Yagpdb custom commands. This custom command was written by @jo3-l.

Yagpdb custom commands Trigger Type: Regex Trigger: \A Custom commands for the YAGPDB Discord bot๐Ÿค–. YAGPDB Custom Commands Introduction Adding custom commands. -maze <crossings> - Generates a maze with the given number of crossings. If not, that argment is assumed to be an individual pack and is skipped. However, this may be inconvenient or Not What You Want in some cases. Type: Regex Trigger: \A or . Say you have a command that creates events (much like the -event create built-in command). Trivia This system implements makeshift sdicts purely with string manipulation used for storage -- it isn't the most efficient, but was a quite nice exercise back then. Main suggestion command; allows users to create/update/delete suggestions in addition to allowing admins to manage suggestions. 1 Create Custom Command 2 List of Commands in Selected Group 3 Edit this Custom Command 4 Delete this Custom Command 5 Run this Command Now 6 Selected Group 7 Group Tabs 8 Name of Selected Group 9 Delete Selected Group 10 Channel and Role Restrictions 11 A feature-rich suggestion system, condensed into a single custom command. Contribute to IBP-0/yagpdb-cc-1 development by creating an account on GitHub. Usage -maze - Generates a maze with 0 crossings. Adding custom commands; Template syntax and data reference; Template functions reference; Moderation. Feb 27, 2022 ยท Hello youtube! I will be running you through on how to add a sticky message to you discord server using YAGPDB custom command. Both must be added for the system to work as expected. Automod should now trigger on attachments in forwards too. Basic - The original giveaway system with basic features: starting, ending, cancelling, and listing giveaways. " What you'll find here is a set of custom commands meant to support RP sites' specific needs. Differences between this and whois This command is quite similar to whois but also shows the user's role and uses their display colour. Configuration This command handles reactions for version 2 of the giveaway package. A curated collection of custom commands for the YAGPDB Discord Bot to enhance your server. For more information about the CAH card pack system, see this page. -deathmatch <user0> <user1> - Make the first user play against the second user. -rr add <level> <role_name> - Adds a role reward to level. This custom command was written by @SpecialEliteSNP. Configure Role Rewards. Author This custom command system was authored by @jo3-l. Overall# Max amount of CCs: 100/250 (free/prem) Max CCs that can be triggered by a single action: 3/5 (free/prem) Character limit: 10k (5k for join/leave msg, warn dm, etc…) Limit writer: 25kB; Max operations: 1M/2. Consult the documentation on custom commands if unsure. Additionally, we've documented how and where to add these scripts down below. This custom command adds birthday functionality to your server, wishing members all the best on their respective date. This is a collection of useful "snippets", or parts of code, that you can implement. This command allows administrators to manage giveaways. e. Type: Reaction Additional options: Added reactions only YAGPDB Custom Commands Introduction Adding custom commands. It is: Extensive: There are over 60 custom commands (and we're adding more regularly!), meaning that it's likely that you'll be able to find what you're looking for. In this chapter, we will explore how to send messages to different channels, edit existing messages, and send messages with embeds, vastly expanding your toolbox for creating complex custom command systems. The usage of this command is very similar to that of the SimpleEmbed built-in command. Trigger Type: Command Trigger: giveaway We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Most categories have standalone custom commands, meaning you can add one, two, or even Of course, as this is a custom command, you can change essentially anything! Installation As usual, there are instructions describing where to put the script and which trigger to use on the pages corresponding to the individual commands. The CC-system in YAGPDB is quite complex and can be used for some advanced stuff, but even CCs are still limited and if your use case is very specific, consider trying or building another bot. Welcome to my YAGPDB CC repository! This repository hosts the largest made economy system for the YAGPDB. This package contains two custom commands: the main command, and a reaction handler. You will need to add both of the following commands for the system to work correctly: Main command; Reaction handler; As the setup for this system is not too complicated, we'll leave it at that. If it reaches a given amount, it will be sent in the starboard channel. This may change in the future, but for now, this command is the closest you can get to a lockdown command. For more information about this