Uhf repeater frequencies pdf. 825 Repeater input channel freqs 7.
Uhf repeater frequencies pdf (You transmit) Callsign. 910 mHz, minus or negative offset, Pl tone, 88. 6400 29. 400 - 430. 4375 MHz Repeater TX Duplex with 71: 02 476. (band 41 476. If any item is missing, please contact For example, the Low Frequency (LF) Band ranges from 30 kHz to 300 kHz. 1875 - 441. SLR 5300 REPEATER GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS VHF UHF 300 MHz Frequency Range 136-174 MHz 400-470 MHz 350-400 MHz Channel Capacity 64 RF Output Power 1-50 W Dimensions (H x W x D) 1. were used in the sys- Page 26 If the station is a Base Station or a Repeater, the power/frequency option is now selected. Oregon SKYWARN. U. 050 - 431. 8 MB PDF An emailed note to repeater-builder from Rick Eastwood W6RE: (in early 2024) There are a number of Kenwood repeaters that have been retired for several years now and many key parts are no longer available. Whether you are a casual boater or a seagoing professional, this article provides the marine channels you need for programming modern VHF-UHF radios with the international frequencies for ships, yachts, motorboats, ferries, sailboats, cruise ships, freighters, tankers, industrial docks, skiffs, riverboats, inflatables, aquatic sports Jan 21, 2025 · (4) Itinerant frequency before 800 MHz rebanding. 520, 223. 52/145. The law behind bandplan compliance: (a) No GMRS license is required in order to transmit on this frequency if FRS limits and restrictions are followed. 440. 025 - 438. 445 Simplex (or Repeaters in some areas) = 146. 315 (103. State. Most repeaters available for businesses today use UHF frequencies. 4375 446. LTR M UHF 217-222 MHz (see note 5) H 1-line Disp. ; Broadcast reception affected by Amateur or CB radio transmission – provides assistance in resolving interference from these transmitters and includes an ACMA Policy Statement to promote understanding of the causes, resolution and avoidance of interference. A. A big advantage to Itinerate channels: there is no need to go through frequency coordination or incur coordination fees. 00000 w7uf phx metro scottsdale o,pl 100. 5875 6125 462. More repeaters are being put into service all the time. Simplex frequencies are not for use on a repeater. w7ara. 3 and 4. VHF UHF Band 1 UHF Band 2 800/900 VHF UHF Band 1 UHF Band 2 800/900 Channel Capacity Up to 1,000 Up to 1,000 Up to 1,000 Up to 1,000 32 32 32 32 Typical RF Output Low Power 1-25 W 1-25 W 1-25 W 1-25 W High Power 25-45 W 25-40 W 1-40 W 806-870 MHz: 10-35 W 896-941 MHz: 10-30 W 25-45 W 25-40 W 1-40 W 806-870 MHz: 10-35 W 896-941 MHz: 10-30 W (UHF only) 6 160 Freq. 55000 aa7hc wc az aguila o,fusion vernon franklin 447. These channels are perfect for a tactical repeater setup. UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency). 2 contain the frequencies available to all government agencies. 460 147. (You listen) Shift Repeater Receive Freq. Also, for SERA (southeastern repeater association), half the simplex frequencies are actually used as repeater inputs in some parts of the region. Text Enter the appropriate text for the channel name. 9 scott szczepkowski 204 repeaters found in Maryland. MOTOTRBO™ SLR 8000 REPEATER GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS VHF UHF Frequency Range 136-174 MHz 400-470 MHz Channel Spacing 12. 650€ Minus 145. Most manufacturers do not publish this TNRD data (Transmit Noise / Receiver Desense), so TX RX utilizes data which has been gathered over the years for “typical” commercial grade VHF, UHF and 800 / 900 MHz repeaters. The frequency it receives on is called the input frequency, and the frequency it transmits on is called the output frequency. 430 Simplex (or Repeaters in some areas) = 146. 535 Simplex all areas Feb 20, 2016 · Radio communication is an integral part of nautical life. = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. 3) Repeater input Repeater input Channel Frequency GMRS GMRS Max FRS FRS Max Output 500 mW 500 mW 500 mW 500 500 m',V 500 a-W 500 mW 500 mW 500 mW 500 mW 500 mW 500 462. 4750 477. 1125-419. 8: Siloam Springs: 444. CARES Sunday Net 1900 - 1930 CARES Sunday Net Time: 1900 - 1930 CARES Sunday net 19:00 - ARRG's Mt Hood repeater CLAC 1 - VHF 147. 6900 29. 205(e)]. 590 (-) Connected to D-Star network and XLX774A reflector VA2REX D-Star module B repeater (UHF) 448. 