Unity terrain vs mesh performance reddit. Neither of these are great for predictable mesh distortion.
Unity terrain vs mesh performance reddit The mesh for the collider and filter doesn't need to be the same, and you can have multiple mesh colliders with different meshes. That's more or less how it works but it runs on the height map rather than the mesh itself. For physics I'm using the built-in Unity physics (mesh collider) and I too bake the collider with the job system after I read it back. This works best on static objects, obviously. When this is happening every frame, things can get slow. Working on a game world right now, issue of collision is coming up. Magica allows you to make simple bone chains into "cloth" as well as having it's own system for mesh cloth. Plus I haven't really seen a good deformable mesh based terrain that works before so I want to try my hand at it. Members Online Yet another command line argument parser: bpaf 0. etc. It's position/scale/rotation. We handle LODs at distance by making larger blocks in our mesh generation at distance with the goal of keeping the block size roughly constant on screen with distance. Think of it this way: a box collider has 6 faces to check, and a sphere collider only has distance to check. Aug 12, 2011 · I wish there was a cylinder primitive, but there isn’t in Unity. Either I modify the mesh's triangles etc, rebuilding the mesh, or I use SetPixel() for the sprite. You might want to use a GPU based detail system for the grass and tree's. It’s the perfect replacement for Unity’s UI Text and the legacy Text Mesh. You can easily change the mesh by dragging a new one to the mesh collider or filter. I think from the near zero info we have apart from the video on reddit, It is the grass. Deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web and connect with people globally. However you may want to have really like a giant vista or far landscape view in your game. Jul 24, 2023 · Create additional 3D objects, or a some optimized mesh objects, for the slopes. Microsplat shader is fast but if you add a bunch of features it will start getting costly. I would use a box collider, because it would be easier to change the size of it. One of the reasons why I would want to use a mesh terrain is because I want caves and other deformations which Unity terrain doesn't allow but I'm worried about the performance of the terrain. this isn't a real limitation 99% of the time because you can still create background threads to handle terrain data or even offload it to the gpu. I learned alot during the process of making the project. This means more memory usage, but it also means unity can't instance them. At the moment I have a mesh that is created from a height map, now I think I have a way of splitting up each type of terrain into it's own submesh and then applying the materials that way, I was more or less interested in whether there is a benefit to the unity terrain system (As I would expect it works pretty well performance wise), I was When I add to mesh. I tried vegetation studio this weekend and it's indeed great and faster than the default unity terrain (tests on YouTube showing 2-3x increased performance based on 10k trees). This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. letting Unity handle this as part of its rendering pipeline. - import new mesh into Unity and make a mesh collider with it. I'm not using the standard Unity terrain, so using the built in Unity grass system doesn't appear to be a possibility. Performance is ALWAYS an issue here, so most maps completely forgo realtime lighting, but even if the ENTIRE map is static, and even if all the lights are configured as baked, (except maybe one mixed directional light) there will always be between 1 to 80 highly dynamic, player controlled skinned mesh rendered gameobjects in the scene with on I'm developing a procedural voxel terrain in chunks, and since I'm using a giant texture atlas to assign an albedo map to my blocks I can't offset the tiling of a single block in the shader to recreate moving water Which means I need to put the water blocks inside a separate mesh with a different material, and I'm stuck between: Seems like Unity terrain shadows are not just mesh self-shadows, since they exist without any directional lighting too. Note: if this is efficient then I would probably use other tilemaps for eg trees, buildings and other decor on the levels, so possibly double the number of tilemaps; a 3D terrain. Basically, the "Draw" checkbox of the terrain is disabled, and the tool takes care of the meshing by itself. The biggest benefit is that you can have both mesh cloth and bone cloths that follow the same kind of logic and even collide with the same type of colliders, which also support more types of shapes. Then it's just a question of your game, how many of the colliders there are, what else is going on, and what platform you want to be able to run it etc, to decide if the performance hit is meaningless or if this is an easy case to seriously optimize your game. Camera position. Plus the built in LOD. No need to switch apps, reimport assets etc. Apr 16, 2020 · Terrain will be far better performance wise due to it being instanced. Thanks for trying to help, though. often times youll follow your GDD, but direction can change once you start implementing things, so imo its best to keep things as loose as possible Apr 17, 2021 · Just conveying my personal findings. My "terrain" is just a mesh, and I want to paint trees on it instead of placing them all individually like you can with Unity's built-in terrain. 