District 6 login greeley staff. Staff Services Contact Information; Questions About .

District 6 login greeley staff Submit student teaching application to the college or university (follow the college/university process). org Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards, however, please note that third party content is not tested for accessibility. District 6 knows it takes a village to raise a child, and is committed to engaging family and community members in the essential work of supporting our kids' academic, social and emotional development from early childhood to early adulthood. School District. CO System of Support for Staff; Teacher Advisory Council; TimeClock Plus Greeley-Evans School District 6. All staff are trained annually in taking proactive steps to prevent, recognize and intervene in bullying situations. In the event of a district or school emergency, District 6 will either call, send text messages, email, send a mobile app notification, or all of the above. FACILITY USE FORM - DISTRICT FACILITY USE FORM - COMMUNITY District 6 is currently open for community rentals, but we reserve the right to cancel at any time due to protocol or health guideline changes. org Greeley-Evans School District 6 is again participating in the Healthy School Meals for All program for breakfast and lunch. MIDDLE SCHOOLS - Greeley-Evans School District 6 Welcome to the District 6 Athletics homepage. 80631. Payment will not begin until transcripts are received and verified. District 6 is introducing a new leave category called Volunteer Leave Opportunity (VLO), and will launch a pilot program with a select group of employees from October 7th - January 3 days ago · Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. Greeley, CO. Students login using their QR code on their student ID to access their information. Staff resources for Greeley-Evans School District 6, including tools and information for employees. The Classified Employees Council, comprised of one classified employee representative from each school district building, meets once a month to discuss Contractor/Non-District Staff; Tips and Tricks (How To) General Inquiries; Finance. Administration Building 1025 Ninth Avenue Greeley, Colorado 80631 phone: 970-348-6000 fax: 970-348-6231 email: SCHOOL-COMMUNITYRELATIONS@GREELEYSCHOOLS. Login - Greeley-Evans School District 6. TECHNOLOGY & A/V REQUESTS We have 40 spaces total for children 6 weeks – 6 years and want to extend our program to additional support roles for our community. 2024-2025 District Calendar. tonight, and celebrates Youth Art Month. Education Portals - Greeley-Evans School District 6 Infinite Campus is the software program District 6 uses to track student's schedules, grades, attendance, and all other school-related information. randa login. CO On November 7, 2023, registered voters in Greeley-Evans School District 6 will vote to choose three At-Large Members on the Board. CO Health Services consists of 38 Health Clerks,19 School Registered Nurse Consultants, and 1 Lead Registered Nurse who work together in District 6 schools to help support children's needs. This means that all students enrolled in District 6 schools may eat breakfast and lunch at no cost! Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. The District 6 Employee Assistance Program provides you and your household members with the resources to assist in dealing with personal or workplace concerns. , Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 348-6062 admissions@greeleyschools. CO Contractor/Non-District Staff; Tips and Tricks (How To) General Inquiries; Finance. Log in with Clever Badges. Identification is an ongoing process that is facilitated by the GT Specialist in each building. Notification If schools are to be closed or put on a two-hour delayed start because of poor weather and road conditions, then that decision will be announced by these means: 4 days ago · GREELEY — Take an early dinner tonight and then stretch your legs downtown for live performances and exhibitions at The Greeley Creative District’s annual Arts Walk throughout downtown. CO 5 days ago · Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. 2 days ago · In compliance with Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and Colorado law, Weld County School District 6, Greeley, Colorado, does not unlawfully Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. Apply to Special Assistant, Custodian, Assistant Teacher and more! Find information about high schools in Greeley-Evans School District 6. 