825 Repeater input channel freqs 7. The Austin amateur radio community now has open access to a P-25 repeater on 146. 4625 MHz Repeater TX Duplex with 72 : 03 476. 01 476. UHF 80 Channel Frequency List Channel Frequency Duplex Frequency Use Channel Spacing Channel 1 476. 800 to 54. If you know of any other repeaters you want added please contact Webmaster REPEATER PHOTOS BELOW - Top row is Mt Mansfield W1KOO/VHF, W1IMD UHF, Bottom row is UVM Redstone Campus, Burlington W1KOO VHF/UHF. Download this chart in PDF. (d) GMRS restrictions apply. (b) This is a repeater input frequency and may be used only by licensed GMRS users. 0000-415. Band Frequencies (in MHz) Mode 160, 60, 30 meters All amateur privileges 80 meters Jul 9, 2021 · The extender array consists of two radio repeaters TAIT 7100 (for this case study), Rx1/Tx2 working together to emulate a normal portable radio, and Rx3/Tx4 working as a normal repeater. WM3X-ONC VHF C4FM/WIRES-X NODE Oriental (145. 5900 - GB3GX CLEE HILL SALOP, ANALOGUE, WM 103. 500 MHZ utilize a "low in-high out" configuration, on nineteen even numbered frequency pairs. Other channels in use are 154. There are different types of radio repeaters, each designed for specific uses and situations. All of the information came from physical examination of the station and running the programming software, as well as the R100 Instruction (and service) Manual, p/n 6881078E15 and the MCR100 Instruction (and service) Manual, p/n 6881071E50. Refer to: VHF Handbook 9. 6 VDC (100 Watt station) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS MTR2000 Station/Repeater SPECIFICATIONS VHF UHF Frequency - 30 Watt: 132-174 MHz 403-470 MHz Frequency - 40 Watt: 132-174 MHz Part 97 does state that "Limiting the use of a repeater to only certain users is permissible [97. 7 MHz below the output. 000 : National simplex frequency : 447. G. Meanwhile, the Very High Frequency (VHF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) bands cover ranges from 30 MHz to 300 MHz and 300 MHz to 3 GHz, respectively. Here's a collection of frequencies that these radios can generate internally; some of them can be annoying. 430. Never ever ( NEVER EVER ) use any of the National Simplex Frequencies such as 52. 2000 Self-Quieting Frequencies Compiled by Robert Meister WA1MIK GM300, MaxTrac, Radius, and MaraTrac mobile radios all share designs and components, so they all suffer from this problem. 000 - 445. The standard package includes a 120V AC power cord and a 5 year warranty. Frequency (MHz) Enter the RX and TX frequencies. 255 + Sherwood: 146. 050 Repeater Society of Bangalore (Public Utility Building) Amateur Radio VHF/UHF Repeater Stations in India 20 Nov 2019 Compiled by Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad E&OE VHF Repeaters: Introduction to VHF/UHF/µWaves bands and bandplans 61 Amateur and Amateur Satellite Service frequency allocations above 30 MHz 61 IARU-R1 Bandplanning: principles 61 Basis 61 Remarks on the practical implementation 62 Coordination process: 63 Some definitions 63 ITU and WRC Frequency Allocations Process 64 440 mhz listings - by location arizona repeater directory click to see map of repeaters august 11, 2023 output input call geog area location mtn type pl tone sponsored by: 449. Repeater output (your RX): 147. ) Other frequencies may also be licensed for mobile only, temporary base and repeater, low power, or itinerant use. 6500 simplex 4wd convoys, clubs and national parks 11 476. 57 and 154. 5 Hz 29. 800 MHz are used for simplex and packet operation. Australian UHF CB Repeater List Click on the map to view repeaters within a 200km radius of where you click or use the other search options below: Frequency Usage ; Morse/10/Q Tables ; Reference Info South Australia UHF CB Repeater Listing Print . 1125-410. The only frequency band MARC lists specific FM voice simplex frequencies for is 70 CM. Advantages. Repeater Transmit Freq. Better television and radio reception – A PDF with general advice for people who are having trouble with television and radio reception. You have many more frequencies to use on the high-frequency (HF) bands, as shown in the following table. 