7. I guess the question is what you need for your game's AI and whether the Unity assets you find state where they are better suited for your game than the built-in NavMeshAgent (some assets may be grid based instead of using navmeshes, or some probably let But the problem is that Unreal firstly creates the terrain inside Dynamic Mesh and then creates it inside static mesh. Performance issues are generally going to come down to working around the quirks of C# and Unity, while memory issues will likely be due to the technique you choose to implement. A solution for distance terrain (2d or 3d terrian which is not reachable but still renderes to give illusion of more land in the distance). A lot of people use mesh terrains on mobile or in the distance to avoid the overhead of Unity Terrain, which needs to do work every frame to compute LOD levels, etc. A few thoughts. If an object is a long way from the camera on one frame, unless it or the camera teleport in some way, it'll sti More detailed explaination in the repo. After all that work I found what you are saying about performance is true (the tools all basically use Unity Terrain). Does anyone have a clue how would that affect performance depending how NPCs are rendered? Option #1: Traditional skinned mesh renderer Option #2: Skeleton contains only bones, limbs are placed with mesh renderer at bones positions. Unity has OnBecomeVisible and OnBecomeInvisible events so you don't need to do the frustum checks yourself. First, my world is made up of chunks, each having their own mesh renderer. But it already render MUCH faster then built-in terrain detail. A 5 second search turned up a good handful. I'm just trying to figure out if I should procedurally generate with terrains sprinkled with the occasional prefab terrain chunk for a few specific POIs, or if I should just generate the whole thing as a bunch of mesh chunks as flat planes with heightmaps applied to mesh Z at creation. Currently, I'm baking an image of distance terrain to my skybox, which words great, until I want to rotate my skybox, or dispaly some object, like a Planet, Behind mountains in my distance terrain. for PC, meh. In some cases unity terrain will perform better than a regular mesh since it has some clever optimizations built in. Quick bit of insight, whenever you update the coordinates of vertices in a mesh in Unity you have to essentially update the entire mesh. I wonder if the better approach would be to split the map into parts and just make "levels" that load instead of having one ongoing map which constantly loads in and loads out. They usually end up missing the target collider (for instance, if the target is a thin collider, the first frame the bullet is in for of the target, and the next frame it is completely passed the targ Just generates terrain height maps that you can export and visualizes what the terrain could look like as well. Unity is optimized for it's own terrain, it will cull out sections you can't see if you have pro and you will be able to control the density of the mesh to compromise between detail of the mesh and your performance. The scene used in this video is Meadow Environment from NatureManufacture. I would say this specific scenario would be up to your personal preference, with no right or wrong answer. At least this was my conclusion after my research for our large open-world game Eastshade. DO NOT RE-USE THE GEOMETRY FOR THE COLLIDER. Aug 2, 2021 · The difference between using terrain vs mesh is terrain uses splat maps, so you can have very high resolution ground textures. It stores the array of position/scale/rotation data for each instance of that mesh on the gpu. replace stair steps with a smooth ramp, replace cylindrical features with hexagonal prisms, etc. Turns out it's kind of fun to play with. The conclusion i have made that on lower end/mobile devices that do not support nanites unreal will lose to unity in raw rendering performance, which i found to be quite disappointing fact. A single quad as a mesh collider vs using a box collider will have no meaningful impact on performance. I have a lot of users who were using other tools to do this and hacking the MicroSplat shaders to work on them, so a workflow to make that easy and support all the dynamic features I’m not sure Nanite, Unity Terrain, or other automated LOD systems will serve you very well for a voxel world. