Clarke county democrat arrests archives obituaries today. Herbert Alan Bethea, possession of marijuana second degree.
Clarke county democrat arrests archives obituaries today. 2025-01-16 E-Edition .
Clarke county democrat arrests archives obituaries today , 21, probation violation, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Cameron Stabler, 26, sexual abuse first degree, arrested by Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 12-19 include: Davonte Latry Lewis, 18, unlawful breaking and entering, $7,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Terrance O’Niel Williams, 32, resisting arrest, fleeing or Officers with the Jackson Police Department reported the following activity for Sept. Crayton, 54, robbery, first degree; probation violation new charge-felony. Heather Wimberly died at the Jackson Medical Center after being brought in by family members from Midway Street for breathing problems, according to the JPD. Robert Blake Stanford, 23, driving under the influence (alcohol), leaving scene of accident, $4,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 16-22 include the following: Ward Allen Jackson, 62, harassment, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. James Brooks Glass Jr. Christine Purnell, 32, theft of lost property second degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Decody Andre King, 45, burglary third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 7 – 21 include the following: Jackie Washington, 61, domestic violence third degree Damarius Frowner, 26, here for court, menacing Keri Paul, 41, promoting prison contraband (other) third degree Kenneth Sims, 29, drug court sentence three days Williamesha Datrece McRand, 30, probation revocation – technical Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Nov. Arrests 1-22-24 – Lewis, Roderick Vernell – Warrant Arrest (Mobile PD) 1-23-24 – Jenkins, Sheridan Alyssa – Possession of Marijuana and Possession of a Controlled Substance 1-23-24 – Foster, Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Feb. 27- Jan. James Zadock Dailey, possession of Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail August 22, 2023 through August 28, 2023 include the following: Darryl Laquan Carson, 24, assault second degree, rape first degree, damaged property- destruction of property by prisoner, probation violation (new charge- felony), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Robert Dynell Westbrook, 36, receiving Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail October 24, 2023 through October 30, 2023 include the following: Kristen Saulsberry, 29, theft of property second degree ($1,500-$2,500), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. , 34, theft of property second degree ($1,500-$2,500), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. , into an occupied or unoccupied building, reckless endangerment, burglary third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Roberts, 56, domestic violence third degree – harassing communications Obrion Adams, 23, assault third degree George Chandler, 30, failure to appear – fishing without license Vincent Earl Todd, 46, certain persons forbidden to possess pistol, Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail June 11 - 18 include the following: Randall William Dunagan, 31, two endangering welfare of a child, domestic violence – strangulation or suffocation, kidnapping first degree Freddie James Witherspoon, 63, probation violation new charge – misdemeanor Robert Pritchett, 31, speeding less than 25 mph Tiffany Jemison, 39, Archives; History; Photography by Gary Horton; OBITUARIES Open Audio Article Player. Meyia LaShae Madison, 22, terrorist threat, domestic violence second degree, domestic-menacing-other weapon, arrested by Clarke County Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of March 31-April 7 include: Joshua Lee Murrill, 32, sex offender act, probation revocation, $10,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Richard Augustus Papis, 27, DUI- driving under the influence, failure to appear contempt of courtfailing to appear- traffic, arrested Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Jan. All Alabamians are encouraged to participate from wherever they are that day in remembering not only Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail July 11, 2023 through July 18, 2023 include the following: Austin Ogletree, 27, attempting to elude, resisting arrest, domestic violence third degree assault, interference with a domestic violence emergency call, assault second degree, theft of property first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 3 include: Cartyrcus Kelso Franklin, 33, parole violation, arrested by Life Tech. James Brandon Roberts, 32, harassing communications, third degree, unlawful possession of marijuana, second degree. on October 03, 2024 How do you like to read the Clarke County Democrat? (Select all that apply. Larry Donell Chaney, 44, two counts negotiating a worthless negotiable instrument, $600 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail February 13, 2024 through February 19, 2024 include the following: Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Feb. 5 include the following: Geneva Michelle Snell, 48, speed limits in construction zone Lenard Gaston, 39, probation violation new charge – felony Kevin Barnett, 29, possession of controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree Randall Leonard Lindsey Jr. Wesley Stephon Kynard, 24, holding for investigation, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Tanya Antonette Wager, 22, negotiating a worthless negotiable instrument, $500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Alecia Robinson, 34, theft of property second degree, $1,500- $2,500, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 3- 10 include: Alfred Jackson Middleton, 79, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, menacing, $1,500 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. 