions recommend docstrings for this kind of documentation. Contribute to HoweChen/CodeWars-Python development by creating an account on GitHub. ROT13 was not ported to Python 3 initially, because ROT13 does not encode a unicode string to bytes - it just swaps letters around. for v in s: # Convert to number with ord. Python program that does rot13 transformation def rot13(s): result = "" # Loop over characters. py to the session03 dir in your student dir. the Caesar cypher) is that the rotation value (ROT) is either added to or subtracted from the offset in the alphabet where the character being processed is found. python InvisibilityCloak. peksag) * ROT13 to text: ROT13 encoder and decoder . py -d /path/to/project -n "TotallyLegitTool" -m rot13. It is used to hide potentially offensive jokes, or to obscure an answer to a puzzle or other spoiler. hrxhsb syi paa jhwdtd jmisvj dddodtho qxotptb dlgq ltto nddkh vzzs vvruxs pqqypmv awdck xqmtb