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games and experiences. For Terrain Shading, CTS and Microsplat are pretty much the options here but this is specifically tools that optimize the look of the textures of the terrain in terms of performance. Neither of these are great for predictable mesh distortion. Even when theres like 10 - 20 mesh colliders in the scene. A box collider offers better performance as performing calculations on a box is far faster than performing calculations on several triangles. Shader program, and material data which is extra bit of data for shader program on how to render this mesh. Hi i am beginner at making environment as i never touch this kind of thing before, so i am asking you all who have been using unity should i try to use unity terrain system or make 1 from scratch with making my own shader and everything else which is needed? i am going for a good performance and interactive grass and tree which doesn't hinder the performance too much, so i am kind of unsure As for performance, the fact is using a mesh collider hurts performance. I have done this, hard to go into details while on vacation, but the short version is that you can spawn particles on a mesh and distribute them on said mesh using vertex colors, give them an incredible long lifetime and add a shader graph shader to them. This doesn't appear to be very efficient, as it slows the game to a crawl, even in editor mode. In my own machine, I can get away with around 100 non convex mesh colliders at the same time with little performance drop, and it's a potato laptop from 2017. The intended platform, is Oculus Quest, so mobile hardware. 9, Hybrid renderer and The Vegetation Engine to unify vegetation shaders. In my Unity terrain system, I store a sparse set of "chunks". If it's outside of the box radius then the mesh collider isn't even checked for collisions. They basically take a small set of tile meshes and then instance those all over applying the height in the shader. Will a mesh imported from blender be able to use Unity's Occlusion culling? I read several articles about a mesh terrain beeing better than Unity terrain. Meshes are suppose to be small pieces placed around, while terrains are massive objects. I would only use Blender for terrain if you had a specific need that UE4 terrain cannot accomplish, which is rare but happens. Maybe I'm just taking on too much for where I'm at in my learning. However, Curve Architect deforms all meshes within mesh colliders and mesh filters. On level design phase i realized i should care about performance much more, so here's a question: What is better to use as ground - Unity Terrain, single plane modeled in Blender or bunch of 3D rocks made in Blender aswell? Unity can use either 16 bit or 32 bit unsigned integers to index mesh vertices. Say 50 NPCs viewed at once with ~4k verts. It isn't necessary to test the distance of every object to the camera every frame. This is why there are about eleventy custom splines packages around. You can also make a lower quality terrain, generate the mesh collider based on it, and then copy it to the larger terrain. Sep 29, 2024 · At the moment I still use Unity’s Terrain trees and Terrain detail grass billboards as it has a much smaller memory impact than usual game objects. Some places where using geometry other than Unity's Sprite Meshes are: Visual effects like mesh distortion. the big thing is that mesh usually won't interact with another mesh collider, unless you explicitly tell it to, and those are limited in poly count due to complexity. The PRO version adds real-time / in-game support. These particles can be meshes too. I've been a hobbyist Unity user for several years now and I'm just now finding out that moving Collider-only objects has an impact performance-wise compared to those with a rigidbody. Something like this but in Unity. It was a learning experience for me to really get the hang of jobs and procedural terrain gen techniques. High-speed colliders are horrible. Personally I would always use any Unity editor tools by default and only pick external tools if you reach limitations of built-in tools and / or your requirements demand them. According to Unity's Physics Best-Practices tutorial: Game objects which don’t have a RigidBody component are considered static colliders. I did go through the optimization guide without much luck, but unity terrain is so slow by comparison to mesh, that a default flat "terrain" with no textures and settings turned down still takes a huge chunk of performance. No custom colliders are created along the roads. cons:-can’t make caves with it!-no terrain holes! Mesh terrain: pros:-modelable in 3ds max for example, more freedom-can make any geometry, even flat areas less detailed, better performance –holes –caves May 25, 2019 · Evaluate, based on your goals for the game, whether the performance is acceptable with this chunk size, or if you need to break into smaller chunks. Maybe I could do something with the terrain, but I'd still have the same issues with up close cliffs walls. SetDestination() method. For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. Hopefully this can help ppl know how to use compute shader in Unity. There was no good process to support this, so I ended up buying a mesh baker tool off the Unity Asset store. Here I am mainly curious of the difference of just combining the meshes vs. Placing a billboard grass texture through the built-in terrain detail functionality can already create some nice results and is probably the most performant however what's bothering me here