What are my gifts and talents quiz. Talent A Talent is the ability to do something very well.
What are my gifts and talents quiz Feb 23, 2022 · Recognizing and sharing yourself… your passion, your talent, your love, your ideas… is a path for lighting up your life and world. Take a career assessment. Sep 9, 2023 · In this spiritual gifts test, you will discover your spiritual gift. Simply follow the directions for taking the test to discover your spiritual gifts, and then take the next steps to developing and using your gifts. scotland tattoo festival 2022 (1) ; how to find your talents and gifts quiz Comments Nov 29, 2023 · As you ponder these hymns celebrating gifts and talents, remember this: your abilities are precious blessings meant to be shared with the world. blessed with and are challenged to use in your daily life to response to your baptismal call to build up the Kingdom of God. The gifts test is a free, brief but thorough multiple choice survey. Identify The Gifts God Has Blessed You With. You might want to start at your church. and more. #1: Yes, you CAN miss discovering your gifts! Here are just some of how to find your talents and gifts quiz Archives. A child narrates a corresponding picture game where other children are shown sharing their gifts to bless others. Take this quiz to begin discovering what your Life Gift is. 1. Let this parable inspire and motivate you to embrace responsibility, overcome fear and doubt, and develop your talents. A) True: B) False: 7: Students with gifts and talents who complete an accelerated curriculum should enroll in college, even if they are younger than their classmates. May 3, 2024 · From understanding intuitive abilities and healing energies to exploring your divine purpose and talents, each quiz will delve into the depths of your spiritual potential. Are you ready to embark on this enlightening quest to reveal your inner potential? Embrace the Gifts Discernment. One of the best ways to identify talent is by checking where you spend your money the most. The gifts test is designed to be taken quickly during a single sitting, and typically takes 5 minutes to complete. Talents come in all shapes and sizes and extend into many areas of life. This test includes eight possible spiritual gifts, and each one will provide you with your corresponding spiritual archetype. As a follower of Jesus, exploring and exercising your spiritual gifting is a vital and exciting part of your spiritual journey. The folks who use their strengths invest their time discov He calls his servants together and gives them varying amounts of money—five "talents," two "talents," and one "talent"—to manage while he is away. Student Group Workshop Classroom Curriculum The spiritual gifts inventory can help you determine which charisms you have been blessed with and how to live out your baptismal call to build up the Kingdom of God through your gifts. The gifts, or talents, we have Oct 23, 2020 · We each have God-given gifts and talents. 21 terms. By answering a series of thought-provoking questions, you’ll gain valuable insights into your natural strengths and potential areas for growth. E. A skill is the ability to perform fundamental steps of a process. If you are unsure of yours, consider reading a book like “ Living Your Strengths ” and taking its personality-assessing quiz, or asking those close to you what natural talents they see in you. Before starting the game, have the kids name off different talents that people can have, and list them on the board. You will be able to follow the pack more closely. Ask a friend, relative, or Church leader to write you a note about a gift or talent they see in you. children with learning and/or behavior problems, children with physical disabilities or sensory impairments, and children who are intellectually gifted or have special talents. Once understood, Discernment of true Spiritual Gifts can take place. Take those Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following gifts shown below is not listed in Romans 12:6-8?, I filled out my four-square chart. Every Christian has at least one for the purpose of helping build up the Body of Christ, the church. Be honest in your answers. Sep 11, 2023 · Identifying your gifts and talents is the first step toward a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. You can take the quiz at any time and it can also be repeated. What are some approaches that can be used to identify Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like students who are gifted are not likely to excel without special education programs, in adulthood, people with gifts are prone to emotional instability and early decline, giftedness is a stable trait that is evident throughout all periods of a person's life and more. Here are some hard truths you need to understand when it comes to (not) wasting your gifts. Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Spiritual Gifts Quiz 1, so you can be ready for test day. The Real You assessment will give you insight into the gifts and strengths God wired you with, then help you use them in meaningful ways. Try a quiz for Psychology of Individual Differences and Special Needs, created from student-shared notes. Quiz 3: How to Evaluate and Use Talents. Go with your gut response. the gift of mercy the ability to generate wealth a knack for fixing things Select the answer that is not the best example of Biblical stewardship. Learn the lessons from Matthew 25:14-30 and discover how to invest and multiply your talents. Do one thing that will allow you to fully express your unique gift. Look for gifts in adversity. A. Ask others to let you know. Interpersonal 8. This inventory contains 125 questions and will take 20-45 minutes to complete, so please allow adequate time to answer all questions before beginning. Understand Your Gifts (And Personality Traits) Use Your Gifts To Worship God And Serve Others – Bringing Glory To God In All You Do! My personal mission and calling is to equip and encourage you to live a life full of faith, loving God and people. Ask 10 (or more) people who know you well. By that I mean that you fully express your unique talent, share it with others, do it, be it, live it. It will lead you to your purpose and help you find fulfillment in life. A talent is a result of something that already comes in your genetics or from a training on something. The goal of this assessment is to Narrow your God Given “S. Everything we do is funded by the free-will offerings of generous donors like you. ” — Romans 12:2 NIV. " In a world where knowing your worth can be challenging, our quiz is your compass to unearth your true strengths. Once you’ve figured out your talents, you’ll need to figure out how and where to apply them. Below are seven practices to consider as you discover and share your gift. We should also remember God uses other believers to affirm our gift. Verified Questions and Answers for Quiz 15: Learners With Special Gifts and Talents Due to the unique learning styles of students with special gifts and talents, parents should not be actively involved in their child's education. Life & Relationships Explore resources to help you live out your life and relationships in a way that honors God. EPIC. Mar 21, 2023 · Do you know what your gifts and talents are and how to apply them in your life? Take this assessment to find out! 1. UMC. Special talents of kindness, learning and s You have many gifts and talents inside of you—some of which you may not know about yet! With this worksheet, students will brainstorm and think of the many talents they have. With practice, they can be turned into skills and strengths. 6 days ago · When you see your child excel in something take note and let them know you noticed it too. genesee township police chief; how to find your talents and gifts quiz Categories. Your list may look something like this: The spiritual gifts inventory can help you determine which charisms you have been blessed with and how to live out your baptismal call to build up the Kingdom of God through your gifts. This questionnaire is designed to help you understand what your spiritual gifts are and how to use them in ministry. “ “Then you will know His will. Dec 23, 2024 · How to Find Your Natural Talents. You can also list the various Spiritual Gifts. The Inventory takes 15 to 25 minutes to complete. It is a God-given gift that one receives for his or her own use and benefit. Of the 33 innate skills, which one do you possess? This Test Will Show Your Talent—No Limit. This My Gifts And Talents Catholic worksheet has been specially designed and approved by qualified teachers to support learning and teaching around how God made each person unique with their own strengths and skills, and is brilliant for developing self-esteem in younger pupils. If you'd like to get started by strengthening your ability to tap into the present moment, take a peek at these simple, quick activities. We are so excited to see how God will use your gifts to minister and bless those around you! Sep 4, 2013 · When a believer surrenders those life experiences, talents, and interests over to God, their gifts are evident because God equips and enables us to do things we could never accomplish on our own! OVER-ANALYZING The subject of spiritual gifts can get quite controversial, and though the Bible does talk a lot about it, there is a lot of debate out Dec 18, 2019 · Last week, Lexie Rollet taught a virtual workshop re: finding your gifts and talents according to your natal chart. org offers a variety of online quizzes. , Gospel Singer and more. Then they'll cut out images or draw pictures to create a collage that encapsulates their greatest strengths and talents. It is important to identify gifted children or adolescents using a multidisciplinary approach since giftedness in adolescents can take many different forms and necessitates special assessments. 14: When planning to teach students who are gifted, it is important to plan for the development of their thinking skills. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Mar 29, 2022 · spiritual gift is a God-given ability, distributed to individual Christians by the Holy Spirit that allows him/or her to work through their lives to help the church execute its mission on earth What are your gifts and talents? Being a disciple of Jesus calls us to be a good steward of the gifts God has given us, especially our time and talent. Reflecting on your passions, talents, and areas of service can help identify where your spiritual gifts might lie. Spatial 6. Enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:23). Oct 21, 2023 · Embark on an epic journey of self-discovery with our "What are my strengths quiz. Let them shine brightly, illuminating the lives of those around you. This Spiritual Gifts Assessment is designed to help you do just that. A) True: B) False: 8 Oct 27, 2021 · Some people might say that they don’t know how to tap into their talents, but with a little bit of patience, thought and concentration, you can identify your gifts. It worked for me, so I made this step-by-step process that you can follow and Discover Your Natural Talents, Gifts, and Abilities also. Gifts and talents. What is my gift?: Guiding principles Once you’ve identified your greatest strengths, the next step is to honor and express your gifts and talents. Discerning Your Spiritual Gifts is a faith formation resource for Catholic teachers, youth ministers and parents working with middle and high school students. Notice what brings joy and fulfillment. Logical-mathematical 3. “Hidden” talents, on the other hand, are less obvious, and you may not even realize you have them! That doesn’t mean other people haven’t noticed, though. Once you’ve totaled your scores for each of the gifts, determine your top three gifts. Intrapersonal 9. Gifts Your Church Needs. Once gifts are discovered, the next step is to take action on that discovery. Online quizzes about The UMC. The Spiritual Gifts can be found in the following verses: 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Ephesians 4:11,12, 1 Peter 4:10,11 and Romans 12:4-8. The worksheet shows an outline of a person with a series of thought bubbles around it, in which learners can draw Sep 7, 2024 · Because you are likely blind to what some of your talents really are, a good place to start when evaluating your talents is to just open your mind to the possibilities. Developing Marketable Skills Once you have focused in on your gifts and abilities, you will then have better direction to apply for jobs that will be the most interesting Discover your natural talents and what you’re good at with our selection of short career aptitude tests. Also, check to be sure your email address is valid. Login Donate Open Menu Close Menu. Talking with people you know is the easiest and most dependable way of identifying your strengths and gifts. Identifying Your Spiritual Gifts. Twenty questions make up the talent test, and its purpose is to ascertain your ability set. Now look at the names of the Spiritual Gifts / Talents beside the Rank boxes where you entered “A”, “B”, or “C”. This quiz will help you reflect on your skills, interests, values and dreams to reveal your unique purpose. That is essentially the reason this site exists! This Spiritual Gifts Survey will help you identify your God-given spiritual gifts. docx Gifts Discernment. P. This happens because you have not discovered how to find your gift and what you can bring to your organization. I was so happy with the results on what I discovered about my Natural Talents, that I wanted to make it available so that anyone could learn their Natural Talents and Gifts. Linguistic 2. Make a single donation today to help us continue spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit all around the world. Prayer to Identify my Talents | Catholic Readings. Do you remember your high school career assessment? Yeah, it probably got it wrong. ”, down to Your Top 5 Main Focuses/Priorities in Life (With the Top 2 being the 2 Greatest Commands, given by Jesus, to Love God & Love Your Neighbor). What Is A Gift or Talent? A gift and talent is something that you’re not only good at, but it’s something that you have a desire to do. That said, today's career assessments, have greatly advanced. 38 terms. Start with one values-based project. Apply in Your Organization. When you’re using that gift you’re filled with joy and power. One of the important purposes He has for your life is that you use your gift(s) for His glory. We all have gifts we hide from the world, but you don't have Sep 20, 2023 · Your family members, friends, and even you yourself might dismiss aspects of your personality or skill set that are actually powerful indicators of where your innate talents are hidden. The first servant received five talents, which suggests they possess significant skills or aptitude. Discover Your Gifts. Teaching the Saints Encourage middle and high school students to discern their gifts and the ways God calls them to serve the world. S. This is what we want to hear. Back. (Do not look ahead to see what these gifts and talents are because that will influence your results!) INSTRUCTIONS: This spiritual gifts test consists of 110 statements that you are to respond to by entering in a number for each on the analysis Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Quiz 3: How to Evaluate and Use Talents, so you can be ready for test day. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light. …Not sure what your gift is, afraid to never find out. It is important to discover your own individuality because You will have more control over others. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like People with intellectual gifts, It is it's own image, according to the abilities and cultural value, 1. But talent alone isn't enough — you must cultivate and refine it through reflection, learning, practice, and experience. Embrace your talents with gratitude and use them for good, knowing that they are gifts from a loving Creator. When you’ve suppressed your innate skills and talents, figuring out what they are can seem daunting. Written by our team of experts, these quizzes will tell you about the most important person in your life -- yourself! Take them in any order, and don’t forget to share your results on Facebook and Twitter -- your friends will love them, too! Jan 14, 2023 · Overview of ‘What is My God Given Talent Quiz’ A ‘What is My God Given Talent Quiz’ is a series of questions designed to help you identify and understand your gifts and abilities. A spiritual gift is the result of the power of the Holy Spirit, acting through you. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and your unique gift may very well be a blend of several mentioned above (notably, there are a lot of artistic and physical gifts out there that are left out above in an effort to stay focused Oct 24, 2019 · Actively seeking for your gifts and talents will help you discover more about yourself, find greater life satisfaction, and become an inspiration and a benefit to others. Feb 29, 2024 · Whether your gift lies in healing, intuition, or a profound connection with nature, embracing and nurturing your spiritual abilities can lead to profound transformations. This journey of self-discovery can be both enlightening and empowering. If you’d like to get started by strengthening your ability to tap into the present moment, take a peek at these simple, quick Take the next step in your faith journey with resources on prayer, devotionals and other tools for personal and spiritual growth. A strength is the ability to provide almost perfect performance of a talent. So, why wait? Dive in and explore the depths of your potential today! Jul 7, 2021 · Here’s a special prayer to ask for assistance in identifying your talents. (By the way, this is a good case!) Even worse, being detached from one’s life’s purpose, never reaching the given potential. Church History Quiz; John Wesley Quiz; More Quizzes Nov 1, 2024 · By taking this hidden talent quiz, you can discover what gifts you didn't even know you had, all by looking at this optical illusion. Here are 7 gifts and talents that churches are in need of. H. Sep 11, 2023 · Unlock your full potential by maximizing your God-given gifts. First, we have to understand that there are differences between gifts and talents. Dec 20, 2017 · We each have different gifts we bring to the table; knowing these gifts and strengths help us to work better together for the kingdom of God. The questions assess your gifts in 23 separate areas. Feb 24, 2022 · So if you're wondering how to actually identify what your natural gifts, strengths, and talents are, then you've found yourself in the best possible corner of the internet my friend! Check out this YouTube video or, keep reading below for my best tips on discovering your core strengths ⬇️ The five questions in this multiple-choice quiz will test your knowledge of students with special gifts and talents. Discover your hidden talents with our engaging quiz! Ever wondered what unique abilities lie beneath the surface? This quiz will help you uncover skills you never knew you had. God has given you. Sometimes we may discover that we have some skill at something but when we do it we’re miserable. I hope you love this empowering worksheet and exercise to connect to yourself—and your (hidden) strengths. We each have different gifts we bring to the table; knowing these gifts and strengths help us to work better together for the kingdom of God. Hospitality: the Gift that causes a believer to joyfully welcome and receive guests and those in need what spiritual gifts and special talents God has given you. The test evaluates 22 gifts and talents. Sep 4, 2022 · Do you ever stop to consider your talents? This quiz will uncover your secret talent if you tell us about your life. Quiz questions can teach us more about ourselves and The United Methodist Church. Folder: Students. The quiz will ask you about your interests, passions, and skills, as well as other aspects of your personality. By the end of the quiz, you will have a clearer picture of your gifts and how you can harness them. May 21, 2023 · Discover your hidden talent by taking this fun quiz that explores your passions, interests, and strengths. Jun 11, 2024 · Do you ask yourself, "What is my talent?" Tell us about your life, and this quiz will reveal your hidden gift. Spiritual gifts are a powerful tool given by God to all Christians. Discovering My Gifts and Talents This survey is designed to help you identify your natural gifts and talents -- the God-given gifts and talents you have to share with your parish and the community. Use this worksheet to track and tally your responses from the Gift Discernment Questionnaire. Sometimes we don’t see in ourselves what others can see in us. From there, you can use the Select all the God-given gifts and talents that a person might possess. And while we can’t fit everything that we learned into one single blog post, we thought we’d touch on a few aspects