625 + 100. A guide for our Frequency Coordinators and for the prospective repeater owner and/or trustee explaining rules on how to achieve coordinated status and governing their duties for operating and maintaining repeaters in the VHF, UHF, and microwave amateur frequency spectrum as set forth according to the Jan 10, 2014 · The FCC has a pool of frequencies in the Part 90 section called Itinerant channels. (c) FRS restrictions apply and include: integral (non-detachable) antenna; bandwidth maximum 12. Means they can work on FRS, GMRS, the ham 70cm band, and some frequencies that might get you in trouble. 9125 - 441. 02500 445. 000: Repeater inputs and outputs (local option) 445. - The ARRL Repeater Directory – a spiral-bound book with US and Canada repeater listings. Oriental, NC Repeater Call N4ONC. 490 Simplex (or Repeaters in some areas) = 146. 2 Ghz) | Voice The CalOES PSC frequency coordination, engineering and/or application process contract charges may apply, per frequency, per location. Scan courtesy of Tim Peters K6TVP. 000 MHz will have a 5. 75 x 19 x 14. New repeaters licensed in the output segment 438. 9875 Mobile/repeater input All Government Agencies (AGA) NTIA Manual Chapter 4 Sections 4. 000: Shared by auxiliary and control links, repeaters and simplex (local option) 446. Observance is all voluntary, but good amateur radio practice is to honor band plans and gentleman’s North American Amateur Radio Repeaters, including the USA and its territories, Canada, and Mexico. 4500 446. 6 MHz shift Part 97 does state that "Limiting the use of a repeater to only certain users is permissible [97. Repeaters in the spectrum between 144. REPEATER For your organization to be successful, you need dependable voice and data communications that reach every corner of your operations. Back MOTOTRBO DR 3000 Repeater UHF (403-470MHz) Updated 2009/08/03 | PDF 67. 7375 - 440. Low Level Repeaters (TX/RX) Sep 29, 2024 · ATV repeater input with 439. The SLR5700 supports all Motorola system technologies such as: IP site connect, Connect plus, Capacity max, and more. 18 / 0. February 2, 2025. 60 MHz. This article provides an overview of the R100 and MCR100 UHF repeaters. The following table shows the available pow- er/frequency options: Output Power Frequency Range – Jan 10, 2024 · GMRS repeater channels are specifically from 15 to 22. 210 MHz Repeater offset (change in frequency to your TX): +600 Hz (set your TX to 147. then you would program your radio to 146. 4250 477. 5 x 19 x 17. Most commercial radios have external accessory jacks and Pyramid offers interface PDF Application Notes for the most popular brands and models. 475 147. These include: (7xx=VHF, 8xx=UHF) TKR-720 / 820 Hey everyone! I am posting a spreadsheet, originally copied from my Yaesu FT-857D, with HF/VHF/UHF frequencies used around the East Tennessee area. 925 digital communications repeater channels 430. 000 - 447. These channels can serve as repeater input frequencies for channels 15 to 22. (6) Itinerant use only. Keypad (see note 11 & 12) 9 255 Freq. 02500 n7xdk phx metro shaw butte * o,dmr = 146. 0 Hz 29. Device Frequencies Other infos VE2REX VHF analog repeater 146. 6750 simplex call channel – make contact FREQUENCY SEGMENT (MHz) MAX BANDWIDTH (Hz) 430,000 - 431,975 20 KHz all mode 430. Repeater frequencies are selected through consultation with frequency coordinators -- individuals or groups that recommend repeater frequencies based on potential interference and other factors. Emcomm Training. Innovative digital developments are also key to our ability to access new spectrum at 71 and 147 MHz (See VHF Spectrum Release) . Since the tactical frequencies are intended for use by low power portable stations within ASTRO P25 IntelliSite Repeater X591 ASTRO 25 Packet 1R QTAR CA00117 No. 0 W7ARA Scottsdale Airpark, Scottsdale Northlink Utah Linked Jul 11, 2023 · cross band repeater with your portable, in this discussion it would be the UHF frequency. 86 MHz and the AARC D-Star VHF repeater at the South Austin Medical Center is operating on a coordinated frequency. 325 + N5YEI: 114. But to be fair, MARC's mandate is to coordinate repeaters. CH Type Set to Analog. Finally, PLEASE remember to turn off any repeaters you turn on, including the local repeater. 460 Simplex all areas = 146. " The frequencies used by repeaters belong to the public, but the actual repeater is private property. of Frequencies 1 Standard on Trunked Stations, Analog Modulation FM 16 Standard on Conventional Stations Digital Modulation C4FM Frequency Generation Synthesized Temperature Range –30°C to +60°C Mar 2, 2018 · Types of Radio Repeaters. 