particular version of the giveaway package, see this page. Overview. Usage -json <channel|'0'> <message> - Displays information about the message provided. Coin Flip. Writing custom commands, but want to add that little bit of extra to your editor? Check out the following plugins: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Differences between this and simpleembed This command is very similar to the built-in simpleembed command, but differs in that it allows you to add fields to the embed. Counting System. Optional Flags -f - Displays message attachments. This command logs reactions. Now, navigate to Core -> Custom Commands. There are also overloads to set your rank card background (if enabled) and rank embed colour. level must be between 1 and 100, and there can be at max 1 role reward per level. Secondary Command Next, add the secondary command as a new custom command. Save this command for now. Retrieves the most recently deleted message in the past hour (non-premium) / 12 hours (premium). Next, add the modal handler as a new custom command. The built-in cc command received a recent update that allows it to show code in file format as well: see the -file switch. Fine-grained control over all of YAGPDB’s inbuild commands. ) Aug 6, 2021 ยท If you are looking for more community made custom commands you can join my Discord server and look at the list of repositories in #โ”‚๐ŸŒgithub-repositories or search for ๐Ÿ” yagpdb-cc on GitHub. The YAGPDB Discord bot allows you to add custom functionality to the bot via "custom commands. If an item has spaces in it, put quotes around it. If you have a different prefix, change the -to your own prefix. Instead YAGPDB Custom Commands Introduction Adding custom commands. Contribute to dalcop/yagpdb-cc-2 development by creating an account on GitHub. In particular, it shows parts of the message in JSON, hence the name. Duck Image Generator. 5M (free/prem) Response The Official repository of custom commands made by contributers of YAGPDB. This is similar to the current system used in the YAGPDB Support Server. This custom command was authored by @TheHolyWaterme1on and @l-zeuch. only clear messages that do not match the given regex) by supplying the -im flag Note: Will only look in the last 1k messages YAGPDB Custom Commands Introduction Adding custom commands. It is: Extensive: There are over sixty custom commands (and we're adding more regularly!), meaning that it's likely that you'll be able to find what you're looking for. Edit this page. For example, this folder includes code snippets to convert a string to time, an implementation of selection sort, and some more useful things. Custom Commands. Overview# Command overrides allow you to restrict access to YAGPDB’s inbuilt commands and optionally configure intervals after which the command trigger and response will be autodeleted. * Code This interaction is sent to YAGPDB, and becomes available to trigger any custom commands which match it. This system should Custom commands - abbreviated as CCs, allow you to create your own commands. The key features of the page are as follows: Fixes custom commands not running in threads if "Send Message" is denied on parent but "Send Message In Threads" is given, same for forum posts. For more information about the suggestion system, see this page. Custom commands for the YAGPDB Discord bot๐Ÿค–. Custom emojis are displayed in their actual image size, while default emojis are displayed in 72x72 as that is the largest size the Twemoji CDN provides in PNG format. Trigger Type: Reaction Additional options: Added + Removed Reactions. It also includes a link to a downloadable solution and execCC support. -meme custom <top-text> <bottom-text> <image-link> - Generates a meme using the image, top text and bottom text provided. For more information about the starboard system, see this page. Unless you would like everyone to be able to set experience/level, we advise that you restrict this command to a staff role in the role restrictions. Click on that. Previous. View Avatar Commands. Clean#. Aliases: clear/cl Delete the last number of messages from chat, optionally filtering by user, max age and regex or ignoring pinned messages. Check out our curated collection of tested and verified custom commands, maintained by official YAGPDB staff members. This command parses the modal submitted questions and triggers the Main CC to add them to the queue. Interval Trigger Finally, add the interval command as a new custom command. Usage -edit [channel] <msg> <flags> - Edits the message provided. Type: Command Trigger: snipe Usage -snipe - Retrieves the most recently deleted message in the past hour (non-premium) / 12 hours (premium). View Rank. For simple commands, this is the recommended way to handle user input. ๐Ÿš€ Custom commands for the YAGPDB Discord bot. Contribute to BlackWolfWoof/yagpdb-cc development by creating an account on