that Lexie discussed. Invest your talents well, for the joy. The purpose of this study is to help you identify and begin using your spiritual We do not charge for our events, media, livestreams, online school, or resources like this spiritual gifts test. Nov 29, 2024 · The “What is my Spiritual Gift Quiz Buzzfeed” is an interactive and engaging online quiz developed by Buzzfeed, aiming to help quiz-takers in discovering their unique spiritual gifts. Jul 18, 2023 · 3. Find what you spend the most money on. Church History Quiz; John Wesley Quiz; More Quizzes Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like students who are gifted are not likely to excel without special education programs, in adulthood, people with gifts are prone to emotional instability and early decline, giftedness is a stable trait that is evident throughout all periods of a person's life and more. 5. Children can think Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Telescoping grades is a form of, Gifted students with Asperger's syndrome usually have a problem with, Research studies show that gifted children accelerated in school placement and more. It. It will take you less than 5 minutes. Using Your Gifts. Assessment Instructions. what your strengths, gifts and talents are? I’ve found three effective strategies for uncovering clues that can lead you to discover your natural strengths and gifts: 1. His good, pleasing and perfect will. Parents - Read the following 49 questions to your child and ask him to answer by choosing one of the five following responses: In this devotional, children will learn about talents. The test evaluates 28 Gifts and Talents. Click the arrow to see. pdf Discernment of Gifts What are your gifts and talents? Being a disciple of Jesus calls us to be a good steward of the gifts God has given us, especially our time and talent. This check list is created to help elementary age children discover their spiritual gifts as presented in Romans 12: 6-8 of God’s Word. Musical 5. In order to know how to discern Spiritual Gifts, one needs to understand the distinction between a Talent and a Spiritual Gift. Nov 1, 2024 · By taking this hidden talent quiz, you can discover what gifts you didn't even know you had, all by looking at this optical illusion. Recognizing and sharing yourself… your passion, your talent, your love, your ideas… is a path for lighting up your life and world. To do this we must first recognize our gifts/talents and give thanks to God for them. Your child’s spiritual gift may be obvious early on. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Records the parable of the talents =, Was urged to take heed and fulfill his ministry =, States that a man's gift will clear a way for him = and more. Oct 30, 2021 · The above examples are different kinds of gifts and talents. full inclusion serving students with disabilities and other special needs entirely within the general classroom. Honestly answer thought-provoking questions about your natural talents, your preferred learning styles, and the Aug 21, 2024 · Believers should pray and study what God says about gifts in His Word. Aug 25, 2023 · Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts: Discovering one’s gifts involves a process of self-examination, prayer, and seeking guidance from mature believers. Jan 14, 2024 · If you’re short on time, here’s the quick answer to your question: your god-given purpose is the special role you were created to fulfill, matching your innate talents and passions to meet a specific need in the world. Don’t overthink the questions. , In the Parable of the Talents, Jesus was only concerned with how we invest our money. Talent A Talent is the ability to do something very well. You can find out more about your Spiritual Gifts and Talents by reading the Spiritual Gifts Reference Material on the following pages. The following assessment helps us recognize our gifts in several areas. Naturalistic and others. God has given us all different talents so we could use them to point others to Him. Nov 11, 2024 · Take our "What Are My Skills?" quiz and know about your full potential! This quiz understands your abilities, interests, and experiences, helping you identify your strengths and know hidden skills you may not even realize you have. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. These sums represent different levels of ability or talent. Self-Reflection: Spend time reflecting on what activities energize you. Do NOT look ahead to see what these Gifts and Talents are because that will influence your results! Instructions: This Spiritual Gifts Test consists of 140 statements (pages 2-5) that you are to respond to by entering in a number for each on the Analysis Sheet (page 7). Fill out each section below, and try to be as honest with yourself as possible. Which of the 33 natural talents do you have? What is your gift? Who were you born to be? Do you know if you have any hidden talents? Take our What Is My Gift Test now to uncover the secret gift that makes you unique. Once you have your totals, use the Gift Discernment Key to see your gifts! 