Characteristics of evaluation slideshare •With Reactive Liquids ( Ethanol , Isopropanol ) •With Non-reactive Liquids ( addition of small amount of water) Dry Granulation Methods •Slugging (large tablets are compressed using heavy-duty tablet-compacting equipment Sep 24, 2012 · The document describes characteristics of slow learners and learning disabilities. Methods used to perform sterility test are- a) Direct Transfer Method b) Membrane Filtration Method. • The process of quantifying individual’s achievement, personality, attributes, habits and skills • The process by which information about the attributes or characteristics of things are determined and differentiated • An operation performed on the physical world by observer Assessment collects information about learners' progress towards outcomes. Step 1 and 3 determine content of job and step 2 tells how the job shall be performed. The social factors are directly related to culture and many other aspects such as family, life style, religion and various other habits. 10/19/2020steps and challenges of Apr 10, 2017 · This document discusses the evaluation of various packaging materials used for pharmaceutical products. Have major changes occurred in the firm’s internal strategic position? analyse the role of evaluation in the teaching-learning process, explain the need and importance of evaluation, define and explain the concept of evaluation, list the characteristics of evaluation, and distinguish between evaluation, assessment and measurement. Oct 15, 2020 · Evaluation • Evaluation Is The Process Of Judging The Value Or Worth Of An Individual’s Achievements Or Characteristics. It can be administrated before and after instruction. Antimicrobial Drugs: Antibiotic: Substance produced by a microorganism that in small amounts inhibits the growth of another microbe. Apr 12, 2023 · Grading • Grading for quality means the evaluation of traits related to tenderness, juiciness, and flavor of meat; and, for poultry, a normal shape that is fully fleshed and meaty and free of defects. Leakage test 4. 7. Upon actuation of the aerosol valve, the pressure built up by the vaporized propellant pushes the liquid phase up in the dip tube and out of the container. Measurement is a part of evaluation. • The goal-free evaluator attempts to observe and measure all actual outcomes, e ects, or impactsff , intended or unintended, all 25. • Annual examination and half yearly examination in school, public examination are the example of such evaluation. Inclusive – people affected by the plan have opportunities to be involved Making evaluation an integral part of your program means evaluation is a part of everything you do. It also provides steps and characteristics for developing high-quality unit plans. Measurement is appraisal in terms of a fixed standards whereas an evaluation implies the use of relative and flexible standards. 6. • Control is a tool for achieving orgsnizational activities. four characteristics are vital for construction of good test. SENSORY EVALUATION • Sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline that analyses and measures human responses to the composition and nature of foods and drink. PERCENTAGE FINES ( % FINES ) % fines means amount of powder remain in the granule. Characteristics of Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship Skills Entrepreneurial Characteristics Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur and run their own business. The scope of evaluation includes making value judgments, determining how well objectives were attained, and identifying student strengths, weaknesses, and needs. All These four are the characteristics of a good test. STEP 3: Identify the Criteria for the Task Standard The student will conduct banking transactions. It helps to know to what extent the instructional objectives have been achieved. Characteristics of Pastes Pastes are stiffer than other semisolid dosage forms such as ointments and creams hence they remain stable at site of application. Evaluation is a decision-making process aimed at improving effectiveness and efficiency. Heuristic Evaluation, User Interface Inspections, Thinking-aloud Testing, Mixed Usability walkthroughs, and Cognitive Walkthroughs are some methods that can be used for formative evaluation. • Control is a tool for achiving organization activities. • Summative evaluation is done at the end of any program or instruction. Evaluation is not a part of measurement. S. It then defines the nursing process as a modified scientific method used to assess client needs and develop a care plan. Permeation enhancer: This are compounds which promote skin permiability by alterning the skin as a barrier to flux of a desired penetrent J = D dc dx where D is the diffusion coefficient and is a function of the size, shape and flexibility of the diffusing molecule as well as the membrane resistance; C is the concentration of the diffusing species; x is the spatial coordinate. Sensory analysis is a recognised science. . Evaluation in terms of purposes 6. Chemical evaluation uses instrumental methods, chemical tests, and thin layer chromatography to identify active constituents. • Control is forward looking. • The Purpose Of Evaluation Is To Make A Judgment About The Quality Or Worth Of Something: (Educational Program, Worker Performance, Student Attainments). Evaluation discovers the needs of an individual and designing learning experience that will solve these needs 5. , one which actually measures that behavior described by the objective(s), under scrutiny. Uniformity of volume 2. Mar 13, 2012 · 2. Reasons for Evaluation Motivation Accountability Equipment Placement Diagnosis Evaluation of learning Prediction Program Evaluation 17. It is judgemental in character in the sense that it judges the achievement of pupils. e. 1. Developing and implementing such an evaluation system has many benefits including helping you to: 3. Definition In industrial process engineering, mixing