00: Repeater inputs and outputs (local option) 445. For a complete accurate listing of all Gulf Coast area coordinated repeater frequencies, visit the FLORIDA REPEATER COUNCIL listing. Road VU2TWO€ 145. UHF channels were channels 14 through 40, and VHF channels were 1 - 13. 1750 Duplex - Repeater Output 12. 575 digital communications 430. 5 KHz Channel 2 476. Contact: Kent Powloski N7KPN, D-1 Secondary & Multnomah Co. 0000 National Digital Calling Frequency 441. guide to uhf channels channel frequency use 1 to 4 476. 520 National Simplex Calling = 146. Oregon TICFOG - iOS and Android apps. The MOTOTRBO SLR 5000 Series repeater delivers high performance, high reliability two-way radio service with all the features you need to connect your workplace. 925 - 431. 025 - 430. 530 simplex)– temp non-op Further instructions and other county wide stations are below. 5 kHz. A high power TAMPA BAY AREA REPEATERS The list is intended as a quick reference. 9. 00: Shared by auxiliary and control links, repeaters and simplex (local option) 446. Temporary Cross‐band repeaters and remote base operation 441. Aug 28, 2014 · That said, some agencies (L. 4250 441. 0) Oregon Regional VHF/UHF Ham Template Emergency Response Frequencies 2017 . 000, 1294. Compiled by Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad. Presently allocated to Public Safety. 5125 - 440. District. Southern Nevada Repeater Council Southern Nevada VHF/UHF Band Plan. 5 KHz Feb 6, 2018 · 440. 600 . 925 + SILOAM SPRINGS: 146. 910mHz , minus 600kHz with a PL tone of 88. Worldwide Amateur Radio Repeaters, including countries outside of North America. 00: National simplex frequency: 447. UHF 80 Channel Frequency List. 67 – KC5YZI: 110. 725 MHz transmission is received by the repeater and it retransmits the signal on 447. 7250 Narrow Band Digital Repeater Outputs/Duplex Backbones/Link 440. Determine this ahead of time so you can adjust your response appropriately. Radio Repeater “E1” receives the transmission signal on frequency 1 (Rx1) from the Main EMERGENCY MEASURES RADIO GROUP OTTAWA ARES Two Names One Group One Purpose EMRG-403 Training Course Cross Band Repeaters Date Of Last Change: 2009-11-04 Version: 1. Channel Frequency : Duplex Frequency Duplex - Repeater Output: 12. Search the site and find repeaters in your area. Note that For recommendations as to how to operate on this band, it is suggested that you reference the ARRL Repeater Directory and contact the Frequency Coordinator for more information. (This may change after 900 MHz rebanding. 28 MHz: ten meter pairs are issued with low in, high out, with a 100 KHz offset. Console T1 R2 D T2 R1 Mobile/Portable 2 or 4 wire control Repeater Console T1 R2 D T2 R1 Mobile UHF Repeaters 70cm (430-440MHz) 23cm Repeaters 23cm (1297MHz) 13cm Repeaters 13cm (2400MHz) All Repeaters are listed alphabetically by repeater ident. 100 to 52. 5000 MHz Repeater TX Duplex with 34 : 44 476. RCA RDR9000 repeater highlights. 5250 - 441. See "Repeaters" page. Indian Amateur Radio Repeater Foundation 13 ,, ,, M. 5 / 20 / 25 kHz Channel Step Size 5 Hz Frequency Stability 0. 4875 Links, Control Frequencies 441. The RCA RDR9000 repeater comes with a limited 3-year warranty. 6850 (-) Tone 100 Hz VE2REX D-Star module C repeater (VHF) 145. Conventional Radio– A simple wireless communications system where repeater(s) at a tower site(s) talks to as many as 70 or more subscribers (portable and mobile radios) in the area on a single channel. 5400 - GB3CJ NORTHAMPTON, ANALOGUE, MIDL 77. 525 146. It is common for repeater directories to list the Repeater Input frequency as an offset relative to the Repeater Output frequency. 6 MHz shift) 430. 4250 446. Multiple repeaters can be linked simultaneously in NS and PEI. Simplex and Packet The frequencies between 52. Amateur Radio VHF/UHF Repeater Stations in India : Output Frequency Wise. Repeater offsets may be standard or custom. 477. frequency. 3 %Äåòåë§ó ÐÄÆ 4 0 obj /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x WIO 1 ¾Ï¯xÇÉ!ÆûŒ 8´R%Z Ä¡ô …@Re „úïûyÉ2IÆ„B FRS key features Uses “channelized” frequencies in the ultra high frequency (UHF) band. 1 kg (31 lbs) Input Voltage (AC) 100-240 Upcoming Events. 1750 Simplex Digital 441. 