GitHub. This command holds the majority of the QOTD system's code, managing the QOTD channel, posting new questions, the queue, and any text commands from users. Trigger . Search. Yagpdb custom commands I'm not sure if it's just the bot in general or if it's only the custom commands but they seem to only work once every so often. The economy system has been worked on since mid 2021 and has taken a lot of work to get it to the current state. Author This custom command was authored by @l-zeuch. This command allows users to react to messages with stars. This command retrieves the time and weather of your city and displays it in a nice looking embed with a different image/color depending on time. This command displays the rank of a member, defaulting to the triggering member. Usage -setxp <user> <xp> - Sets the experience of the user provided. -deathmatch <user> - Play against the user provided. This command allows users to react to messages within the starboard channel with stars/anti-stars. 0 denotes current channel. The trigger is a component type with the custom ID set to \Aanon_submit\b. Advanced - A much more advanced QOTD system allowing server members to submit their own questions, and automatically posting a question daily. Message A collection of useful utility commands. Usage -repeat <phrase> - Repeats phrase 5 times (you can change this in the code). What you'll find here is a set of custom commands meant to support RP sites' specific needs. * Snipe Message. View Server Info. Trigger Type: Command Trigger: edit. Type: Command Trigger: worldclock Usage -worldclock - Shows the current time in various cities around the world. -unmodnick <user> - Changes the nickname of a user previously moderated using this command to its original value. This kind of defeats the purpose of what I'm using it for. A unique feature of this command is that, besides decimal numbers, it also accepts roman numerals and mathematical expressions as valid inputs. Repeat Phrase. For more information about the tag system, see this page. Quack! ๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿฆ†. The commands page displays all custom commands and allows you to add, delete, or edit custom commands and custom command groups. Set XP YAGPDB Custom Commands Introduction Adding custom commands. Once that is done, YAGPDB will respond with All set, you can now use V2. advanced custom command Discord bot create custom commands / response with 600+ function / tags , autorole , Ticket , custom welcome , replace Yagpdb , Mee6 , Carl This command displays information about messages. You specify a channel (defaulting to the current channel), a message, and The way this command works is that it checks after 5 seconds whether the message was deleted. This command generates random embedded duck pictures. Also includes some information about the colour, such as its hexadecimal/decimal equivalent. This command repeats text provided. For more information about the custom report system, see this page. These commands are centered around bringing fun to your server. A curated collection of over custom commands for the YAGPDB Discord Bot to enhance your server. Handles reactions for the tag system. Skip to main content YAGPDB Custom Commands Introduction Adding custom commands Preview Color. Code {{/* YAGPDB Custom Commands Introduction Adding custom commands. This custom command was written by @DaviiD1337 with contributions from @H1nr1. The command is always performing one final pass over your database, to ensure the system really is gone. ๐Ÿ˜œ In this chapter, we’ll learn how to create custom commands that take inputs. This assumes you know how to create a custom command, if you aren't too familiar with that or just need a refresher, this article explains it well. " Set Group. Start by going to the YAGPDB control panel, logging in, and selecting your server. Triggers: Starts with, Contains, Exact match or Regex; YAGPDB is open-source, you can host it yourself if you want more customization and control yagpdb custom commands i want to write a command that removes links from specific channels, but i don’t know how to write code, is there anyone that could do it for me? Archived post. This command chooses an item from the ones provided. This command shows the current time in various cities around the world. Black Wolf's custom commands repository As you'll notice this part and the header is copied from Black Wolf's repo. This command implements a counting game with detailed statistics and a leaderboard. By default, this regex uses the -prefix for commands. Specify a regex with “-r regex_here” and max age with “-ma 1h10m” You can invert the regex match (i. This command handles reactions for the basic giveaway package. This allows you to play a game of connect-four with yourself or against another player. Configure this custom command to use the hourly interval trigger type, set to 24h (or any other interval of your choice) in an arbitrary channel. Trigger Type: Command Trigger: giveaway This command is a replica of the deathmatch command from Yggdrasil. 