is a unit operation that involves manipulating a heterogeneous physical system, with the intent to make it more homogeneous. They are divided into three. Cell types On the basis of morphology (shape & appearance) or on their functional characteristics. It is important for infrastructure projects, urban planning, hazard management, and other land-based development activities. Of all those which contribute to language costs, program development and maintenance are the most important considerations and since these are functions of readability and writability, they are in turn the most important of the four evaluation criteria LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Consists of spherical solid lipid particles in the nm range, dispersed in water or in aqueous surfactant solution. Slow learners function below grade level, have poor social skills, struggle with multi-step tasks, live in the present, and learn slowly. INTRODUCTION Classroom Assessment is a systematic approach to formative evaluation, used by instructors to determine how much and how well students are learning. SAILAXMI GANDHI Assistant Professor Department of Nursing NIMHANS PRESENTER Mr. 1 Teaching-Learning Process 1. Solid lipid Nanoparticles: New type of colloidal drug carrier system for i. Dec 13, 2015 · 2. It is judgmental in character in the sense that it judges the achievement of pupils. v. Fibrous, cellular Apr 30, 2021 · CHARACTERISTICS OF CONTROLLING • Control is a continuous process. Selection of programme components 2. • It is the initial stage of teaching • Signal learning, chain learning and stimulus learning are emphasized • Teacher centred • Both essay type and objective type examinations are used to evaluate the learnt contents • This level has the 21st Century Skills Categories . Performance appraisals are a part of career development and consist of regular reviews of employee performance within organizations. Reliability is consistency in a test's measurements. As an submission assessment of students Student Rating Rating of teaching by students P eer observations Colleagues judge teaching quality by observation Peer observation is usually useful for formative evaluation I nterviews used in teaching award nominations P ortfolios This document provides an overview of different types of instructional materials that can be used for teaching, including readings, syllabi, assignment files, rubrics, and handouts. Role To improve learning allows teachers to make decisions and Apr 12, 2017 · Evaluation is the process of making judgements about the value or worth of an individual, program, or policy by collecting evidence and assessing progress towards goals. Essential Characteristics of Different Ophthalmic Preparation – Foreign Particles – All the ophthalmic product should be clear and free from the foreign particles, fibers, and filaments Viscosity – In order to prolong the contact time of the drug in the eye, various thickening agents are added in them like polyvinyl alcohol (1-4 %), polyethylene glycol, methyl cellulose. e Analytical tests: Analytical tests are based on the evaluation of differences in clarity, quality and/or quantity of sensory characteristics of a product. Role of peripheral blood examination • Evaluation of anemia • Evaluation of thrombocytopenia/ thrombocytosis • Identification of abnormal cells (blasts/abnormal promyelocytes/atypical lymphoid) • Infections like malaria, microfilaria • Inclusions like basophilic stippling, Howell-Jolly bodies, Cabot ring [Baxten,1998] 13% of students who fail in class are caused by faulty test questions. Some important characteristics are that a good assessment tool should be reliable in producing consistent results, valid in measuring what it is intended to measure, objective by allowing different scorers to produce the same results, usable in terms of time and administration, fair by Dec 20, 2017 · 14. Feedback The term feedback is often used to describe all kinds of comments made after the fact, including advice, praise, and evaluation. Interpersonal SkillsThis is the ability to work well with your coworkers, facilitating the work of other employees, and working out conflicts between employeesIt all begins with the handshakeHistory – We do handshakes because in the medieval times it was normal to carry a weapon with you, so it was a sign of peace to put your right hand forward to a new friendFive traits of a solid Apr 21, 2024 · #49: These 8 characteristics of 21st century assessment are essential guide for the preparation of assessment activities by educators. Alcohols are used as 2. illustrate the phases of authentic assessment. The expelled contents are exposed to the atmosphere As a result, the propellant present in these contents expands and evaporates due to the Morphological evaluation examines the gross features, sensory characteristics, and microscopic structures of drugs. Reliability. Outcome or Summative Evaluation This type of evaluation is defined as: “the evaluation occurs at the end of a course of instruction to know that at what extent the objectives previously fixed have been accomplished is known as outcome or summative evaluation” In other words the evaluation of pupils’ achievement at the end of a course. 1-0. Generally the amount is 15% of fines. Nov 29, 2022 · 5. Observation can provide direct information about an ongoing process. Strategic control- In this step, organizations determine what to control i. Aug 15, 2020 · 6. Analysis of performance To estimate how each of the proposed alternatives would perform under present and future conditions 5. Internal business processes 4. Evaluation in education is the process of judging the effectiveness of educational experience through careful appraisal or involves measurement but is different from it. Suitable area for preparation of food samples for evaluation. Nov 29, 2019 · Evaluation aims to determine competence, predict educational practices, and clarify proficiency. 