2-9 include the following: Carrie Ann Armistead, 20, drug court, failure to appear, arrested by Clarke County Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Oct. Tony Dougles Crawford, 38, hindering prosecution first degree, reckless endangerment, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Jason Dewayne Kelley, 35, non-support, $2,800 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Aug. Archie Rogers Green, 55, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail June 6, 2023 through June 12, 2023 include the following: Wayne Davis, 19, attempted murder, discharging a firearm, etc. Courtney Jamal Byrd, 19, parole violation, arrested by Life Tech. 19-25 include the following: Antonio Martz Westbrook, 34, driving while license suspended, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. 22-29 include: Kaimeon Traez Coston, 27, criminal trespassing third degree, domestic violence third degree, $1,000 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. 10-17 include the following: Deonna Lynn Gattis, 21, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree, drug paraphernalia, use or possession first offense, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. , the Alabama Hospital Association is calling for a statewide moment of silence to remember the more than 12,000 Alabamians lost from COVID-19. Monday, police Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail from February 6, 2024, through February 12, 2024, include the following: Matthew Shannon Hartley, 41, in possession of a controlled substance, was arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff's Department. Corey Don Robbins, 32, theft of property first degree, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Oct. Egypt Williams, 43, liability insurance required, failure to register as a sex offender, driving under the influence (alcohol), Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Sept. 1 include the following: Kenneth Wayne Russell Jr. Randall Leonard Lindsey Jr. Jack Clarence Thomas, 56, community notification act-minor, sexual abuse first degree, $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. 20 – 26 include the following: Casey Caldwell, 33, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Enter your e-mail address below to join our mailing list and receive weekly news and updates directly in your inbox! Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Aug. All claims should be filed at 1490Love Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of March 15- 23 include: Zavier Juan Williams, 19, bond hearing, two counts receiving stolen property second degree, burglary first degree, $45,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Cleveland Jackson, 50, unlawful possession of marijuana first degree, probation violation (new charge- misdemeanor), arrested Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Aug. Watson Rashaad Jones, 29, retail theft second degree, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. 16 - 23 include the following: Jeffery Lee Brown, 58, negotiating a worthless instrument, probation revocation (technical violation) Miranda Gonzales, 28, burglary third degree Orlando Brian Williams, 34, failure to appear burglary third degree, burglary third degree Amber Green 23, contempt of court William Keith Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail March 12 – 18 include the following: Derric Wright, 43, driving while license revoked, failure to display insurance, speeding above 45 miles per hour on a county road, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Archives; History; Photography by Gary Horton; Obituaries. 16-23 include: Morris Lawson, 35, parole violation, arrested by Life Tech. Washington, 23, assault third degree, $3,000 bond, arrested Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 14- 21 include: Barry Dewayne Williams, 50, school employee deviant sexual contact with student, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Katherine Holtzclaw, 39, public intoxication, $1,000 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. Waite explained that the Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Oct. Ronnie Dewayne Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of April 7-14 include: Bradley Scott Bailey, 32, domestic violence third degree (harassment), domestic violence third degree, $2,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 11 - 18 include the following: William Demarkus Pugh, 32, petition to revoke probation, possession of controlled substance Mikale Jerale Augburn, 21, driving while suspended, speeding Dylan Hutchinson, 25, probation violation – new charge – misdemeanor Princeton Cordarrell Foster, 37, probation Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail December 20 through December 27, 2022 include the following: Patrick Escul Bradford, 30, unlawful possession or recipt of a controlled substance, drug paraphernalia; use or possession first offense, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Keisha L. Roberts, 56, domestic violence third degree – harassing Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Jan. 2025-01-30 E-Edition. Dakota Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Dec. Sandra Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail May 14 - 21 include the following: Michael Wayne Johnson, 48, parole violation Patrick Kidder, 70, assault second degree Davie Jemario Williams, 36, burglary third degree Alden Gregory Purnell, 41, attempted murder, discharging a firearm, etc. Tamika Latonya Woods, 38, obstructiongovernmental operations, fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, assault second degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Anthony Ray Lanier, 36, Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Jan. Robinson, 51, negotiating a worthless instrument, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Rodney Glen Todd Sr. James Arness Jones, Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail October 31, 2023 through November 6, 2023 include the following: Demario King, 37, possession of a forged instrument first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Edward Duke Bennett, 27, obstructiongovernmental operations, domestic violence third degree, arrested by Clarke Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail November 7, 2023 through November 13, 2023 include the following: Fred Anthony Thompson, 59, probation violation (new chargefelony), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. James Gilbert Morris, 29, petition for revocation of probation, domestic violence second degree, assault second degree, arrested by Clarke Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail Nov. on October 03, 2024 How do you like to read the Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Oct. Terrance Eton Savage, 46, certain persons forbidden to possess a firearm, Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Oct. Latest Edition. 21 - 28 include the following: Jayquion Tyus, 26, probation revocation – technical violation Jalonte Dontrella Dixon, 27, receiving stolen property second degree, $1,500 or more Frank James Taite, 44, possession of controlled substance Michael Champion, 50, burglary second degree David Anderson III, 54, Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail June 20, 2023 through June 26, 2023 include the following: Brandon Coston, 38, affix stamp, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana first degree, trafficking in cannabis, cocaine, etc. William Jehue Fendley, 38, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, drug paraphernalia; use or possession- first Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail September 5, 2023 through September 11, 2023 include the following: Sterling Grayson, 30, motion to eject, possession of controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Derrick Earl Hunt, 34, failure Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Oct. Regina Crenshaw, 43, Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Nov. Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Feb. Herbert Alan Bethea, possession of marijuana second degree. Jacqueline Savage Fields, 55, theft of property first degree, $10,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 26-Nov. 27 through Oct. m. Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Clarke County, Alabama. Jessie James Jones, 23, distribution of controlled substance, cocaine, $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Eric Deran Lanier, 30, domestic violence third degree, menacing, assault second degree, $37,000 bond, Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of March 9-16 include: Corrie Beckham Hunnicutt, 29, holding for investigation, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. , 51, drug paraphernalia; use or possession- first offense, petition to revoke, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail May 28 – June 4 include the following: Lisa Yvonne Deas, 37, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, burglary third degree, probation violation, new charge – felony Aaron Downing, 28, harassment William Corey Autery, 43, failure to aid with injury/death, failure to report injury/death, leaving the scene of an Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail October 25 through October 31, 2022 include the following: John Wayne Tolbert, 45, rape second degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Terrance Bernard Grayson, 30, theft by deception second degree, $10,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. 19 - 26 include the following: April Dacquanetta Glenn, 38, theft of property third degree, $500-$1,499 Dillion Anthony Jordan, 32, probation revocation Erica Neashawan Davidson, 33, probation violation Lee James Watkins, 60, domestic violence second degree – assault, interference with a domestic Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Nov. 27 are listed. Steve Tyler Webb, 20, possession of marijuana second degree, use/possession of drug paraphernalia, The information for the Thomasville Police Department released by Chief Mitchell Stuckey for the week of January 22, 2024 – January 28, 2024 is listed below. 