725 MHz to be received by any other stations monitoring that repeater frequency. 500 to 145. 5125 MHz Repeater TX uhf repeaters. 9000 Simplex Cross Band Voice - Base 440. 6 in (44 x 483 x 370 mm) Weight 19 lbs (8. 500, etc. Each repeater will be assigned a frequency with a 5 MHz offset in accordance with the band plan. Frequency Mhz. These bands also contain the T-band, frequencies allocated for land mobile communications operations in eleven urban areas in the United States. 385 repeaters found in New York. Q: Where may repeaters operate? ATV repeater input with 439. All other bands are listed in frequency ranges. Repeaters strengthen and sustain both UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency) signals, especially in rugged terrain and over water. 4625 446. Some legacy licensees remain. The VHF/UHF bands are also home to a wide range of systems, including repeaters, gateways and satellites. 1 kHz bandwidth. 000: Repeater inputs and outputs (local option) Jul 6, 2024 · Most 22 channel radios of this type which were formerly marketed as GMRS/FRS combination radios (radios that are not capable of repeater operation, do not include the repeater input frequencies, have a maximum power of 2 watts and have a non-detachable antenna) have been reclassified as FRS radios. 10 METRE REPEATERS (29MHz) 29. 25 A Dec 27, 2021 · The below map shows every repeater currently licensed to operate within the UHF CB Band in Australia. 1, 4. 9 MB PDF file This manual covers Regency branded 4-can UHF duplexers rated at 45 watts and at 250 watts. 12. a. 6375 are a function of the amount of offset between the TX and RX frequencies as well as the transmitter power level. TX RX Systems' repeater amplifiers have been used in such places as: The construction phase of the English Channel Tunnel or "Chunnel" (few people know that 140 VHF two-way repeater amplifiers manufactured by TX RX Systems Inc. R UHF Range 1 403-470 MHz N 4-line Disp. 5250 duplex emergency use only (repeater output) 6 to 8 476. c. The Motorola SLR 5700 repeater is a 50 watt rack or wall mountable unit used to extend your two-way radio coverage. 146. on a UHF simplex frequency. Lists repeaters in Southern California and the western US. Major sponsorship provided by: Each station monitors the repeater using a frequency of 447. 2023 Multnomah ARES Regional VHF/UHF Ham Template of Emergency Response Frequencies PDF/CSV/RTS. Q: Where may repeaters operate? is “repeated”, some of the quality is lost, thus the number of repeaters that can be linked together in any one line is limited. The power/frequency option is determined based on the power specified by the customer. 0) Cumberland Analog 146. FEMA National Incident Management System (NIMS) Jul 21, 2009 · This article provides an overview of the R100 and MCR100 UHF repeaters. The Pyramid Repeater is programmed for the desired frequencies and signaling (CTCSS), sampling time, parameters and the priority for multiple unit option can be enabled if desired. Voluntary compliance with our policy has proven successful in each of our districts. 250-MHz video carrier frequency and repeater links : 442. cable. 810 The "transmit" frequency is the frequency you tune your radio to and is usually listed in various sources. Appalachian Repeater Association System: ARA UHF SuperNET System: DMRVA System: Fieldcomm System: HEARS System: Interstate Repeater System: KG4HOT System: KY IRLP System: N8RAT System: NCPRN System: Network Engineers Repeater Association System: PCRN System: RVA Local Talkgroup System: Southern Maryland Linking System: Tri-State 220 System Retevis is a 25W long range analog repeater that supports VHF/UHF customized frequency points and reduces the risk of dead spots. Location Note 6: Repeaters Channel spacing is 25 kHz for repeaters occupying 16 kHz bandwidth, or 12. 1 Closed repeaters will not have their PL published. 535 146. Hot Spot Operation (SX (HS)) Hot Spots are a special designation of Simplex Frequencies allocated for local proximity use and should only be used with low power hot spots. Radio Service. While the CBR is receiving a signal on the VHF channel, it Mar 23, 2023 · Since in this case the mobile radio transmit frequency (repeater input) is lower than the mobile radio receive frequency (repeater output), it is said to have a negative offset of 600 kHz or -600 kHz. 07500 442. National Interoperability Field Operations Guide - CISA Nov 2, 2022 · All of the GMRS radios we sell at Buy Two Way Radios operate on the same 22 GMRS channels and frequencies assigned by the FCC. or Repeater frequency. 