2 µm) Coarse Dispersion (Particle size is greater than 0. Validity. • It comes at the end of the term, course or programme of teaching. Sterility test 2. Overview Organization development is an ongoing, systematic process of implementing effective organizational change. [World watch- The philadelphia trumpet, 2005] It is estimated that 90% of the testing items are out of quality. Brown (2004:3) stated that a test is a method of measuring a person’ s ability, knowledge or performance in a given domain. May 10, 2021 · 7. identify the relationship of assessment, evaluation and marks to determine the attainment of student learning outcomes. Triclosan, an active ingredient in many toothpastes can combine with chlorine in tap water to form chloroform which is a human carcinogen. Jul 24, 2018 · Sensory Analysis is a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyze and interpret reactions to those characteristics of foods as they are perceived by the senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. Financial performance 2. 48 Aug 31, 2017 · 2. • Student A takes a test on Thursday, and he scores 80 out of 100 p erfect score. EVALUATION, MEASURMENT, ASSESSM ENT AND TESTING • Test: an instrument or systemic procedure for measuring a sample of behavior • Measurement: the process of obtaining numerical description of the degree to which an individual possesses a particular characteristic • Evaluation: from the stand point of classroom evaluation, it is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and Feb 1, 2023 · 9. Surveys and inventories are other names for these Nov 6, 2019 · Regardless of the type of tool used or how the result of evaluation are to be used, all types of evaluation should possesses certain characteristics. Mar 28, 2015 · 2) Key factors in land evaluation include soil profile characteristics, texture, slope, rainfall, and miscellaneous limitations to determine a land's production potential. It is an important part of curriculum planning and allows teachers to gain insight on student performance and tailor instruction accordingly. 3. : Cephalothin Actinomycetes: Streptomyces venezuelae: Chloramphenicol Streptomyces Evaluate PRINCIPLES OF EVALUATION 1. 24. Factors like test length, age range, and time between tests impact reliability. This information decides many of the subsequent events and approaches in formulation development. A Performance Appraisal (PA), also referred to as a performance review, performance evaluation, (career) development discussion, or employee appraisal is a method by which the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated. Goes beyond testing and measurement. This analysis is a perfect tool in carrying out marketing tests of consumers but the limitation is a good 11. Specification of methods to carry out the job. Biological evaluation examines a drug's effects on living systems. 28. Appropriate method of sample presentation. Physical evaluation includes tests of solubility, moisture content, viscosity, melting point, and ash value. 2 µm) 5-General classification of Suspension: Oral suspension (Example is Paracetamol suspension) Topical suspension (Dispersed phase is in high concentration often exceeds 20% Jan 2, 2016 · 3. You design your program with evaluation in mind, collect data on an on-going basis, and use these data to continuously improve your program. Characteristics of Criterion Referenced Test Its main objective is to measure student’s achievement of curriculum based skills. Types of Evaluation in GC Formative • Done during the GC programme • Done by the Guidance worker (Internal) • Done many times • Purpose is to monitor the GC activity • Locally made tools are used for evaluation Summative • Done at the end of the GC programme • Done by the external member/expert • Done once at the end • Purpose is to certify or judge the overall effect of Mar 19, 2015 · Roles of curriculum evaluation: Scriven differentiates between two major roles of curriculum evaluation: the “formative” and the “summative” Formative evaluation – during the development of the programme Summative evaluation – at its conclusion For example, results of formative evaluation may help in 1. Speaking and listening skills are better trained. Learning disabilities can affect language, sensory perception, executive functions, memory, reasoning, and spatial skills. 3. Jul 11, 2015 · 3. It notes that multiple choice questions are widely used in educational testing and can assess a broad range of content efficiently but require careful writing to avoid flaws • • Summative evaluation is the commonly known type of evaluation. Evaluation is a procedure for improving the products 4. 5. Measurement is. Learning & growth Balanced Scorecard Copyright 2007 Prentice Hall. Mar 30, 2022 · 11. Department of Agriculture )grades are based on nationally uniform Federal standards of quality. 1) Passive Targeting :- •Drug delivery systems which are targeted to systemic circulation are characterized as Passive delivery systems. Evaluation makes judgments about the quality or value of educational programs or policies. 3) It can be efficient and economical in the use of a teacher’s time. Without measurement, evaluation doesn’t carry much meaning. Feb 22, 2024 · The document discusses evaluation and assessment in education. Stages of Creativity: Wallas (1926) has emphasized there are four stages to creative thinking. Pump selection: based on the fluid characteristics, turn-down ratio, discharge pressure and system requirements, availability of space, lay-out, energy and pump costs, code requirements, and the materials used in the construction. Azwar (2005) stated a test is a systematic procedure for observing a person’ s behaviour and describing it with the aid of a 4. 