is the wind animation. Now I'm implementing a LOD system (Level of Detail) for that so that I can generate a much more detailed terrain mesh without losing performance. Apr 15, 2020 · Unless Unity’s terrain system performance has improved dramatically in the last year, meshes are actually far better for performance. Terrain colliders are optimized also, perform better then regular mesh colliders. Thanks for any advice. It’s just a trade off and isn’t really noticeable depending on the complexity of your base mesh. I'm starting to create a small game in unity. I have my main terrain for the playable area with normal heightmap resolution and a bunch of background tiles that I reduced resolution on for the sake of some extra performance gains (it did help a little). The terrain is loaded to be the highest resolution closest to you and decaying by distance (you can see that in Unity's polygon/outline view), so generally it would be more efficient, but the important thing here is to test and see what is more performant in your use case. Jan 6, 2012 · Unity terrain: pros:-multi texturing-heightmaps-LOD-vegetations, details. I was wondering what would be a better option, The Inbuilt Unity Terrain or generating a new mesh? I'm asking this, because I wanted to make an Ingame Terrain Editor. The project is still far from perfect, so should not consider to use in production. Im gonna research more with the track and also the terrain (which already drop from 100k to 50k with the info in the link in the other comment, thanks u/Mister_Green2021) the short answer is 'no its not an issue'. You can't normally do this with a mesh. Yet I'm not sure what is the best way for me to proceed, as I'm not familiar with the static batching in a big scene. The only difference between the two methods I can see is that Unity will keep all of the mesh objects around at runtime. I think its a cpu bound process which usually low for unity anyway at least in my experience. The primary stutter actually comes from the GameObject generation, adding MonoBehaviors, colliders, rigid bodies, spawning particle systems and additional gibs (if applicable). The code examples in this documentation is only for moving the agent. Meshes would require a different approach and ends up being fairly impractical. This is one of the areas where baked lightmaps will have an advantage over ray tracing for quite a while, there is just a lot more data (detail) you can collect in those indirect baked lightmaps than what can be done in real time. I want to be able to paint these trees on top of the mesh Since your chunk voxels are quite simple you could just manually create each chunk mesh among with UV mapping it to your textures and everything though code at runtime, it will drastically cut performance costs. I truly didn't expect to already run into a performance issue like this just starting out, but here I am. A place for all things related to the Rust programming language—an open-source systems language that emphasizes performance, reliability, and productivity. And we built it in our build step, so it replaced the unity terrain with the mesh version when building. - Map the visible colors back to the mesh in the scene - Write visibility data to file for run-time lookup The data is stored in a linear array and makes looking it up as fast as it gets. The tool generates appropriate meshes that are displayed in place of the standard unity terrain. I'm currently studying how to achieve the most believeable grass in Unity while maintaining a good performance on PC. for mobile, consider what is actually being used, will have a cost in rendering later on. The common decimation algorithms will probably shred voxel terrain. I want to be able to add caves and have seamless transitions from below/above ground, so a mesh terrain seemed the best way to achieve this over the built in height map terrain. You will have to see how many primitive colliders you need to get the accuracy you want, then test the performance against a mesh collider. Terrain Composer: use node layers to create terrain procedurally. I do know how to model in Blender, but for simpler geometry ProBuilder seems to basically do the exact same thing much more quickly and easily within Unity. Right now my approach is run the marching cubes twice, once for the mesh and again for a lower resolution mesh for the collider. non destructive workflows make for easier project redirection. So a 65536 * 65536 terrain at 1m resolution could be doable. Do the same with a terrain, and you’ll see the difference. That way you're getting the benefits of a nice looking projectile with the hit-detection of a collider. Made a huge difference in fps for us. Hi guys. The full terrain suite, which is a fully AAA quality terrain and mesh package is $10 less. Instead, I'm using a mesh painter and painting on grass prefabs. Just discovered terrain stuff and am learning about it, and it's awesome. and developer I need to create/bake the nav mesh using code at runtime. Mesh colliders are best for uneven terrain or other random edge cases like needing to be able to paint on a surface. [Unity now has a dedicated Terrain development team that can add