2025-2026 District Calendar PDF. The new logo includes the star image from the previous logo, as well as the “I’m District 6” tagline, which has been used since 2016 to reflect unity and pride in District 6. WELD COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 6 - ALL CLOSED SOLICITATIONS . CO 3 days ago · Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. It is the responsibility of each potential vendor to monitor the website regularly in order to be aware of business opportunities and review changes or addenda to bids, quotes or proposals. Information Technology 2204 5th Avenue | Greeley, CO 80631 Help Desk: 970-348-6565 Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. Frequently Asked Questions - Annual Student Data Update - Greeley-Evans School District 6 Purchasing; Employee Resources (School ERP Pro) (opens in new window/tab) New Check Processing Policy; Colorado Department of Education (CDE) (opens in new window/tab) Employee Identification Number (EIN) Request Form (opens in new window/tab) District 6 Early Childhood Center (1) District- 6 (22) Dos Rios Elementary School (2) Early College Academy (2) Facilities (4) Franklin Middle School (3) GAP - Greeley/Evans Alternative program (1) Greeley Central High School (8) Greeley West High School (4) Heath Middle School (4) Heiman Elementary School (3) Jackson Elementary School (2) Share, Collaborate, and interact with District 6 Staff Members. Educational staff that witness or who become aware of a bullying situation should address it right away, ensuring the child’s safety. ORG Purchasing; Employee Resources (School ERP Pro) (opens in new window/tab) New Check Processing Policy; Colorado Department of Education (CDE) (opens in new window/tab) Employee Identification Number (EIN) Request Form (opens in new window/tab) SCHOOL HOURS Greeley-Evans School District 6. Preschool - Greeley-Evans School District 6 If you would like to use a District 6 building, please contact Julie Lewis by calling 348-6405. We have 29 district-operated schools and six charter schools. District 6 values the health and wellbeing of its employees. Meet the dedicated leadership team of Greeley-Evans School District 6. org Contractor/Non-District Staff; Tips and Tricks (How To) General Inquiries; Finance. Greeley-Evans School District 6 Admissions 924 11th St. CO WELCOME TO DISTRICT 6! Greeley-Evans School District 6 serves more than 23,000 students in the communities of Greeley and Evans, Colorado. Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. This collaboration between the The coursework approval form (District 6 Transcript Pre Approval Form-if applicable), the horizontal advancement course listing (Verification of Coursework Form), and transcripts (District 6 and/or University/College) must be received by the Human Resources Department by October 1. Biography: Supports: Chappelow Arts Magnet K-8 School, District 6 Online Academy, Facilities, Greeley-Evans Alternative Program, Information Technology, Jackson Elementary School, Jefferson High School, Jefferson Junior High School, Monfort Elementary School, Nutrition Services, Platte Valley Youth Services, Poudre Learning Center, Prairie Heights Middle School, Shawsheen Elementary School Contractor/Non-District Staff; Tips and Tricks (How To) General Inquiries; Finance. The district offers a wide range of wellness initiatives for staff including onsite lunch-and-learns, district paid flu shots and onsite biometric health screenings, group wellness challenges, onsite health coaching with our highly-qualified nurse health coaches, and more! Kindergarten registration is open for all Greeley-Evans School District 6 schools for the 2025-2026 school year. Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Contractor/Non-District Staff; Tips and Tricks (How To) General Inquiries; Finance. Within the portal, parents can update household information such as phone numbers, email addresses, and non-household/emergency contacts. 1025 9th Avenue The INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTAL is a confidential and secure web site and mobile app that allows parents real-time access to important announcements, assignments, attendance, grades and more. Log in with Google. Login - Greeley-Evans School District 6 Login - Greeley-Evans School District 6 Login - Greeley-Evans School District 6. and a regular business meeting at 6:00 p. org 6 days ago · Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. Employee Resources and Protocols. Evans had its own school district, also established in 1870. identity style guidelines (PDF) The Success Foundation Serving Greeley-Evans Schools. S. Navigate Wellness. District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Staff Resources. School Health Clerks are the main care-givers in health offices in all district and charter schools. 22-16-107 (3) (c), the district shall post on its website the name of the on-demand provider, with any written Login - Greeley-Evans School District 6 Contractor/Non-District Staff; Tips and Tricks (How To) General Inquiries; Finance. Staff Website. Schools - Greeley-Evans School District 6 The district offers a wide range of wellness initiatives for staff including onsite lunch-and-learns, district paid flu shots and onsite biometric health screenings, group wellness challenges, onsite health coaching with our highly-qualified nurse health coaches, and more! LIST OF WAIVERS RECEIVED BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT; Standardized Description and Rational for Each Automatic Waiver - Not Applicable; Federal Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF and any associated schedules - Not Applicable, Greeley-Evans School District 6 does not have a 501c3 designation. Section 22-16-101 et seq. – 4:30 p. Also check in for updates about our programs including teacher grants, Success in 6 Awards, Thrive on $5 and more! Greeley-Evans School District 6 Staff Contractor/Non-District Staff; Tips and Tricks (How To) General Inquiries; Finance. Accommodation Request Process 2024-2025 Classified Staff Resources Compliance Training (CART Greeley-Evans School District 6. 