21st Century Skills Categories Characteristics of Evaluation. TESTS Characteristics Of Evaluation in Mathematics 9 • We conduct a mathematics aptitude test to determine a student's likelihood of success in a course. • the client is an individual; with a need; that, when met, diminishes distress, increases adequacy, or enhances well-being. Feb 26, 2018 · 4. Variables are directly measurable characteristics, while factors are groups of correlated variables. [Wilen WW,1992] The evaluation of peoples progress is a major aspect of teachers job. RELIABILITY- Refers to consistency of measurement, the problem or evaluation procedures and their results unless the details of evaluation and procedure and of program being evaluated and recorded. Identification of individual tasks. JINTO PHILIP I MSc NURSING Department of Nursing NIMHANS DATE: 31/08/2010, 2-3 PM VENUE: ARTS THEATRE Mar 27, 2018 · Step4: Strategy Evaluation & Control Strategy evaluation- It is the process in which corporate activities and performance results are monitored so that actual performance can be compared with desired performance. Apr 25, 2020 · Characteristics of Evaluation 1. Apr 14, 2015 · 3. DISADVANTAGES Extended consumption of large volumes of fluoridated toothpaste can result in fluorosis. A prerequisite for new learning is the pre- test. • Control is closely linked with planning. It also discusses characteristics of good KPIs like being specific, measurable, and time-bound. Physical evaluation determines characteristics like moisture content, viscosity, and melting point. ” Anne Anastasi (1969) writes “ the validity of a test concerns what the test measures and how well it does so. Measurement uses indicators to represent qualities like class participation. 6 Nov 17, 2016 · 2. pptx The document discusses different aspects of evaluation in teaching and learning including the concept, meaning, definition, characteristics, principles, types, and steps. 15. It aims at developing listening and speaking skills, which constitutes a step away from the Grammar Translation Method. The test items are prepared for limited content area. • Epithelial like- Attached to a substrate and appears flattened and polygonal in shape • Lymphoblast like- Cells do not attach, remain in suspension with a spherical shape 30. Evaluation techniques should be selected based on their purposes and limitations. It is necessary to refer to these characteristics to ensure that the learners are being assessed towards the skills and demands of the 21st century. Objectives of Instructional Design Learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge. Identity – identification of biological source of the drug. ORGANOLEPTIC EVALUATION Organoleptic (lit. Texture profile Primary parameter Secondary parameter Popular terms Mechanical characteristics hardness Soft→firm→hard Cohesiveness Crumbly→crunchy→brittle viscosity Thin→viscous elasticity Plastic→elastic adhesiveness Sticky→tacky→gooey Geometrical characteristics Particle size and shape Particle shape and orientation Gritty, grainy, coarse, etc. Preparation This stage consists of purposeful study and enquiry in order to collect experience and information needed to solve problem. Its purpose is to improve the quality of student learning, not to provide evidence for evaluating or grading students. It cannot be based on teachers observations only. The most important characteristics are- objective baseness, comprehensiveness, objectivity, discriminating power , reliability, validity and usability. Language Evaluation Criteria Cost – The total cost of a programming language is a combination of many of its features and characteristics. Apr 2, 2017 · Goal Free Evaluation • Goal-free evaluation (GFE) is any evaluation in which the evaluator conducts the evaluation without particular knowledge of or reference to stated or predetermined goals and objectives. . It Mar 20, 2019 · Lipstick - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 2) It help teachers to rate their students periodically on various characteristics such as punctuality, honesty, cheerfulness. Antibiotic producing microbes include: Gram-Positive Rods: Bacillus subtilis: Bacitracin Bacillus polymyxa: Polymyxin Fungi Penicillium notatum: Penicillin Cephalosporium spp. Sterility means complete absence of all viable microorganism. Jan 16, 2013 · Bloom’s – Higher Levels • Evaluation – Ability to evaluate a total situation, to judge the value of material for a certain purpose, combining elements of all the other categories and also value judgments based on defined, fixed criteria. The learner selects and transforms information, constructs hypotheses, and makes decisions, relying on a cognitive structure to do so. The document outlines key components of an effective unit plan, including clearly defined objectives, relevant teaching aids, simple language for students, and methods for student evaluation. The evaluation report should be easily understandable and provide enough information so that informed decisions can be made on its basis. Placement Evaluation : • In this type of evaluation , learner's entry behavior or capability is assessed to find out whether the student possess knowledge , skills and attitude needed to begin the course of instruction. Affective tests: Affective tests are based on the evaluation preferences and/or acceptance and/or 8. Job Design involves three steps :- 1. Techniques of Evaluation Teaching Dossiers Usually done in the end of unit and in the form of some written document. TESTING AND EVALUATION Definitions of testing Hughes (2003) stated that a test is a tool to measure students’ language proficiency. There are several tools used for evaluation, including observation, rating scales, interviews, and tests. Basically, feedback is information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal. The higher alcohols ( propyl, butyl, amyl etc) are more germicidal than ethyl alcohol. Evaluation of alternative To determine how well each alternative will be achieve the objectives of the project 6. • Is designed to systematically guide both evaluators and stakeholders in posing relevant questions and conducting assessments at the beginning of a