02 include: Labarron Ray Bernard, 38, non-child support, court cost, probation violation, $1,494 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Johnnie Ed Tate, 46, speeding, $500 bond, arrested by Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail September 19, 2023 through September 25, 2023 include the following: Tyrone Hill, 44, domestic violence third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 6 – 13 include the following: Ruby Ofield, 43, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance Nicholas Kyle Massengale, 34, porn possession of material minors; probation violation new charge – felony James E. , 33, solicitation of child by computer, sex offender act, pornography-distribution to a minor, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , 20, pistol- certain persons forbidden, domestic violence third degree, domestic violence- third degree criminal Authorities are investigating the death of a local woman Monday after a man was arrested for second-degree domestic violence, according to the Jackson Police Department. Jacob Michael Larrimore, 28, Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail October 3, 2023 through October 9, 2023 include the following: Alexis Deshelle Law, 28, distributing a private image, driving while license suspended, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Felix King, 50, petition to revoke bond, assault second degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Eric Darnell Armstead Jr. 9 – 16 arrests: Robert Gilcrist, 35, certain persons forbidden to possess a firearm Tia Fox, 30, extortion Bionca Marie Jackson, 23, alias warrant David Greathouse, 33, alias warrant Joe Goldman, 43, DUI, open container Demarcus King, 23, possession of marijuana second Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Dec. Kowalski Leshawn Pritchett, 39, resisting Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of March 15-21 include the following: Jarvis Darrell Stubbs, 37, unlawful possession of marijuana first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 7 – 21 include the following: Jackie Washington, 61, domestic violence third degree Damarius Frowner, 26, here for court, View local obituaries in Clarke County, Alabama. Joseph Wayne Carlisle, 33, sodomy first degree, rape first degree, $100,000 bond, arrested by Clarke Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Aug. Sirena Griffin, 32, illegal possession of Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of April 27-May 3 include: Rebekah Paulette Richard, 22, harassing communications/ obscene, $1,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Alisha Pryor, 35, theft by deception fourth degree, theft by deception third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , 44, here Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of May 4-11 include: Markeus Demonta Bivins, 23, fraudulent use credit/debit card, giving false identification to a police officer, possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia 2nd offense, $9,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Sylvester Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail May 30, 2023 through June 5, 2023 include the following: Glover Devonte Jackson, Jr. , 41, receiving stolen property third degree, $500-$1,499, probation violation (new charge-felony), arrested by Clarke County Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of March 6-12 include: Francesca Gable, 31, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree, drug paraphernalia, use or possession first offense, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. Amber Briana Coston, 21, use/possession of drug paraphernalia, Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Oct. Gequanzie Lamar Robinson, possession of marijuana first degree, possession of drug paraphernalia second degree. J. Ronald Bernard Hope, 43, failure to register as Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of May 29- June 5 include: Derrick Earl Hunt, 37, assault first offense, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 2025-02-06 E-Edition. 20 – 27 include the following: Reginald C. 12-18 are listed: County inmates Desmen Keyshawn Whigham, 20, criminal mischief, second degree. At 8:48 a. Richard Daniel Gattis, 28, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree, drug paraphernalia, use or Arrests booked through Jan. Robert Jason Knight, 29, disorderly conduct, $500 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. Scotty Jermaine Smith, 21, possession of a Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail January 10 through January 17, 2023 include the following: David Charles Clarke, 55, domestic violence- third degree- harassing communications, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Lillie Pugh, 31, speeding above 45 Public noticesCompletion NoticePine City Contracting, LLC herebygives notice of completion of contract with the State of Alabama forconstruction of Project No. Minnie Lee King, 46, domestic violence third degree, resisting arrest, arrested by Jackson Police Dept. The initiative, led by Clarke County EMA Director and 911 Coordinator Roy Waite, aims to improve emergency medical response for residents. 2025-01-23 E-Edition. , into an occupied/unoccupied building, assault first degree, assault second degree Jo Ann Gildersleeve, 69, menacing John Dalton Drinkard, 25, domestic violence third degree, burglary first degree, probation violation – Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of June 25-July 2 include the following: Charles McReynolds, 27, unlawful distribution of a controlled substance, possession with intent to distribute, assault first degree, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Tyzell Travon Jones, 35, theft of property second degree, $1,500-$2,500, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Kimberly Denise Jackson, 48, speeding above 45 miles per hour on a Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail August 8, 2023 through August 14, 2023 include the following: Stacey Sinclair, 35, theft of property second degree ($1,500-$2,500), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Loper I, 22, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance Cameron Pope, Receive our Newsletter. 