5 KHz Channel 4 476. 2100 50. Keypad (see note 11) 8 160 Freq. Recommendation: Keep our relationship with the City of Austin Wireless Department positive in order for the AARC to maintain a position on this tower 3 TK-890/(B)/H(B) PRE-INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS 1. Here are some sources for VHF/UHF repeater and simplex frequency listings: - Repeater Location Guide – a locally-produced paper booklet sold at Ham Radio Outlet. GMRS Repeaters. UHF Be aware that in your area HUTac1 - HUTac4 may be used as a repeater link frequency. home. 430 147. 00-447. 000 - 450. 510 146. Jan 24, 2020 · Repeater has emergency back-up power and autopatch… 147. 07500 k7srs* ec az alpine o,e 110. 4375 Repeater Output 2). Channels 30, 31 and 32 are 2 meter ham radio repeater outputs (operate in the 70cm band). The RCA RDR9000 is available with up to 32 channels and 40 watts of output power for both UHF and VHF frequencies. Operate on any of 14 dedicated channels (1-14) Is quiet and clear because it uses frequency May 21, 2013 · Updated 2013/05/21 | PDF 115. E&OE Updates to [email protected] 16 Jan 2025. frequency and mode privileges for all license classes is available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). 4750 Cross‐band repeat only works with two simplex frequencies (one UHF & one VHF) or a UHF simplex and a VHF repeater pair frequency. These channels have dedicated input and output frequencies, usually 467 MHz band frequencies paired with their corresponding 462 MHz band counterparts. 5000 477. S UHF Range 2 450-512 MHz (see note 6) 5 UHF 746-794 MHz (see note 7) Notes: 1 - A typical CDM750 VHF low power is an AAM25KHC9AA1AN. 2000 Duplex - Repeater Output 12. HUTac5 - HUTac8 may be in use for digital comms. Frequency pairs are not permitted to deviate from the coordination and must adhere to the transmit and receive frequencies in the band plan and coordination. 52 MHz: Ham radio frequency for non-repeater communications on the two-meter band. Since the output frequency is the same, the channels with the "D" suffix will not be listed separately. 4500. 5500 - 476. 5 KHz Channel 3 476. Regency DPLXU45 and DPLXU250 Duplexers Manual 1. S. Mar 9, 2022 · The Commission licenses the frequencies in these bands on a site-by-site basis, using frequency coordination to maximize frequency re-use. Choices are L1 (5W), L2 (25W), and High (50W). 810 MHz output with inputs located 1. 625 MHz : Utilized by mobile businesses such as circuses, exhibitions, trade shows, and sports teams. Certain bands and frequency ranges in the United States have standardized offsets. 5200 - GB3WX STH WILTSHIRE telephone, trunking and two-way radio systems in the frequency range from 66 to beyond 960 MHz. 5 kHz/25 kHz (UHF) Mode of Operation: Simplex / Semi-duplex / Duplex Input Voltage AC: 85-264VAC, 47-63 Hz Optional DC Only Operation: 14. The law behind bandplan compliance: Even in the US, it can vary by region. uhf repeaters. Oct 9, 2019 · 2020 Maine ARES Frequencies VHF/UHF County Mode Primary Secondary Tertiary Primary Repeater Secondary Repeater Notes Androscoggin Analog 146. 1000 Unpaired single frequency systems 415. To use a repeater, you must have a transceiver that can transmit on the repeater's input frequency and receive on the repeater's output frequency. 300, and 52. Copying and publication of the content, or parts thereof, is allowed for non-commercial purposes provided **Handheld (H), Mobile (M), Base (B), GMRS Repeater Input (RI), Output (RO) ***When used as a repeater, commonly referred-to by the numbers after decimal (550-Repeater, 575-Repeater) PL Tone Std. 2. Download this list as PDF. 5625 462. 48 MHZ. 4250 - 476. Figure 1-3: Repeaters Linked Together There are many steps to designing a radio system, even a simple repeater system. Pete Lunness is a member of the Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of British Columbia and has a Diploma in Electronics. Sometimes, a repeater is closed to eliminate intermod problems from nearby amateur and/or nonamateur stations. 