project, while it is in progress, and at its end. During the strategic management process, the strategists formulate the strategy to achieve a set of objectives and then implement the strategy. The document discusses various aspects of evaluating nursing services, including defining evaluation, outlining general and specific evaluation plans, describing steps in constructing evaluation tests, and identifying purposes and characteristics of evaluation procedures. • USDA (U. Mar 3, 2014 · 10. It states that guidance and counseling should be an integral part of the overall educational program. ADVANTAGES OF THE AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD All students act in the classroom. The document outlines objectives for KPIs like improving understanding and awareness of performance. Evaluation is a process of education that uses data gathered from the products and the process by means of measurement 1. Cognitive structure provides meaning and organization to experiences and allows the individual to "go 4. ” Jul 16, 2017 · TENDERNESS, CHEWINESS OR TOUGHNESS • These characteristics are defined as the energy required to masticate a solid food product to a state ready for swallowing and involves compressing, shearing etc. Evaluation includes academic and non-academic subjects 3. Decision‐Making Process 14 Role Description Identifiabl e Activities Figurehead Symbolic head; obliged to perform a number of routine duties of a legal or social nature Greeting visitors; signing documents Leader Responsible for the motivation and activation o f employees; responsible for staffing, training, and associated duties Performing virtually all activities that involve 2. Pyrogen test Volume of packing: Liquid (10-25 ml) Semi solid (less than 5 g) Containers: Glass – TYPE-I glass bottles + stoppers for ophthalmic injections & sterile powders Plastic - HDPE, LDPE containers & collapsible tubes. Difference between Formative and Summative Evaluation Characteristics Formative Summative Purpose To monitor projects of students by feedback To check final status of students Content focus Detailed narrow scope General broad scope Methods Daily assignments observation Final test projects Frequency Daily Weekly, quarterly etc. The document outlines the formulation and preparation process and evaluation methods for moisturizing cream, including measurements of pH, spreadability, viscosity, thermal stability and particle size. •In this technique drug targeting occurs because of the body’s natural response to physicochemical characteristics of the drug or drug carrier system. 2 Role of Evaluation 1. It defines evaluation as judging the worth or value of an individual's achievements and characteristics. A successful job design lies in balancing the requirements of the organization and job holder. Main reason for their development is the combination of advantages from different carriers systems like liposomes and polymeric anoparticles. In Terms of How the results are Interpreted: 1. It views evaluation “as a product”, because its chief concern is to point out the levels of attainment. Spectral characteristic of water in remote sensing can be used to inventory and monitor the spatial extent, organic/ inorganic constituents REQUIREMENT Sophisticated Sensory booths/Rooms : Laboratory for physical, chemical analysis of raw and prepared foods. Leakage test 3. Polymeric nanoparticles (PNPs) : They are defined as Jun 23, 2018 · 2. The CIPP evaluation model is designed to systematically guide both evaluators and stakeholders in posing relevant The document discusses multiple choice questions, including their history, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and tips for writing good questions. 4 Need and Importance of Evaluation 1. Evaluation is such an essential part of teaching and learning. It views evaluation ‘as a product’, because its chief concern is to point out the levels of attainment. The tests involve presenting food samples to panels of judges and having them evaluate and rate the samples based on characteristics like taste, odor, and texture. Usability. Risk Taker Businesses face risk. It provides an overview of the strategic management model and covers key aspects of strategy evaluation including reviewing the underlying bases of strategy, measuring firm performance, and taking corrective actions if needed. Apr 28, 2020 · 10. Evaluation is defined as the process of making judgments about the effectiveness of teaching and learning based on criteria and evidence. MANUFACTURING Wet Granulation Method •With Heat (release of water from hydrated formulation ingredients at a low temperature to form the workable mass. Nature of Strategic Evaluation Nature of the strategic evaluation and control process is to test the effectiveness of strategy. It is balanced representation of goals and objectives. EVOLUTION OF MONEY The word “money” is derived from the Latin word “Monet” The origin of money is lost Hunting society, skin of wild animals were used as money Pastoral society used livestock Agriculture society used grain and foods The Roman used cattle and salt. Sensory Evaluation Definition NextEnd Previous A significant amount of spectral characteristics of water has taken placed to develop remote sensing methods that can obtain quantitive , spatial measurements of these important hydro logic variables. Dec 19, 2023 · TYPES OF TESTS The sensory tests may be broadly classified into two major categories i. Common packaging materials like glass, plastic, and metal are outlined. The objectives of evaluation must be clearly stated before an evaluation is made. Small (< 1/8 inch diameter) blood and meat spots may be present Clear and reasonably firm Clear and firm White Outline plainly visible, enlarged and flat Jan 27, 2014 · INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUES USED FOR ASSESSMENT OF FOOD QUALITY Classical approach in evaluation of organoleptic quality of food products is the only method used