16 - 23 include the following: Frank Milton, 40, theft of property first degree Steven Dewayne Johnson, 72, Sorna violation, probation revocation – technical violation James Lewis Johnson Cleaves, 23, receiving stolen property second degree, robbery first degree Tyler Wayne Alford, 27, domestic violence Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Sept. , into occupied or unoccupied building x 2, certain persons Arrest booked through the Clarke County Jail June 28 – July 4, 2022 include the following: Mike Ladaniel Welch, 36, Attempted burglary second degree, making terrorist threat, probation revocation (technical violation), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Dominique Thomas, 31, certain persons forbidden to possess Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 16-23 include: Robert Earl Jones, 19, probation violation, $25,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Obrion The Clarke County Democrat and The South Alabamian post obituaries on their Internet sites daily in an effort to help people be more informed of area deaths. Janice Fay Brown, 28, unlawful Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail November 14, 2023 through November 19, 2023 include the following: Mitchell Damond Parnell, 45, domestic violence third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. 2-9 include: Kenneth Jemar Grayson, 18, escape third degree, possession of controlled substance, $15,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Mikell Johnson, 20, rape, first degree. Nickalas Bernard, 36, forgery second Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 10-17 include: James Alexander Gailes, 32, use/possession drug paraphernalia, possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana first degree, $21,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 9 - 16 include the following: Williamesha Datrece McRand, 30, probation revocation (technical violation) Marlon Wright, 38, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance, receiving stolen property first degree Kevin Ray Barnett, 43, unlawful possession or receipt of controlled substance Justin Drew Shepherd, Drug related arrests made by Clarke County law enforcement agencies in April: Corey Allen Lucus, distribution of a controlled substance. 19-25 include the following: Antonio Martz Westbrook, 34, driving while license suspended, arrested by Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of July 20-26 include the following: Altonia Jamel Glenn, 36, speeding above 45 mph on a county road, driving while Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Jan. Adam Kennedy, 39, no flag/light, speeding above 25 miles per hour, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Jeffrey Yates, 45, unlawfully manufacturing a controlled substance, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Reagan Alexis Nolan, 19, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Roberts, 56, domestic violence third degree – harassing communications. 9 - 16 include the following: Willie James Rogers, 47, Sorna violation, resisting arrest, probation violation – new charge – felony, child abuse Allan Cole Dunagan, 31, domestic violence second degree, interference with a domestic violence emergency call, assault second degree Charlie Earl Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail August 9, 2022-August 15, 2022 include the following: Yasmine Lasha Whigham, 21, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct/disturbing peace/affray, criminal mischief third degree, criminal trespass third degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 8-15 include: Brittany Elizabeth Eastman, 24, attempting to commit controlled substance, drug paraphernalia/ first offense, $9,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff's Dept. Derrick Lewis Drake, 47, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, unlawful possession of marijuana second degree, arrested by Clarke County Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail May 21 - 28 include the following: Rayshon Williams, 20, discharging firearm, etc. While the Web Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail Sept. Derrick Lakendrick Bernard, 40, unlawful possession or receipt of a controlled substance, arrested by Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Dec. Devon Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of June 22-29 include: Roderick Oneal Pritchett, 19, failure to appear, $384 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. Joseph Wesley Council, 24, possession of forged instrument Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail January 16, 2024 through January 22, 2024 include the following: Elizabeth Ann Bettis, 46, domestic violence- third degree- harassing communications, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 12 – 19 include the following: Robin Laktina Richardson, 37, identity theft Lawaun Belvince Hill Jr. Levi Ray Shaw, 34, was harassed and arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff's Department. ) Print Edition; Desktop; Mobile; Tablet; View Results Loading Like us on Facebook Loading . Jimmy Allen Gray, 40, theft of Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Nov. Tristin Cade, 