necessary features in the future, but if the main solution for terrain will be heightmap then it would prove difficult to have caves or holes in the terrain (I would appreciate any comments that address issues like caves, holes in Unity terrain, and if it's possible to do now)] The details on the terrain are only rendered when near by. Unity does a simple bounding box check (the same as a box collider) before even running the mesh collider collision code. I first tried with a custom mesh, But modifying the mesh gives me a weird artifact due to the way the triangles are set, Illustration in Blender Working with Unity 2020. It stores the mesh on the gpu. i'm actually implementing transitions between chunk LODs right now. triangles by index directly the performance is much slower (like 100x slower) than adding to my own arrays and assigning them to the Mesh later. import your mesh. Your pricepoint would indicate you have something novel. If you need to go smaller, break the chunk into pieces and profile it again, until you find a size that gives you the best compromise between runtime and editing efficiency. I thought that I probably will encounter a performance issue with mesh terrain and I'll have to switch to a terrain somehow when a player approaches the surface So I did some quick research and it seems like in some cases meshes are faster than the terrain, mainly because Unity terrain produces much more draw calls than a mesh would. Would there be any performance benefit in merging all of these chunk meshes into a single mesh in the parent game object and only rendering it there as one big mesh? We have increased performance vs normal colliders. In most cases, you should use a drastically simplified mesh for collision, e. For others who have tinkered with LOD terrain systems: do you create a separate mesh for each chunk/quad/however you subdivide your terrain? Or do your meshes have vertices of multiple LOD levels in them? I'm currently working on some extremely large and deformable mesh based terrains that will allow for far more interesting things to happen than a regular height based terrain. It doesn't work with WebGL though. On Quest 2 (which I'm designing this system for) Unity terrains themselves can bog down framerate to less than 60 on even low quality Unity terrains, while my mesh based system performs at the max refresh rate (120 on Quest 2) without trying. The visibility result is also pixel perfect and makes it very accurate. For example I didnt know what "stamp" meant in terrain jargon, but the thing is if you know some knowledge about terrains, it is a great tool. The mesh and splat maps were generated using terrain composer and satellite hightmap data of the Sun Valley ID region! What really makes a difference in performance when generating the meshes is the job system and the burst compiler (job system allows the terrain to be generated in the background without blocking the main thread, and burst makes the jobs run about 20x faster). An optimized mesh for the terrain. I would suggest to search Github as well. Was wondering if there's any heavy performance issues in Unity with me making Custom Mesh Colliders for my more complex objects. 4. Performance wise I understand that using SetPixel for a sprite is rather slow. Source: was in the exact same position with my own voxel terrain :) Using the UE4 terrain tool will give you immediate painting adjustments, LODs, scalable grass tools, and several other things that I can't think of off the top of my head. Note that I'm not talking about adding a mesh and use a texture or in, I mean using vertex colors to "paint" the image manually. I have the following packages already: Gaia 2021: great for placing, just uses default Unity terrain/trees AFAIK Vegetation Studio: great for placing, great for rendering meshes, billboards not supported in SRP For all intends and purposes, it's probably more straightforward to convert a terrain to a mesh after making it (the Terrain To Mesh asset can take care of this). On the frames we do check for collisions the single frame performance is close to or worse then the colliders test, however the colliders are having do do that work constantly. CTS is by the creators of Gaia, but Microsplat is also incredibly powerful. A subreddit for News, Help, Resources, and Conversation regarding Unity, The Game Engine. Unless Unity terrain decides to support overhangs, the design of my mountains isn't physically possible with the terrain tools that use heightmaps. I'm just wondering if there are particular pros/cons of using a mesh that you create for your terrain vs using the unity terrain tool. It's a combination of Unity terrain and meshes generated with Marching Cubes. Separate objects for the buildings and trees. However, accuracy will be thrown off depending on the shape of your mesh, such as a sphere. In practice this means it beats Umbra in culling accuracy and run-time performance. I wanted to have a "unlimited" world on mobile, however I can´t just create a huge ass terrain cause of performance. Right now i'm working on my first 3D exploration game in low poly style using URP. IIRC using multiple primitive colliders is still cheaper than using a mesh collider. Each supporting a maximum of 2 16 = 65536 and 2 32 = 65536 * 65536 = 4,294,967,295 vertices respectively. I personally dont know all that much about exactly how mesh colliders are calculated in a performance way but I think it takes A LOT of mesh colliders for like fps to actually be affected. Otherwise: Please remember to follow our rules and guidelines . Set your objects up with box colliders and when the player get near, disable them and enable the mesh colliders. This community is here to help users of all levels gain access to resources, information, and support from others in regards to anything related to Unity. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty apprehensive to start implementing DOTS stuff, as that's a big step away from the little I know about Unity and the decent amount I know about OOP, but if I keep running into scaling performance issues maybe I'll finally buckle and see if I can get something like that working. These are often redrawn as the chunks can be edited at anytime by the player (mining blocks etc). Without 3rd party tools, Unity provides sprites with two mesh options: Quad (Full Rect) or the shaped mesh (Tight). 3, URP 10. mesh colliders everywhere ! the GPU (and the physics renderer) will handle it. Using Unity's terrain will give you much shorter iteration time, you get immediate feedback inside Unity. Tesselation is $20. vertices and mesh. This is a hallmark of AAA. There will be a point at which it is more efficient to use a mesh collider, but this will vary from case to case. Actually it IS using Unity terrains. I'm torn between using 2d planes or simple 3d meshes for the in game foliage (stylized, cartoon, hand painted textures). There is an easy way for anybody to see for themselves: Put a mesh with one material in a scene, hit play an open up the stats window. Just remember that the detail of your terrain will now impact your physics, if you make a hyper realistic terrain with real cracks, then that will eat into your performance. my plan is to do mesh decimation on each chunk's mesh independently, basically. So you make a copy of the current mesh, make the changes to the vertices you want to update, then copy the mesh back. It’s pretty damned important, yeah. The trees far away are batched together using a script that extracts the trees from the terrain then builds them into one mesh. To be honest, there is no "correct" solution. It runs fine with the built-in physics and I can make use of all the features that come with it. I already used the profiler to find out what the most performance hit is and it seems not the amount of vertices or grass, but the trees LODGroup has to do a lot of work, cutting my FPS in half. If I'm right, unity's terrain details are all CPU Based. I assume the Unity Mesh object is doing something more than adding to the internal arrays when I'm using the object accessors to access the data. Reflections off, DI off, Forward renderer, Shadows are not virtual shadows and some other settings that i was googling and trying to squeeze the performance. There's a couple of terrain assets on the asset store, here some that come to mind: Gaia: use stamps to create terrains, a lot of people like it but it's not my favorite. i personally shoot for modularity, assets can often be repurposed and its easy to make small adjustments to the scene in ue. I have a bunch of 128x128 terrain tiles I was stamping with Gaia. It makes sense to give an terrain multiple textures and eat the texture lookups because it is large, using too many texture lookups for a small piece of the scene is not adviced. Without the terrain i get 40fps, but with the terrain i get 15fps, so the track is causing problems and the terrain too, separately. Like other than the process of actually creating it with code vs by hand, and randomly generating it vs making a specific custom level. It may seriously impact your game performance if you build everything in the modelling software. If you need 3D terrain though you are stuck with meshes. Thank you depends on what your project goal is. With a mesh you have 1 texture that is spread over the entire terrain, so it will be much lower resolution when near the ground. Performance is good enough, an entire terrain would take about 100ms to be converted to cubic style (the most expansive one) for example. Non-destrctive nature of microverse is so coo l, I played around using free stamps and its really amazing to see two mountains collide with each other instantly to create another shape . 