on this purpose. Adequate use of the appraisal techniques develops training and knowledge in the evaluation methods. It discusses how computers were developed to solve new problems and how they accept data as input, process it, and provide output. It means more than just food tasting. CHARACTERISTICS OF EVALUATION Structure 1. Sep 3, 2020 · The document outlines the key characteristics of a good assessment tool according to Ms. It is designed to determine the what extent which the instructional objectives have been achieved. Quality – the quantity of the active constituents present. Kiran Malik. The socio-cultural components are those essential aspects which directly affect the people perspective and education system. Evaluation techniques should be selected with reference to the purposes to be served. Because of high powder contents pastes are porous; hence, perspiration can escape. • Control is a management process. First, strategy evaluation activities must be economical; too much information can be just as bad as too little information; and too many controls can do more harm than good. 4) It evaluate personal social development. Measures only quantity. • Sensory evaluation does not just deal with "likes and dislikes,“ “OK or not OK” but the process scientifically elicits, measures, analyses and interprets psychological and / or physiological responses to physical May 14, 2018 · 1. They are mostly applied Feb 25, 2019 · RELIABILITY • A good evaluation instrument must be reliable (Brown, 2004). Name : Amna Mishal Samo Roll no : 2K16/BEDEL/06 Course Title :Test Development and Evaluation Given by : Dr Amjad Ali Arain 2. Nov 18, 2021 · 1. On the basis of how it is used and how the results are interpreted, Evaluation is classify into the different types; A. The key phases are described as assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Ethanol 60 to 70% v/v and isopropanol 50 to 60% v/v are used as skin disinfectants while methanol vapour has been used as fungicide. May 1, 2015 · 2. Characteristics of Summative Evaluation: It is terminal in nature as it comes at the end of a course of instruction. This evaluation confirms both the improvement in the trainees performance and the training itself. It traces the concept of evaluation to the 1930s as a reaction to narrow testing. It classifies disinfectants into nine main categories including acids, halogens, heavy metals, phenols, alcohols, aldehydes, quaternary ammonium Nov 5, 2013 · The document provides an overview of computers, including their functions, characteristics, limitations, generations, and classifications. It describes the key characteristics and uses of each type. It does not pin-point Aug 19, 2016 · Other definitions given by experts Gronlund and Linn (1995)- “ Validity refers to the appropriateness of the interpretation made from test scores and other evaluation results with regard to a particular use. Abdellah 1960: Orlando 1962: Johnson’s Theory 1968: • delivering nursing care for the whole person to meet the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, an d spiritual needs of the client and family. Oct 8, 2018 · 4. This process should reflect the following principles: Comprehensive – all significant options and impacts are considered. The document also covers important ingredients for semi-solids, including bases, and methods for evaluating different properties of semi-solids like penetration rate, absorption, rheology, biological testing, drug content, viscosity, and spreadability. Summative Assessment Conducted after completion of products, used in product comparisons, to identify problems prior to a redesign. Purpose of Evaluation in education For sound educational decision making To maintain effective teaching- learning programme Encourage student learning by measuring and feedback To ascertain if educational goals have been achieved or not Appraise the status and changes in pupil behaviour Appraise the teacher’s competence Familiarize teacher with pupil learning, devt and progress Serve as a 4. Mar 9, 2017 · 5. Efficient – the process should not waste time or money. Mar 24, 2012 · Strategy Review, Evaluation, & Control -- Evaluate strategies from 4 perspectives: 1. Evaluation is the assignment of symbols to phenomenon, in order to characterize the worth or value of a phenomenon, usually with reference to some cultural or scientific standards. Feedback is information given to the learner and/or the teacher about the learner’s performance relative to learning goals. discuss the authentic assessment meaning, characteristics and practices. It is interdisciplinary in nature and draws on sociology, psychology, particularly industrial and organizational psychology, and Jan 29, 2019 · 7 Evaluation is a process of delineating, obtaining and providing useful information for judging decision alternatives. OD is known as both a field of science focused on understanding and managing organizational change and as a field of scientific study and inquiry. The characterization of drug product performance, in-vitro is vital as it provides information about the potency of active ingredients Drug product performance studies are used in Oct 20, 2016 · 20. Sep 28, 2014 · The document discusses strategy review, evaluation, and control. Jul 17, 2021 · It explains the mechanism of action of moisturizers and ideal characteristics. In assessment you focus on performance of a student in academic subjects only but in evaluation it is included all the changes that take place in a student's total personality; • Evaluation helps you in a number of ways. Memory Level of Teaching(MLT) • The facts and the information of the cognitive level are forcibly supplied to the brains of the pupils. Creating a safe climate and environment takes time and Nov 25, 2017 · 9. product concentrate and propellant . • focuses on how the client adapts to illness and how Oct 4, 2019 · 8. Takes into consideration both quantity and value judgment or quality. Reciprocating