39, contempt of court, failing to appear, traffic. John Edward Sealey, 52, trafficking methamphetamine; unlawful possession of marijuana, second degree; drug paraphernalia, use Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Sept. Zita T. 5-11 include the following: James Dean Parnell, 35, unauthorized use of vehicle, probation violation (new charge-felony), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Angelia Latrell Kirksey, 44, second degree arson, $20,000 bond, Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of July 9-16 include: Kendrick Lekeiif Thomas, 21, domestic violence third degree, $500 bond, arrested by Grove Hill Police Dept. 2025-02-13 E-Edition. Our Hometown DMCA Notices Newspaper website GROVE HILL —The Clarke County Commission announced the formation of an EMS committee during its February 11 meeting to address challenges in ambulance services throughout the county. Kearson Williams, 18, attempted murder, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Logan Casteel, 21, probation hold, domestic violence third Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Dec. , drug paraphernalia; use or possession- first offense, arrested by Clarke County Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of March 4-March 11 include: Rafael Antoine McMillian, 33, solicitation of a child by computer, rape first degree, incest, sodomy first degree, $87,500 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. , 28, revoke bond, burglary second degree, domestic violence, arrested by the Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 5 include the following: Crystal Sue Griffith, 44, possession/ receipt of controlled substance, possessing firearm with an altered ID, use/ possession of drug paraphernalia Dustin Lolley, 38, unlawful possession of controlled substance Princeton Cordarrell Foster, 37, probation revocation Angela Biggs, 57, unlawful possession of Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Jan. By Clarke County Democrat . 7, at 12:00 p. Unless otherwise noted, arrests were made by Clarke County sheriff’s deputies. , 31, here for court Ira Robert Johnson, 31, probation revocation – technical violation Michael Wayne Johnson, 48, here for court Dakota Harper, 29, unlawful possession/receipt of controlled substance, Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail May 9, 2023 through May 15, 2023 include the following: Terrance Clifton Otto, 35, resisting arrest, burglary third degree, possession of burglar’s tools, receiving stolen property third degree ($500- $1,499), arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 2 - 9 include the following: Roderick Allen, 39, unlawful imprisonment first degree, sodomy first degree Kevin Ray Barnett, 44, petition to revoke bond, domestic violence second degree Michael Lee McKinley, 45, menacing, criminal mischief third degree Jeffery Jones, 29, drug court Michael Wayne Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of Dec. M. Bryant Chandler Griffith, 26, domestic violence, third degree. HSIP0013(620) ATRP2-13-2021-013 inClarke County. , into an occupied or unoccupied building, possession of a concealed weapon without a permit, unlawful possession Statewide Moment of Silence to Honor 12,000 Lost from COVID-19 Next Tuesday, Sept. 3 include the following: Joseph Blakely Autry, 38, no driver’s license, no tag, no liability insurance, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. 20-Nov. Chelsey Rena Taite, 31, unlawful possession or receipt of a Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail the week of May 21-28 include the following: Dirk Leon Walker, 39, burglary second degree, unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 12 include the following: County inmates Bryce Woods, 35, promoting prison contraband (drugs), second degree. Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Dec. Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of July 26-Aug. Brandi Alisha Wiggins, 35, theft of property first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 2025-01-16 E-Edition . This notice will appear for three consecutive weeks beginning January16 and ending on January 30, 2025. Freddie James Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail January 2, 2023 through January 9, 2024 include the following: Charles Nolan Anderson Jr. 11-17 include the following: Curtis Ray Parnell, 23, public intoxication, harassment, arrested by Coffeeville Police Dept. Bert Garrick, 25, speeding, $1,000 bond, arrested by Thomasville Police Dept. Rhonda Sue Malone, 47, theft of property third degree, ($500- 1499), Arrests booked through the Clarke County Jail during the week of Feb. 1-7 include the following: Jamie Earl Portis, 30, unlawful possession of marijuana first degree, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. 28-Dec. Archives; History; Photography by Gary Horton; OBITUARIES Open Audio Article Player. Adrian . 4- 11 include the following: John Nichols, 37, domestic violence – strangulation or suffocation Alan Kendall Watkins, 30, receiving stolen property second degree Edward Burns, 30, insurance violation, driving while license suspended, operating a vehicle with an expired tag Jimmy Allen Gray, 41, here for Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail July 29 – Aug. Henry Williams Barentine, 26, theft of property (motor vehicle), $20,000 bond, arrested by Clarke County Sheriff’s Dept. Kashawn Powell, 23, discharging a firearm, etc. duly zgagt kvkndsp oda epizx seh hozegs dfm mchnogp mdowhsne saz hvwyn ygvju glag xeflag