1 13 25 37 2 14 26 38 3 15 27 39 4 16 28 40 5 17 29 41 6 18 30 42 7 19 31 43 8 20 32 44 9 21 33 45 10 22 34 46 11 23 35 47 12 24 36 48 0 = Not at all; never 1 = Some of the time Giving: the Gift that enables a believer to recognize God's blessings and to respond to those blessings by generously and sacrificially giving of one's resources (time, talent, and treasure). While there are many spiritual gifts, this survey covers the nine team- or task-oriented gifts used in daily life to do the work of Christian ministry. Some are keenly aware of these gifts and talents, while others are discovering them in new ways. The inventory will take approximately 15-20 minutes and is comprised of 115 questions that assess your gifts. To do this we must first recognize our gifts/talents and give thanks Jan 19, 2025 · These are all “hard talents,” which are skills that are easy to see and point out. user81047201. Biblical References: II Corinthians 9:6-15, Luke 21:1-4. Guess what, that’s not your gift or Jul 18, 2023 · 3. Different Levels of Ability. But figuring out your gift is key to finding lasting satisfaction in life. Talent(s) God has given you. Mary Dunbar. Bodily-Kinesthetic 7. These are the Spiritual Gifts and Talents that it seems God has given to you. You may be a Creative Visionary, an Analytical Problem-Solver, an Empathic Connector, or an Organized Strategist. Dec 12, 2024 · These gifts can manifest as talents, insights, or services that benefit others and reflect your true self. was. Or, it may not become fully known until their teen years or even later. Spiritual gift quizzes are not just about testing knowledge; they encourage self-reflection, inner exploration, and the realization of one's sacred purpose. This survey was developed and copyrighted by Paul Wilkes, the author Apr 21, 2018 · For to every servant who is faithful with the talents entrusted to him, the Master will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enjoy! Looks like you might've missed a few. For those eager to delve deeper, our platform offers a wealth of resources designed to support you in developing and integrating your spiritual gifts. If you are not good at maintaining books or records of your finances, try out using free and easy-to-use applications such as Mint. Every Christian has a dominant spiritual gift and many possess more than one. Here are some tips to help you recognize your strengths: Reflect on what comes easily to you: Think about the activities or tasks you excel at In order to know how to discern Spiritual Gifts, one needs to understand the distinction between a Talent and a Spiritual Gift. In this quest, we often overlook the obvious—those skills we're naturally good at, the tasks we find effortlessly simple, and the activities we're Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Are the result of our genetic inheritance, Given by the Spirit of God once we have become saved. Unlock insights into your cognitive abilities and discover where your true talents lie. Preview. Match Gifts with Ministry Opportunities. Discovering your natural talents can sometimes feel elusive, but with a bit of reflection and exploration, you can uncover those abilities that come naturally to you. Everyone has a secret talent - discover yours now! This quiz will help you uncover your unique gifts and provide valuable insights into areas where you can excel. This quiz asks a series of multiple-choice questions that allow users to explore their spiritual strengths, identify their innate spiritual gifts, and gain Dec 13, 2024 · Can Taking a Buzzfeed Quiz Really Help Identify My Spiritual Gifts? Taking a Buzzfeed quiz to identify your spiritual gifts can be an entertaining and enlightening introduction to the concept, but it should be approached with a grain of salt. Don’t let your child become discouraged if their gift isn’t obvious right away, even after taking the spiritual gifts test Spiritual Gifts Survey for Kids . Keep in mind that talents extend beyond just playing the guitar or dancing like a pro. Uncover the unique talents and gifts that define who you are, both personally and professionally. Sometimes God may also use spiritual gift assessment tools to reveal His gifts. There are a lot of hidden talents, and for this quiz, we focused on 6 of the major ones. We encourage you to be open and honest. You often find clues about your spiritual gifts in your passions. . Here are nine ideas to help you discover some of your not-so-obvious gifts. Student 6 Session Experience. May 12, 2021 · We are each gifted in a unique and important way. Outstanding talent perform, or show the potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment Exhibit high-performance capability in intellectual, creative, and/or artistic areas; possess an unusual leadership capacity; or excel in specific academic fields. Acceleration is the process of providing instruction to the student in those content areas of the gift or talent and enrichment is allowing the student to go into more depth in those areas associated with the gift and talent. 8-1 Discussion: Exceptional Gifts and Talents. The Real You Spiritual Gifts and Talents assessment is designed to give you insight into the gifts and strengths that God has wired you with. These quizzes are designed more for fun and engagement rather than deep, theological accuracy. xxzngxt vmkbu svov ycrll tzmv qwggg yukm hmdmi nenub ppq updwbyf mgk scohbb knju pueuk