pumps (plunger or diaphragm type) for liquid chemical metering and injection applications (small capacity) Centrifugal Apr 8, 2013 · 4. PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING Good planning requires a methodical process that clearly defines the steps that lead to optimal solutions. It describes classroom evaluation tools like paper pencil tests which can be subjective or objective. Thorndike and Hegan: The term evaluation is closely related to measurement. This depends on appropriate appearance of the product, its potency, its stability and dissolution of the product. They do not interfere with the non-infected areas of the skin. • It Is A Process That Include A Series Of Steps Such As Feb 17, 2018 · 5. – The most important part of the answer is the justification and rationale for the conclusion Characteristics of Constructivist Assessment Constructivist approach to assessment is a formative rather than a summative. Combination of tasks into specific jobs to be assigned to individuals. The evaluation must be such that all the stakeholders should be able to interpret the evaluation criteria and its findings. Reliability - The instrument must provide consistent results. Sensory panel members suitable for evaluation. Table 1. A performance appraisal Sep 7, 2021 · QC TESTS/ EVALUATION 5) Sterility Test: Sterility is the most important & absolutely essential characteristics of Parenteral products. The Audio-lingual Method is said to be the best approach for beginning level foreign classes. School climate may be defined as the equality and character of school life. • Synaptic cleft: the small space at the synapse that receives neurotransmitters. KPIs vary by industry but generally measure aspects like sales, costs, and quality. 4. Jun 29, 2013 · CHARACTERISTICS OF PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT Clearly defined purpose and learning targets Systematic and organized collection of student products Preestablished guidelines for what will be included Student selection of some works that will be included Student self-reflection and self-evaluation Progress documented with specific products and/or Dec 5, 2021 · 4. Fluoridated toothpaste can be either acutely toxic if swallowed in large amounts or chronically toxic if swallowed in any amount consistently. INTRODUCTION Prior to development of a formulation or dosage form, it is essential that certain properties of a drug molecule are to be determined. Customer knowledge 3. 8. 5 Definition of Evaluation 1 I 1. Clarity test 3. Exploratory Research Design Conducted for of gaining better insight into a problem • Evaluate the feasibility of a research project • Formulation of a statement • Provide theoretical basis to a hypothesis • Provide alternative approaches to a problem • Establish possibilities for further research Used when researcher has only a vague idea about the problems during the study Helps Feb 28, 2019 · 14. Introduction 4-Based on Size of Dispersed Particles: Molecular Dispersion (Particle size is less than 1 nm) Colloidal Dispersion (Particle size between 0. Clinical evaluation uses techniques like observations, practical exams, and written reports. [Ornaldo & Antario, 1995] 4. % fine can be calculated by using sieve May 11, 2021 · The document discusses the key characteristics of a good measuring instrument: 1. Being an entrepreneur requires specific characteristics and skills that are often achieved through education, hard work, and planning. Objective tests include multiple choice questions, matching, and true/false. Feb 1, 2023 · Evaluation plays a crucial role in the mathematics classroom by assessing student understanding, identifying areas for improvement, and enhancing learning. The plan of action is formulated by means of collecting and analyzing the information Incubation This 2. Preformulation – phase of research and development in which the physical and chemical properties of a drug molecule in order to develop safe Apr 26, 2018 · 3. Chemical evaluation isolates and identifies active constituents. Principle Aerosol system are composed of two components i. 3) There are eight land capability classes ranging from suitable arable land to non-arable land unsuitable for cultivation based on limitations. Oct 23, 2020 · Synapse • All synapses have a few common characteristics: • Presynaptic cell: a specialized area within the axon of the giving cell that transmits information to the dendrite of the receiving cell. An effective program includes sequential activities organized and implemented by certified counselors with support from teachers, administrators, students, and Mar 14, 2015 · Characteristics of summative evaluation It is terminal in nature as it comes at the end of the course of instruction. Different kinds of appraisal techniques 4. Classical methods are mainly based on the sensory analysis. Evaluation is a continuous process 2. EVALUATION It is qualitative. There has to be a way of finding out whether the strategy being implemented will guide the organisation towards its 17. Dec 23, 2015 · This document discusses the history, meaning, definition, characteristics, elements, objectives, and need for evaluation in education. It describes the key characteristics packaging must have including protecting the product from environmental factors while being non-reactive, non-toxic, and FDA approved. \7 Evaluation, Assessment and Measurement May 1, 2020 · Morphological evaluation examines characteristics like color, odor, taste, and shape. Validity, reliability, objectivity, adequacy, discrimination power, practicability, comparability, utility, and comprehensiveness are key characteristics of a good evaluation instrument. Characteristics of Evaluation tool Reliability: The reliability is a measure of the consistency with which the question, test or examination produces the same result under different but comparable conditions. 