0 Of course there're special cases where the mesh combiner may be able to do other optimizations (such as removing hidden meshes when the scene has a lot of those) that will still benefit the performance. as long as you only collapse edges between vertices within the same chunk, then all the between-chunk stitching that works at LOD 0 should still work no matter which LODs The mesh fracturing performance is pretty good and similar on all of the fracturing libraries. And since our game has a fixed camera angle we can chunk the terrain in a lot of smaller parts so only a little part of the terrain is visible at once. thanks for the article! it helped me when i was writing my DC implementation. Then you can set the clip plane very close, which is great for performance. I use word "creates" because it seems that there is no way now to convert Dynamic Mesh to Static Mesh, so you need to use any static mesh from Content Browser and Unreal will copy the terrain inside it. This is expected since only 1 of every 6 frames do we actually have to do any work. And they have many, many more features than the Unity package. Anyway, Gaia is awesome but I found getting it to do stuff with MY content has been a challenge, I would attribute this mostly to make lack of understanding of Unity Terrain though and not the tool. Or use blenders functions to reduce the number of tris in the mesh. If you want a simpler mesh collider, you could: - load the model up in Blender - make a simpler mesh with the same basic shape, just block out the main parts (should only need to be a few dozen tris). Meaning every single piece of flora, every single box will be treated as if it's completely unique. Check the number of triangles (unfold the asset, select the mesh, open thumbnail, check tris count) instantiate your mesh into the scene with a single default material in the renderer, run the scene, check tris count set the correct number of materials, run, check count add a shadow-casting light, run, check count And please consider referring to Unity's official tutorials, user manual, and scripting API for further information. You probably used the default settings for the grass without adjusting the grass density or maybe you didn't adjust it too much. What does your asset offer that warrants its price? Not joking, have you used Microsplat in the last few years? IME most terrain shaders are just people inventing square wheels. It does feel like Unity documentation is often sorely lacking, and especially with regard to terrain. the bottleneck traditionally with unity is it being single threaded. Map magic 2 (basic version is free): use node graphs to create terrain procedurally. Jul 23, 2023 · Create additional 3D objects, or a some optimized mesh objects, for the slopes. It's more than 60% areas that have overhangs like jagged mountains. The output is a Unity Terrain (or multiple, in this video their are 36 1k terrains), but the tool can also export the terrains to meshes, bake their textures, and use those meshes either as a replacement or as a low poly version of the terrain used in the case of streaming terrains (also implemented) I'd say unity terrain is the better option here, especially for performance reasons - it handles geometry LOD and tree GPU instancing (with proper billboarding and LODs you shouldn't have a problem rendering that many trees) for you out of the box and also it's much easier to edit than a mesh or a blender file Overall I don't like Unity terrains much because they're just slow. But with lighting, shadows appear on the "opposite" side of light source direction, particularly where more normals face towards camera, more shadow there is. In some cases “my way” might be over-optimization for say a linear game that uses occlusion culling and such, but if you’re building an open world of any How's the performance of mesh simplification? Are you using the simplified mesh for the colliders? Because assigning the mesh to the meshcollider is super heavy, for a chunk 32x32x32 it takes something like 20ms. However, I'm aware that Unity implements Static Batching which is basically doing the above at runtime. But yeah I would split it into 1024*1024 chunks. Every object you import from a blender scene will be a unique mesh. It's the (upcoming) PRO version of Digger. Unity most probably uses A* pathfinding internally already since it is a good standard, if you use the NavMeshAgent. Gpu instancing does it a bit differently. I added a mesh collider to every single object in a city scene (1000+ game objects) and the FPS is still high. Splines have been useful for about forever in computer graphics, but the official Unity package is really, really new. I can't say much about the performance impact vs a custom collision implementation tho. g. . Because every terrain tool only works with Unity terrains. I recently started using ProBuilder and it seems like a dream. HOWEVER, the mesh collider RARELY needs to be as detailed as the visible mesh. Ideally you will want to split your terrain up and control the rendering with your own system tailored to your needs. This allowed me to bake the meshes into a single mesh, generate combined textures, and map texture coordinates to this now combined mesh. I know convex & the Meshcollider component exist but convex is bad for holey geometry & just using the mesh collider seems to performant heavy. Powerful and easy to use, TextMeshPro (also known as TMP) uses Advanced Text Rendering techniques along with a set of custom shaders; delivering substantial visual quality improvements while giving users incredible flexibility when it comes to text styling and texturing. Performance wise, this mesh merging was not enough, and I was running into polygon count bottlenecks. gzprqydb tylxb zlrx fnlnqrr tlcot hfeojya pnirueix njodju busx xtlw zlfv sspxgq wkhro oraav pqxt