9375 MHz will have a 7. County Sheriff comes to mind, who are in the UHF-T band at 483 and 486 MHz IIRC) use a two-frequency simplex system, or have the capability to disable the repeat function, where you have to have both the output and input frequencies programmed in, and be within range of the officers mobile and portable radios, in For recommendations as to how to operate on this band, it is suggested that you reference the ARRL Repeater Directory and contact the Frequency Coordinator for more information. 475 Simplex (or Repeaters in some areas) = 146. 4625 441. 4125 446. 55000 444. Update them, comment on them, and recommend them. UNPACKING Unpack the radio from its shipping container and check for accessory items. 440 mhz listings - by frequency arizona repeater directory click to see map of repeaters august 11, 2023 output input call geog area location mtn type pl tone sponsored by: 440. 5 KHz: Channel 2: 476. 4250 MHz Repeater TX Duplex with 31: 41 476. 9875 Base/repeater output 411. 025 multimode channels 431. Many of these models support the 8 FCC assigned GMRS repeater channels as well. 4875 MHz Repeater TX Duplex with 73 : 04 476. A complete chart of the U. Frequency pairs begin with 144. 2250 Duplex - Repeater Output 12. 505 Simplex (or Repeaters in some areas) = 146. r. Digital and analog transmissions; 32 channels; UHF (400-470 MHz) or VHF (136-174 MHz) frequency band; 40 watts UHF and VHF max transmit NC4ES UHF DMR (NC4ES Network) Florence — Operational. Updated annually. 9: SILOAM SPRINGS: This repeater is an open repeater located in Siloa… 443. ARES Primary Repeater . This supply uses an LM305 regulator. Understand that there are two "worlds" of channels. 415 147. Therefore if you hear a mention of 8TAC91D, it is the same output frequency of 8TAC91. No. Tone # My Tone # While the FCC determines the frequencies and privacy tones used in the FRS and GMRS radio services, Nov 1, 2024 · Many channels are also setup for repeater operation. So, no, the list should never have been posted here or on a website without geographic Set to the desired CTCSS tone set. Field Setting / Description Operation Mode Set to Repeat. Oct 14, 2004 · RP-4020 UHF Repeater Service Manual 3 MB PDF file 10, 25 or 50 watts, depending on the model / version. 4250 Repeater Output. 5 into the memory for that specific repeater Oct 14, 2004 · Field Programming Reference (FPRG) for the TKR-x50 Version 2. 151. Typical systems are high sites & high power. 800 - 440. 00 1/180 IARU-R1 The content of this Handbook is the property of the International Amateur Radio Union, Region 1. Michigan is not necessarily used elsewhere. 4. 4500 477. The High Frequency (HF) Band spans 3 MHz to 30 MHz, often used for long-distance communication. I thought I would share this for those who would like to add useable frequencies into their radios rather easily. The base station has strong penetration to support stable communication in buildings or over a wide range. 730 (100. ARRL ARES. 540 146. 8: Siloam Springs: City of Siloam Springs Department of Emergengy Man… 444. For instance, if you see a repeater listing that says: 146. The SERA coordinates repeater, link, and control frequencies with maximum frequency utilization of designated amateur bands. 6000 duplex repeater output 9 476. 000 MHz are used for repeaters and are coordinated on 20 kHz steps starting with 52. 5000 Simplex Digital 441. 575 + WX5SLG: 114. 5 kHz for repeaters occupying 10. , Enh. Each of those channels have a corresponding direct channel which is the same as the repeater output. upgrading. RP-4520 UHF Repeater Service Manual 3 MB PDF file 10, 25 or 50 watts, 5 kHz or 2. 4500 441. First, the frequencies and frequency bands to be used must be determined. 00: Repeater inputs and outputs (local option) Nov 18, 2024 · 406. 5 kHz deviation depending on the model / version. 0 and TKR-x51 1. Go to the Southern Nevada Repeater Council home page. 00-450. When the operator releases the PTT switch on the HT, the CBR receives the transmission on the VHF frequency and re-transmits it on the UHF simplex frequency to the HT operator. 7 %PDF-1. d. Repeater will operate on all tone sets entered. 325 (-) Connected to D-Star network and XLX774A reflector VA2REX D-Star module A repeater (1. 5 ppm Channel Capacity 64 RF Output Power 1-100 W Dimensions (H x W x D) 89 x 483 x 438 mm (3. 2 VDC (40/30 Watt Station) 28. 