0 . You can do this by creating a singular response and creating a variable with randInt. This does mean that if you delete the message more than 5 seconds after message creation, this CC won't catch it by default. Usage -meme <template> <top-text> <bottom-text> - Generates a meme using the template, top text and bottom text provided. Benefits over the starboard command provided in the documentation: Updates star count with more stars using a single database text entry. The template may be either both, buzz, doge, joker, or sad-biden. The trigger is a modal type with the Custom ID set to \A0?qotd-. -repeat <amount> <phrase> - Repeats phrase the specified number of times. Type: Reaction Additional options: Added + removed reactions Configuration This command starts a new CAH game using the specified packs and pack groups. For more information about the AFK system, please see this page. Type: Command Trigger: randduck Usage -randduck - Generates a random embedded duck picture. Code {{/* Overview. Reaction Handler. Trigger Type: Regex Trigger: \A\-(my|start|stop|set|get|del)b(irth)?days? Usage Commands and usage is outlined in the birthday system overview. This command creates a new group of CAH card packs, or edits an existing one. This command was built around channel topic editing. For more information about the birthday system, see this page. man i use your command but if me and my friend use the command in the same time or literally 2 seconds each other the command just bug dont say in 1 minutos "Time to Hunt" just "Gave up trying to execute custom command #2 after 1 minute because there is already one or more instances of it being executed. More specifically, this command will allow a set number of emote-only messages to go through before deleting subsequent messages and tracking them in a log channel. Triggers: Starts with, Contains, Exact match or Regex; YAGPDB is open-source, you can host it yourself if you want more customization and control Add this script as a new custom command with any trigger you like, such as a command trigger with update. Trigger Type: Modal Custom ID: \A0?qotd- Various limits in YAGPDB custom commands (CC) for smooth functioning of the bot and misuse prevention. This command allows administrators to manage role rewards. . Next. You can use it without editing the topic but certain actions will be unnecessary or delayed. Embeds in custom commands are a little more difficult. We will not guarantee that the other user repositories are safe to use. For more information about the QOTD system, see the overview page. Main Command Add the main command as a new custom command. It's a small and simple script This command views information about a user, defaulting to the triggering user. The reason this command locks down channels in such a roundabout way is because modifying channel permissions directly is not supported in YAGPDB template scripting. Additional reading here Type: Command Trigger: meme. This command is basically equivalent to the built-in report command, but has some back-end changes in order for the rest of the custom report system to work. Custom Commands Examples; Custom Commands Limits; Custom Embeds; Custom Interactions; How to Get IDs; Using RegEx The commands page displays all custom commands and allows you to add, delete, or edit custom commands and custom command groups. Usage World Clock. If the number of stars reaches a given amount, it will be sent in the starboard channel. Also, there is no generator that you could use for this. If you are looking for more community made custom commands you can join my Discord server and look at the list of repositories in #โ”‚๐ŸŒgithub-repositories or search for ๐Ÿ” yagpdb-cc on GitHub. However, it does not support showing multiple custom commands, which is where this command comes in handy. Most of these commands are informational commands which are not currently available to YAGPDB (channel info, avatar, server info, etc. Trigger Type: Command Trigger: repeat. This command handles messages for the leveling system. Community maintained custom commands for the YAGPDB Discord Bot. After that, just run it. You will need to add all of the following commands for the system to work as expected: Configure role rewards The way this command works is that it checks after 5 seconds whether the message was deleted. YAGPDB has a built-in random response system for custom commands, but sometimes you may want to control the chances for certain responses to occur. Code snippet to parse strings to a time struct, in a human friendly way. This may only be done within the CC which was triggered by the interaction. Trigger Type: Command Trigger: maze. Code {{/* On non-premium servers, the onduty command will