2025-2026 District Calendar Families interested in enrolling their child or children in a school outside their home boundary for the 2025-2026 School Year will have from November 1, 2024 through December 19, 2024 to complete an open enrollment application and be included in a school's lottery. District 6 has strong expectations for reporting all bullying incidents. NWEA-MAP. Not only do students benefit from physical exercise, but organized athletics instill responsibility, and build relationship and leadership skills. We are also committed to providing cybersecurity awareness resources to empower staff, students, and families to understand more about this important topic and protect themselves from cyberattacks. Greeley-Evans School District 6 residents will choose between Elda Ibet Palacios , Ashlee Tilley , Stacey Casteel , Brenda Campos-Spitze , Natalie Mash , and Doran Reza Azari . Thank you for starting your teaching career with us in District 6! Application Process. Click HERE to view the Colorado State Standards on the Colorado Department of Education website. Elementary Schools - Greeley-Evans School District 6 Cybersecurity is crucial in education. 970. 1025 9th Avenue. Hours of Operation 2024-2025 Administration Building: Monday – Friday 7:30 a. Skip To Main Content. To honor our true stars, District 6 today is unveiling its new logo and brand, which reflects the school district's values and goals for student learning. R. Staff Services Contact Information; Questions About Greeley-Evans School District 6. com. Elementary Schools, Greeley-Evans Wcsd6 Not your district? Log in with Rapid Identity. Part of the resolution asked that the information be widely distributed among students, families, staff and the community. Welcome to District 6! We hire guest teachers and classified substitutes year round to help support the district with their needs. 2026-2027 District Calendar PDF In accordance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act, C. Greeley. Greeley-Evans School District 6 serves more than 23,000 students in the communities of Greeley and Evans, Colorado. GREELEYSCHOOLS. Adopted by the Board of Education on February 12, 2024, and updated on April 22, 2024. School staff will give you your Infinite Campus username and an initial password to use the first time you login. Naviance Login. ORG, and click on the Infinite Campus parent portal link prominently displayed on the main page. Parents login using their username and password, which is initially given to them by the school or district. Enter your username and initial password. Visit or Email the District 6 Admissions Office at: 1025 9th Ave Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 348-6062 ADMISSIONS@GREELEYSCHOOLS. Other documents required by Weld County School Staff Directory; Families. At District 6, we believe that athletics are an integral part of a well-rounded education. To complete the Annual Student Data Update, use the Parent Portal Login (ENGLISH/SPANISH), click "More", and click "Online Registration". We have 40 spaces total for children 6 weeks – 6 years and want to extend our program to additional support roles for our community. ORG . Children must be five years old by October 1, 2025 in order to register for kindergarten next year. Assessments. Your student will receive materials, technology devices, quality instruction and support by fully-licensed D6 teachers and staff in a virtual environment. Staff Calendars; 2023-2024 School Year 2024-2025 School Year 2025-2026 School Year; 2023-2024 District Calendar Adopted by the Board of Education on February 27, 2023. District 6 Knowledge BAse; Dress Code; Infinite Campus; Greeley. We Engage our Staff to Empower our Guest Teachers and Classified Substitutes to Inspire our Students. Login - Greeley-Evans School District 6 2024-2025 Student Calendar PDF. Secondary LiteracyLisa McGee Secondary Language Arts, AVID & IB Coordinator In compliance with Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and Colorado law, Weld County School District 6, Greeley, Colorado, does not unlawfully (District 6 employees must be logged in with their employee email address to gain access to some material) If you have any questions about the use of the logo or its elements, please don’t hesitate to call the district's Communications Department at 970-348-6000. Student Teaching Information. The Student Records and Transcripts Department for Greeley-Evans, Weld County School District 6, is responsible for the archival and retrieval of the academic records for students who have graduated or withdrawn from the district. Elementary Information. In an effort to improve the health of all employees, increase productivity, decrease absenteeism, and have a healthier workforce, the district has had the Worksite Wellness Program in place since 2002. Once a student leaves WCSD6, for any reason, the academic file is sent from the student's school to be stored in Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. In order to ensure that we have the most current information on file for our students, we are asking all current Greeley-Evans District 6 families to review and update the information we have on file annually. Go to the District 6 website, WWW. Home. Toggle Close Container. The D6 Transportation Services Department provides school bus transportation for district boundary students in Greeley and Evans to school sites, athletic events, non-public programs Parent Newsletter - Greeley-Evans School District 6 Jan 20, 2025 · Activities, Clubs, and Sports . 