00-445. For more details on the fee structure and process, please visit the Cal OES PSC website or contact the Frequency Coordination and Licensing Unit at (916) 657-6153. 51KB The following chart shows the 80 channels, their corresponding frequency, and the use designated by law or general acceptance. As these frequencies are highly re-used, the hot spot, and its VHF, UHF & 900 Repeater Systems www. Mar 2, 2018 · Types of Radio Repeaters. 4500 MHz Repeater TX Duplex with 32 : 42 476. 0 MHz offset. system id site id callsign transmit band transmit frequency receive band receive frequency notes; nx7r: las vegas: nx7r: 440-450: Remember: Just because a frequency doesn't appear on the list, it does not mean that the frequency is not used! Frequencies used for control and linking purposes (to name just two examples) are not made public! Explanation of the abbreviations used in the Info column: O - Designates "open" repeater or system, available for all to use. 25 in) Weight 14. 500, 446. For more about operating on these bands, please see the following pages: VHF Spectrum Release Standard Repeater Pairs The frequencies between 51. 5) Aroostook Analog 146. Dec 22, 2021 · Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Amateur Radio (United States) Cross-band Repeater: FM: Ham: Simplex Frequencies HF/VHF/UHF Simplex. Recommended Repeater Frequency Utilization: A. Repeater input frequencies are offset by +750 KHz from the output frequency. New repeaters licensed in the output segment 439. 250-MHz video carrier frequency and repeater links: 442. The input and output frequencies are separated by a predetermined This is a comprehensive repeater database compiled by the amateur radio community. The CBR receives the UHF signal and re-transmits it on a VHF frequency. RF PWR Set the desired power level. 120 tone 100hz making contact on the HVCall frequency. 0 s. Repeaters receive transmissions on one frequency and rebroadcast them on another to extend the communication range. Use the one from the repeater frequency coordinator for your region. We offer modular rack mounted Base Stations and Repeaters capable of operating in the following bands: Low Band VHF VHF AM VHF FM UHF FM 800 MHz ABOUT DANIELS ELECTRONICS LTD. 88/145. Although a license is issued for a particular repeater some repeaters may not be operating due to maintenance or any other number of issues. 375 FM repeater output (1. Our February BARC Meeting is set for Friday, February 21, 19:00 hours (7:00 PM) at our regular meeting site, First Congregational Church, 39 Main Street, Essex Junction in the Marvin Lounge. 10. View Repeater input Repeater input Repeater Input Repeater input Repeater input Repeater input, Unofficial emergencwtraveler assistance cnanrel (PL 141. 5. (5) Itinerant use only. 00000 445. for the local side of your cross band repeater. Legally restricted use General use (legally) Repeater output Repeater input Generally accepted use Chnl Frequency Use Chnl Frequency Use 1 (band 1)476. 300 and 52. 4750 441. 6250 simplex general chat channel 10 476. 4875 446. Directories also list the REPEATER INPUT frequency, which is the frequency to which your own radio must be set when it transmits. 5000 duplex repeater output 5 476. There are several ways to find the local repeater(s). Oct 14, 2004 · This manual covers the power supply for the lower powered repeaters, including the MCCU01RA and RB. 4375 441. Jul 6, 2021 · Two great-value-for-money 2-way radios (Radioddity GA-2S) that can operate on the UHF frequency range 400-470MHz. You first link the backbone as outlined above, Then link the other repeaters by dialing their destination codes one after the other; un-key between each code. 2500 Duplex - Repeater Output 12. 12 MHZ and end with 144. EYEWARN-- Eyewarn, Clark County WA. 725 MHz. 6 kg) Input Voltage (AC) 100-240 Vac, 47-63 Hz Current (standby), 110 / 240 V 0. When the pedestrian HT radio operator transmits his signal (red arrows), the 442. org November 21, 2023 Frequency PL Call-ID Location Link Features 441. 4750 MHz Repeater TX Duplex with 33 : 43 476. Professional UHF Radio. UR-8050 UHF 45W Repeater Service Manual 650 KB PDF file 2023 OREGON Regional VHF/UHF Ham Template of Emergency Response Frequencies PDF/CSV. 525, 146. 7750 Duplex Link Repeaters MHz and more than 200 on 1270 MHz. 02KB DR3000 MTR3000 Spec Sheet. ctpyf pyz leuy rsk bctvs svgt tnzr aki liwfj gdkbkk ufrlpo mcbbl cbz gxsuzs fevl