occasionally require an additional command to be run. Reaction Logs. Type: Command Trigger: choose Usage -choose <items> - Choose an item from the ones provided. Supports invocation via execCC as well. This makes sense for quick mockups or relatively simple commands. JSON Converter. Trigger Type: Command Trigger: deathmatch. Basic - A simple and compressed command for a QOTD channel restricting users from answering twice and allowing staff to post custom questions at their leisure. As usual, there are instructions describing where to put the script and which trigger to use on the pages corresponding to the individual commands. Configuration See the giveaway package overview for more information about how to configure this command. Aliases Instead of bigemoji , you can also use be , bigemote , big-emote , and big-emoji . Within the triggered custom command(s), YAGPDB should then respond once to the interaction, sending a message, updating the triggering message, or sending a modal. This command is a tool for editing messages sent by YAGPDB, with embed support. This custom command was written by @Pedro-Pessoa. A curated collection of custom commands for the YAGPDB Discord Bot to enhance your server. Parsing Arguments# Because parsing arguments is no easy task, we provide a convenience function, parseArgs, to parse the arguments passed to a custom command. Take a look around! All scripts found within this repository, are published with the understanding, that users of these scripts will have some experience of how to create, configure and use a Custom Command, within YAGPDB. Introduction; This custom command was written by @jo3-l. Main CC. This command views information about the server. It first checks whether each argument is a valid pack group and, if so, expands it into its component packs. This command generates a maze image with an optional number of crossings/bridges. note As you have to hardcode your time/weather/name currently this is more useful as a personal thing rather than something useful for a server. Send a message in your anonymous channel to have the bot send the initial sticky message. Usage -deathmatch - Play against the default opponent (YAGPDB, unless you changed it in the options). It also includes a subcommand that allows you to view the server icon. These guides assume that you are already familiar with the custom command UI, so, for instance, you know how to add and edit commands through the control panel. They are, for the most part, standalone: pick and choose which CCs you wish to add. Please only proceed if you have a good amount of knowledge about custom commands and templates in general. Installing . Each individual command file will have a feature a heading comment, describing the scripts Message Handler. Features Logging channels; Management commands; Cooldown to prevent spam; Installing In case you need a refresher, or don't know how to add a custom command, please read this tutorial. Introduction; Additional options: Errors as custom command output disabled. ; Basic v2 - Version two of the giveaway system with all of the features of the original one plus reroll support. Trigger String to Time. This custom command was written by @jo3-l. Please refer to the instructions in the pages linked above if you have any other questions. This command functions similar to the reminder command, but sends a DM instantly. Trigger Choose Item. These commands are all standalone (you can pick and choose which commands to add). To add custom commands, you will need to be able to access your server's control panel. If phrase has spaces in it, you should put quotes around it; for example, -repeat "hello world". Posts automatically removed when they fall below star threshold. xyz custom command system. You should see a green button labelled Create a new Custom Command. General Tips# As you start your journey with YAGPDB, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Trigger Type: Command Trigger: json. For example, if you wanted to use ! as the prefix, you would use: YAGPDB documentation and learning resources. This command allows you to preview how colours look. This command is a tool for sending messages through YAGPDB, with embed support. Final Command Finally, add the third command as a new custom As usual, there are instructions describing where to put the script and which trigger to use on the pages corresponding to the individual commands. This command allows users to set an AFK message with optional duration. It uses a rolling time frame: every time the filter catches an emote-only message, the automod length is refreshed. Type: Regex Trigger: \A Additional options: Errors as custom command output disabled Usage -modnick <user> - Changes the nickname of the user provided. The yagpdb-cc repository is separated into groups / categories. zansp xsrl vsieqdj zywhhg dlwlb wzx zica fuzn woovs wskqq pwfpz fknygop kkjfs jffvuv aneqcio