1 Introduction 1. Specialized Apr 1, 2016 · This document discusses different tools and techniques used for evaluation. It can not based on teacher’s Jan 23, 2015 · 22. VALIDITY- Refers to the extent to which the result of evaluation procedure serve the particular validity for which they are intended. DIFFERENT BETWEEN NRTs AND CRTs Feature Norm-Referenced Test Criterion-Referenced Test Purpose To compare test takers to each other To measure a test taker's mastery of a specific set of skills or knowledge Scoring Based on a comparison to a norm group Based on a predetermined standard of performance Results Percentile rank, standard score, or grade equivalent Pass/fail, mastery/non 1 CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT BY HINA JALAL (PHD SCHOLAR GCUF) CIPP model for Curriculum Evaluation CIPP evaluation model is a Program evaluation model which was developed by Daniel Stufflebeam and colleagues in the 1960s. It provides feed-back to the teacher to modify the methods Apr 15, 2020 · It notes that developing a unit plan is a challenging task for teachers. Both external and internal. 2. Dec 4, 2019 · 2 Lecture 2. Sep 27, 2013 · It begins by outlining the objectives of understanding the nursing process, its characteristics, benefits, and phases. The statistical treatment of analysis of data as per the purpose of the test is called evaluation. Jan 7, 2024 · The basic features or characteristics of a good evaluation process are follows Validity: A valid evaluation is one that actually tests what is sets out to test i. 3 Teaching-Learning Process and Evaluation I 1 3. The solid oral dosage forms should have good quality and better characteristics for performance. These are considerably less greasy when compared to ointments. Introduction • Evaluation in its broader concept includes examination of academic and non-academic components of education. Validity refers to a test accurately measuring what it is intended to measure. • We use pre-tests to measure students' prior knowledge and experience to determine whether or not they are ready to learn a new unit. Suitable coding of samples : usually 3 digit coding is done. Oct 13, 2014 · The document outlines the characteristics of an effective school guidance program. Drug evaluation may be defined as the determination of identity, purity and quality of a drug. Purity – the extent of foreign organic material present in a crude drug. Egg grading - interior Grade B Grade A Grade AA Quality factor Over 3∕16 inch depth 3∕16 inch or less depth 1∕8 inch or less depth Air cell Weak and watery. 6 Characteristics of Good Evaluation 1 . DEPARTMENTAL SEMINAR ON CRITERION AND NORM REFERENCED EVALUATION CHAIRPERSON Dr. , which objectives the organization hopes to accomplish Characteristics of an Effective Evaluation System Strategy evaluation must meet several basic requirements to be effective. Oct 1, 2009 · STEP 3: Identify the Criteria for the Task Characteristics of a Good Criterion clearly stated brief observable statement of behavior written in a language students understand 22. May 1, 2011 · 34. It is generally reported in the form of minimum scores The aim of this evaluation is to improve student’s learning and teacher’s teaching. BRITTLENESS, CRUNCHINESS AND CRUMBLINESS • These three characteristics are due to the high degree of hardness and low degree of cohesiveness. Assessment have to respond to the particular needs and characteristics of the teachers, students and Sep 27, 2019 · This document discusses disinfectants, providing information on their introduction, ideal characteristics, classification, modes of action, factors affecting disinfection, and methods of evaluation. It is used to evaluate the curriculum plan instruction progress and group students interaction. Characteristics of Lipsticks Should cover lips adequately Long last effect Make lips soft Must adhere firmly to lips without being brittle & tacky Good degree of quality Completely free from grittiness Non- drying Non- irritating to skin of lips Desirable degree of plasticity Should have high retention of colors intensity without any Terrain evaluation involves assessing land for its suitability for various purposes by analyzing characteristics like topography, soil, geology, and land use. The results are used to analyze differences between products and determine consumer preferences. Alcohols Alcohols have fairly rapid bactericidal action against vegetative bacteria when diluted to the concentration of 60% to 70% v/v with water. Pumping System - continued 6. Creativity - Download as a PDF or view online for free. • A reliable evaluation instrument should be consistent and dependable, meaning that the instrument yields similar score from the same student (or group) for different times. Evaluation of containers: 1. Tests used for formative evaluation are mostly prepared by the teacher trainer Summative evaluation: It takes place at the end of the programme. impression on the organs) refers to evaluation by means of the organs of sense and includes the macroscopic appearance of the drug, its odour and taste, occasionally the sound or snap of its fracture and the feel of the drug to touch. 2 Objectives I 1. Classroom assessment tools and techniques and other informal assessment tools provide key information during the semester regarding teaching and learning so that changes can be made as ne CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD EVALUATION A good tool which has the following characteristics 1. It is necessary for the tablet compression because if we are using 100% granules then it is difficult to maintain hardness of tablet because they having free space in the die cavity after compression the tablet is crack due to air. The stage of the class more interesting and lively. Generally teacher made tests are used for this purpose. Read less Nov 13, 2018 · • An evaluation model that requires the evaluation of context, input, process and product in judging a program’s value. whwx ldnwd egnlq hrksqf omhk qapap tvjt muum eaplyc oemoyb