118 School District 6 Special Education jobs available in Greeley, CO on Indeed. 2024-2025 Preschool Calendar PDF. Contact Information. Having trouble? Contact your school's tech support. CO Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. . Thank you for your interest in becoming a Guest Teacher (Substitute) for Greeley-Evans School District 6! apply Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. Badges; Benefits; Login - Greeley-Evans School District 6. , if Greeley-Evans School District 6 ceases using or refuses to use a school service on-demand provider pursuant to C. CO. Jan 28, 2025 · The Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education unanimously approved this resolution (PDF in English and Spanish) during the Board of Education meeting Monday night. The event will run from 5-8 p. ORG Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) A posting on the district's main WEBSITE; Postings to the district's social media sites: TWITTER and FACEBOOK; A recorded message on the district's main telephone number: 970-348-6000; Notification to local and metro-Denver area radio and television stations; Notification to The Greeley Tribune newspaper; Push Notifications to the Mobile App The meetings are held at the District 6 Administration Building, 1025 Ninth Avenue, in Greeley. 348. These services are professional, confidential, free and available to ALL D6 employees. ROCKY MOUNTAIN E-PURCHASING SYSTEM VENDOR LOGIN. District 6's curriculum is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards established by the State of Colorado. Greeley-Evans School District follows established procedures for the identification of gifted/talented students that align with state guidelines (CDE, 2003). Elementary LiteracyTammy Hermance Elementary Curriculum Coordinator (970) 348-6272 THERMANCE@GREELEYSCHOOLS. Panorama Education Login - Greeley-Evans School District 6. Staff Resources. Soccer, Mexican American Studies Society, President of Gifted and Talented Student Board, Colorado Gifted and Talented School Board, D6 Student Health Advisory Council, National Honor Society secretary, Key Club, Volunteer Coordinator for Mexican American History Project Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer, James Donahue 1025 Ninth Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: 970-348-6104 Email address: jdonahue@greeleyschools. CO We strive to support staff development, recognize achievements, and provide resources that empower classified staff to succeed and make a positive impact within our organization and community. 970-348-5600. We are opening our availability, should there be a need or interest, including staff and faculty of District 6, first responders (police and fire departments, EMTs, Healthcare workers at the hospital. Greeley-Evans School District 6. Greeley School District 6 was first established in 1870 by the founding fathers of the Union Colony. Welcome to the Greeley-Evans School District 6 Parent Portal! ** FORGOT USERNAME? ** FORGOT PASSWORD? ** REQUEST A PARENT PORTAL ACCOUNT if you've never logged in to the Parent Portal. The Success Foundation Serving Greeley-Evans Schools. 970 D6 Gives Back encourages school district employees to volunteer with a community organization where they may use their talents and time to support the community. Staff Logins - Greeley-Evans School District 6. Greeley-Evans School District 6 transportation department prides itself on being a safe, reliable, and professional transportation service for students and staff. org Need Help? We're here to help! For questions regarding position qualifications or application procedures, please contact Greeley - Evans School District 6 directly. m. The Greeley-Evans School District 6 has contracted with The Cunningham Group to conduct a Facility Planning and Outreach Study. 1025 Ninth Avenue. Board Policy JICDE. The purpose of this study is to analyze current district facility needs to help provide safe and positive personalized learning environments as our students become college, career, and life ready. The meetings generally consist of a public work session beginning at 4:00 p. Volunteers at District 6 work together with parents, teachers and staff members to help students realize their full potential. We are committed to the digital safety and security of Greeley-Evans School District 6 students and staff. 6361 | info[at]d6successfoundation. Badges; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Family Communications & Copies of Letters Sent D6 Online Academy is a free, fully-online public school run by your local Greeley-Evans School District 6 for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. hbebptc awkpawi zwmzij grkx vpwb mxiskn xmeejjy jwlxwb uch pwcvy bxthmz sfwrl ytablo pdvdqp guktmb